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windows XP下 iverilog+GTKWave使用(二)_windows verilog

windows verilog


  1. module counter(out, clk, reset);
  2. parameter WIDTH = 8;
  3. output [WIDTH-1 : 0] out;
  4. input clk, reset;
  5. reg [WIDTH-1 :0 ] out;
  6. wire clk, reset;
  7. always @(posedge clk)
  8. out <= out + 1;
  9. always @reset
  10. if (reset)
  11. assign out = 0;
  12. else
  13. deassign out;
  14. endmodule
  15. //counter


  1. `timescale 1ns/1ns
  2. module test;
  3. /*Make a reset that pulses once.*/
  4. reg reset = 0;
  5. initial
  6. begin
  7. #17 reset = 1;
  8. #11 reset = 0;
  9. #29 reset = 1;
  10. #11 reset = 0;
  11. #100 $stop;
  12. end
  13. /*Make a regular pulsing closk*/
  14. reg clk = 0;
  15. always #5 clk = !clk;
  16. wire [7:0] value;
  17. counter c1 (value, clk, reset);
  18. initial
  19. $monitor("At time %t, value = %h (%0d)",$time, value, value);
  20. endmodule
  21. //test

> iverilog -o my_design  counter_tb.v counter.v
>vvp mydesign
At time                    0, value = xx (x)
At time                   17, value = 00 (0)
At time                   35, value = 01 (1)
At time                   45, value = 02 (2)
At time                   55, value = 03 (3)
At time                   57, value = 00 (0)
At time                   75, value = 01 (1)
At time                   85, value = 02 (2)
At time                   95, value = 03 (3)
At time                  105, value = 04 (4)
At time                  115, value = 05 (5)
At time                  125, value = 06 (6)
At time                  135, value = 07 (7)
At time                  145, value = 08 (8)
At time                  155, value = 09 (9)
At time                  165, value = 0a (10)
** VVP Stop(0) **
** Flushing output streams.
** Current simulation time is 168 ticks.
> finish

** Continue **

>vvp -n mydesign
G:\Verilog HDL\iverilog\Demo\counter>vvp -n mydesign
At time                    0, value = xx (x)
At time                   17, value = 00 (0)
At time                   35, value = 01 (1)
At time                   45, value = 02 (2)
At time                   55, value = 03 (3)
At time                   57, value = 00 (0)
At time                   75, value = 01 (1)
At time                   85, value = 02 (2)
At time                   95, value = 03 (3)
At time                  105, value = 04 (4)
At time                  115, value = 05 (5)
At time                  125, value = 06 (6)
At time                  135, value = 07 (7)
At time                  145, value = 08 (8)
At time                  155, value = 09 (9)
At time                  165, value = 0a (10)

G:\Verilog HDL\iverilog\Demo\counter>

The "iverilog" and "vvp" commands are the most important commands available to users of Icarus Verilog. The
"iverilog" command is the compiler, and the "vvp" command is the simulation runtime engine. What sort of output the
compiler actually creates is controlled by command line switches, but normally it produces output in the default vvp
format, which is in turn executed by the vvp program

