以上为未来三个月已公布截稿日期的CCF推荐 人工智能领域会议,按照时间排序。
Core Ranking会排除Not primarily CS,regional或者是national的会议,个别未上榜会议不代表会议水平差。
会议全称:IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition会议网址:http://cvpr2021.thecvf.com/ 会议地点:Nashville, Tennessee, USACCF分类:A 类Core分类:A*类H5指数:240录取率:22% (1470/6656) |
截稿日期:2020年11月16日评审结果:2021年02月28日会议时间:2021年06月21日 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:3D computer vision Action and behavior recognition Adversarial learning, adversarial attack and defense methodsBiometrics, face, gesture, body poseComputational photography, image and video synthesis Datasets and evaluation Efficient training and inference methods for networks Explainable AI, fairness, accountability, privacy, transparency and ethics in vision Image retrieval Low-level and physics-based vision Machine learning architectures and formulations Medical, biological and cell microscopy Motion and tracking Neural generative models, auto encoders, GANs Optimization and learning methods Recognition (object detection, categorization) Representation learning, deep learning Scene analysis and understanding Segmentation, grouping and shape Transfer, low-shot, semi- and un- supervised learning Video analysis and understanding Vision + language, vision + other modalities Vision applications and systems, vision for robotics and autonomous vehiclesVisual reasoning and logical representation |
会议全称:The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics会议网址:https://2021.naacl.org会议地点:Mexico City, MexicoCCF分类:C 类Core分类:A 类H5指数:61录取率:22.6% (424/1955) |
截稿日期:2020年11月23日评审结果:2021年03月10日会议时间:2021年06月06日 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:Computational Social Science and Social MediaDialogue and Interactive systemsDiscourse and PragmaticsEthics, Bias, and FairnessGreen NLPLanguage GenerationInformation ExtractionInformation Retrieval and Text MiningInterpretability and Analysis of Models for NLPLanguage Grounding to Vision, Robotics and BeyondLanguage Resources and EvaluationLinguistic Theories, Cognitive Modeling and PsycholinguisticsMachine Learning for NLP: Classification and Structured Prediction ModelsMachine Learning for NLP: Language Modeling and Sequence to Sequence ModelsMachine TranslationMultilingualityNLP ApplicationsPhonology, Morphology and Word SegmentationQuestion AnsweringSemantics: Lexical SemanticsSemantics: Sentence-level Semantics and Textual InferenceSentiment Analysis and Stylistic AnalysisSpeechSummarizationSyntax: Tagging, Chunking, and Parsing |
会议全称:International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling会议网址:http://icaps21.icaps-conference.org/ 会议地点:Guangzhou, ChinaCCF分类:B 类Core分类:A*类H5指数:28录取率:32% (69/216) |
截稿日期:2020年12月18日评审结果:2021年02月16日会议时间:2021年06月07日 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:Applications and case studies of planning and scheduling techniquesUncertainty and stochasticity in planning and schedulingPartially observable and unobservable domainsConformant, contingent and adversarial planningPlan and schedule execution, monitoring and repairContinuous planning, on-line and real-time domainsPlan recognition, plan management and goal reasoningClassical planning techniques and analysisContinuous state and action spaces based planningMulti-agent and distributed planningAction model learning, knowledge acquisition and engineeringLearning for planning and schedulingHuman computer interaction for planning and scheduling systemsMixed initiative planning and scheduling systemsMixed planning with continuous and discrete actionsPlanning and decision support for human-machine teamsHuman-aware planning and behavior predictionPlanning for explainable machine learning |
会议全称:International Joint Conference on Neural Networks会议网址:https://www.ijcnn.org会议地点:Shenzhen, ChinaCCF分类:C 类Core分类:A 类H5指数:36录取率:57% (1134/1989) |
截稿日期:2021年01月15日评审结果:2021年03月15日会议时间:2021年07月18日 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:Agent-based SystemsArtificial Life Bioinformatics Brain-machine Interfaces Cognitive ModelsCollective IntelligenceComputational NeuroscienceConnectomicsData MiningDeep LearningDeep Neuro Fuzzy SystemsEmbodied RoboticsEvolving Neural NetworksHardware, MemristorsHybrid SystemsMachine LearningMachine PerceptionNeural Network ApplicationsNeural Networks and Big DataNeurodynamicsNeuroengineeringNeuroinformaticsPattern RecognitionPhilosophical IssuesSelf-aware SystemsSensor networksSocial MediaTheory on Neural Networks |
会议全称:International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence会议网址:https://ijcai-21.org/ 会议地点:Montreal, Quebec, CanadaCCF分类:A 类Core分类:A*类H5指数:67录取率:12.6% (592/4717) |
截稿日期:2021年01月18日评审结果:2021年04月25日会议时间:2021年08月21日 |
