"""" forward kinematics by Devit Hartenberg matrix """ UR5param = pd.DataFrame(data=[[0, 0, 0.089159, pi / 2], [0, -0.425, 0, 0], [0, -0.39225, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.10915, pi / 2], [0, 0, 0.09465, -pi / 2], [0, 0, 0.0823, 0]], columns=["theta", "a", "d", "alpha"], index=["joint1", "joint2", "joint3", "joint4", "joint5", "joint6"]) def transformMatrix(i): H = np.array([ [cos(para[i][0]), -sin(para[i][0]) * cos(para[i][3]), sin(para[i][0]) * sin(para[i][3]), para[i][1] * cos(para[i][0])], [sin(para[i][0]), cos(para[i][0]) * cos(para[i][3]), -cos(para[i][0]) * sin(para[i][3]), para[i][1] * sin(para[i][0])], [0, sin(para[i][3]), cos(para[i][3]), para[i][2]], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]) return H """" reverse kinematics - analytical method joint base: [-PI, 0] joint shoulder: [-5PI/9, -3PI/18] joint elbow: depending on shoulder and wrist1 joint wrist1 [-PI/2, 0] joint wrist2 [-2PI, 0] or [0, 2PI] joint wrist3 [-2PI, 0] or [0, 2PI] """ """" rotateX theta(X) rotate Z alpha(Z) Target H = [[cX, -sXcZ, sXsZ, px] [sX, cXcZ, -cXsZ, py] [0, sZ, cZ, pz] [0, 0, 0, 1]] output [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6] """ alphaDefault = [pi/2, 0, 0, pi/2, -pi/2, 0] """"" DH matrix parameters -> [joint1, joint2, joint3, joint4, joint5, joint6] """ a = list(UR5param.loc[:, "a"]) d = list(UR5param.loc[:, "d"]) if __name__ == "__main__": para = np.array(UR5param) H1 = transformMatrix(0) H2 = transformMatrix(1) H3 = transformMatrix(2) H4 = transformMatrix(3) H5 = transformMatrix(4) H6 = transformMatrix(5) H = H1.dot(H2).dot(H3).dot(H4).dot(H5).dot(H6) print(H) """"" inverse kinematics """ resultMatrix = np.zeros((6, 8), dtype=np.float64) Rx0 = float(input("please input the rotation x").strip(" "))*numpy.pi/180 # in radian Rz0 = float(input("please input the rotation z").strip(" "))*numpy.pi/180 # in radian Px = float(input("please input the translate x").strip(" "))/1000 # in meter Py = float(input("please input the translate y").strip(" "))/1000 # in meter Pz = float(input("please input the translate z").strip(" "))/1000 # in meter TargetH = np.array([[cos(Rx0), -sin(Rx0)*cos(Rz0), sin(Rx0)*sin(Rz0), Px], [sin(Rx0), cos(Rx0)*cos(Rz0), -cos(Rx0)*sin(Rz0), Py], [0, sin(Rz0), cos(Rz0), Pz], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) nx = TargetH[0][0] ny = TargetH[1][0] nz = TargetH[2][0] ox = TargetH[0][1] oy = TargetH[1][1] oz = TargetH[2][1] ax = TargetH[0][2] ay = TargetH[1][2] az = TargetH[2][2] px = TargetH[0][3] py = TargetH[1][3] pz = TargetH[2][3] m = d[5]*ay-py n = d[5]*ax-px try: resultMatrix[0][0] = atan2(m, n) - atan2(d[3], sqrt(m * m + n * n - d[3] * d[3])) resultMatrix[0][1] = atan2(m, n) - atan2(d[3], - sqrt(m * m + n * n - d[3] * d[3])) resultMatrix[0, 2:4] = resultMatrix[0, 0:2] resultMatrix[0, 4:8] = resultMatrix[0, 0:4] except Exception as E: print("cannot resolve JOINT1 or the singular resolution is got") resultMatrix[4,0:2] = numpy.arccos(ax*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0,0:2])-ay*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0,0:2])) resultMatrix[4,2:4] = -numpy.arccos(ax*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0,0:2])-ay*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0,0:2])) resultMatrix[4,4:8] = resultMatrix[4, 0:4] mm = nx*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0,0:2]) - ny*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0,0:2]) nn = ox*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0,0:2]) - oy*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0,0:2]) resultMatrix[5,0:2] = numpy.arctan2(mm, nn) - numpy.arctan2(numpy.sin(resultMatrix[4,0:2]),0) resultMatrix[5,2:4] = numpy.arctan2(mm, nn) - numpy.arctan2(numpy.sin(resultMatrix[4,2:4]),0) resultMatrix[5, 0:4] = resultMatrix[5, 4:8] mmm = d[4]*(numpy.sin(resultMatrix[5,0:4])*(nx*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0, 0:4])+ny*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0, 0:4])) +numpy.cos(resultMatrix[5,0:4])*(ox*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0, 