#include "opencv2/core.hpp"#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"c..._ncnn 人脸对齐">
- //aligner.cpp
- #include "aligner.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include "opencv2/core.hpp"
- #include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
- class Aligner::Impl {
- public:
- int Align(const cv::Mat& img_src, const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& keypoints, cv::Mat* face_aligned);
- private:
- cv::Mat MeanAxis0(const cv::Mat &src);
- cv::Mat ElementwiseMinus(const cv::Mat &A, const cv::Mat &B);
- cv::Mat VarAxis0(const cv::Mat &src);
- int MatrixRank(cv::Mat M);
- cv::Mat SimilarTransform(const cv::Mat& src, const cv::Mat& dst);
- float points_dst[5][2] = {
- { 30.2946f + 8.0f, 51.6963f },
- { 65.5318f + 8.0f, 51.5014f },
- { 48.0252f + 8.0f, 71.7366f },
- { 33.5493f + 8.0f, 92.3655f },
- { 62.7299f + 8.0f, 92.2041f }
- };
- };
- Aligner::Aligner() {
- impl_ = new Impl();
- }
- Aligner::~Aligner() {
- if (impl_) {
- delete impl_;
- }
- }
- int Aligner::Align(const cv::Mat & img_src,
- const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& keypoints, cv::Mat * face_aligned) {
- return impl_->Align(img_src, keypoints, face_aligned);
- }
- int Aligner::Impl::Align(const cv::Mat & img_src,
- const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& keypoints, cv::Mat * face_aligned) {
- std::cout << "start align face." << std::endl;
- if (img_src.empty()) {
- std::cout << "input empty." << std::endl;
- return 10001;
- }
- if (keypoints.size() == 0) {
- std::cout << "keypoints empty." << std::endl;
- return 10001;
- }
- float points_src[5][2] = {
- {keypoints[104].x, keypoints[104].y},
- {keypoints[105].x, keypoints[105].y},
- {keypoints[46].x, keypoints[46].y },
- {keypoints[84].x, keypoints[84].y },
- {keypoints[90].x, keypoints[90].y}
- };
- cv::Mat src_mat(5, 2, CV_32FC1, points_src);
- cv::Mat dst_mat(5, 2, CV_32FC1, points_dst);
- cv::Mat transform = SimilarTransform(src_mat, dst_mat);
- face_aligned->create(112, 112, CV_32FC3);
- cv::Mat transfer_mat = transform(cv::Rect(0, 0, 3, 2));
- cv::warpAffine(img_src.clone(), *face_aligned, transfer_mat, cv::Size(112, 112), 1, 0, 0);
- std::cout << "end align face." << std::endl;
- return 0;
- }
- cv::Mat Aligner::Impl::MeanAxis0(const cv::Mat & src) {
- int num = src.rows;
- int dim = src.cols;
- // x1 y1
- // x2 y2
- cv::Mat output(1, dim, CV_32FC1);
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
- float sum = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
- sum += src.at<float>(j, i);
- }
- output.at<float>(0, i) = sum / num;
- }
- return output;
- }
- cv::Mat Aligner::Impl::ElementwiseMinus(const cv::Mat & A, const cv::Mat & B) {
- cv::Mat output(A.rows, A.cols, A.type());
- assert(B.cols == A.cols);
- if (B.cols == A.cols) {
- for (int i = 0; i < A.rows; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < B.cols; j++) {
- output.at<float>(i, j) = A.at<float>(i, j) - B.at<float>(0, j);
- }
- }
- }
- return output;
- }
- cv::Mat Aligner::Impl::VarAxis0(const cv::Mat & src) {
- cv::Mat temp_ = ElementwiseMinus(src, MeanAxis0(src));
- cv::multiply(temp_, temp_, temp_);
- return MeanAxis0(temp_);
- }
- int Aligner::Impl::MatrixRank(cv::Mat M) {
- cv::Mat w, u, vt;
- cv::SVD::compute(M, w, u, vt);
- cv::Mat1b nonZeroSingularValues = w > 0.0001;
- int rank = countNonZero(nonZeroSingularValues);
- return rank;
- }
- /*
- References: "Least-squares estimation of transformation parameters between two point patterns", Shinji Umeyama, PAMI 1991, DOI: 10.1109/34.88573
- Anthor: Jack Yu
- */
- cv::Mat Aligner::Impl::SimilarTransform(const cv::Mat & src, const cv::Mat & dst) {
- int num = src.rows;
- int dim = src.cols;
- cv::Mat src_mean = MeanAxis0(src);
- cv::Mat dst_mean = MeanAxis0(dst);
- cv::Mat src_demean = ElementwiseMinus(src, src_mean);
- cv::Mat dst_demean = ElementwiseMinus(dst, dst_mean);
- cv::Mat A = (dst_demean.t() * src_demean) / static_cast<float>(num);
- cv::Mat d(dim, 1, CV_32F);
- d.setTo(1.0f);
- if (cv::determinant(A) < 0) {
- d.at<float>(dim - 1, 0) = -1;
- }
- cv::Mat T = cv::Mat::eye(dim + 1, dim + 1, CV_32F);
- cv::Mat U, S, V;
- cv::SVD::compute(A, S, U, V);
- // the SVD function in opencv differ from scipy .
- int rank = MatrixRank(A);
- if (rank == 0) {
- assert(rank == 0);
- }
- else if (rank == dim - 1) {
- if (cv::determinant(U) * cv::determinant(V) > 0) {
- T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(0, dim) = U * V;
- }
- else {
- int s = d.at<float>(dim - 1, 0) = -1;
- d.at<float>(dim - 1, 0) = -1;
- T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(0, dim) = U * V;
- cv::Mat diag_ = cv::Mat::diag(d);
- cv::Mat twp = diag_ * V; //np.dot(np.diag(d), V.T)
- cv::Mat B = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_8UC1);
- cv::Mat C = B.diag(0);
- T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(0, dim) = U * twp;
- d.at<float>(dim - 1, 0) = s;
- }
- }
- else {
- cv::Mat diag_ = cv::Mat::diag(d);
- cv::Mat twp = diag_ * V.t(); //np.dot(np.diag(d), V.T)
- cv::Mat res = U * twp; // U
- T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(0, dim) = -U.t()* twp;
- }
- cv::Mat var_ = VarAxis0(src_demean);
- float val = cv::sum(var_).val[0];
- cv::Mat res;
- cv::multiply(d, S, res);
- float scale = 1.0 / val * cv::sum(res).val[0];
- T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(0, dim) = -T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(0, dim).t();
- cv::Mat temp1 = T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(0, dim); // T[:dim, :dim]
- cv::Mat temp2 = src_mean.t();
- cv::Mat temp3 = temp1 * temp2;
- cv::Mat temp4 = scale * temp3;
- T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(dim, dim + 1) = -(temp4 - dst_mean.t());
- T.rowRange(0, dim).colRange(0, dim) *= scale;
- return T;
- }

- // aligner.h
- #ifndef _FACE_ALIGNER_H_
- #define _FACE_ALIGNER_H_
- #include "opencv2/core.hpp"
- class Aligner {
- public:
- Aligner();
- ~Aligner();
- int Align(const cv::Mat & img_src,
- const std::vector<cv::Point2f>& keypoints, cv::Mat * face_aligned);
- private:
- class Impl;
- Impl* impl_;
- };
- #endif // !_FACE_ALIGNER_H_

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