- Cls = namedtuple('cls', ['name', 'id', 'color']) # 姓名元组
- Clss = [
- Cls('_background_', 0, (0, 0, 0)),
- Cls('wall', 1, (0, 0, 128)),
- Cls('car', 2, (128, 0, 0)),
- Cls('ground', 3, (128, 128, 0)),
- Cls('door', 4, (0, 128, 0)),
- ] # 把每一个类别使用id与像素值对应上,并且颜色通道值按照r,g,b的顺序排列
- # 其中(0,0,0)代表黑色
- # (0,0,128)代表蓝色
- # (128,0,0)代表红色
- # (128,128,0)表示红绿混合色黄色
- # (0,128,0)代表绿色
- gts_gray_path = 'F:\gray' # 放置灰度图的文件夹名字
- gts_color_path = 'F:\mask' # 放置RGB图的文件夹名字
- import os, sys, time, cv2
- import numpy as np
- from collections import namedtuple
- # 类别信息
- gts_gray_path = 'F:\gray' # 放置灰度图的文件夹名字
- gts_color_path = 'F:\mask' # 放置RGB图的文件夹名字
- # gts_color_path = 'color' # 放置RGB图的文件夹名字
- Cls = namedtuple('cls', ['name', 'id', 'color']) # 姓名元组
- Clss = [
- Cls('_background_', 0, (0, 0, 0)),
- Cls('wall', 1, (0, 0, 128)),
- Cls('car', 2, (128, 0, 0)),
- Cls('ground', 3, (128, 128, 0)),
- Cls('door', 4, (0, 128, 0)),
- ] # 把每一个类别使用id与像素值对应上,并且颜色通道值按照r,g,b的顺序排列
- # 其中(0,0,0)代表黑色
- # (0,0,128)代表蓝色
- # (128,0,0)代表红色
- # (128,128,0)表示红绿混合色黄色
- # (0,128,0)代表绿色
- def gray_color(color_dict, gray_path=gts_gray_path, color_path=gts_color_path):
- '''
- swift gray image to color, by color mapping relationship
- :param color_dict:color mapping relationship, dict format
- :param gray_path:gray imgs path
- :param color_path:color imgs path
- :return:
- '''
- pass
- t1 = time.time()
- gt_list = os.listdir(gray_path)
- for index, gt_name in enumerate(gt_list):
- gt_gray_path = os.path.join(gray_path, gt_name)
- gt_color_path = os.path.join(color_path, gt_name)
- gt_gray = cv2.imread(gt_gray_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
- assert len(gt_gray.shape) == 2 # make sure gt_gray is 1band
- # # region method 1: swift by pix, slow
- # gt_color = np.zeros((gt_gray.shape[0],gt_gray.shape[1],3),np.uint8)
- # for i in range(gt_gray.shape[0]):
- # for j in range(gt_gray.shape[1]):
- # gt_color[i][j] = color_dict[gt_gray[i][j]] # gray to color
- # # endregion
- # region method 2: swift by array
- # gt_color = np.array(np.vectorize(color_dict.get)(gt_gray),np.uint8).transpose(1,2,0)
- # endregion
- # region method 3: swift by matrix, fast
- gt_color = matrix_mapping(color_dict, gt_gray)
- # endregion
- gt_color = cv2.cvtColor(gt_color,
- cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # cv2.cvtColor(p1,p2) 是颜色空间转换函数,p1是需要转换的图片,p2是转换成何种格式。,得到的图矩阵是按R,G,B排列的,CV2是按B,G,R排列的
- cv2.imwrite(gt_color_path, gt_color, )
- cv2.imshow('color image:', gt_color)
- cv2.waitKey(0)
- process_show(index + 1, len(gt_list))
- print(time.time() - t1)
- def color_gray(color_dict, color_path=gts_color_path, gray_path=gts_gray_path, ):
- '''
- swift color image to gray, by color mapping relationship
- :param color_dict:color mapping relationship, dict format
- :param gray_path:gray imgs path
- :param color_path:color imgs path
- :return:
- '''
- gray_dict = {}
- for k, v in color_dict.items():
- gray_dict[v] = k
- t1 = time.time()
- gt_list = os.listdir(color_path)
