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Dialogue System for Unity文档中文对照版(简雨原创翻译)第一篇(我们开始仙剑demo的剧情)_dialogue rich text

dialogue rich text

       这篇文档本身有快300页,因为实在太多,所以不像前面的插件那样翻译的,很多地方直接用了机翻,因为文字量实在太大,如果翻译完全套,再加上讲解的话,估计要花几个月的时间,对于普通的程序来说,其实机翻对照上下文完全可以掌握该插件的用法,在这个的最后我会提供chm版的DialogueSystem for Unity 本地API和整个机翻的原文和翻译以后文章word版本对照,有兴趣的朋友可以在word版里面进行二次翻译,以求达到完美,说实话这个工具真心不错,如果有可用的通俗易懂的文档,会大大降低开发剧情系统难度,从而把时间让给剧情和游戏本身。

Quick Start

Quick Start Instructions

Use these instructions to quickly add barks and/or conversations to your project.



1.Right-clickin the Project view and select Dialogue System > Create > DialogueDatabase.

2.Double-clickthe dialogue database.

3.Onthe Actors tab, define at least two actors: a player character and anNPC.

4.Onthe Conversation tab, click the "+" button in the upper leftto create a new conversation.


1.在项目视图中选择1.right-click和对话系统> >对话创建数据库。




SelectWindow >Dialogue System > GameObject > Create > Dialogue Manager.

Assign the dialogue database to Initial Database.

Optionally set the Dialogue UI using one of the prefabs provided in Prefabs/UnityDialogue UIs and/or adjust the other settings

1。选择窗口> >> >游戏对象创建对话系统的对话管理器。



Alternatively,use the Dialogue Manager Wizard accessible from Window > Dialogue System> Tools > Wizards.


Configurethe PC

Add aSelector or Proximity Selector from the menu Window > Dialogue System> Component > Supplemental.

Add aSimple Controller from the same menu if you need to configure movement.

Add aSet Enabled On Dialogue Event component from Window > Dialogue System> Component > Triggers.

Identifyany components that should be disabled during conversations, such as playercamera control.

Addthem to the On Start section with the value set to False.

Addthem to the On End section with the value set back to True.

Add aPersistent Position Data component fromWindow > Dialogue System >Component > Save/Load System if you want to record the player's positionin the Save/Load System.

Alternatively,use the PC Setup Wizard accessible fromWindow > Dialogue System> Tools > Wizards.










QuickStart Tutorial

Thissection walks you through creating a basic dialogue scene. If you haven'talready installed the Dialogue System, seeInstallation.

Allfolder locations are inside the Assets/Dialogue System folder.

ThisQuick Start guide is designed to give you an idea of the basic structure of theDialogue System. In it, you'll go through the steps manually to set up theDialogue Manager and characters. In the future, you'll probably find it easierto use the wizards available in Window > Dialogue System > Tools >Wizards to help you set these up automatically.

Createa New Scene

We'llcreate a scene with a player character (PC) and non-player character (NPC).

Selectthe menu option File > New Scene.

Fromthe Examples/Prefabs folder, drag these prefabs into the Hierarchy panel:




Deletethe Main Camera. The Player object already has a camera.








2。从实例/ prefabs文件夹,把这些问题在层次面板:





Writethe Dialogue

TheDialogue System is designed to import ChatMapperprojects. You can also use the built-in Dialogue Editor.

Forthis Quick Start, we'll assume you created a Chat Mapper project and exportedit as an XML file using Chat Mapper Indie. We'll use the existing XML fileExamples/QuickStart/Quick Start.xml.

Selectthe menu option Window > Dialogue System > Tools > Converters >Chat Mapper Converter.

For ChatMapper Project, select Examples/Quick Start/Quick Start.xml.

Leave PortraitFolder blank. We won't use character portraits in this example. (If youassign character portrait images in your Chat Mapper project, this is where youtell the Chat Mapper Converter where to find the images.)

For Pathto Save Assets, select Examples/Quick Start.

Click Convert.This will create a dialogue database asset namedQuick Start in theQuick Start folder.










  windows开始菜单,运行里面输入gpedit.msc打开组策略,在“计算机配置”→管理模板→windows组件→windowsinstaller,右边 第一项就是禁用windows installer。把它改成 “未配置”后者“已禁用”就可以了。





Add aDialogue Manager

Selectthe menu item Dialogue System > GameObject > Create > DialogueManager to add a Dialogue Manager object to your scene.

