adb全称为Android debug bridge,PC电脑可利用adb命令对安卓设备进行操作
(1)可下载以下安卓模拟器来学习操作:Android Studio emulator(官方)、genymotion、mumu、雷电、夜神、逍遥等。
(2)不同的模拟器有不同的连接方式,要找到对于的模拟器连接方式,比如mumu模拟器则可以通过以下指令进行连接:win+R->输入“cmd”进入终端命令行输入:adb connect IP+端口号(如mumu模拟器是:adb connect
(1)USB线连接:让安卓设备进入调试模式:关于->版本号连点击7下->开发者模式->打开USB调试;window端看实际情况看是否需要安装相关驱动(我这没特地安装也可正常使用),PC通过USB线连接安卓设备,进入window终端,输入adb devices。
C:\Users\24637>adb devices
List of devices attached device
(2)网络连接:是PC与设备处于同一个局域网,执行adb connect IP:端口号(若提示目标用户拒绝(一般是由于端口占用导致),则先使用USB数据线连接手机和电脑,在PC端打开cmd命令窗口,输入adb devices ,可以看到已经连接的设备,输入“adb tcpip 端口号(想要重置成的端口号)”后拔掉USB线,连接上同一个局域网重新connect连接便可)
C:\Users\24637>adb devices
List of devices attached
80f8cc84 device
C:\Users\24637>adb tcpip 5037
restarting in TCP mode port: 5037
C:\Users\24637>adb connect
connected to
C:\Users\24637>adb devices
List of devices attached device
(1)连接设备:adb connect IP:端口号(-s:可指定连接设别)
(2)查询adb设备和查看状态:adb devices
C:\Users\24637>adb devices
List of devices attached device
(3)查询adb状态:adb get-state
C:\Users\24637>adb get-state
(4)杀死adb服务:adb kill-server
C:\Users\24637>adb kill-server
C:\Users\24637>adb devices
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
List of devices attached
(1)adb /-e/-s/-s/ serialNumber command
adb -s shell dumpsys cpuinfo
Load: 5.47 / 4.4 / 4.28
CPU usage from 9743ms to 108ms ago (2022-04-05 22:09:18.727 to 2022-04-05 22:14:40.072) with 2% awake:
21% 1510/system_server: 5.4% user + 16% kernel / faults: 1611 minor
(1)adb install <apk路径>(普通安装)
(2)adb install -r <apk路径>(覆盖安装)
(3)adb -s <设备名字> install -r <apk路径>(指定设备覆盖安装)
adb install C:\Users\24637>adb install C:\Users\24637\Desktop\weixin8021android2120_arm64.apk
Performing Streamed Install
(1)卸载所有,包括存储数据:adb uninstall 包名(有唯一的包名)
(2)卸载应用(不删除配置文件,保存数据缓存信息):adb uninstall -k 包名
(3)adb shell进入手机的内环境#,可查看缓存数据
cd /data/data(所有应用的数据文件夹)-> ls
C:\Users\24637>adb uninstall com.tencent.mm
(2)adb shell “dumpsys window | grep CurrentFocus”(获取当前活动页的标签)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell "dumpsys window | grep mCurrentFocus"
mCurrentFocus=Window{43100 u0 com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity}
(3)adb shell pm list packages -3(获取系统安装的APK的包名标签)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell pm list packages
(4)adb logcat ActivityManager:I | findstr “cmp”(使用adb打印命令,打印对应标签的信息,可找到对应活动页的标签名称)
C:\Users\24637>adb logcat ActivityManager:I | findstr "cmp"
04-05 12:10:58.298 1510 1668 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=action.com.heytap.openid.OPEN_ID_SERVICE cmp=com.heytap.openid/.IdentifyService } U=0: not found
04-05 12:28:11.426 1510 1905 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=action.com.heytap.openid.OPEN_ID_SERVICE cmp=com.heytap.openid/.IdentifyService } U=0: not found
(5)adb shell am start -n <apk包名/活动页>(启动对应的应用或页面,输入后便可打开对应APK的活动页面)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell "dumpsys window | grep mCurrentFocus"
mCurrentFocus=Window{deca79 u0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}
C:\Users\24637>adb shell am start -n com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.tencent.mobileqq/.activity.SplashActivity }
Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front
(1)adb shell ls(查看当前路径文件)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell ls
(2)adb shell date(查看日期)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell date
Tue Apr 5 23:25:28 CST 2022
(3)adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo(打开CPU信息文件)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor : AArch64 Processor rev 4 (aarch64)
processor : 0
BogoMIPS : 38.40
Features : fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
CPU implementer : 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant : 0xa
CPU part : 0x801
CPU revision : 4
(4)adb shell cat /proc/meminfo
C:\Users\24637>adb shell cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 3832048 kB
