S(start)起点 E(End)终点
- int open_list;//一个记录下所有被考虑来寻找最短路径的格子
- int close_list; //一个记录下不会再被考虑的格子
- typedef struct point{
- bool Is_Wall;
- struct point* father;//父节点
- int G;// 表示从起点 A 移动到网格上指定方格的移动耗费 (上下左右,还可沿斜方向移动)
- int old_G;//旧G 第一次:从起点 A 直接移动到 A 四周方格的移动耗费 ;上次更新得到的G
- int new_G; //新G 从起点 A 经过当前搜索中心点到其四周指定点的移动耗费
- int H;//表示从指定的方格移动到终点 B 的预计耗费 (H 有很多计算方法, 这里我们设定只可以上下左右移动)
- int F=G+H;//表示该点的总耗费
- }Point;
- point* start_point;
- point* end_point;
- point* min_point;
- point* now_point;
- //FindPath
- do{
- //确定中心搜索点,上一个中心点关闭,新的中心点开启
- 查找:Find the minimumm "point" of "F" from the "open_list" center;
- "now_point" = "min_point";//minimumm point
- "now_point"添加到"close_list";
- //新中心点的周围点开启,新中心点关闭
- 循环遍历:"now_point"相邻的周围8格"s_now_point"中的每一个;
- //这一块它指的就是now_point周围8点当前搜索点 s_now_point,为了简单直接用它表示
- if (它不可通过||它已经在"close_list"中){
- 什么也不做;
- } else if (它不在开启列表中){
- 把它添加进"open_list";
- 把"now_point"作为这它的"father",计算它的"F","G","H";
- }else if (它已经在开启列表中){//通过G来判断是否需要更新
- if (new_G < old_G){
- 更新它的"father"为当前中心搜索点"now_point";
- 更新它的"G"与"F" ;
- } else{
- 不更新,保持原来的"father", "G"与"F" ;
- }
- }
- } while(目标格"end_point"已经在"open_list"||"open_list"==NULL)
- //存在路径:目标格"end_point"已经在"open_list"
- //不存在路径: "open_list"==NULL,搜索了所有可能的点
- import time,sys
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialogButtonBox,QDialog,QMainWindow,QGridLayout,QTextEdit,QLineEdit,QWidget, QMessageBox, QApplication,QLabel,QPushButton,QHBoxLayout,QVBoxLayout
- from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt,QTimer,QObject,pyqtSignal,QBasicTimer
- from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QColor, QFont,QPen
- import json
- class config:
- WIDTH=20#地图列数
- HEIGHT=20#地图行数
- blockLength=30#绘制画面时每一个节点方块的边长
- class point:#点类(每一个唯一坐标只有对应的一个实例)
- _list=[]#储存所有的point类实例
- _tag=True#标记最新创建的实例是否为_list中的已有的实例,True表示不是已有实例
- def __new__(cls,x,y):#重写new方法实现对于同样的坐标只有唯一的一个实例
- for i in point._list:
- if i.x==x and i.y==y:
- point._tag=False
- return i
- nt=super(point,cls).__new__(cls)
- point._list.append(nt)
- return nt
- def __init__(self,x,y):
- if point._tag:
- self.x=x
- self.y=y
- self.father=None
- self.F=0#当前点的评分 F=G+H
- self.G=0#起点到当前节点所花费的消耗
- self.cost=0#父节点到此节点的消耗
- else:
- point._tag=True
- @classmethod
- def clear(cls):#clear方法,每次搜索结束后,将所有点数据清除,以便进行下一次搜索的时候点数据不会冲突。
- point._list=[]
- def __eq__(self,T):#重写==运算以便实现point类的in运算
- if type(self)==type(T):
- return (self.x,self.y)==(T.x,T.y)
- else:
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- return'(%d,%d)[F=%d,G=%d,cost=%d][father:(%s)]'%(self.x,self.y,self.F,self.G,self.cost,str((self.father.x,self.father.y)) if self.father!=None else 'null')
- class A_Search:#核心部分,寻路类
- def __init__(self,arg_start,arg_end,arg_map):
- self.start=arg_start#储存此次搜索的开始点
- self.end=arg_end#储存此次搜索的目的点
- self.Map=arg_map#一个二维数组,为此次搜索的地图引用
- self.open=[]#开放列表:储存即将被搜索的节点
- self.close=[]#关闭列表:储存已经搜索过的节点
- self.result=[]#当计算完成后,将最终得到的路径写入到此属性中
- self.count=0#记录此次搜索所搜索过的节点数
