- from skimage import io
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- class Test:
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = np.array(
- [[251, 252, 253, 253],
- [252, 254, 252, 251],
- [252, 252, 252, 252],
- [252, 253, 252, 255]]
- )
- def int2bin(x, length):
- string = ''
- while x != 0:
- string = str(x % 2) + string
- x = x // 2
- if len(string) > length:
- raise Exception("The length of x is longer actually!")
- elif len(string) < length:
- return '0' * (length - len(string)) + string
- else:
- return string
- def countMiu(x1, x2, x3, x4):
- delta = []
- miu = 0
- x1 = float(x1)
- x2 = float(x2)
- x3 = float(x3)
- x4 = float(x4)
- if x4 != -1:
- delta.append(abs(x1 - x2))
- delta.append(abs(x2 - x3))
- delta.append(abs(x3 - x4))
- delta.append(abs(x4 - x1))
- deltaAvg = (delta[0] + delta[1] + delta[2] + delta[3]) / 4
- for i in range(4):
- miu += (delta[i] - deltaAvg) ** 2
- return miu / 4
- elif x3 != -1:
- delta.append(abs(x1 - x2))
- delta.append(abs(x2 - x3))
- delta.append(abs(x3 - x1))
- deltaAvg = (delta[0] + delta[1] + delta[2]) / 3
- for i in range(3):
- miu += (delta[i] - deltaAvg) ** 2
- return miu / 3
- else:
- return 10 ** 5
- def countPrdMiu(img, row, column):
- if row == 0 and column == 0:
- prd = (int(img[0][1]) + int(img[1][0])) // 2
- miu = countMiu(int(img[0][1]), int(img[1][0]), -1, -1)
- elif row == (img.shape[0] - 1) and column == (img.shape[1] - 1):
- prd = (int(img[img.shape[0] - 2][img.shape[0] - 1]) + int(img[img.shape[0] - 1][img.shape[1] - 2])) // 2
- miu = countMiu(int(img[img.shape[0] - 2][img.shape[0] - 1]), int(img[img.shape[0] - 1][img.shape[1] - 2]), -1,
- -1)
- elif row == 0:
- prd = (int(img[0][column - 1]) + int(img[0][column + 1]) + int(img[1][column])) // 3
- miu = countMiu(int(img[0][column - 1]), int(img[0][column + 1]), int(img[1][column]), -1)
- elif row == img.shape[0] - 1:
- prd = (int(img[row][column - 1]) + int(img[row][column + 1]) + int(img[row - 1][column])) // 3
- miu = countMiu(int(img[row][column - 1]), int(img[row][column + 1]), int(img[row - 1][column]), -1)
- elif column == 0:
- prd = (int(img[row - 1][0]) + int(img[row + 1][0]) + int(img[row][1])) // 3
- miu = countMiu(int(img[row - 1][0]), int(img[row + 1][0]), int(img[row][1]), -1)
- elif column == img.shape[1] - 1:
- prd = (int(img[row - 1][column]) + int(img[row + 1][column]) + int(img[row][column - 1])) // 3
- miu = countMiu(int(img[row - 1][column]), int(img[row + 1][column]), int(img[row][column - 1]), -1)
- else:
- prd = (int(img[row - 1][column]) + int(img[row + 1][column])
- + int(img[row][column - 1]) + int(img[row][column + 1])) // 4
- miu = countMiu(int(img[row - 1][column]), int(img[row + 1][column]),
- int(img[row][column - 1]), int(img[row][column + 1]))
- return prd, miu
- def HistogramShift(origin, prd, Tn, Tp, b):
- d = origin - prd
- if Tn <= d <= Tp:
- D = 2 * d + b
- elif d > Tp:
- D = d + Tp + 1
- else:
- D = d + Tn
- return D
- def judgeTwiceFlow(origin, prd, Tn, Tp):
- if origin < prd:
- origin2 = prd + HistogramShift(origin, prd, Tn, Tp, 0)
- if origin2 < 0:
- return 1
- else:
- if prd + HistogramShift(origin2, prd, Tn, Tp, 0) < 0:
- return 0
- else:
- return -1
- else:
- origin2 = prd + HistogramShift(origin, prd, Tn, Tp, 1)
- if origin2 > 255:
- return 1
- else:
- if prd + HistogramShift(origin2, prd, Tn, Tp, 1) > 255:
- return 0
- else:
- return -1
- def embed(img, row, column, origin, prd, Tn, Tp, b):
- img[row][column] = prd + HistogramShift(origin, prd, Tn, Tp, b)
- def countPosition(img, place):
- row = place // img.shape[1]
- if img.shape[1] % 2 == 1:
- column = place % img.shape[1]
- elif row % 2 == 0:
- column = place % img.shape[1]
- else:
- column = place % img.shape[1] + 1
- return row, column
- def embedOnePattern(place, Tn, Tp, P, processed):
- encrypted = processed
- Slsb = ''
- head = int2bin(-Tn, 7) + int2bin(Tp, 7) + int2bin(len(P), 20)
- row_dic = []
- row_dic_list = []
