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TensorRT部署推理yolov5s,完整代码和整个流程_python yolo5 配置tensorrt

python yolo5 配置tensorrt



已解决TypeError: Descriptors cannot not be created directly.
If this call came from a _pb2.py file, your generated code is out of date and must be regenerated with protoc >= 3.19.0.
If you cannot immediately regenerate your protos, some other possible workarounds are:
1.Downgrade the protobuf package to 3.20.x or lower.
2.Set PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python (but this will use pure-Python parsing and will be much slower).的正确解决方法

pip install protobuf==3.19.0

(2)ONNX export failure: No module named ‘onnx‘

pip install onnx==1.7.0


python export.py --weights ./yolov5s.pt --include onnx --imgsz 640 --device 0




yolov5s.onnx (netron.app)查看网络结构,可以看到只有一个输出了


python detect.py --weights yolov5s.onnx --imgsz 640 --device 0



找到Tensorrt的解压目录,pip install 目录:/tensorrt-


python3 export.py --weights ./yolov5s.pt --include engine --imgsz 640 --device 0




python export.py --weights ./yolov5s.pt --include engine --half --device 0



python detect.py --weights yolov5s.pt --imgsz 640 --device 0



python detect.py --weights yolov5s.onnx --imgsz 640 --device 0


(3)FP32   engine模型的情况

python detect.py --weights yolov5s.engine --imgsz 640 --device 0


(4)FP16   engine模型的情况



  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <fstream>
  3. #include <sstream>
  4. #include "NvInfer.h"
  5. #include "NvOnnxParser.h"
  6. #include "NvinferRuntime.h"
  7. #include<string>
  8. #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
  9. #include<windows.h>
  10. #include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
  11. #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
  12. #include <opencv2/core/utils/logger.hpp>
  13. #include<opencv2/dnn/dnn.hpp>
  14. using namespace nvinfer1;
  15. using namespace nvonnxparser;
  16. using namespace cv;
  17. Mat resize_image(Mat srcimg, int* newh, int* neww, int* top, int* left)
  18. {
  19. int srch = srcimg.rows, srcw = srcimg.cols;
  20. int inpHeight = 640;
  21. int inpWidth = 640;
  22. *newh = inpHeight;
  23. *neww = inpWidth;
  24. bool keep_ratio = true;
  25. Mat dstimg;
  26. if (keep_ratio && srch != srcw) {
  27. float hw_scale = (float)srch / srcw;
  28. if (hw_scale > 1) {
  29. *newh = inpHeight;
  30. *neww = int(inpWidth / hw_scale);
  31. resize(srcimg, dstimg, Size(*neww, *newh), INTER_AREA);
  32. *left = int((inpWidth - *neww) * 0.5);
  33. copyMakeBorder(dstimg, dstimg, 0, 0, *left, inpWidth - *neww - *left, BORDER_CONSTANT, 0);
  34. }
  35. else {
  36. *newh = (int)inpHeight * hw_scale;
  37. *neww = inpWidth;
  38. resize(srcimg, dstimg, Size(*neww, *newh), INTER_AREA);
  39. *top = (int)(inpHeight - *newh) * 0.5;
  40. copyMakeBorder(dstimg, dstimg, *top, inpHeight - *newh - *top, 0, 0, BORDER_CONSTANT, 0);
  41. }
  42. }
  43. else {
  44. resize(srcimg, dstimg, Size(*neww, *newh), INTER_AREA);
  45. }
  46. return dstimg;
  47. }
  48. class Logger : public ILogger
  49. {
  50. virtual void log(Severity severity, const char* msg) noexcept override
  51. {
  52. // suppress info-level messages
  53. if (severity != Severity::kINFO)
  54. std::cout << msg << std::endl;
  55. }
  56. } gLogger;
  57. int main()
  58. {
  59. cudaSetDevice(0);
  60. const char* model_path_onnx = "yolov5s.onnx";
  61. const char* model_path_engine = "yolov5s.engine";
  62. const char* image_path = "zidane.jpg";
  63. std::string lable_path = "coco.txt";
  64. const char* input_node_name = "images";
  65. const char* output_node_name = "output";
  66. std::vector<std::string> class_names;
  67. std::string classesFile = "coco.txt";//加载label
  68. std::ifstream ifs(classesFile.c_str());//用了classesFile.c_str()函数将字符串classesFile转换为C风格的字符串(即以null结尾的字符数组),并将其作为参数传递给std::ifstream类的构造函数。
  69. std::string line;
  70. while (getline(ifs, line)) class_names.push_back(line);
  71. //五个索引
  72. int num_ionode = 5;
  73. std::ifstream file_ptr(model_path_engine, std::ios::binary);
  74. if (!file_ptr.good()) {
  75. std::cerr << "文件无法打开,请确定文件是否可用!" << std::endl;
  76. }
  77. size_t size = 0;
  78. file_ptr.seekg(0, file_ptr.end); // 将读指针从文件末尾开始移动0个字节
  79. size = file_ptr.tellg(); // 返回读指针的位置,此时读指针的位置就是文件的字节数
  80. file_ptr.seekg(0, file_ptr.beg); // 将读指针从文件开头开始移动0个字节