会议全称:International Conference on Machine Learning会议网址:https://icml.cc/Conferences/2021会议地点:Vienna, AustriaCCF分类:A 类Core分类:A*类H5指数:135录取率:21.8% (1088/4990) |
截稿日期:2021年01月28日评审结果:2021年05月08日会议时间:2021年07月18日 |
会议全称:Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics会议网址:https://2021.aclweb.org会议地点:Bangkok, ThailandCCF分类:A 类Core分类:A*类H5指数:106录取率:22.7% (779/3429) |
截稿日期:2021年02月01日评审结果:2021年05月05日会议时间:2021年08月01日 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:Computational Social Science and Social Media Dialogue and Interactive SystemsDiscourse and PragmaticsEthics and NLPGenerationInformation ExtractionInformation Retrieval and Text MiningInterpretability and Analysis of Models for NLPLanguage Grounding to Vision, Robotics and BeyondLinguistic theories, Cognitive Modeling and PsycholinguisticsMachine Learning for NLPMachine Translation and MultilingualityNLP ApplicationsPhonology, Morphology and Word SegmentationQuestion AnsweringResources and EvaluationSemantics: LexicalSemantics: Sentence-level Semantics, Textual Inference and Other areasSentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument MiningSpeech and MultimodalitySummarizationSyntax: Tagging, Chunking and ParsingTheme (TBA) |
会议全称:Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference会议网址:https://gecco-2021.sigevo.org 会议地点:Lille, FranceCCF分类:C 类Core分类:A 类H5指数:26录取率:39% (178/462) |
截稿日期:2021年02月04日评审结果:2021年03月26日会议时间:2021年07月10日 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:ACO-SI - Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm IntelligenceCS - Complex Systems (Artificial Life, Artificial Immune Systems, Generative and Developmental Systems, Evolutionary Robotics, Evolvable Hardware)ECOM - Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization and MetaheuristicsEML - Evolutionary Machine LearningEMO - Evolutionary Multiobjective OptimizationENUM - Evolutionary Numerical OptimizationGA - Genetic AlgorithmsGECH - General Evolutionary Computation and HybridsGP - Genetic ProgrammingNE - Neuroevolution (NEW)RWA - Real World ApplicationsSBSE - Search-Based Software EngineeringTHEORY - Theory |
会议全称:International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition会议网址:https://icdar2021.org/ 会议地点:Lausanne, SwitzerlandCCF分类:C 类Core分类:A 类H5指数:26录取率:13% (52/403) |
截稿日期:2021年02月08日评审结果:2021年04月26日会议时间:2021年09月08日 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:Document image processing Physical and logical layout analysisText and symbol recognitionHandwriting recognitionDocument analysis systemsDocument classificationIndexing and retrieval of documentsDocument synthesisExtracting document semanticsNLP for document understandingDocument summarization and translationOffice automationHuman document interactionMultimedia document analysisMobile text recognitionPen‐based document analysisScene text detection and recognitionGraphics recognitionRecognition of tables and formulasHistorical document analysisSignature verificationDocument forensics and provenance analysisMedical document analysisDocument analysis for social goodDocument analysis for literature searchGold-standard benchmarks and data sets |
会议全称:International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence会议网址:http://auai.org/uai2021/dates.php会议地点:CCF分类:B 类Core分类:A*类H5指数:33录取率:26% (118/450) |
截稿日期:2021年02月19日评审结果:2021年05月12日会议时间:2021年07月26日 |
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:For reference, below is the list of subject areas that will appear to authors and reviewers in the CMT conference management system:Algorithms Approximate Inference Belief Propagation Exact Inference MCMC methods OptimizationApplication Biology Education Health Planning and Control Privacy and Security Fairness Robotics Natural Language Processing Sustainability and Climate Text and Web Data User Models VisionLearning Active Learning Classification Clustering Deep Learning Nonparametric Bayes Online and Anytime Learning Parameter Estimation Probabilistic Generative Models Ranking Recommender Systems Regression Reinforcement Learning Relational Learning Semi-Supervised Learning Structure Learning Structured Prediction Theory UnsupervisedMethodology Bayesian Methods Calibration Elicitation Evaluation Human Expertise and Judgement Probabilistic Programming Relational Spatial Temporal or SequentialModels Bayesian Networks Directed Graphical Models Dynamic Bayesian Networks Markov Decision Processes Mixed Graphical Models Topic Models Undirected Graphical ModelsPrinciples Causality Cognitive Models Decision Theory Game Theory Information Theory Probability Theory Statistical TheoryRepresentation Constraints Dempster-Shafer Influence Diagrams |
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