0:4])+oy*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0, 0:4])))\ -d[5]*(ax*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0, 0:4])+ay*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0, 0:4]))+px*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0, 0:4])+py*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0, 0:4]) nnn = pz-d[0]-az*d[5]+d[4]*(oz*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[5,0:4])+nz*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[5,0:4])) try: resultMatrix[2, 0:4] = numpy.arccos((mmm*mmm + nnn*nnn - a[1]*a[1] - a[2]*a[2])/(2*a[1]*a[2])) resultMatrix[2, 4:8] = -numpy.arccos((mmm*mmm + nnn*nnn - a[1]*a[1] - a[2]*a[2])/(2*a[1]*a[2])) except Exception as E: print("cannot resolve JOINT3 or the singular resolution is got") mmmm = np.zeros((1,8), dtype=np.float64) mmmm[0, 0:4] = mmmm[0, 4:8] = mmm nnnn = np.zeros((1,8), dtype=np.float64) nnnn[0, 0:4] = nnnn[0, 4:8] = nnn s2 = ((a[2]*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[2,:])+a[1])*nnnn-a[2]*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[2,:])*mmmm)/\ (a[1]*a[1]+a[2]*a[2]+2*a[1]*a[2]*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[2,:])) c2 = (mmmm + a[2]*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[2,:])*s2)/(a[2]*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[2,:])+a[1]) resultMatrix[1, :] = numpy.arctan2(s2,c2) resultMatrix[3,:] = numpy.arctan2(-numpy.sin(resultMatrix[5,:])*(nx*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0,:])+ny*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0,:]))- numpy.cos(resultMatrix[5,:])*((ox*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[0,:]))+oy*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[0,:])), oz*numpy.cos(resultMatrix[5,:])+nz*numpy.sin(resultMatrix[5, :]))\ -resultMatrix[1,:]-resultMatrix[2,:] print(numpy.rad2deg(resultMatrix))
class robotMove(object): default_command = ["movel", "-0.2,-0.2,0.3", "0,0,0", "a=0.1, v=0.5"] def __init__(self): self.sk = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self.sk.connect((setting.HOST, setting.PORT)) except Exception as E: print("Connection Error:", E) self.cmd = self.default_command def __str__(self): return "robotMove_handler" def _moveMethod(self): move = input("please input the move method in number: \n" "1. movel(dft) \n" "2. movej \n" "3. movec \n" "4. movep \n" "5. translate x/y/z \n" "6. rotate x/y/z \n") if move == '2': self.cmd[0] = "movej" elif move == '3': self.cmd[0] = "movec" elif move == '4': self.cmd[0] = "movep" elif move == '1': self.cmd[0] = "movel" elif move == '5': self.simpleTranslate() elif move == '6': self.simpleRotate() else: print("->NO INPUT") def _poseGetFromUser(self): pose = input("please input the pose: <format> 'tx,ty,yz'\n").strip(' ') pose = pose.split(",") temp = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(len(pose)): temp[i] = float(pose[i])/1000 pose[i] = str(temp[i]) pose = ",".join(pose[0:3]) self.cmd[1] = pose def _angleGetFromUser(self): angle = input("please input the pose: <format> 'rx,ry,rz'\n").strip(' ') angle = angle.split(",") temp = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(len(angle)): temp[i] = float(angle[i])*pi/180 angle[i] = str(temp[i]) angle = ",".join(angle) self.cmd[2] = angle def _commandGeneration(self): return "{}(p[{},{}],{})\n".format(self.cmd[0], self.cmd[1], self.cmd[2], self.cmd[3]).encode("utf-8") """"" Custom defined home pose -> [-100,-300,200,0,0,0] systm defined hoe pose -> [0, -193, 1000, 0, -126, 126] """ def commandSend(self): self._moveMethod() self._poseGetFromUser() self._angleGetFromUser() command = self._commandGeneration() print("sending cmd: ", command) self.sk.send(command) def simpleTranslate(self): pass def simpleRotate(self): pass @classmethod def update_defaultCommand(cls, pose): temp = cls.default_command temp[1], temp[2] = pose[0:3], pose[3:6] cls.default_command = temp def kill(self): self.sk.close()