In theHierarchy panel, select the Dialogue Manager game object.

In theInspector panel for the Dialogue System Controller:

Assign Quick Start to the Database field.

(Optional)Change the Debug Level to Info. This will print trace informationin the console so you see what's happening internally.


1。选择菜单项对话系统>> >游戏对象创建对话管理器添加一个对话管理器对象到你的场景。





Add aTrigger

In theHierarchy panel, select Sergeant Graves.

Selectthe menu option Window > Dialogue System > Component > Example >Usable. This marks Sergeant Graves as usable with the player's Selectorcomponent.

Selectthe menu option Window > Dialogue System > Component > Triggers> Conversation Trigger.

In theInspector panel for the Conversation Trigger:

In the Conversationfield, enter Sergeant Graves. This is the name of the conversation in the dialogue database.




2。选择菜单选项窗口>> > >对话系统组件实例的可用。这标志着军士坟墓可用与球员的选择器组件。

3。选择菜单选项窗口>对话系统>组件> >对话触发触发器。




Playthe scene.

Use themouse to rotate your character and the 'W' key to move forward.

Moveclose to Sergeant Graves and press the space bar to start the conversation.




RecommendedNext Steps:

OpenQuickStart.cmp in Chat Mapper, or use the built-in editor to explore thedialogue database

Thedefault UI is very plain. Assign a different dialogue UI prefab from one of thefolders inside Prefabs/Unity Dialogue UIs to the Dialogue UI property of theDialogue Manager's Display Settings.











Thispage describes how the Dialogue System for Unity works.

TheDialogue System makes it easy to add interactive conversations to yourprojects. Conversations can run between the player character (PC), non-playercharacter (NPCs), and objects (such as computer terminals, magic mirrors,etc.). The player can choose what to say, and NPCs repond interactively.Conversations can also occur solely between NPCs.

Conversationscan include text subtitles and cutscene sequences that can play animations,voice acting, camera work, Quick Time Events, and more.

TheDialogue System supports conditions, variables, and Lua scripts to control theflow of conversations and track information such as character relationships andthe states of quests. For example, an NPC may become hostile if the PC choosesaggressive dialogue choices, or the PC may complete a quest by talking with anNPC.

TheDialogue System was designed to:

LookGreat: TheDialogue System looks great right out of the box and gives you complete controlover appearance, with built-in support for Unity GUI, Tasharen Entertainment'sNGUI,Daikon Forge GUI, and Unikron's2D Toolkit UI. The interface is fullycustomizable, offering features such as animated text effects and characterportrait graphics.

TrackState: TheDialogue System tracks the state of the game and the player's choices todetermine what dialogue branches to follow and what responses to offer theplayer. You have direct control of the state through components and a built-inLua scripting environment, although no scripting is required in Unity or in Luato produce deep conversations. As an added benefit, you get a save/load gamesystem, persistence between level changes, and a quest tracking system.

PlayCutscenes: Ascharacters choose lines of dialogue, you can play cutscenes such as lip sync,body gesture animation, audio, and camera movement. The Dialogue System's built-incutscene sequencer is full featured and extensible, including extensions tosupport Well Fired'suSequencer andFaceFX for lip sync and facial animation,and a simple template to integrate your own sequencer commands.

MakeDevelopment Easy:Branching dialogue trees can get very complex. Your designers need the righttools. The Dialogue System was built from the start to support the industrystandardChat Mapper andarticy:draft, as well as a Neverwinter NightsAurora Toolset importer. It also includes a powerful, full-featured Mecanim-stylenode-based conversation editor and Dragon Age Toolset-style outline editorwithin Unity. (Dragon Age (c) Electronic Arts Int'l Ltd.)

You canaccess the full functionality of the Dialogue System without writing a singleline of code. However, your purchase includes complete source code, andtemplates for replacing the built-in user interface options and adding your ownsequencer commands. All code is contained within its own namespace to preventconflicts with any other asset store products.

