本代码由 Webots supervisor_draw_trail.wbt
示例 world 里的 supervisor_draw_trail.c
from controller import Supervisor class PathDrawer(Supervisor): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COORDINATES = 20000 self.REFRESH_FACTOR = 10 self.index = 0 self.first_step = True # ---- 修改为你的机器人数量 ---- self.num_agents = 1 # ------------------------------ for ind in range(self.num_agents): self.path_str = "" self.create_trail_shape(ind) self.get_nodes_and_fileds() # Get the target object node to track self.target_node = [] for ind in range(self.num_agents): # ---- 需要在环境里将机器人 Define 别名: ROBOT0, ROBOT1, ROBOT2... - self.target_node.append(self.getFromDef(f"ROBOT{ind}")) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def strcat(self, content): self.path_str += content def create_trail_shape(self, agent_ind): # If TRAIL exists in the world then silently remove it. existing_trail = self.getFromDef(f"TRAIL{agent_ind}") if (existing_trail): existing_trail.remove() # Create the TRAIL Shape. tmp_str = "{\n" self.strcat(f"DEF TRAIL{agent_ind} Shape {tmp_str}") self.strcat(" appearance Appearance {\n") self.strcat(" material Material {\n") self.strcat(" ambientIntensity 1\n") self.strcat(" diffuseColor 0 1 0\n") self.strcat(" emissiveColor 0 1 0\n") self.strcat(" }\n") self.strcat(" }\n") self.strcat(f" geometry DEF TRAIL_LINE_SET{agent_ind} IndexedLineSet {tmp_str}") self.strcat(" coord Coordinate {\n") self.strcat(" point [\n") for _ in range(self.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COORDINATES): self.strcat(" 0 0 0\n") self.strcat(" ]\n") self.strcat(" }\n") self.strcat(" coordIndex [\n") for _ in range(self.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COORDINATES): self.strcat(" 0 0 -1\n") self.strcat(" ]\n") self.strcat(" }\n") self.strcat("}\n") # Import TRAIL and append it as the world root nodes. root_children_field = self.getRoot().getField("children") root_children_field.importMFNodeFromString(-1, self.path_str) print(f"已添加新路径节点{agent_ind}") def get_nodes_and_fileds(self): self.point_field_all = [] self.coord_index_field_all = [] for ind in range(self.num_agents): self.trail_line_set_node = self.getFromDef(f"TRAIL_LINE_SET{ind}") self.coordinates_node = self.trail_line_set_node.getField("coord").getSFNode() self.point_field = self.coordinates_node.getField("point") self.point_field_all.append(self.point_field) self.coord_index_field = self.trail_line_set_node.getField("coordIndex") self.coord_index_field_all.append(self.coord_index_field) def update_trail(self): for ind in range(self.num_agents): # Get the current target translation. target_translation = self.target_node[ind].getPosition() print(target_translation) # Add the new target translation in the line set. self.point_field_all[ind].setMFVec3f(self.index, target_translation) # Update the line set indices. if self.index > 0: # Link successive indices. self.coord_index_field_all[ind].setMFInt32(3 * (self.index - 1), self.index - 1) self.coord_index_field_all[ind].setMFInt32(3 * (self.index - 1) + 1, self.index) elif (self.index == 0 and self.first_step == False): # Link the first and the last indices. self.coord_index_field_all[ind].setMFInt32(3 * (self.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COORDINATES - 1), 0) self.coord_index_field_all[ind].setMFInt32(3 * (self.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COORDINATES - 1) + 1, self.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COORDINATES - 1) # Unset the next indices. self.coord_index_field_all[ind].setMFInt32(3 * self.index, self.index) self.coord_index_field_all[ind].setMFInt32(3 * self.index + 1, self.index) self.index += 1 self.index = self.index % self.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_COORDINATES self.first_step = False if __name__ == "__main__": supervisor = PathDrawer() while supervisor.step(32 * 10) != -1: supervisor.update_trail()
self.num_agents = 1
,因此只需要将上面的代码融合进你的代码即可。Copyright © 2003-2013 www.wpsshop.cn 版权所有,并保留所有权利。