dic= {'MessageSize': 'i', 'Time': 'd', 'Target_joint_Pose': '6d', 'target_joint_velocity': '6d', 'target_joint_acceleration': '6d', 'I target': '6d', 'M target': '6d', 'q actual': '6d', 'qd actual': '6d', 'I actual': '6d', 'I control': '6d', 'Tool vector actual': '6d', 'TCP speed actual': '6d', 'TCP force': '6d', 'Tool vector target': '6d', 'TCP speed target': '6d', 'Digital input bits': 'd', 'Motor temperatures': '6d', 'Controller Timer': 'd', 'Test value': 'd', 'Robot Mode': 'd', 'Joint Modes': '6d', 'Safety Mode': 'd', 'empty1': '6d', 'Tool Accelerometer values': '3d', 'empty2': '6d', 'Speed scaling': 'd', 'Linear momentum norm': 'd', 'SoftwareOnly': 'd', 'softwareOnly2': 'd', 'V main': 'd', 'V robot': 'd', 'I robot': 'd', 'V actual': '6d', 'Digital outputs': 'd', 'Program state': 'd', 'Elbow position': '3d', 'Elbow velocity': '3d'} class robotAllInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.sk = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self.sk.connect((setting.HOST, setting.PORT)) except Exception as E: print("Connection Error:", E) self._UR5param = pd.DataFrame(data=[[0, 0, 0.089159, pi / 2], [0, -0.425, 0, 0], [0, -0.39225, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.10915, pi / 2], [0, 0, 0.09465, -pi / 2], [0, 0, 0.0823, 0]], columns=["theta", "a", "d", "alpha"], index=["joint1", "joint2", "joint3", "joint4", "joint5", "joint6"]) self.para = np.array(self._UR5param) self.data = {} def __str__(self): return "robotAllInfo_handler" def _receiveInfo(self, messageSize = 1116): data = self.sk.recv(messageSize) return data def infoGet(self): tempBinary = self._receiveInfo() keyList = list(dic.keys()) valueList = list(dic.values()) dataStart = 0 for key, val in zip(keyList, valueList): dataSize = struct.calcsize(dic[key]) formatUnpack = "!" + dic[key] data = tempBinary[dataStart:dataSize+dataStart] dataStart += dataSize self.data[key] = struct.unpack(formatUnpack, data) print(">>>the data are received successfully") def _transformMatrix(self, i): H = np.array([ [cos(self.para[i][0]), -sin(self.para[i][0]) * cos(self.para[i][3]), sin(self.para[i][0]) * sin(self.para[i][3]), self.para[i][1] * cos(self.para[i][0])], [sin(self.para[i][0]), cos(self.para[i][0]) * cos(self.para[i][3]), -cos(self.para[i][0]) * sin(self.para[i][3]), self.para[i][1] * sin(self.para[i][0])], [0, sin(self.para[i][3]), cos(self.para[i][3]), self.para[i][2]], [0, 0, 0, 1] ]) return H def getPoseCartesion(self, angleList:list): for i in range(len(angleList)): self.para[i][0] = radians(angleList[i]) H1 = self._transformMatrix(0) H2 = self._transformMatrix(1) H3 = self._transformMatrix(2) H4 = self._transformMatrix(3) H5 = self._transformMatrix(4) H6 = self._transformMatrix(5) H = H1.dot(H2).dot(H3).dot(H4).dot(H5).dot(H6) return H def _radToAngle(self, radian: list): temp = np.asarray(radian) return temp * 180 / pi def displayPoseFormat(self): self.infoGet() # the target joint position in degree jointDeg = self._radToAngle(self.data["Target_joint_Pose"]) print("joint angle in degree [J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6]: \n", jointDeg) # the tcp position [tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz] toolTarget = self.data["Tool vector target"] print("current tcp position in [tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz]: \n", toolTarget[0]*1000, toolTarget[1]*1000, toolTarget[2]*1000, toolTarget[3]*180/pi, toolTarget[4]*180/pi, toolTarget[5]*180/pi) def kill(self): self.sk.clo
if __name__ == "__main__": breakPoint = 1 IniInfo = robotAllInfo() IniInfo.displayPoseFormat() print("->FINISH PRINT INITIAL INFO--------------------------------- \n") IniInfo.kill() while breakPoint: # set the destination and move method move = robotMove() move.commandSend() time.sleep(5) print("->START PRINT CURRENT POSE--------------------------------- \n") info = robotAllInfo() info.displayPoseFormat() print("->FINISH PRINT CURRENT POSE--------------------------------- \n") move.update_defaultCommand(info.data["Tool vector target"]) move.kill() info.kill() breakP
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