TheMain Parts













Themain parts of the Dialogue System are:

DialogueDatabase: An assetin your project containing your conversations and related data such as cutscenesequences and information about actors

DialogueManager: Theunderlying engine that runs between the dialogue database and the dialogue UI

DialogueUI: Displayssubtitles and player response menus

Triggers: Start conversations when theplayer enters a trigger collider, uses an object, etc., and also let you dospecial processing before and after conversations

Sequencer: Runs cutscene sequences (such asanimation, lip sync, and audio) for each line of dialogue








What isBranching Dialogue?

Branchingdialogue is a key feature of interactive entertainment. As opposed to static,linear dialogue, branching dialogue allows the participants (player and NPCs)to choose their responses from a list of selections. The list can change basedon the state of the game, and the player's choices can further affect the stateof the game and the direction of the conversation.

Branchingdialogue gives the player freedom to express his character's personality whilepreserving artistic control for the game author.

Anexample of branching dialogue is below:







In theDialogue System, the participants are called Actors.A conversation generally occurs between two Actors. However, using triggers andcutscene sequences (described below), you can involve additional characters.

A Conversation is a collection of Dialogue Entries, where eachDialogue Entry represents a line spoken by one of the Actors.

A DialogueEntry also contains Linksto other Dialogue Entries. Links tie Dialogue Entries together and direct theflow of the conversation.

You canassign an optional Conditionand/or User Script toany Dialogue Entry. The Dialogue System will only follow a link if thedestination's Condition is true. When the Dialogue System chooses a DialogueEntry, it will run its User Script. Conditions and user scripts are written in Lua.

Barks are single lines of dialogue that an NPC canspeak without engaging in a full conversation. Barks are frequently used duringgameplay to add life to the scene. For example, NPCs can greet each with barksto make them appear autonomous.

All ofthis information is stored in a DialogueDatabase.









Thissection describes the general process of putting dialogue into your project.

Theworkflow to add conversations to your project is:

Writethe dialogue using Chat Mapper, articy:draft, Aurora, or the built-in dialoguedatabase editor.

Use theChat Mapper Converter to convert your Chat Mapper project into a dialoguedatabase, or the equivalent for articy:draft or Aurora (Neverwinter Nights).

Configurea Dialogue Manager object in your scene and assign the database.

Configuretriggers to start conversations. You can use the interactive NPC Setup Wizardavailable inWindow > Dialogue System > Tools > Wizards.







DialogueCreation Overview

Designedas a professional development tool, the Dialogue System includes afull-featuredDialogue Editor, and also supports authoring inUrban Brain Studio'sChat Mapper, articy:draft, and Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset.

Formore information: Dialogue Creation




DialogueManager Overview

"DialogueManager" has two meanings:

Thegame object that has the main dialogue system component, and

TheDialogueManager script interface for accessing dialogue system features in yourown scripts.

On theDialogue Manager game object, the Dialogue System Controller is the componentthat actually runs conversations. It reads content from your dialogue database,maintains the Lua environment, and controls the dialogue UI and cutscenesequencer.

To adda Dialogue Manager to your scene, drag the Dialogue Manager prefab from the Prefabs folderinto your scene, or select the menu itemWindow > Dialogue System >GameObject > Create Dialogue Manager. This will add a game objectcontaining a Dialogue System Controller. If you have NGUI or Daikon Forge GUI,you can use versions for those GUI systems located inThird PartySupport.

Forprogrammers, PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueManager is a static class that manages asingleton instance ofPixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueSystemController. Your scripts can access severaluseful properties and methods in DialogueManager to manage the database andcontrol conversations, barks, alerts, and sequences.

Formore information: Script Overview






添加一个对话管理你的场景,对话管理器拖动预置从prefabs文件夹到你的场景,或选择菜单项窗口> > >游戏对象创建对话系统的对话管理器。这将添加一个包含对话系统控制器游戏对象。如果你深入或萝卜伪造的图形用户界面,您可以使用版本的GUI系统位于第三方的支持。




Triggersstart conversations, barks, and sequences. To configure a trigger, add atrigger component to a game object. For example, say you want an NPC to start aconversation when the player approaches him. To do this, simply add a ConversationTrigger component to the NPC.

TheDialogue System provides a variety of triggers for starting conversations,barks, and sequences, as well as handling actions at the beginning and end ofconversations.