  81. char* model_stream = new char[size];
  82. file_ptr.read(model_stream, size);
  83. file_ptr.close();
  84. Logger logger;
  85. // 反序列化引擎
  86. nvinfer1::IRuntime* runtime = nvinfer1::createInferRuntime(logger);
  87. // 推理引擎
  88. nvinfer1::ICudaEngine* engine = runtime->deserializeCudaEngine(model_stream, size);
  89. // 上下文
  90. nvinfer1::IExecutionContext* context = engine->createExecutionContext();
  91. void** data_buffer = new void* [num_ionode];
  92. // 创建GPU显存输入缓冲区
  93. int input_node_index = engine->getBindingIndex(input_node_name);
  94. //auto it = engine->getNbBindings();
  95. //std::cout << "input_node_index" << input_node_index <<it<< std::endl;
  96. nvinfer1::Dims input_node_dim = engine->getBindingDimensions(input_node_index);
  97. //断点检测
  98. std::cout << "input_node_dim.d[0]" << input_node_dim.d[0]
  99. << "input_node_dim.d[1]" << input_node_dim.d[1] <<
  100. "input_node_dim.d[2]" << input_node_dim.d[2] <<
  101. "input_node_dim.d[3]" << input_node_dim.d[3] << std::endl;
  102. size_t input_data_length = input_node_dim.d[1] * input_node_dim.d[2] * input_node_dim.d[3];
  103. std::cout << "input_data_length" << input_data_length << std::endl;
  104. cudaError_t err1 = cudaMalloc(&(data_buffer[input_node_index]), input_data_length * sizeof(float));
  105. if (err1 != cudaSuccess) {
  106. std::cout << "Failed to allocate memory for input data: " << cudaGetErrorString(err1) << std::endl;
  107. return -1;
  108. }
  109. // 创建GPU显存输出缓冲区
  110. int output_node_index = engine->getBindingIndex(output_node_name);
  111. std::cout << "output_node_index" << " " << output_node_index << std::endl;
  112. nvinfer1::Dims output_node_dim = engine->getBindingDimensions(output_node_index);
  113. size_t output_data_length = output_node_dim.d[1] * output_node_dim.d[2];
  114. //std::cout << "output_node_dim.d[0]:" << output_node_dim.d[0] <<
  115. // "output_node_dim.d[1]:" << output_node_dim.d[1] <<
  116. // "output_node_dim.d[2]" << output_node_dim.d[2] <<
  117. // "output_node_dim.d[3]"<< output_node_dim.d[3]<<
  118. // "output_node_dim.d[4]" << output_node_dim.d[4]<<std::endl;
  119. std::cout << "output_data_length" << output_data_length<<std::endl;
  120. cudaMalloc(&(data_buffer[output_node_index]), output_data_length * sizeof(float));
  121. //创建另外三个维度的输出缓存区
  122. nvinfer1::Dims output_node_dim1 = engine->getBindingDimensions(output_node_index-1);
  123. size_t output_data_length1 = output_node_dim1.d[1] * output_node_dim1.d[2]* output_node_dim1.d[3]* output_node_dim1.d[4];
  124. std::cout << "output_data_length1" << output_data_length1 << std::endl;
  125. cudaMalloc(&(data_buffer[output_node_index-1]), output_data_length1 * sizeof(float));
  126. nvinfer1::Dims output_node_dim2 = engine->getBindingDimensions(output_node_index - 2);
  127. size_t output_data_length2 = output_node_dim2.d[1] * output_node_dim2.d[2] * output_node_dim2.d[3] * output_node_dim2.d[4];
  128. std::cout << "output_data_length2" << output_data_length2 << std::endl;
  129. cudaMalloc(&(data_buffer[output_node_index - 2]), output_data_length2 * sizeof(float));
  130. nvinfer1::Dims output_node_dim3 = engine->getBindingDimensions(output_node_index - 3);
  131. size_t output_data_length3 = output_node_dim3.d[1] * output_node_dim3.d[2] * output_node_dim3.d[3] * output_node_dim3.d[4];
  132. std::cout << "output_data_length3" << output_data_length3 << std::endl;
  133. cudaMalloc(&(data_buffer[output_node_index - 3]), output_data_length3 * sizeof(float));
  134. // 图象预处理 - 格式化操作2
  135. cv::Mat image = cv::imread(image_path);
  136. //int max_side_length = std::max(image.cols, image.rows);
  137. //std::cout << "max_side_length0" << max_side_length << std::endl;
  138. //cv::Mat max_image = cv::Mat::zeros(cv::Size(max_side_length, max_side_length), CV_8UC3);
  139. //cv::Rect roi(0, 0, image.cols, image.rows);
  140. //image.copyTo(max_image(roi));
  141. // 将图像归一化,并放缩到指定大小
  142. //cv::Size input_node_shape(input_node_dim.d[2], input_node_dim.d[3]);
  143. //cv::Mat BN_image = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(image, 1 / 255.0, input_node_shape, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), true, false);
  144. int newh = 0, neww = 0, padh = 0, padw = 0;
  145. //将图像的大小调整为指定的尺寸并在调整过程中保持图像的完整性和比例