- self.useTime=0#记录此次搜索花费的时间--在此演示中无意义,因为process方法变成了一个逐步处理的生成器,统计时间无意义。
- #开始进行初始数据处理
- self.open.append(arg_start)
- def cal_F(self,loc):
- print('计算值:',loc)
- G=loc.father.G+loc.cost
- H=self.getEstimate(loc)
- F=G+H
- print("F=%d G=%d H=%d"%(F,G,H))
- return {'G':G,'H':H,'F':F}
- def F_Min(self):#搜索open列表中F值最小的点并将其返回,同时判断open列表是否为空,为空则代表搜索失败
- if len(self.open)<=0:
- return None
- t=self.open[0]
- for i in self.open:
- if i.F<t.F:
- t=i
- return t
- def getAroundPoint(self,loc):#获取指定点周围所有可通行的点,并将其对应的移动消耗进行赋值。
- l=[(loc.x,loc.y+1,10),(loc.x+1,loc.y+1,14),(loc.x+1,loc.y,10),(loc.x+1,loc.y-1,14),(loc.x,loc.y-1,10),(loc.x-1,loc.y-1,14),(loc.x-1,loc.y,10),(loc.x-1,loc.y+1,14)]
- for i in l[::-1]:
- if i[0]<0 or i[0]>=config.HEIGHT or i[1]<0 or i[1]>=config.WIDTH:
- l.remove(i)
- nl=[]
- for i in l:
- if self.Map[i[0]][i[1]]==0:
- nt=point(i[0],i[1])
- nt.cost=i[2]
- nl.append(nt)
- return nl
- def addToOpen(self,l,father):#此次判断的点周围的可通行点加入到open列表中,如此点已经在open列表中则对其进行判断,如果此次路径得到的F值较之之前的F值更小,则将其父节点更新为此次判断的点,同时更新F、G值。
- for i in l:
- if i not in self.open:
- if i not in self.close:
- i.father=father
- self.open.append(i)
- r=self.cal_F(i)
- i.G=r['G']
- i.F=r['F']
- else:
- tf=i.father
- i.father=father
- r=self.cal_F(i)
- if i.F>r['F']:
- i.G=r['G']
- i.F=r['F']
- # i.father=father
- else:
- i.father=tf
- def getEstimate(self,loc):#H :从点loc移动到终点的预估花费
- return (abs(loc.x-self.end.x)+abs(loc.y-self.end.y))*10
- def DisplayPath(self):#在此演示中无意义
- print('搜索花费的时间:%.2fs.迭代次数%d,路径长度:%d'%(self.useTime,self.count,len(self.result)))
- if self.result!=None:
- for i in self.result:
- self.Map[i.x][i.y]=8
- for i in self.Map:
- for j in i:
- if j==0:
- print('%s'%'□',end='')
- elif j==1:
- print('%s'%'▽',end='')
- elif j==8:
- print('%s'%'★',end='')
- print('')
- else:
- print('搜索失败,无可通行路径')
- def process(self):#使用yield将process方法变成一个生成器,可以逐步的对搜索过程进行处理并返回关键数据
- while True:
- self.count+=1
- tar=self.F_Min()#先获取open列表中F值最低的点tar
- if tar==None:
- self.result=None
- self.count=-1
- break
- else:
- aroundP=self.getAroundPoint(tar)#获取tar周围的可用点列表aroundP
- self.addToOpen(aroundP,tar)#把aroundP加入到open列表中并更新F值以及设定父节点
- self.open.remove(tar)#将tar从open列表中移除
- self.close.append(tar)#已经迭代过的节点tar放入close列表中
- if self.end in self.open:#判断终点是否已经处于open列表中
- e=self.end
- self.result.append(e)
- while True:
- e=e.father
- if e==None:
- break
- self.result.append(e)
- yield (tar,self.open,self.close)
- break
- # self.repaint()
- # print('返回')
- yield (tar,self.open,self.close)
- time.sleep(5)#暂停
- self.useTime=time2-time1
- class GameBoard(QMainWindow):#可视化类,pyqt5进行编写。
- def __init__(self):
- print('初始化地图...')
- self.Map=[]
- for i in range(config.HEIGHT):
- col=[]
- for j in range(config.WIDTH):
- col.append(0)
- self.Map.append(col)
- self.startPoint=None
- self.endPoint=None
- self.search=None
- self.centerTimer=None
- self.yi=None
- self.special=None
- self.displayFlush=False
- super().__init__()
- print('初始化UI...')