To addtriggers, select them from the Window > Dialogue System > Componentmenu.

Formore information: Triggers






DialogueUI Overview

TheDialogue System UI is modular and highly customizable. You can use the defaultUnity GUI-based UI system or replace it with the provided NGUI system, DaikonForge GUI system, 2D Toolkit UI system, or your own custom UI system.

Thedefault Unity GUI-based UI features a fully-customizable layout. You can createlayouts for Mass Effect-style dialogue wheels, JRPG dialogue windows, and more.(Mass Effect is a trademark of Electronic Arts, Inc. Dialogue wheel design ispatented by BioWare Corp.)

Severalprefab layouts using Unity GUI, NGUI, TK2D, and Daikon Forge GUI are included.Just assign the one you want to use to the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings.

For moreinformation: Dialogue UI







In theDialogue System, each line of dialogue can be tied to a cutscene sequence – forexample, to play animations, audio files, and/or move the camera. Thesesequences are defined with simple commands inside the dialogue entry such as:Camera(Closeup);Animation(Shrug).

You canalso play sequences outside of conversations, any time you need a cutscene inyour game.

Sequencesalso support Quick Time Events (QTEs).

Formore information: Sequencer







Thefigure below is a high-level representation the relationship between thecomponents in the Dialogue System.

Tocustomize the Dialogue System, you can create a new game object and add thenecessary components or use a prefab from the Prefabs folder and simply swapout the UI component and choose your the display settings.

TheBarkUI component allows an NPC to display bark text. Add a BarkUI component toany game object that barks (e.g., NPCs).

Addtriggers to any game objects that need to start conversations or handle actionsbefore or after conversations.

TheQuest Log and Game Saver components are add-on subsystems that leverage thepower of the Dialogue System. For more information, see: Quest Log System andSave/Load System.

Formore information: Script Overview






NextSteps:Example ScenesQuick StartStep-by-Step Instructions

Next: Installation


Buyingthe Dialogue System

To buythe Dialogue System for Unity:

InUnity, select Window > Asset Store to open the Unity Asset Store.

Searchfor "Dialogue System", and click the Buy button on PixelCrushers'Dialogue System for Unity.

Afterpurchase, import the Dialogue System into your project.


TheDialogue System installs entirely to Assets/Dialogue System/.

Thefolder structure is:

DLLs: Precompiled DLLs to speed up yourbuild times

Examples: Example scenes demonstrating thesystem's features

Prefabs: Preconfigured assets to use inyour projects

Scripts: Complete source code

ThirdParty Support:

2DAction RPG Starter Kit: 2D Action RPG Starter Kit integration

AdventureCreator: AdventureCreator integration

BehaviorDesigner: BehaviorDesigner integration (note: Behavior Designer also includes a correspondingpackage for the Dialogue System)

CoreGameKit: CoreGameKit integration (formerly Killer Waves)

DaikonForge GUI: UIimplementations using Daikon Forge GUI

FaceFX: Support for FaceFX facialanimation and lip sync software

KGFMapSystem: KGFMapSystem integration

NGUI: UI implementations using NGUI

NGUIHUD Text: BarkUIimplementation using NGUI HUD Text

PlayMaker: PlayMaker integration

plyGame: plyGame integration

RealisticFPS Prefab: Gameplayintegration support for Realistic FPS Prefab

TK2D: UI implementations using 2DToolkit UI

UFPS: Gameplay integration support forUltimate FPS

uSequencer: Cutscene sequencer command tointerface with uSequencer

Unpackingthe Source Code (Optional)

TheDialogue System provides precompiled DLLs so Unity doesn't have to compilesource code. This can significantly speed up your build times.

Ingeneral, when implementing additional functionality, it's strongly recommendedto create subclasses rather than unpacking and directly modifying the sourcecode. First, you won't have to fix up prefab references. Second, if you importan updated version of the Dialogue System, you risk overwriting yourcustomizations.

However,complete source code is provided. To unpack it, import the package Assets/DialogueSystem/Scripts/Source Code.unitypackage. Note that the included prefabs, such aspre-built UIs, reference the DLLs. If you replace the DLLs with the sourcescripts, you'll have to reassign the prefabs' script references to point to thesource scripts.

