<template> <div id="easy-cron-input"> <div class="cron-select-period"> <label>选择周期</label> <select class="cron-period-select" v-model="period" @change="periodChange"> <option :value="item" v-for="(item, index) of periodOpts" :key="index">{{item}}</option> </select> </div> <div class="cron-input cron-seconds" v-show="period == '秒'"> <p> 每 <select class="cron-seconds-select" v-model="nsec" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 60" :key="index" :value="item">{{item}}</option> </select> 秒 </p> </div> <div class="cron-input cron-minutes" v-show="period == '分'"> <p> 每 <select class="cron-minutes-select" v-model="nmin" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 60" :key="index" :value="item">{{item}}</option> </select> 分钟 </p> </div> <div class="cron-input cron-hourly" v-show="period == '时'"> <p> 每 <select class="cron-hourly-select" v-model="nhour" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 24" :key="index" :value="item">{{item}}</option> </select> 小时 </p> </div> <div class="cron-input cron-daily" v-show="period == '天'"> <p> 每 <select class="cron-daily-select" v-model="nday" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 100" :key="index" :value="item">{{item}}</option> </select> 天 </p> </div> <div class="cron-input cron-weekly" v-show="period == '周'"> <p> 每周 <input type="checkbox" name="dayOfWeekMon" v-model="dow" value="0" @change="onChange">一 <input type="checkbox" name="dayOfWeekTue" v-model="dow" value="1" @change="onChange">二 <input type="checkbox" name="dayOfWeekWed" v-model="dow" value="2" @change="onChange">三 <input type="checkbox" name="dayOfWeekThu" v-model="dow" value="3" @change="onChange">四 <input type="checkbox" name="dayOfWeekFri" v-model="dow" value="4" @change="onChange">五 <input type="checkbox" name="dayOfWeekSat" v-model="dow" value="5" @change="onChange">六 <input type="checkbox" name="dayOfWeekSun" v-model="dow" value="6" @change="onChange">日 </p> </div> <div class="cron-input cron-monthly" v-show="period == '月'"> <p> 每 <select class="cron-monthly-month" v-model="nmonth" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 12" :key="index" :value="item">{{item}}</option> </select> 月 <select class="cron-monthly-day" v-model="dom" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 31" :key="index" :value="item">{{item}}</option> </select> 日 </p> </div> <div class="cron-input cron-yearly" v-show="period == '年'"> <p> 每年 <select class="cron-yearly-month" v-model="moy" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 12" :key="index" :value="item">{{item}}</option> </select> 月 <select class="cron-yearly-day" v-model="dom" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 31" :key="index" :value="item">{{item}}</option> </select> 日 </p> </div> <div class="cron-input cron-start-time" v-show="period == '天' || period == '周' || period == '月' || period == '年'"> <select class="cron-clock-hour" v-model="hour" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 24" :key="index" :value="item - 1">{{('00' + (item - 1)).slice(-2)}}</option> </select> 时 <select class="cron-clock-minute" v-model="min" @change="onChange"> <option v-for="(item, index) of 60" :key="index" :value="item - 1">{{('00' + (item - 1)).slice(-2)}}</option> </select> 分 </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "easy-cron-input", props: { value: { type: String, default: "* * * * * *" } }, data() { return { periodOpts: ["秒", "分", "时", "天", "周", "月", "年"], nthWeekOpts: ["第一个", "第二个", "第三个", "第四个"], dayOfWeekOpts: ["一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "日"], period: "秒", dow: [], dom: 1, moy: 1, min: 0, hour: 0, nsec: 1, nmin: 1, nhour: 1, nday: 1, nmonth: 1 }; }, mounted() { //反解析时传入 0 6 0 */5 * *即可 this.setExpress(this.value); this.onChange(); }, methods: { periodChange() { this.dow = []; this.dom = 1; this.moy = 1; this.min = 0; this.hour = 0; this.nsec = 1; this.nmin = 1; this.nhour = 1; this.nday = 1; this.nmonth = 1; this.onChange(); }, onChange() { let ex=this.getExpress(); let