- for index, gt_name in enumerate(gt_list):
- gt_gray_path = os.path.join(gray_path, gt_name)
- gt_color_path = os.path.join(color_path, gt_name)
- color_array = cv2.imread(gt_color_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
- assert len(color_array.shape) == 3
- print(color_array.shape)
- gt_gray = np.zeros((color_array.shape[0], color_array.shape[1]), np.uint8)
- b, g, r = cv2.split(color_array)
- # zeros = np.zeros(color_array.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")
- # merged_b= cv2.merge([zeros, g, zeros])
- # cv2.imshow('b',merged_b)
- # cv2.waitKey(0)
- color_array = np.array([r, g, b])
- for cls_color, cls_index in gray_dict.items(): # 将图像的像素点的三个通道值与约定的类别代表的像素值逐个逐个地比较,直到可以将整个图像遍历
- cls_pos = arrays_jd(color_array, cls_color) # 将图像的像素点的三个通道的像素与约定类别对应的三通道像素值进行比较
- # print(cls_pos.shape,gt_gray.shape,cls_index)
- gt_gray[cls_pos] = cls_index # 如果比较发现是这个类别的三通道像素值,那么就把这个地方的灰度值换成对应的类别值
- # 其中cls_pos的形状必须要与gt_gray一致,cls_pos是有False和True构成的数组,True代表这个位置的数字替换,False代表这个位置的数字不替换。
- # print(gt_gray)
- cv2.imwrite(gt_gray_path, gt_gray)
- # cv2.imshow('gray image:', gt_gray)
- # cv2.waitKey(0)
- process_show(index + 1, len(gt_list))
- print(time.time() - t1)
- def arrays_jd(arrays, cond_nums): # 用于比较像素通道值是否属于某一个类别
- r = arrays[0] == cond_nums[0] # 比较r通道的像素值
- g = arrays[1] == cond_nums[1] # 比较g通道的像素值
- b = arrays[2] == cond_nums[2] # 比较b通道的像素值
- # print(r & g & b)
- return r & g & b # 只有三个通道都与约定的id对应的三个通道颜色像素值都一致时才认为这个像素点是属于这个id对应的类别
- def matrix_mapping(color_dict, gt): # 用于将灰度图按照类别转化为三通道图
- colorize = np.zeros([len(color_dict), 3], 'uint8')
- # print(colorize.shape)
- for cls, color in color_dict.items():
- colorize[cls, :] = list(color) # 直接替换行,得到一个代表像素点类别的带三通道值的矩阵。
- # print(colorize)
- # print(gt)
- ims = colorize[gt,
- :] # 将gt里面的元素作为索引逐个放入colorize中,当成访问colorize中的每一行,从而按照colorize的每一行按照灰度值代表的id逐个填入,从而将colorize从二维变成三维,按照灰度图的id索引将图像还原为BGR图像
- # print(ims)
- # ims = ims.reshape([gt.shape[0], gt.shape[1], 3])
- return ims
- def nt_dic(nt=Clss):
- '''
- swift nametuple to color dict
- :param nt: nametuple
- :return:
- '''
- pass
- color_dict = {}
- for cls in nt:
- color_dict[cls.id] = cls.color
- return color_dict
- def process_show(num, nums, pre_fix='', suf_fix=''):
- '''
- auxiliary function, print work progress
- :param num:
- :param nums:
- :param pre_fix:
- :param suf_fix:
- :return:
- '''
- rate = num / nums
- ratenum = round(rate, 3) * 100
- bar = '\r%s %g/%g [%s%s]%.1f%% %s' % \
- (pre_fix, num, nums, '#' * (int(ratenum) // 5), '_' * (20 - (int(ratenum) // 5)), ratenum, suf_fix)
- sys.stdout.write(bar)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- pass
- color_dict = nt_dic()
- # gray_color(color_dict)
- color_gray(color_dict)
- gt_gray = np.zeros((2, 2), np.uint8)
- cls_pos = np.array([[True, False], [True, True]])
- gt_gray[cls_pos] = 9
- print(gt_gray)

pycharm中点击运行if __name__ == '__main__':就可以将灰度label恢复为RGBmask图了。
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