Theeasiest way to do this is to open two projects: one with the DLLS and one withthe source code. In the DLL project, select each prefab and/or scene objectthat your project uses. In the source code project, select the sameprefab/object and drag the corresponding script to each missing reference.

Scriptableobjects such as dialogue databases need to be handled differently. In the DLLproject, open the dialogue database in Dialogue Editor and, on the Database tab,export it as Chat Mapper XML. In the source project, assign theDialogueDatabase.cs script to the dialogue databaseasset. If the database appears empty, import it from the XML using theChat Mapper Converter.

Example Scenes


The Art folder contains assets and prefabsused by the example scenes.

Yourpurchase also includes:

Arteria3D's Recon Trooper model, a $30 USD value

Custom3D sci-fi environment assets

Yourlicense includes use of these assets for commercial and non-commercialprojects.








The Quick Start folder contains files for use inthe Quick Start tutorial.





TheFeature Demo folder contains a playable scene that demonstrates several majorfeatures, including:



Quests,including quest tracking


QuickTime Events


Save& Load System


In thisscience fiction scene, you play a lieutenant commanding a squad sent toassassinate the evil Emperor on his star carrier.


•Conversations with the NPC Private Hartdemonstrate branching dialogue, quest updates, quick time events (QTEs), andcutscene sequences.

•The NPC Sergeant Graves demonstrates barkswith and without cutscene sequences. The selection of barks varies depending onthe state of the quest.

•The Terminal demonstrates conversations usinga different, computer-themed UI, as well as freeform text input.

•The Dead Guard demonstrates using aconversation to interact with an inanimate object – in this case, a corpse thatcan be searched for the terminal password.

Internally,Private Hart demonstrates how to offload the Dialogue System components onto achild GameObject named "AI". You can use this technique if you wantto minimize the number of components on an NPC's main GameObject.


Thesubfolder Dialogue Database contains the source Chat Mapper project, theexported XML version of the project, and the dialogue database asset used inthe scene.









Thesubfolder Articy Feature Demo contains the same demo built from an articy:draft project.



TopDown Demo

Thesubfolder Top Down contains a variation using a three-quarters view and aproximity selector instead of mouse look selector.



MenuText + Dialogue Text Demo

Thesubfolder Menu Text Demo contains a variation that uses shorter, paraphrased text for the playerresponse menu, and longer text when the PC actually delivers a selected line ofdialogue.



FeatureDemo with Continue Button

Thesubfolder Feature Demo with Continue Button contains a variation that requires the playerto click a Continue progress to progress past each line of dialogue.



MultipleDatabase Example

Thissubfolder Multiple Database Example contains a variation on the Feature Demo thatdemonstrates how to add and remove additional dialogue databases. You may wantto familiarize yourself with the original Feature Demo scene first, which usesone database named 'Feature Demo'.

Thisversion uses two databases: DialogueDatabase and DialogueDatabase.DialogueDatabase 2 contains the dialogue database assets for SergeantGraves (his actor definition and bark conversation).Dialogue Database 1 containseverything else and is the initial database loaded when the scene starts.

SergeantGraves has been moved to the far end of the room. A script on a triggercollider namedAdd Remove DB Triggeradds his database when entered and removes his database when exited.

Note: When using multiple databases,you will probably need to use theUnique ID Tool to make sure assets' internal IDnumbers are unique across the databases.







the barks folder contains a scene betweentwo NPCs who bark at each other.

It demonstrates how NPCs can trigger each other to bark, forming aconversation that the player can overhear.

Three NPCs Bark

The subfolder Three NPCs Bark contains a scene that demonstratesanother method of making multiple NPCs engage in a series of barks.





The Sequence folder contains a scene that playsa cutscene sequence.


TheCamera Angle Studio folder contains a scene that you might find helpful whendesigning camera angles. It contains a subject in a three-point light setup. Todesign camera angles, open the scene and select the menu item Window >Dialogue System > Tools > Camera Angle Editor.

Formore instructions, see Camera Angle Editor



the Lua Example folder contains a scene that actsas a command line Lua interpreter. When you play the scene, you can enter Luacommands and see the return values.


TheSave Load Example folder contains a scene that demonstrates the Save/LoadSystem, including how to load games back to the player's current level.


the quest Example folder contains a scene thatdemonstrates more quests than theFeature Demo, including abandonable andtrackable quests, and more features of theQuest Log System.