MemFree: 288900 kB
MemAvailable: 1563108 kB
Buffers: 73528 kB
Cached: 1321356 kB
SwapCached: 8500 kB
Active: 1530472 kB
(1)adb shell pm list packages(列举所有的应用包)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell pm list packages
(2)adb shell pm list packages -s(列出系统应用包)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell pm list packages -s
(3)adb shell pm list packages -3(列举用户自行安装的包)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell pm list packages -3
(4)adb shell pm clear <应用包名>(清楚对应应用的数据,让其处于刚安装状态)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell pm clear cn.wps.moffice_eng
adb shell进入内环境,进入文件夹data/data可查看对应应用的数据文件
(1)adb push <电脑路径> <设备路径>(把文件从电脑推到安卓设备)
C:\Users\24637>adb push C:\Users\24637\Desktop\test.txt /sdcard
C:\Users\24637\Desktop\test.txt: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (19 bytes in 0.043s)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell
clover:/ $ cd sdcard/
clover:/sdcard $ cat test.txt
hello world!!
(2)adb pull <设备路径> <电脑路径>(把文件从安卓设备推到电脑)
C:\Users\24637>adb pull /sdcard/test.txt C:\Users\24637\Desktop\
/sdcard/test.txt: 1 file pulled, 0 skipped. 0.0 MB/s (19 bytes in 0.025s)
(3)cd data/data(系统路径,不能随意操作)cd sdcard(内存卡路径,可操作)
(1)adb logcat 级别
(2)adb logcat 参数
adb logcat --help(可查看关于logcat使用的帮助信息)
C:\Users\24637>adb logcat --help
Usage: logcat [options] [filterspecs]
options include:
-s Set default filter to silent. Equivalent to filterspec '*:S'
adb logcat -v time(显示事件)
adb logcat -v color(显示打印的颜色)
adb logcat -f <sdcard/log.lo>(保存日志到当前安卓设备)
C:\Users\24637>adb logcat -f /sdcard/test.logcat
C:\Users\24637>adb shell
1|clover:/ $ cat /sdcard/test.logcat
--------- beginning of system
04-05 11:51:37.079 1510 1785 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.qualcomm.qti.callenhancement/.CallEnhancementService in 1000ms
04-05 11:51:37.186 1510 2599 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.statementservice/.DirectStatementService in 10893ms
adb logcat > <电脑路径>(保存日志到电脑)
C:\Users\24637>adb logcat -v color > C:\Users\24637\Desktop\test.logcat
adb logcat -c(清理日志缓存,清理后,logcat会重新从头开始打印,而不会打印之前的缓存打印信息)
C:\Users\24637>adb logcat -c
C:\Users\24637>adb logcat
--------- beginning of main
04-06 12:44:11.586 1510 1528 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000
04-06 12:44:11.586 1510 1528 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000
04-06 12:44:11.586 1510 1528 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
adb logcat “*:w”(打印warn及以上级别的日志,可设定打印特定优先级的打印信息)
C:\Users\24637>adb logcat "*:w"
--------- beginning of main
04-06 12:44:19.110 22440 23162 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
04-06 12:44:19.111 22440 23162 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1
04-06 12:44:19.150 762 762 E FIDOCA : : get_fp_vendor property_get : none
04-06 12:44:32.593 762 762 E FIDOCA : : get_fp_vendor property_get : none
04-06 12:45:18.168 762 762 E FIDOCA : : get_fp_vendor property_get : none
04-06 12:45:19.061 22440 22477 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module
adb logcat ActivityManager:D “*:S”(过滤tag为Activitymanager,level为debug及以上级别的日志)
C:\Users\24637>adb logcat ActivityManager:D "*:S"
--------- beginning of main
04-06 12:47:27.011 1510 1510 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast miui.intent.action.SMART_COVER from system 1510:system/1000 pkg android. Callers=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked:20211 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent:20520 android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastAsUser:1140 miui.util.SmartCoverManager.handleLidSwitchChanged:197 miui.util.SmartCoverManager.notifyLidSwitchChanged:100