pr=this.getText(); console.log(ex,pr); }, getExpress() { var sec = 0; // ignoring seconds by default var year = "*"; // every year by default var dow = "*", dom = "*", moy = "*"; var hour = this.hour, min = this.min; switch (this.period) { case "秒": if (this.nsec > 1) { sec = "*/" + this.nsec; } else { sec = "*"; } hour = "*"; min = "*"; break; case "分": if (this.nmin > 1) { min = "*/" + this.nmin; } else { min = "*"; } hour = "*"; break; case "时": if (this.nhour > 1) { hour = "*/" + this.nhour; } else { hour = "*"; } min = 0; break; case "天": if (this.nday > 1) { dom = "*/" + this.nday; } break; case "周": if (this.dow.length > 0 && this.dow.length < 7) { dow = this.dow.sort().join(","); } break; case "月": if (this.nmonth > 1) { moy = "*/" + this.nmonth; } dom = this.dom; break; case "年": moy = this.moy; dom = this.dom; break; default: break; } return [sec, min, hour, dom, moy, dow].join(" "); }, setExpress(express) { express = express || "* * * * * *"; var crons = express.split(/\s+/); if (crons.length == 6) { if (crons[0] == "*") { this.period = '秒'; this.nsec = 1; return; } if (crons[0].split("/").length == 2) { this.period = '秒'; this.nsec = crons[0].split('/')[1]; return; } if (crons[1] == "*") { this.period = '分'; this.nmin = 1; return; } if (crons[1].split("/").length == 2) { this.period = '分'; this.nmin = crons[1].split('/')[1]; return; } if (crons[2] == "*") { this.period = '时'; this.nhour = 1; return; } if (crons[2].split("/").length == 2) { this.period = '时'; this.nhour = crons[2].split('/')[1]; return; } if (crons[3] == "*" && crons[5] == "*") { this.period = '天'; this.nday = 1; this.hour = crons[2]; this.min = crons[1]; return; } if (crons[3] == "*" && crons[5] != "*") { this.period = '周'; this.dow = crons[5].split(','); this.hour = crons[2]; this.min = crons[1]; return; } if (crons[3].split("/").length == 2) { this.period = '天'; this.nday = crons[3].split('/')[1]; this.hour = crons[2]; this.min = crons[1]; return; } if (crons[4] == "*") { this.period = '月'; this.nmonth = 1; this.dom = crons[3]; this.hour = crons[2]; this.min = crons[1]; return; } if (crons[4].split("/").length == 2) { this.period = '月'; this.moy = crons[4].split('/')[1]; this.dom = crons[3]; this.hour = crons[2]; this.min = crons[1]; return; } if (/\d+/.test(crons[4])) { this.period = '年'; this.moy = crons[4]; this.dom = crons[3]; this.hour = crons[2]; this.min = crons[1]; return; } } }, getText() { var text = ""; switch(this.period) { case '秒': text += "每"; text += this.nsec; text += "秒"; break; case '分': text += "每"; text += this.nmin; text += "分钟"; break; case '时': text += "每"; text += this.nhour; text += "分钟"; break; case '天': text += "每"; text += this.nday; text += "天"; text += ("00" + this.hour).slice(-2); text += "时"; text += ("00" + this.min).slice(-2); text += "分"; break; case '周': if(this.dow.length > 0 && this.dow.length < 7) { text += "每周"; var _dow = this.dow.sort().map(v => { return this.dayOfWeekOpts[v]; }) text += _dow.join(","); } else { text += "每天"; } text += ("00" + this.hour).slice(-2); text += "时"; text += ("00" + this.min).slice(-2); text += "分"; break; case '月': text += "每"; text += this.nmonth; text += "月"; text += this.dom; text += "日"; text += ("00" + this.hour).slice(-2); text += "时"; text += ("00" + this.min).slice(-2); text += "分"; break; case '年': text += "每年"; text += this.moy; text += "月"; text += this.dom; text += "日"; text += ("00" + this.hour).slice(-2); text += "时"; text += ("00" + this.min).slice(-2); text += "分"; break; default: break; } return text; } } }; </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .cron-select-period { padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px; display: inline-block; } .cron-input { padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px; display: inline-block; } .cron-select-period select, .cron-input select, .cron-input input[type="radio"], .cron-input input[type="checkbox"] { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; } </style>
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