Other Examples

The Third Party Support packages each contain their own example scenes.




Step-by-Step Instructions

Write the Dialogue

The first step is to create your dialogue. You can use the Dialogue Editor or one of the converters, such asthe Using Chat Mapper converter.

Writing in the Dialogue Editor

Right-click in the Project view and select Dialogue System >Create > Dialogue Database.

Double-click the dialogue database.

On the Actors tab, define at least two actors: a player characterand an NPC.

On the Conversation tab, click the "+" button in theupper left to create a new conversation.

Right-click the START node to create a child node. Continue definingnodes to build your conversation(s).

See the Dialogue Editor page for more details.




在项目视图中点击右键并选择对话系统> >对话创建数据库。






Using aConverter

If youwrite in an external application, you can use a converter to create a dialoguedatabase. The following instructions detail how to use convert Chat Mapperprojects. All folder locations are inside theAssets/Dialogue System/ folder. Other alternatives arearticy:draft or the Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset.

In ChatMapper, create a new project or make a copy of Prefabs/Template.cmp.

Writeyour dialogue.

At aminimum, you should create two actors (e.g., Player and NPC) and oneconversation.

It'seasiest if your Chat Mapper actors have the same names as the correspondingcharacter game objects in Unity.

Make anote of the names of your conversations. You'll use these to set up triggers.

Putsequencer commands in the Sequencer field of your dialogue entries. SeeSequencer and Sequencer Command Reference.

Formore information, see Dialogue Creation.

Ifyou're using Chat Mapper Indie, export the project to an XML file somewhere inyour Assets folder hierachy. If you're using Chat Mapper Commercial, theChat Mapper Converter can process the .CMP filedirectly, so you don't need to export it to XML.

Selectthe menu option Window > Dialogue System > Tools > Converters >Chat Mapper Converter.

Ifyou're using Chat Mapper Commercial, then for Path to ChatMapper.exe setthe path toChatMapper.exe. You only need to specify the path to ChatMapper.exe if you have a Commercial Licenseand want to convert directly from the Chat Mapper project file (.CMP) insteadof manually exporting to XML.

For ChatMapper Project, select your XML file. If you have a Commercial License,selectcmp from thedrop-down and select your .CMP file.

(Optional)For Portrait Folder, specify the folder containing the the actorportrait images defined in your Chat Mapper project. If you didn't specifyactor portrait images, or if you don't want to display character portraitsbeside subtitles, you can leave this blank.

For Pathto Save Assets, select the folder where you want the dialogue database tobe created.

Tick Overwriteif you want to overwrite an existing dialogue database (if one exists). Notethat, if you overwrite, the new dialogue database will still be a new asset, soyou'll have to reassign it to the Dialogue Manager in your scene.

Click Convert.This will create a dialogue database. If you need to run it again, you may wantto delete the old asset first. Otherwise the new database will be created witha slightly different name, usually by appending a number to the end.

Theimage below shows settings for converting an XML-exported Chat Mapper project:



1。在聊天的映射,创建一个新项目或复制预设/ template.cmp。
















注:chat mapper这个工具需要自己下载,如果没有可以直接使用插件自带的编辑器(简雨注)

Formore information: Dialogue Creation

Set upthe Dialogue Manager GameObject

Add aDialogue Manager game object to your scene by selecting the menu item Window> Dialogue System > Create > GameObject > Dialogue Manager. Thiswill add a game object containing a Dialogue System Controller component.

Alternatively,you can use the menu item Window > Dialogue System > Component >Dialogue System Controller to add a Dialogue System Controller to an existingobject.

Or youcan use the menu item Window > Dialogue System > Tools > Wizards >Dialogue Manager Wizard to use a wizard that steps you through the entireprocess described below.

Yourgame object should have a component similar to the screenshot below.


添加一个对话经理游戏对象到你的场景中选择菜单项窗口> > > >游戏对象创建对话系统的对话管理器。这将添加一个包含对话系统控制器组件的游戏对象。





TheDialogue System Controller component contains a foldout named DisplaySettings similar to the one below.