04-06 12:47:27.011 1510 1510 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast miui.intent.action.SMART_COVER from system 1510:system/1000 pkg android. Callers=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntentLocked:20333 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.broadcastIntent:20520 android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastAsUser:1140 miui.util.SmartCoverManager.handleLidSwitchChanged:197 miui.util.SmartCoverManager.notifyLidSwitchChanged:100
--------- beginning of system
04-06 12:47:34.092 1510 1532 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.tencent.mobileqq/.activity.SplashActivity: +218ms
Force closed 强制退出
Anr (application no response)程序无响应
(1)adb shell input --help
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input --help Error: Unknown command: --help Usage: input [<source>] <command> [<arg>...] The sources are: dpad keyboard mouse touchpad gamepad touchnavigation joystick touchscreen stylus trackball The commands and default sources are: text <string> (Default: touchscreen) keyevent [--longpress] <key code number or name> ... (Default: keyboard) tap <x> <y> (Default: touchscreen) swipe <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [duration(ms)] (Default: touchscreen) draganddrop <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [duration(ms)] (Default: touchscreen) press (Default: trackball) roll <dx> <dy> (Default: trackball) tmode <tmode>
(2)adb shell input tap x y(点击对应坐标)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input tap 717.4 899.5
(3)adb shell input test 文本(光标放在输入框里面)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input text 1234567890
(4)adb input shell swipe 起点x 起点y 终点x 终点y 滑动时常(毫秒)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input swipe 587 1601 520 323 1000
(5)adb shell input keyevent <编号>(模拟手机按键)
(6)adb shell input keyevent 4(点击手机的返回)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input keyevent 4
(7)adb shell input keyevent 3(回home,置于后台运行)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input keyevent 3
(8)adb shell input keyevent 24(volume +)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input keyevent 24
(9)adb shell input keyevent 25(volume -)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input keyevent 25
(11)adb shell input draganddrop x1 y1 x2 y2 <毫秒>(拖动)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell input draganddrop 995 890 862 1424 1000
(12)adb shell input press(不懂,暂未找到具体的应用场景)
(13)adb shell input roll(不懂,暂未找到具体的应用场景)
(14)adb shell input tmode(不懂,暂未找到具体的应用场景)
(1)adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo(查看当前系统CPU使用情况)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo
Load: 4.53 / 4.71 / 4.71
CPU usage from 61745ms to 17835ms ago (2022-04-06 21:20:30.177 to 2022-04-06 21:21:14.086):
3.9% 31550/com.tencent.mobileqq: 1.1% user + 2.7% kernel / faults: 75 minor
1.7% 1510/system_server: 0.9% user + 0.8% kernel / faults: 214 minor
1.6% 2355/com.miui.daemon: 0.7% user + 0.8% kernel / faults: 93 minor
(2)adb shell dumpsys meminfo(查看当前系统内存的使用情况)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell dumpsys meminfo
Applications Memory Usage (in Kilobytes):
Uptime: 55255567 Realtime: 519976278
Total PSS by process:
233,353K: com.tencent.mobileqq (pid 31550)
226,479K: com.android.systemui (pid 1651 / activities)
223,112K: system (pid 1510)
(3)adb shell dumpsys meminfo + 包名(查看当前应用内存的使用情况)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell dumpsys meminfo com.tencent.mobileqq
Applications Memory Usage (in Kilobytes):
Uptime: 55354761 Realtime: 520113614
** MEMINFO in pid 31550 [com.tencent.mobileqq] **
(4)adb shell dumpsys battry(查看电池状态)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell dumpsys battery Current Battery Service state: AC powered: false USB powered: false Wireless powered: false Max charging current: 0 Max charging voltage: 0 Charge counter: 1863418 status: 3 health: 2 present: true level: 71 scale: 100 voltage: 3987 temperature: 300 technology: Li-poly