- row_dic_list_sorted = []
- for z in range(encrypted.shape[0]):
- row_dic.append({})
- row_dic_list.append(z)
- row_dic_list_sorted.append(z)
- start = 1
- locationMap = ''
- needDot = True
- while place < img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]:
- row, column = countPosition(img, place)
- if (place + 2) // img.shape[1] == row:
- prd, miu = countPrdMiu(img, row, column)
- origin = img[row][column]
- row_dic[row][row, column, origin, prd] = miu
- else:
- prd, miu = countPrdMiu(img, row, column)
- origin = img[row][column]
- row_dic[row][row, column, origin, prd] = miu
- row_dic_list[row] = list(zip(row_dic[row].values(), row_dic[row].keys()))
- row_dic_list_sorted[row] = sorted(row_dic_list[row])
- # 没有放在外面是因为接着判断为换行,在处理这个行尾的时候,用这个固定的row,直接sorting完这一行
- for i in range(len(row_dic_list_sorted[row])):
- # 标记出位图
- if start == 1 and judgeTwiceFlow(row_dic_list_sorted[row][i][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[row][i][1][3], Tn, Tp) >= 0:
- continue
- else:
- start = 0
- if judgeTwiceFlow(row_dic_list_sorted[row][i][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[row][i][1][3], Tn, Tp) != -1:
- locationMap += str(judgeTwiceFlow(row_dic_list_sorted[row][i][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[row][i][1][3], Tn, Tp))
- place += 2
- start = 1
- embedded_message = locationMap
- # 利用之前算出来的sorting顺序,直接进行嵌入embed
- for x in range(img.shape[0]):
- for y in range(len(row_dic_list_sorted[x])):
- if x * img.shape[1] + y < 34:
- encrypted[row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][1]] = \
- img[row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][1]] // 2 * 2 + int(head[0])
- Slsb += str(img[row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][1]] % 2)
- head = head[1:]
- else:
- if start == 1:
- embedded_message = locationMap + Slsb + P
- start = 0
- d = row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][2] - row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][3]
- if Tn <= d <= Tp and len(embedded_message) > 0:
- embed(encrypted, row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][0], row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][1],
- row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][2], row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][3], Tn, Tp,
- int(embedded_message[0]))
- embedded_message = embedded_message[1:]
- else:
- embed(encrypted, row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][0], row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][1],
- row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][2], row_dic_list_sorted[x][y][1][3], Tn, Tp,
- 0) # 超过界限就嵌入0
- if len(embedded_message) > len(P):
- raise Exception("Didn't finish embedding lacation map and Slsb!")
- if len(embedded_message) == 0:
- print("No need to embed Dot set!")
- needDot = False
- return encrypted, embedded_message, needDot
- def encode(img, Tn, Tp, P):
- '''
- Encode the original imagine.
- :param img: original imagine
- :param Tn: start threshold
- :param Tp: end threshold
- :param P: payload
- :return: The encrypted imagine and the bool value sign whether need Dot pattern encoding.
- '''
- if img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] < 34 * 4:
- raise Exception("The imagine is too small!")
- if Tn >= 0:
- raise Exception("Tn need to be negative!")
- if Tp < 0:
- raise Exception("Tp need to be positive!")
- encrypted = np.array(img)
- encrypted, embedded_message, needDot = embedOnePattern(0, Tn, Tp, P, encrypted)
- if needDot is True:
- encrypted, embedded_message, needDot = embedOnePattern(1, Tn, Tp, P, encrypted)
- if len(embedded_message) > 0:
- raise Exception("Length of P,", len(P), ", is much more than this picture can be embedded!")
- else:
- return encrypted, True
- else:
- return encrypted, False
- def Slsb2int(string):
- if len(string) != 34:
- raise Exception("Given string's length isn't 34!")