- self.initUI()
- def initUI(self):
- #开始初始化UI部分
- #创建UI控件
- self.label_tips=QLabel("<p style='color:green'>使用说明:</p>右键单击格子选定起始点,左键格子选定格子为墙壁或删除墙壁。\n<p style='color:green'>颜色说明:</p>\n黄色代表起点,绿色代表终点,黑色代表墙壁,红色代表待搜索的open列表,灰色代表已搜索过的close列表,蓝色代表当前搜索到的路径",self)
- self.label_display=QLabel("",self)
- self.button_start=QPushButton("开始搜索",self)
- self.button_clearSE=QPushButton("重选起始点",self)
- self.button_clearWall=QPushButton("清空地图墙壁",self)
- self.button_saveMap=QPushButton("保存地图",self)
- self.button_loadMap=QPushButton("加载地图",self)
- #设置控件属性
- self.label_tips.setWordWrap(True)
- self.label_display.setWordWrap(True)
- #设置控件样式
- self.label_display.setStyleSheet("border:1px solid black")
- self.label_display.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft)
- self.label_display.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop)
- #设置控件的尺寸和位置
- self.label_tips.resize(200,150)
- self.button_saveMap.resize(80,30)
- self.button_loadMap.resize(80,30)
- self.label_display.resize(200,300)
- self.label_tips.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,0)
- self.label_display.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,400)
- self.button_start.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,200)
- self.button_clearSE.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,250)
- self.button_clearWall.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,300)
- self.button_saveMap.move(100+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,350)
- self.button_loadMap.move(200+(config.WIDTH-1)*config.blockLength,350)
- #给控件绑定事件
- self.button_start.clicked.connect(self.button_StartEvent)
- self.button_clearSE.clicked.connect(self.button_Clear)
- self.button_clearWall.clicked.connect(self.button_Clear)
- self.button_saveMap.clicked.connect(self.button_SaveMap)
- self.button_loadMap.clicked.connect(self.button_LoadMap)
- #UI初始化完成
- self.setGeometry(0, 0, 150+(config.WIDTH*config.blockLength-config.blockLength)+200, 150+(config.HEIGHT*config.blockLength-config.blockLength))
- self.setMinimumSize(150+(config.WIDTH*config.blockLength-config.blockLength)+200, 150+(config.HEIGHT*config.blockLength-config.blockLength))
- self.setMaximumSize(150+(config.WIDTH*config.blockLength-config.blockLength)+200, 150+(config.HEIGHT*config.blockLength-config.blockLength))
- self.setWindowTitle('A*搜索')
- self.show()
- def addDisplayText(self,text):
- if self.displayFlush:
- self.label_display.setText(text+'\n')
- self.displayFlush=False
- else:
- self.label_display.setText(self.label_display.text()+text+'\n')
- def mousePressEvent(self,event):
- x,y=event.x()-50,event.y()-50
- x=x//config.blockLength
- y=y//config.blockLength
- if x>=0 and x<config.WIDTH and y>=0 and y<config.HEIGHT:
- if event.button()==Qt.LeftButton:
- if (x,y)!=self.startPoint and (x,y)!=self.endPoint:
- self.Map[y][x]=(1 if self.Map[y][x]==0 else 0)
- if event.button()==Qt.RightButton:
- if self.Map[y][x]==0:
- if self.startPoint==None:
- self.startPoint=(x,y)
- self.addDisplayText('添加了一个起点:(%d,%d)'%(x,y))
- elif self.endPoint==None and self.startPoint!=(x,y):
- self.endPoint=(x,y)
- self.addDisplayText('添加了一个终点:(%d,%d)'%(x,y))
- self.repaint()
- def button_StartEvent(self):
- sender=self.sender()
- print(sender)
- if self.startPoint!=None and self.endPoint!=None:
- if self.centerTimer==None:
- self.centerTimer=QBasicTimer()
- self.button_start.setEnabled(False)
- self.button_clearSE.setEnabled(False)
- self.button_clearWall.setEnabled(False)
- self.centerTimer.start(200,self)
- self.search=A_Search(point(self.startPoint[1],self.startPoint[0]),point(self.endPoint[1],self.endPoint[0]),self.Map)
- self.yi=self.search.process()
- self.addDisplayText('开始进行搜索')
- def button_SaveMap(self):
- with open('map.txt','w') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(self.Map))
- self.addDisplayText('地图保存成功-->map.txt')
- # else:
- # self.addDisplayText('地图保存失败')
- def button_LoadMap(self):
- try:
- with open('map.txt','r') as f:
- self.Map=json.loads(f.read())
- config.HEIGHT=len(self.Map)
- config.WIDTH=len(self.Map[0])
- self.addDisplayText('地图加载成功')