DialogueUI: By default, noUI is assigned. In this case, it will use a very generic, default UnityGUI-based UI located in Prefabs/Unity Dialogue UIs/Default/Resources. You can assign a different UI tothe Dialogue UI property. There are a selection of predefined layouts in Prefabs/UnityDialogue UIs.To define your own layout, see the Dialogue UI page. You can also assign an NGUI UI if youown NGUI and have imported NGUI and the third party support package into yourproject.

?对话的界面:默认情况下,没有UI分配。在这种情况下,它将用一个非常通用的,统一的基于GUI的界面位于默认预设/团结对话UI /默认/资源。您可以指定一个不同的用户界面的UI属性对话。有一个选择预定义的布局预设/团结对话界面。定义您自己的布局,看到对话UI页。你还可以指定一个NGUI UI如果你自己的深入和有进口的深入和第三方支持包到您的项目。


Language: The language code to use forlocalization (e.g., "fr" for French); blank for none.

UseSystem Language: Tick to override localizationwith the system language.

Formore on localization, see Localization.






ShowNPCSubtitles During Line: Tick to show NPC subtitles while the NPC is speaking its lines.

ShowNPCSubtitles With Responses: Tick to show NPC subtitles while the PC response menu is showing. Thisis usually ticked to remind the player what the NPC just said.

ShowPCSubtitles During Line: Tick to show PC subtitles while the PC is speaking its lines.

AllowPCSubtitle Reminders:(Not shown in screenshot) Tick to allow the PC's last line to be used as thereminder line when showing the response menu. Normally only the NPC's last lineis shown as a reminder.

SubtitleChars Per Second:Specified how long subtitles are displayed if no cutscene sequence is definedfor the line. If a sequence is defined, these parameters are ignored, since thesequence will determine the duration.

MinSubtitle Seconds:If no sequence is defined, subtitles will be shown at least this long.


Never: Never wait for the player to click the UI's"continue" button, or otherwise receive an OnConversationContinuemessage, before progressing. (See Subtitle Continue Button).

Always: Always wait for the continue button afterevery subtitle (if a continue button is assigned in the dialogue UI for thetype of subtitle – PC or NPC).

Optional Before Response Menu: Works like Always, except when the playerresponse menu is next. In this case, the Dialogue System waits until thesubtitle is done and then immediately progresses to the response menu withoutwaiting for the continue button.

Not Before Response Menu: Works like Always, except when the playerresponse menu is next. In this case, the continue button isn't even shown. Whenthe subtitle is done, it immediately progresses to the response menu.

RichText Emphases: Bydefault, the built-in dialogue UIs apply the first emphasis tag to the entireline. If you want to use multiple tags in a single line, or have tags affectonly a subset of the line, you can tell the Dialogue Manager to convertemphasis tags to rich text codes. To do this, tick Rich Text Emphases in theDialogue Manager's Display Settings. Your dialogue UI must supportrich text. The provided Unity GUI prefabs all support rich text.

InformSequence Start And End: To reduce the number of messages being sent, conversations by defaultsuppress OnSequenceStart and OnSequenceEnd messages associated with dialogueentries' sequences. To enable these messages, tick this checkbox.
















SequencerCamera: A camerato use when playing sequences. If unassigned, the Dialogue System will use thecurrent main camera. However, you may want to use a different camera withadditional settings such as depth of field to blur the background behind theactors. If so, assign it here.

CameraAngles: A cameraangle object prefab that defines camera angles for the sequencer. See Sequencer Camera & Angles. If unassigned, the DialogueSystem will use a default set of camera angles.

DefaultSequence:Specifies a cutscene sequence to use when a dialogue entry doesn't have asequence defined in its Sequence field. The string "{{end}}" will bereplaced by the default subtitle duration for each subtitle. If your projectuses a body-less first person controller, you'll want to change the defaultbecause a closeup of the player won't look right. See Dialogue Creation and Sequencer. (Note: If you want to use a differentdefault sequence for a specific conversation, add an Override DisplaySettings component to the conversant and specify its default sequence.

DisableInternal Sequencer Commands: (Not shown in screenshot) If you want to disable theinternally-handled sequencer commands (for example to replace them with yourown), tick this checkbox. In all other cases, you should leave it unticked.




