Kalman滤波算法的原理可以参考: 卡尔曼滤波理解
python中filterpy库中实现了各种滤波算法, 其中就包括了kalman滤波算法。
具体实现代码: https://github.com/rlabbe/filterpy/blob/master/filterpy/kalman/kalman_filter.py
需要设定的几个参数可参考: 详解多目标跟踪(MOT)算法中的Kalman滤波
def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_z, dim_u=0): if dim_x < 1: raise ValueError('dim_x must be 1 or greater') if dim_z < 1: raise ValueError('dim_z must be 1 or greater') if dim_u < 0: raise ValueError('dim_u must be 0 or greater') self.dim_x = dim_x self.dim_z = dim_z self.dim_u = dim_u self.x = zeros((dim_x, 1)) # state self.P = eye(dim_x) # uncertainty covariance self.Q = eye(dim_x) # process uncertainty self.B = None # control transition matrix self.F = eye(dim_x) # state transition matrix self.H = zeros((dim_z, dim_x)) # measurement function self.R = eye(dim_z) # measurement uncertainty self._alpha_sq = 1. # fading memory control self.M = np.zeros((dim_x, dim_z)) # process-measurement cross correlation self.z = np.array([[None]*self.dim_z]).T
def predict(self, u=None, B=None, F=None, Q=None): """ Predict next state (prior) using the Kalman filter state propagation equations. Parameters ---------- u : np.array, default 0 Optional control vector. B : np.array(dim_x, dim_u), or None Optional control transition matrix; a value of None will cause the filter to use `self.B`. F : np.array(dim_x, dim_x), or None Optional state transition matrix; a value of None will cause the filter to use `self.F`. Q : np.array(dim_x, dim_x), scalar, or None Optional process noise matrix; a value of None will cause the filter to use `self.Q`. """ if B is None: B = self.B if F is None: F = self.F if Q is None: Q = self.Q elif isscalar(Q): Q = eye(self.dim_x) * Q # x = Fx + Bu if B is not None and u is not None: self.x = dot(F, self.x) + dot(B, u) else: self.x = dot(F, self.x) # P = FPF' + Q self.P = self._alpha_sq * dot(dot(F, self.P), F.T) + Q # save prior self.x_prior = self.x.copy() self.P_prior = self.P.copy()
predict的过程比较简单, 就是根据上一次的状态变量, 估计当前的状态变量值, 同时更新状态变量的协方差。
def update(self, z, R=None, H=None): """ Add a new measurement (z) to the Kalman filter. If z is None, nothing is computed. However, x_post and P_post are updated with the prior (x_prior, P_prior), and self.z is set to None. Parameters ---------- z : (dim_z, 1): array_like measurement for this update. z can be a scalar if dim_z is 1, otherwise it must be convertible to a column vector. If you pass in a value of H, z must be a column vector the of the correct size. R : np.array, scalar, or None Optionally provide R to override the measurement noise for this one call, otherwise self.R will be used. H : np.array, or None Optionally provide H to override the measurement function for this one call, otherwise self.H will be used. """ # set to None to force recompute self._log_likelihood = None self._likelihood = None self._mahalanobis = None if z is None: self.z = np.array([[None]*self.dim_z]).T self.x_post = self.x.copy() self.P_post = self.P.copy() self.y = zeros((self.dim_z, 1)) return if R is None: R = self.R elif isscalar(R): R = eye(self.dim_z) * R if H is None: z = reshape_z(z, self.dim_z, self.x.ndim) H = self.H # y = z - Hx # error (residual) between measurement and prediction self.y = z - dot(H, self.x) # common subexpression for speed PHT = dot(self.P, H.T) # S = HPH' + R # project system uncertainty into measurement space self.S = dot(H, PHT) + R self.SI = self.inv(self.S) # K = PH'inv(S) # map system uncertainty into kalman gain self.K = dot(PHT, self.SI) # x = x + Ky # predict new x with residual scaled by the kalman gain self.x = self.x + dot(self.K, self.y) # P = (I-KH)P(I-KH)' + KRK' # This is more numerically stable # and works for non-optimal K vs the equation # P = (I-KH)P usually seen in the literature. I_KH = self._I - dot(self.K, H) self.P = dot(dot(I_KH, self.P), I_KH.T) + dot(dot(self.K, R), self.K.T) # save measurement and posterior state self.z = deepcopy(z) self.x_post = self.x.copy() self.P_post = self.P.copy()
1 首先计算卡尔曼增益。
2 计算当前观测值与通过观测矩阵得到的值之间的误差, 这个误差值乘上卡尔曼增益, 再加上predict过程得到的先验状态估计结果, 得到当前的卡尔曼滤波估计结果。
3 更新状态变量协方差矩阵。
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