- self.repaint()
- except Exception as e:
- print('失败',e,type(e))
- if type(e)==FileNotFoundError:
- self.addDisplayText('地图加载失败:地图文件不存在')
- elif type(e)==json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
- self.addDisplayText('地图加载失败:错误的地图文件')
- def button_Clear(self):
- sender=self.sender()
- print(self.button_clearSE,type(self.button_clearSE))
- if sender==self.button_clearSE:
- self.startPoint=None
- self.endPoint=None
- self.repaint()
- self.addDisplayText('清空起始点')
- elif sender==self.button_clearWall:
- for i in range(len(self.Map)):
- for j in range(len(self.Map[i])):
- self.Map[i][j]=0
- self.repaint()
- self.addDisplayText('清空所有墙壁')
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- qp = QPainter()
- qp.begin(self)
- self.drawBoard(event,qp)
- qp.end()
- def drawBoard(self, event, qp):
- self.drawMap(qp)
- def drawMap(self,qp):#画面绘制方法,每次地图有所改动都将重绘
- time1=time.time()
- if self.search!=None:
- if self.special!=None:
- e=self.special[0]
- path=[e]
- while True:
- e=e.father
- if e!=None:
- path.append(e)
- else:
- break
- else:
- path=None
- pen=QPen(QColor(0,0,0),1,Qt.SolidLine)
- qp.setPen(pen)
- for i in range(len(self.Map)):
- for j in range(len(self.Map[i])):
- wordTag=False
- if i==self.search.start.x and j==self.search.start.y:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(255,255,0))
- elif i==self.search.end.x and j==self.search.end.y:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(100,200,50))
- else:
- if self.Map[i][j]==0:
- tagx=True
- if path:
- for k in path:
- if k.x==i and k.y==j:
- tagx=False
- qp.setBrush(QColor(0,100,255))
- if tagx:
- if self.special!=None:
- if i==self.special[0].x and j==self.special[0].y:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(0,255,0))
- else:
- tag=True
- for k in self.special[1]:
- if k.x==i and k.y==j:
- tag=False
- wordTag=True
- word=str(k.F)
- qp.setBrush(QColor(150,0,0))
- break
- else:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(220,220,220))
- if tag:
- for k in self.special[2]:
- if k.x==i and k.y==j:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(150,150,150))
- break
- else:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(220,220,220))
- else:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(220,220,220))
- elif self.Map[i][j]==1:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(0,0,0))
- else:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(255,0,0))
- qp.drawRect(50+j*config.blockLength,50+i*config.blockLength,config.blockLength,config.blockLength)
- if wordTag:
- qp.setFont(QFont('楷体',5,QFont.Light))
- qp.drawText(50+10+j*config.blockLength,50+10+i*config.blockLength,word)
- wordTag=False
- #time.sleep(20)
- else:
- for i in range(len(self.Map)):
- for j in range(len(self.Map[i])):
- if (j,i)==self.startPoint:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(255,255,0))
- elif (j,i)==self.endPoint:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(100,200,50))
- else:
- if self.Map[i][j]==0:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(220,220,220))
- elif self.Map[i][j]==1:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(0,0,0))
- else:
- qp.setBrush(QColor(255,0,0))
- qp.drawRect(50+j*config.blockLength,50+i*config.blockLength,config.blockLength,config.blockLength)
- time2=time.time()
- #time.sleep(20)
- # print('绘制时间:',time2-time1)
- def timerEvent(self,e):
- try:
- data=next(self.yi)
- except Exception as e:
- self.addDisplayText('搜索结束:')
- print('搜索结束!')
- if self.search.result==None:
- self.addDisplayText('未找到可行路径')
- print('搜索结束!')
- else:
- self.addDisplayText('总计搜索节点数:%d'%self.search.count)
- self.addDisplayText('最终路径长度:%d'%len(self.search.result))
- self.centerTimer.stop()
- self.search=None
- self.yi=None
- self.special=None
- point.clear()
- self.button_start.setEnabled(True)
- self.button_clearSE.setEnabled(True)
- self.button_clearWall.setEnabled(True)
- self.displayFlush=True
- else:
- self.special=data
- self.repaint()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- ex = GameBoard()
- sys.exit(app.exec_())
- 初始化地图...
