- import codecs
- from collections import defaultdict
- import jieba
- import xlrd
- # 分词,去除停用词
- def seg_word(sentence):
- # 分词
- seg_list = jieba.cut(sentence)
- seg_result = []
- for w in seg_list:
- seg_result.append(w)
- # 读取停用词
- stopwords = set() # 集合
- fr = codecs.open('stopwords.txt', 'r', 'utf-8')
- for word in fr:
- stopwords.add(word.strip())
- fr.close()
- # 去除停用词
- return list(filter(lambda x: x not in stopwords, seg_result))
- # 对分词结果分类:情感词、否定词、程度副词
- # key为索引,value为权值
- def classify_words(word_list):
- # 读取情感字典
- sen_file = open('BosonNLP_sentiment_score.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8')
- # 获取字典内容
- # 去除'\n'
- sen_list = sen_file.read().splitlines()
- # 创建情感字典
- sen_dict = defaultdict()
- # 读取字典文件每一行内容,将其转换为字典对象,key为情感词,value为对应的分值
- for s in sen_list:
- # 对每一行内容根据空格分隔,索引0是情感词,1是情感分值
- if len(s.split(' ')) == 2:
- sen_dict[s.split(' ')[0]] = s.split(' ')[1]
- # 读取否定词文件
- not_word_file = open('notDic.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8')
- # 否定词没有分值,使用列表
- not_word_list = not_word_file.read().splitlines()
- # 读取程度副词文件
- degree_file = open('degree.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8')
- degree_list = degree_file.read().splitlines()
- degree_dic = defaultdict()
- # 程度副词转为字典对象,key为词,value为权值
- for d in degree_list:
- degree_dic[d.split(',')[0]] = d.split(',')[1]
- # 分类结果,词语索引为key,分值为value,否定词分值为-1
- sen_word = dict()
- not_word = dict()
- degree_word = dict()
- # 分类
- for word in word_list:
- if word in sen_dict.keys() and word not in not_word_list and word not in degree_dic.keys():
- # 找出分词结果中在情感字典中的词
- sen_word[word] = sen_dict[word]
- elif word in not_word_list and word not in degree_dic.keys():
- # 分词结果中在否定词列表中的词
- not_word[word] = -1
- elif word in degree_dic.keys():
- # 分词结果中在程度副词中的词
- degree_word[word] = degree_dic[word]
- sen_file.close()
- degree_file.close()
- not_word_file.close()
- # 将分类结果返回
- # 词语索引为key,分值为value,否定词分值为 - 1
- return sen_word, not_word, degree_word
- # 计算每个情感词得分,再相加
- def score_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degreen_word, seg_result):
- # 权重初始化为1
- W = 1
- score = 0
- # 遍历分词结果
- for i in range(0, len(seg_result)):
- # 若是程度副词
- if seg_result[i] in degreen_word.keys():
- W *= float(degreen_word[seg_result[i]])
- # 若是否定词
- elif seg_result[i] in not_word.keys():
- W *= -1
- elif seg_result[i] in sen_word.keys():
- score += float(W) * float(sen_word[seg_result[i]])
- W = 1
- return score
- # 调度各函数
- def sentiment_score(sentence):
- # 1.分词
- seg_list = seg_word(sentence)
- # 2.将分词结果转为dic,再分类
- sen_word, not_word, degree_word = classify_words(seg_list)
- # 3.计算得分
- score = score_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, seg_list)
- return score
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- score=sentiment_score('我很开心。')
- print(score)

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