An adder-subtractor can be built from an adder by optionally negating one of the inputs, which is equivalent to inverting the input then adding 1. The net result is a circuit that can do two operations: (a + b + 0) and (a + ~b + 1). See Wikipedia if you want a more detailed explanation of how this circuit works.
Build the adder-subtractor below.
You are provided with a 16-bit adder module, which you need to instantiate twice:
Use a 32-bit wide XOR gate to invert the b input whenever sub is 1. (This can also be viewed as b[31:0] XORed with sub replicated 32 times. See replication operator.). Also connect the sub input to the carry-in of the adder.
module top_module( input [31:0] a, input [31:0] b, input sub, output [31:0] sum ); //进位信号 wire cout; wire [31:0] b_xor; assign b_xor = {32{sub}} ^ b; //低16位相加 add16 add16_init_0( .a(a[15:0]), .b(b_xor[15:0]), .cin(sub), .sum(sum[15:0]), .cout(cout) ); //高16位相加 add16 add16_init_2( .a(a[31:16]), .b(b_xor[31:16]), .cin(cout), .sum(sum[31:16]), .cout() ); endmodule
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