CLIP(Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training) 模型是 OpenAI 在 2021 年初发布的用于匹配图像和文本的预训练神经网络模型,是近年来在多模态研究领域的经典之作。OpenAI 收集了 4 亿对图像 - 文本对(一张图像和它对应的文本描述),分别将图像和文本进行编码,使用 metric learning进行训练。希望通过对比学习,模型能够学习到图像 - 文本对的匹配关系。
A photo of {object}.
,然后再送入Text Encoder得到对应的文本特征。如果预测类别的数目为N,那么将得到N个文本特征。zero-shot :零样本学习,域外泛化问题。利用训练集数据训练模型,使得模型能够对测试集的对象进行分类,但是训练集类别和测试集类别之间没有交集,期间需要借助类别的描述,来建立训练集和测试集之间的联系,从而使得模型有效。
pip install ftfy regex tqdm
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git
Torch version: 1.9.0+cu102
import clip
model, preprocess = clip.load("ViT-B/32")
input_resolution = model.visual.input_resolution
context_length = model.context_length
vocab_size = model.vocab_size
print("Model parameters:", f"{np.sum([int(np.prod(p.shape)) for p in model.parameters()]):,}")
print("Input resolution:", input_resolution)
print("Context length:", context_length)
print("Vocab size:", vocab_size)
# images in skimage to use and their textual descriptions
descriptions = {
"page": "a page of text about segmentation",
"chelsea": "a facial photo of a tabby cat",
"astronaut": "a portrait of an astronaut with the American flag",
"rocket": "a rocket standing on a launchpad",
"motorcycle_right": "a red motorcycle standing in a garage",
"camera": "a person looking at a camera on a tripod",
"horse": "a black-and-white silhouette of a horse",
"coffee": "a cup of coffee on a saucer"
image_input = torch.tensor(np.stack(images)).cuda()
text_tokens = clip.tokenize(["This is " + desc for desc in texts]).cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
image_features = model.encode_image(image_input).float()
text_features = model.encode_text(text_tokens).float()
image_features /= image_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) text_features /= text_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) similarity = text_features.cpu().numpy() @ image_features.cpu().numpy().T count = len(descriptions) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 14)) plt.imshow(similarity, vmin=0.1, vmax=0.3) # plt.colorbar() plt.yticks(range(count), texts, fontsize=18) plt.xticks([]) for i, image in enumerate(original_images): plt.imshow(image, extent=(i - 0.5, i + 0.5, -1.6, -0.6), origin="lower") for x in range(similarity.shape[1]): for y in range(similarity.shape[0]): plt.text(x, y, f"{similarity[y, x]:.2f}", ha="center", va="center", size=12) for side in ["left", "top", "right", "bottom"]: plt.gca().spines[side].set_visible(False) plt.xlim([-0.5, count - 0.5]) plt.ylim([count + 0.5, -2]) plt.title("Cosine similarity between text and image features", size=20)
from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR100 cifar100 = CIFAR100(os.path.expanduser("~/.cache"), transform=preprocess, download=True) text_descriptions = [f"This is a photo of a {label}" for label in cifar100.classes] text_tokens = clip.tokenize(text_descriptions).cuda() with torch.no_grad(): text_features = model.encode_text(text_tokens).float() text_features /= text_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) text_probs = (100.0 * image_features @ text_features.T).softmax(dim=-1) top_probs, top_labels = text_probs.cpu().topk(5, dim=-1) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16)) for i, image in enumerate(original_images): plt.subplot(4, 4, 2 * i + 1) plt.imshow(image) plt.axis("off") plt.subplot(4, 4, 2 * i + 2) y = np.arange(top_probs.shape[-1]) plt.grid() plt.barh(y, top_probs[i]) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.gca().set_axisbelow(True) plt.yticks(y, [cifar100.classes[index] for index in top_labels[i].numpy()]) plt.xlabel("probability") plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) plt.show()
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