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分享一个python tkinter 界面设计的在线编辑IDE网址,python简单界面设计_tkinterdesigner官网


Visual TK, Visual Python Tkinter GUI CreatorWith Visual TK, you can design Tkinter Form(Window) by dragging and dropping Widgets Button, Lables, CheckBox, RadioBox, Entry, ListBox, Message, Container and Frame.https://www.visualtk.com/        可以在线定位几个核心模块的位置。复制代码到本地可以在定位的位置替换自己需要的其他模块。

        相对比 tkINTER-designer,不用安装下载,比较方便.GitHub - ParthJadhav/Tkinter-Designer: Create Beautiful Tkinter GUIs by Drag and Drop ☄️Create Beautiful Tkinter GUIs by Drag and Drop ☄️. Contribute to ParthJadhav/Tkinter-Designer development by creating an account on GitHub.https://github.com/ParthJadhav/Tkinter-Designer设置界面如下 ,简单的拖动即可,还可以设置前、背景颜色,图片,样式


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # encoding: utf-8
  3. import tkinter as tk
  4. import tkinter.font as tkFont
  5. class App:
  6. def __init__(self, root):
  7. #setting title
  8. root.title("undefined")
  9. #setting window size
  10. width=1022
  11. height=590
  12. screenwidth = root.winfo_screenwidth()
  13. screenheight = root.winfo_screenheight()
  14. alignstr = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2)
  15. root.geometry(alignstr)
  16. root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
  17. GLabel_431=tk.Label(root)
  18. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  19. GLabel_431["font"] = ft
  20. GLabel_431["fg"] = "#333333"
  21. GLabel_431["justify"] = "center"
  22. GLabel_431["text"] = ""
  23. GLabel_431.place(x=0,y=0,width=648,height=587)
  24. GLineEdit_451=tk.Entry(root)
  25. GLineEdit_451["bg"] = "#ffffff"
  26. GLineEdit_451["borderwidth"] = "1px"
  27. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  28. GLineEdit_451["font"] = ft
  29. GLineEdit_451["fg"] = "#333333"
  30. GLineEdit_451["justify"] = "left"
  31. GLineEdit_451["text"] = "log"
  32. GLineEdit_451["relief"] = "groove"
  33. GLineEdit_451.place(x=650,y=380,width=371,height=206)
  34. GLineEdit_758=tk.Entry(root)
  35. GLineEdit_758["bg"] = "#ffffff"
  36. GLineEdit_758["borderwidth"] = "1px"
  37. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  38. GLineEdit_758["font"] = ft
  39. GLineEdit_758["fg"] = "#333333"
  40. GLineEdit_758["justify"] = "left"
  41. GLineEdit_758["text"] = ""
  42. GLineEdit_758["relief"] = "groove"
  43. GLineEdit_758.place(x=650,y=40,width=369,height=339)
  44. GLineEdit_578=tk.Entry(root)
  45. GLineEdit_578["bg"] = "#ffffff"
  46. GLineEdit_578["borderwidth"] = "1px"
  47. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  48. GLineEdit_578["font"] = ft
  49. GLineEdit_578["fg"] = "#333333"
  50. GLineEdit_578["justify"] = "left"
  51. GLineEdit_578["text"] = ""
  52. GLineEdit_578["relief"] = "groove"
  53. GLineEdit_578.place(x=0,y=80,width=648,height=507)
  54. GLabel_654=tk.Label(root)
  55. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=16)
  56. GLabel_654["font"] = ft
  57. GLabel_654["fg"] = "#333333"
  58. GLabel_654["justify"] = "center"
  59. GLabel_654["text"] = "职位搜索小程序"
  60. GLabel_654.place(x=200,y=10,width=260,height=31)
  61. GLabel_72=tk.Label(root)
  62. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  63. GLabel_72["font"] = ft
  64. GLabel_72["fg"] = "#333333"
  65. GLabel_72["justify"] = "center"
  66. GLabel_72["text"] = "职位关键字"
  67. GLabel_72.place(x=10,y=40,width=70,height=31)
  68. GButton_674=tk.Button(root)
  69. GButton_674["anchor"] = "n"
  70. GButton_674["bg"] = "#efefef"
  71. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  72. GButton_674["font"] = ft
  73. GButton_674["fg"] = "#000000"
  74. GButton_674["justify"] = "center"
  75. GButton_674["text"] = "黑名单"
  76. GButton_674["relief"] = "groove"
  77. GButton_674.place(x=810,y=10,width=70,height=25)
  78. GButton_674["command"] = self.GButton_674_command
  79. GButton_194=tk.Button(root)
  80. GButton_194["anchor"] = "s"
  81. GButton_194["bg"] = "#efefef"
  82. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  83. GButton_194["font"] = ft
  84. GButton_194["fg"] = "#000000"
  85. GButton_194["justify"] = "center"
  86. GButton_194["text"] = "初始化"
  87. GButton_194["relief"] = "groove"
  88. GButton_194.place(x=910,y=10,width=70,height=25)
  89. GButton_194["command"] = self.GButton_194_command
  90. GButton_27=tk.Button(root)
  91. GButton_27["anchor"] = "s"
  92. GButton_27["bg"] = "#efefef"
  93. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  94. GButton_27["font"] = ft
  95. GButton_27["fg"] = "#000000"
  96. GButton_27["justify"] = "center"
  97. GButton_27["text"] = "开始查询"
  98. GButton_27["relief"] = "groove"
  99. GButton_27.place(x=700,y=10,width=70,height=25)
  100. GButton_27["command"] = self.GButton_27_command
  101. GLabel_423=tk.Label(root)
  102. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  103. GLabel_423["font"] = ft
  104. GLabel_423["fg"] = "#333333"
  105. GLabel_423["justify"] = "center"
  106. GLabel_423["text"] = "v0.2"
  107. GLabel_423.place(x=460,y=20,width=53,height=30)
  108. GLineEdit_450=tk.Entry(root)
  109. GLineEdit_450["bg"] = "#ffffff"
  110. GLineEdit_450["borderwidth"] = "1px"
  111. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times',size=10)
  112. GLineEdit_450["font"] = ft
  113. GLineEdit_450["fg"] = "#333333"
  114. GLineEdit_450["justify"] = "left"
  115. GLineEdit_450["text"] = ""
  116. GLineEdit_450["relief"] = "groove"
  117. GLineEdit_450.place(x=90,y=40,width=558,height=38)
  118. def GButton_674_command(self):
  119. print("command")
  120. def GButton_194_command(self):
  121. print("command")
  122. def GButton_27_command(self):
  123. print("command")
  124. if __name__ == "__main__":
  125. root = tk.Tk()
  126. app = App(root)
  127. root.mainloop()