?默认序列:指定一个动画序列时使用的对话进入没有在其序列字段定义的顺序。字符串“{ } { }结束”将取代默认的字幕时间为每个字幕。如果您的项目使用一个身体不第一人称控制器,您要更改默认因为特写的球员不看的权利。看到对话创造和音序器。(注:如果你想为一个特定的会话,使用不同的默认顺序添加重写显示设置组件的熟悉和指定默认序列。


•Input Settings:

◦AlwaysForce Response Menu: If ticked (the default), the player response menu isalways shown, even if there's only one choice. If unticked, it auto-selects thechoice if it's the only one; this is the default behavior in Chat Mapper. Youcan also override this on a line-by-line basis by using the [f] tag.

◦ResponseTimeout: Specifies a countdown time. If the player doesn't select a responsebefore the timeout period, a response will automatically be selected for him.If this property is 0, there is no timeout.

◦QteButtons: The names of buttons defined in UnityEngine.InputManager that will beassociated with specific Quick Time Event (QTE) indicators. (See QTE())

◦Cancel:A key and/or button that the player can use to cancel a dialogue sequence orescape out of the conversation.






•Alert Settings:

◦AllowAlerts During Conversations: Tick to allow the Dialogue UI to display alertmessages during conversations. This is unticked by default, which causes alertmessages to wait until the conversation is done.

◦AlertCheck Frequency: The frequency in seconds that the Dialogue System will checkthe value of the Lua variable Variable["Alert"]. The default value of0 disables the check. If you want to enable the check, 2 is a good value. Forperformance reasons, you probably don't want to set this value too low becauseit has to query the Lua environment every time, which involves a little bit ofoverhead. Note that you can make the Dialogue System manually check by callingDialogueManager.CheckAlerts(). If the variable is set to a non-blank string,the Dialogue System will display the string as a gameplay alert message andreset the variable to a blank string.



?警报检查频率:频率在几秒钟内,对话系统将检查该值的Lua变量[“警报”]。默认值0禁用检查。如果你想使检查,2是一个很好的价值。出于性能原因,你可能不想设置此值太低,因为要查询的Lua环境的每一次,这涉及到一个点的开销。请注意,你可以手动检查对话系统通过调用dialoguemanager checkalerts()。如果变量设置为一个非空的字符串,对话系统将显示的字符串作为一个游戏的警告消息并重置变量为空字符串。

IncludeSim Status: (Notshown in screenshot) Specifies whether to record SimStatus in the Luaenvironment. SimStatus comes from Chat Mapper, and is a way to remember whethera dialogue entry has been offered to the player ('WasOffered'), spoken by anactor ('WasDisplayed'), or neither ('Untouched'). If this information isn'tuseful in your project, you can disable it to save memory.

DebugLevel: Specifieshow much detail to log to the console. By default, only warnings and errors arelogged. If you want to trace through your dialogue tree, it can be very helpfulto change this to Info.

DontDestroy On Load:Specifies that this game object should stick around when loading new levels.It's ticked by default.

AllowOnly One Instance:If ticked (the default), new DialogueSystemController objects will destroythemselves if one already exists in the scene. Otherwise, if you reload a leveland Dont Destroy On Load is ticked, you'll end up with a second object.





Assigna Dialogue Database

In theInspector panel for the Dialogue System Controller, assign your dialoguedatabase to the Database field. The Dialogue System can't start conversationsor barks without an assigned database.

Notethat your scripts can add or remove additional databases usingPixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueManager methods.




Set upa Trigger

Selecta GameObject that will act as a trigger to start a conversation. For example,this could be an NPC or an interactive object such as a computer terminal.

Add atrigger component from the menu Window > Dialogue System > Component> Triggers.

Note: An easier way to set up triggersin general is to use the NPC Setup Wizard, available in Window >Dialogue System > Tools > Wizards.

Theimage below is an example Inspector panel for Conversation Trigger. The Conversation field is set to Sergeant Graves, which is the title of theconversation in the dialogue database. The Trigger is set to OnUse. When theplayer sends an "OnUse" message to the object, the Dialogue Systemwill start the conversation titled Sergeant Graves.






Hint:To test a conversation, add the Conversation Trigger component to a GameObjectand set the Trigger to OnStart. When you start the scene, the conversation willstart immediately.

At thispoint, you can play the scene and test your conversation!