- T = [0, 0]
- P = 0
- cut = [string[0:7], string[7:14], string[14: 34]]
- for i in range(2):
- for j in range(7):
- T[i] += int(cut[i][-1]) * 2 ** j
- cut[i] = cut[i][0:-1]
- for j in range(20):
- P += int(cut[2][-1]) * 2 ** j
- cut[2] = cut[2][0:-1]
- return T[0], T[1], P
- def countPattenNum(isOdd, place, img):
- if isOdd is False:
- return img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] // 2
- if isOdd is True:
- if place == 0:
- return img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] // 2 + 1
- else:
- return img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] // 2
- def judgeOnceFlow(origin, prd, Tn, Tp):
- if origin < prd:
- if prd + HistogramShift(origin, prd, Tn, Tp, 0) < 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- else:
- if prd + HistogramShift(origin, prd, Tn, Tp, 1) > 255:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def extractPixel(origin, prd):
- result = (origin - prd) % 2
- return result
- def decodeShift(origin, prd, Tn, Tp):
- D = origin - prd
- if 2 * Tn <= D <= 2 * Tp + 1:
- d = D // 2
- elif D > 2 * Tp + 1:
- d = D - Tp - 1
- else:
- d = D - Tn
- return d
- def restoreImg(needResumed, message, bitNum, row_dic_list_sorted, Tn, Tp):
- processed = needResumed
- start = 1
- bitPosition = 0
- Slsb = message[bitNum:bitNum + 34]
- for i in range(processed.shape[0]):
- for j in range(len(row_dic_list_sorted[i])):
- if i * processed.shape[0] + j < 34:
- processed[row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][1]] = \
- processed[row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][1]] - \
- processed[row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][1]] % 2 + int(Slsb[0])
- Slsb = Slsb[1:]
- else:
- if start == 1 and judgeOnceFlow(row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3], Tn, Tp) is True:
- continue
- else:
- start = 0
- if judgeOnceFlow(row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3], Tn, Tp) is False:
- processed[row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][1]] \
- = row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3] \
- + decodeShift(row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2], row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3], Tn, Tp)
- else:
- if message[bitPosition] == 0:
- processed[row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][1]] \
- = row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3] \
- + decodeShift(row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2], row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3], Tn, Tp)
- else:
- pass
- bitPosition += 1
- return processed
- def decodeOnePattern(place, encrypted):
- resumed = encrypted
- odd = False
- if encrypted.shape[0] % 2 != 0 and encrypted.shape[1] % 2 != 0:
- odd = True
- head = ''
- start = 1
- startRow = 0
- message = ''
- bitPosition = 0
- row_dic = []
- row_dic_list = []
- row_dic_list_sorted = []
- for z in range(encrypted.shape[0]):
- row_dic.append({})
- row_dic_list.append(z)
- row_dic_list_sorted.append(z)
- for i in range(countPattenNum(odd, place, encrypted)):
- row, column = countPosition(encrypted, place)
- if (place + 2) // encrypted.shape[1] == row:
- prd, miu = countPrdMiu(encrypted, row, column)
- modified = encrypted[row][column]
- row_dic[row][row, column, modified, prd] = miu
- else:
- prd, miu = countPrdMiu(encrypted, row, column)
- modified = encrypted[row][column]
- row_dic[row][row, column, modified, prd] = miu
- row_dic_list[row] = list(zip(row_dic[row].values(), row_dic[row].keys()))
- row_dic_list_sorted[row] = sorted(row_dic_list[row])
- place += 2
- place = 0
- needBreak = False
- for i in range(encrypted.shape[0]):
- for j in range(len(row_dic_list_sorted[i])):
- if i * encrypted.shape[1] + j >= 34:
- needBreak = True
- if needBreak is True:
- break
- head += str(encrypted[row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][0]][row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][1]] % 2)
- if needBreak is True:
- break
- Tn, Tp, P = Slsb2int(head)
- Tn = -Tn
- if Tn >= 0:
- raise Exception("The extracted Tn isn't negative!")
- if Tp < 0:
- raise Exception("The extracted Tp isn't positive!")
- for i in range(encrypted.shape[0]):
- for j in range(len(row_dic_list_sorted[i])):
- if i * encrypted.shape[1] + j < 34:
- pass
- else:
- if start == 1 and judgeOnceFlow(row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3], Tn, Tp) is True:
- continue
- else:
- start = 0
- if judgeOnceFlow(row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3], Tn, Tp) is False:
- D = row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2] - row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3]
- if 2 * Tn <= D <= 2 * Tp + 1:
- message += str(extractPixel(row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3]))
- else:
- if message[bitPosition] == 0:
- D = row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2] - row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3]
- if 2 * Tn <= D <= 2 * Tp + 1:
- message += str(extractPixel(row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][2],
- row_dic_list_sorted[i][j][1][3]))
- bitPosition += 1
- elif message[bitPosition] == 1:
- bitPosition += 1
- resumed = restoreImg(resumed, message, bitPosition, row_dic_list_sorted, Tn, Tp)
- info = message[bitPosition + 34:bitPosition + 34 + P]
- return resumed, info
- # 还有第二次嵌入要处理一下,到时候写
- def decode(encrypted, needDot):
- '''
- Decode the encrypted imagine.
- :param encrypted: the encrypted imagine
- :param needDot: whether you need decoding Dot set or not
- :return: The original imagine and the secret information.
- '''
- if img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] < 34 * 4:
- raise Exception("The imagine is too small!")
- if needDot is False:
- imagine, info = decodeOnePattern(0, encrypted)
- else:
- encrypted1, info1 = decodeOnePattern(1, encrypted)
- imagine, info2 = decodeOnePattern(0, encrypted1)
- info = info1 + info2
- return imagine, info
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- img = io.imread("../img/lena_gray_512.tif") # 在这里放你要处理的图像 place your imagine here
- # img = Test().data
- # print(img)
- encrypted, needDot = encode(img, -1, 0, '100000')
- print("need Dot:", needDot)
- resumedImg, info = decode(encrypted, needDot)
- print("The secret info is:", info)
- print("img == resumedImg:")
- print(img == resumedImg)
- plt.set_cmap(cmap="gray")
- plt.subplot(131)
- plt.imshow(img)
- plt.title("Original imagery")
- plt.subplot(132)
- plt.imshow(encrypted)
- plt.title("Encrypted imagery")
- plt.subplot(133)
- plt.imshow(resumedImg)
- plt.title("Resumed imagery")
- plt.show()
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