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # encoding: utf-8


跟你在网页上设计的一毛一样。 点击按钮,也会有响应(打印字符command)。

下面就可可以开始你的创作了。格化一下代码,重命名模块,或者替换成其它模块 and so on 

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # encoding: utf-8
  3. import tkinter as tk
  4. from tkinter import *
  5. import tkinter.font as tkFont
  6. import time
  7. LOG_LINE_NUM = 0
  8. JOB_LINE_NUM = 0
  10. class App:
  11. keyPositions = 'python,程序设计,会计,财务'
  12. def __init__(self, window):
  13. self.window = window
  14. def run(self):
  15. window.title("职位搜索")
  16. #setting window size
  17. width=1022
  18. height=590
  19. screenwidth = window.winfo_screenwidth()
  20. screenheight = window.winfo_screenheight()
  21. alignstr = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2, (screenheight - height) / 2)
  22. window.geometry(alignstr)
  23. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times', size=16)
  24. GLabel_title = tk.Label(window, font=ft, fg="#333333", justify="center", text="职位搜索小程序")
  25. GLabel_title.place(x=200, y=10, width=260, height=31)
  26. ft = tkFont.Font(family='Times', size=10)
  27. GLabel_ver = tk.Label(window, font=ft, fg="#333333", justify="center", text="v0.2")
  28. GLabel_ver.place(x=460, y=20, width=53, height=30)
  29. GLabel_job = tk.Label(window, font=ft, fg="#333333", justify="center", text="职位关键字")
  30. GLabel_job.place(x=10, y=40, width=70, height=31)
  31. self.GLineEdit_jobname = tk.Entry(window, font=ft, bg="#ffffff", borderwidth="1px", fg="#333333", justify="left", relief="groove")
  32. self.GLineEdit_jobname.insert(0,self.keyPositions)
  33. self.GLineEdit_jobname.place(x=90, y=40, width=558, height=38)
  34. self.GLineEdit_main = tk.Text(window, font=ft, bg="#ffffff", borderwidth="1px", fg="#333333", relief="groove")
  35. self.GLineEdit_main.place(x=0, y=80, width=648, height=507)
  36. self.GLineEdit_list = tk.Text(window, font=ft, bg="#ffffff", borderwidth="1px", fg="#333333", relief="groove")
  37. self.GLineEdit_list.place(x=650, y=40, width=369, height=389)
  38. self.GLineEdit_log = tk.Text(window, font=ft, bg="#ffffff", borderwidth="1px", fg="#333333", relief="groove")
  39. self.GLineEdit_log.place(x=650, y=430, width=371, height=156)
  40. GButton_start = tk.Button(window, anchor="s", bg="#efefef", font=ft, fg="#000000", justify="center", text="开始查询", relief="groove")
  41. GButton_start.place(x=700, y=10, width=70, height=25)
  42. GButton_start["command"] = self.GButton_start_command
  43. GButton_list=tk.Button(window, anchor ="s", bg="#efefef", font =ft, fg="#000000", justify="center", text="黑名单", relief="groove")
  44. GButton_list.place(x=810,y=10,width=70,height=25)
  45. GButton_list["command"] = self.GButton_list_command
  46. GButton_init=tk.Button(window, anchor ="s", bg="#efefef", font =ft, fg="#000000", justify="center", text="初始化", relief="groove")
  47. GButton_init.place(x=910,y=10,width=70,height=25)
  48. GButton_init["command"] = self.GButton_init_command
  49. def GButton_list_command(self):
  50. print("GButton_list_command")
  51. self.write_log_to_Text("新加黑名单企业如下")
  52. def GButton_start_command(self):
  53. print("GButton_start_command")
  54. self.write_log_to_Text("开始职位搜索")
  55. def GButton_init_command(self):
  56. print("GButton_init_command")
  57. self.write_log_to_Text("初始化数据库")
  58. # 获取当前时间
  59. def get_current_time(self):
  60. current_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
  61. return current_time
  62. # 日志动态打印
  63. def write_log_to_Text(self, logmsg):
  64. global LOG_LINE_NUM
  65. current_time = self.get_current_time()
  66. logmsg_in = str(current_time) + " " + str(logmsg) + "\n" # 换行
  67. if LOG_LINE_NUM <= 8:
  68. self.GLineEdit_log.insert(END, logmsg_in)
  70. else:
  71. self.GLineEdit_log.delete(1.0, 2.0)
  72. self.GLineEdit_log.insert(END, logmsg_in)
  73. if __name__ == "__main__":
  74. window = Tk()
  75. app = App(window)
  76. app.run()
  77. window.resizable(False, False)
  78. window.mainloop() # 父窗口进入事件循环,可以理解为保持窗口运行,否则界面不展示