- 初始化UI...
- <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPushButton object at 0x0000017CC699AC18>
- 计算值: (2,3)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((2, 2))]
- F=40 G=10 H=30
- 计算值: (3,3)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((2, 2))]
- F=54 G=14 H=40
- 计算值: (3,2)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((2, 2))]
- F=60 G=10 H=50
- 计算值: (3,1)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((2, 2))]
- F=74 G=14 H=60
- 计算值: (2,1)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((2, 2))]
- F=60 G=10 H=50
- 计算值: (1,1)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((2, 2))]
- F=74 G=14 H=60
- 计算值: (1,2)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((2, 2))]
- F=60 G=10 H=50
- 计算值: (1,3)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((2, 2))]
- F=54 G=14 H=40
- 计算值: (3,3)[F=54,G=14,cost=10][father:((2, 3))]
- F=60 G=20 H=40
- 计算值: (3,2)[F=60,G=10,cost=14][father:((2, 3))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (1,2)[F=60,G=10,cost=14][father:((2, 3))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (1,3)[F=54,G=14,cost=10][father:((2, 3))]
- F=60 G=20 H=40
- 计算值: (4,4)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((3, 3))]
- F=68 G=28 H=40
- 计算值: (4,3)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((3, 3))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (4,2)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((3, 3))]
- F=88 G=28 H=60
- 计算值: (3,2)[F=60,G=10,cost=10][father:((3, 3))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (1,2)[F=60,G=10,cost=10][father:((1, 3))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (0,2)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((1, 3))]
- F=88 G=28 H=60
- 计算值: (0,3)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((1, 3))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (0,4)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((1, 3))]
- F=68 G=28 H=40
- 计算值: (4,3)[F=74,G=24,cost=14][father:((3, 2))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (4,2)[F=88,G=28,cost=10][father:((3, 2))]
- F=80 G=20 H=60
- 计算值: (4,1)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((3, 2))]
- F=94 G=24 H=70
- 计算值: (3,1)[F=74,G=14,cost=10][father:((3, 2))]
- F=80 G=20 H=60
- 计算值: (2,1)[F=60,G=10,cost=14][father:((3, 2))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (3,1)[F=74,G=14,cost=10][father:((2, 1))]
- F=80 G=20 H=60
- 计算值: (3,0)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((2, 1))]
- F=94 G=24 H=70
- 计算值: (2,0)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((2, 1))]
- F=80 G=20 H=60
- 计算值: (1,0)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((2, 1))]
- F=94 G=24 H=70
- 计算值: (1,1)[F=74,G=14,cost=10][father:((2, 1))]
- F=80 G=20 H=60
- 计算值: (1,2)[F=60,G=10,cost=14][father:((2, 1))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (1,1)[F=74,G=14,cost=10][father:((1, 2))]
- F=80 G=20 H=60
- 计算值: (0,1)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((1, 2))]
- F=94 G=24 H=70
- 计算值: (0,2)[F=88,G=28,cost=10][father:((1, 2))]
- F=80 G=20 H=60
- 计算值: (0,3)[F=74,G=24,cost=14][father:((1, 2))]
- F=74 G=24 H=50
- 计算值: (4,5)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((4, 4))]
- F=68 G=38 H=30
- 计算值: (5,5)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((4, 4))]
- F=82 G=42 H=40
- 计算值: (5,4)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((4, 4))]
- F=88 G=38 H=50
- 计算值: (5,3)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((4, 4))]
- F=102 G=42 H=60
- 计算值: (4,3)[F=74,G=24,cost=10][father:((4, 4))]
- F=88 G=38 H=50
- 计算值: (3,5)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((4, 4))]
- F=62 G=42 H=20
- 计算值: (3,6)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((3, 5))]
- F=62 G=52 H=10
- 计算值: (4,6)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((3, 5))]
- F=76 G=56 H=20
- 计算值: (4,5)[F=68,G=38,cost=10][father:((3, 5))]
- F=82 G=52 H=30
- 计算值: (2,5)[F=0,G=0,cost=10][father:((3, 5))]
- F=62 G=52 H=10
- 计算值: (2,6)[F=0,G=0,cost=14][father:((3, 5))]
- F=56 G=56 H=0
- 搜索结束!
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