AC powered: true
USB powered: false
Wireless powered: false
Max charging current: 2000000(最大充电电流)
status: 2(充电状态,其他数字为非充电状态)
health: 2(只有数字2表示good)
present: true(电池是否安装在机身)
level: 89(电池百分比)
scale: 100
voltage: 4172(电池电压)
temperature: 377(温度37.7)
technology: Li-poly(电池种类)
(5)adb shell top(当前系统的进程使用情况(类似任务管理器))
Tasks: 678 total, 2 running, 671 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Mem: 3832048k total, 3702832k used, 129216k free, 55404k buffers
Swap: 2306044k total, 296776k used, 2009268k free, 1328704k cached
800%cpu 3%user 0%nice 44%sys 740%idle 6%iow 2%irq 5%sirq 0%host
1510 system 18 -2 4.5G 275M 174M S 23.8 7.3 75:54.44 system_server
(6)adb shell top | findstr 包名(对应应用的占用)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell top | findstr com.tencent.mob+
[H[JTasks: 675 total, 1 running, 668 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
[H[JTasks: 675 total, 1 running, 668 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
31550 u0_a188 20 0 5.2G 449M 213M S 0.6 12.0 2:03.75 com.tencent.mob+
(7)Adb shell top -d 1|grep 包名(打印时间和对应应用的占用)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell top -d 1| findstr com.xunmeng.pin+
21100 u0_a150 20 0 4.3G 126M 54M S 10.7 3.3 2:58.72 com.xunmeng.pin+
21100 u0_a150 20 0 4.3G 126M 54M S 10.7 3.3 2:58.72 com.xunmeng.pin+
(1)Adb shell monkey <参数> (随机发送事件数)
adb shell monkey -v <参数> (随机发送事件数)
adb shell monkey -vv <参数> (随机发送事件数)
adb shell monkey -vvv <参数> (随机发送事件数)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell monkey -vvv 100
bash arg: -vvv
bash arg: 100
args: [-vvv, 100]
arg: "-vvv"
arg: "100"
:Monkey: seed=1649380636258 count=100
:IncludeCategory: android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
:IncludeCategory: android.intent.category.MONKEY
// Event percentages:
// 0: 15.0%
adb shell
ps | grep monkey
kill -9 进程号
(3)指定包名压力测试 adb shell monkey -p 包名 事件数
C:\Users\24637>adb shell monkey -p com.tencent.mobileqq 10
bash arg: -p
bash arg: com.tencent.mobileqq
bash arg: 10
args: [-p, com.tencent.mobileqq, 10]
arg: "-p"
arg: "com.tencent.mobileqq"
arg: "10"
Events injected: 10
## Network stats: elapsed time=162ms (0ms mobile, 0ms wifi, 162ms not connected)
(4)adb shell monkey -p 包名 -p 包名 -vvv 10(多个包随机事件)(adb shell monkey -p com.tencent.mobileqq -p com.aligames.sgzzlb.aligames -vvv 10)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell monkey -p com.tencent.mobileqq -p com.aligames.sgzzlb.aligames -vvv 10
bash arg: -p
bash arg: com.tencent.mobileqq
bash arg: -p
bash arg: com.aligames.sgzzlb.aligames
bash arg: -vvv
bash arg: 10
(5)adb shell monkey -p 包名 -p 包名 --throttle 时长 -vvv 1000(加入每次事件的执行时间)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell monkey -p com.tencent.mobileqq --throttle 1000 10
bash arg: -p
bash arg: com.tencent.mobileqq
bash arg: --throttle
bash arg: 1000
bash arg: 10
args: [-p, com.tencent.mobileqq, --throttle, 1000, 10]
arg: "-p"
arg: "com.tencent.mobileqq"
arg: "--throttle"
arg: "1000"
arg: "10"
(6)adb shell monkey -p 包名 -p 包名 --throttle 时长 -s 种子号 -vvv 1000(加入事件的种子号,种子号代表一个标签,若这次运行出现错误后,可继续借用这个种子号来继续运行相同的事件来复现问题)
C:\Users\24637>adb shell monkey -p com.tencent.mobileqq --throttle 1000 -s 123 -vvv 10
bash arg: -p
bash arg: com.tencent.mobileqq
bash arg: --throttle
bash arg: 1000
(7)adb shell monkey -p 包名 -p 包名 --pct-touch --throttle 时长 -s 种子号 -vvv 1000(加入随机事件比例)
adb shell monkey -p 包名 -p 包名 --pct-touch 比例数 --throttle 时长 -s 种子号 --ignore-crashes -vvv 1000(加入忽略异常指令,可使程序报错后继续运行,从而达到长时间运行monkey压测的功能)
方法一:adb shell monkey -p com.xueqiu.android -vvv --pct-touch 70 --pct-motion 10 --pct-syskeys 10 -s 1234567 --ignore-crashes --ignore-timeouts --ignore-security-exceptions --throttle 300 96000 > 电脑路径
方法二:运行monkey后,另开一个终端执行 adb logcat “*:E” > 电脑路径
Force closed 强制退出
Anr (application no response)程序无响应
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