import whatimage import pyheif from PIL import Image import os def decodeImage(bytesIo, index): bytesIo = 'heic/' + bytesIo with open(bytesIo, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() fmt = whatimage.identify_image(data) if fmt in ['heic', 'avif']: i = pyheif.read_heif(data) pi = Image.frombytes(mode=i.mode, size=i.size, data=i.data) pi.save("gzp/"+"new" + str(index) + ".jpg", format="jpeg") # For my use I had my python file inside the same folder as the heic files source = "heic/" for index,file in enumerate(os.listdir(source)): print(index) print(file) decodeImage(file, index) ```
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