  146. Mat dstimg = resize_image(image, &newh, &neww, &padh, &padw);//Padded resize
  147. // 创建输入cuda流
  148. cudaStream_t stream;
  149. cudaStreamCreate(&stream);
  150. std::vector<float> input_data(input_data_length);
  151. for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
  152. {
  153. for (int i = 0; i < 640; i++)
  154. {
  155. for (int j = 0; j < 640; j++)
  156. {
  157. float pix = dstimg.ptr<uchar>(i)[j * 3 + 2 - c];//转换通道,输入onnx模型的图片通道顺序是RGB,但是opencv存储默认是BGR
  158. input_data[c * 640 * 640 + i * 640 + size_t(j)] = pix / 255.0;//归一化
  159. }
  160. }
  161. }
  162. //memcpy(input_data.data(), BN_image.ptr<float>(), input_data_length * sizeof(float));
  163. // 输入数据由内存到GPU显存
  164. float* result_array = new float[output_data_length];
  165. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  166. {
  167. clock_t start_time = clock();
  168. cudaError_t err3 = cudaMemcpyAsync(data_buffer[input_node_index], input_data.data(), input_data_length * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream);
  169. if (err3 != cudaSuccess) {
  170. std::cout << "Failed to transfer input data to GPU1: " << cudaGetErrorString(err3) << std::endl;
  171. return -1;
  172. }
  173. context->enqueueV2(data_buffer, stream, nullptr);
  174. //处理推理结果
  175. //float* result_array = new float[output_data_length];
  176. cudaError_t err4 = cudaMemcpyAsync(result_array, data_buffer[output_node_index], output_data_length * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream);
  177. if (err4 != cudaSuccess) {
  178. std::cout << "Failed to transfer input data to HOST: " << cudaGetErrorString(err4) << std::endl;
  179. return -1;
  180. }
  181. clock_t end_time = clock();
  182. double exec_time = static_cast<double>(end_time - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  183. // 输出执行时间
  184. std::cout << "Execution time: " << exec_time << " seconds" << std::endl;
  185. }
  186. //推理完成
  187. //std::cout << result_array[2] << std::endl;
  188. //解析结果
  189. std::vector<float> output(result_array, result_array + output_data_length);
  190. std::vector<cv::Rect> boxes;
  191. std::vector<float> confs;
  192. std::vector<int> classIds;
  193. int numClasses = (int)output_node_dim.d[2] - 5;
  194. float confThreshold = 0.5;//设定阈值
  195. for (auto it = output.begin(); it != output.begin() + output_data_length; it += output_node_dim.d[2])
  196. {
  197. float clsConf = *(it + 4);//object scores
  198. if (clsConf > confThreshold)
  199. {
  200. int centerX = (int)(*it);
  201. int centerY = (int)(*(it + 1));
  202. int width = (int)(*(it + 2));
  203. int height = (int)(*(it + 3));
  204. int x1 = centerX - width / 2;
  205. int y1 = centerY - height / 2;
  206. boxes.emplace_back(cv::Rect(x1, y1, width, height));
  207. // first 5 element are x y w h and obj confidence
  208. int bestClassId = -1;
  209. float bestConf = 0.0;
  210. for (int i = 5; i < numClasses + 5; i++)
  211. {
  212. if ((*(it + i)) > bestConf)
  213. {
  214. bestConf = it[i];
  215. bestClassId = i - 5;
  216. }
  217. }
  218. //confs.emplace_back(bestConf * clsConf);
  219. confs.emplace_back(clsConf);
  220. classIds.emplace_back(bestClassId);
  221. }
  222. }
  223. float iouThreshold = 0.5;
  224. std::vector<int> indices;
  225. // Perform non maximum suppression to eliminate redundant overlapping boxes with
  226. // lower confidences极大值抑制
  227. cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(boxes, confs, confThreshold, iouThreshold, indices);
  228. //随机数种子
  229. RNG rng((unsigned)time(NULL));
  230. for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
  231. {
  232. int index = indices[i];
  233. int colorR = rng.uniform(0, 255);
  234. int colorG = rng.uniform(0, 255);
  235. int colorB = rng.uniform(0, 255);
  236. //保留两位小数
  237. float scores = round(confs[index] * 100) / 100;
  238. std::ostringstream oss;
  239. oss << scores;
  240. rectangle(dstimg, Point(boxes[index].tl().x, boxes[index].tl().y), Point(boxes[index].br().x, boxes[index].br().y), Scalar(colorR, colorG, colorB), 1.5);
  241. putText(dstimg, class_names[classIds[index]] + " " + oss.str(), Point(boxes[index].tl().x, boxes[index].tl().y - 5), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(colorR, colorG, colorB), 2);
  242. }
  243. imshow("检测结果", dstimg);
  244. cv::waitKey();
  245. return 0;
  246. }

