如图2 所示,利用机器自动分析这些情感倾向,不但有助于帮助企业了解消费者对其产品的感受,为产品改进提供依据;同时还有助于企业分析商业伙伴们的态度,以便更好地进行商业决策。通常情况下,往往将情感分析任务定义为一个分类问题,即使用计算机判定给定的一段文字所表达的情感属于积极情绪,还是消极情绪。
图2 情感分析图
- # 导入paddle及相关包
- import paddle
- import paddle.nn.functional as F
- import re
- import random
- import tarfile
- import requests
- import numpy as np
- paddle.seed(0)
- random.seed(0)
- np.random.seed(0)
- print(paddle.__version__)
本实验的模型实现方案如 图3 所示,模型的输入是文本数据,模型的输出就是文本的情感标签。在建模过程中,对于输入的电影评论文本,首先需要进行数据处理(比如分词,构建词表,过长文本截断,过短文本填充等);然后使用长短时记忆网络LSTM对文本序列进行编码,获得文本的语义向量表示;最后经过全连接层和softmax处理得到文本分类为积极情感和消极情感的概率。
图3 电影评论情感分析设计方案
IMDB电影评论情感分析实验流程如 图4 所示,包含如下7个步骤:
图4 IMDB电影评论的情感分析实验流程
数据处理部分包含数据集介绍、IMDB数据集下载、读取数据至内存、转换数据格式并组装数据为mini-batch形式,以便模型处理。数据处理的总体流程如 图5 所示。
图5 数据处理流程
- def download():
- # 通过python的requests类,下载存储在
- # https://dataset.bj.bcebos.com/imdb%2FaclImdb_v1.tar.gz的文件
- corpus_url = "https://dataset.bj.bcebos.com/imdb%2FaclImdb_v1.tar.gz"
- web_request = requests.get(corpus_url)
- corpus = web_request.content
- # 将下载的文件写在当前目录的aclImdb_v1.tar.gz文件内
- with open("./aclImdb_v1.tar.gz", "wb") as f:
- f.write(corpus)
- f.close()
- download()
- # 数据解压代码
- !tar -xzvf aclImdb_v1.tar.gz
aclImdb/train/unsup/38074_0.txtIOPub data rate exceeded. The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output to the client in order to avoid crashing it. To change this limit, set the config variable `--NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit`. Current values: NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit=1000000.0 (bytes/sec) NotebookApp.rate_limit_window=3.0 (secs)
解压之后目录结构如 图6 所示:
图6 IMDB数据集解压目录
- # 读取数据
- def load_imdb(is_training):
- # 将读取的数据放到列表data_set里
- data_set = []
- # data_set中每个元素都是一个二元组:(句子,label),其中label=0表示消极情感,label=1表示积极情感
- for label in ["pos", "neg"]:
- with tarfile.open("./aclImdb_v1.tar.gz") as tarf:
- path_pattern = "aclImdb/train/" + label + "/.*\.txt$" if is_training \
- else "aclImdb/test/" + label + "/.*\.txt$"
- path_pattern = re.compile(path_pattern)
- tf = tarf.next()
- while tf != None:
- if bool(path_pattern.match(tf.name)):
- sentence = tarf.extractfile(tf).read().decode()
- sentence_label = 0 if label == 'neg' else 1
- data_set.append((sentence, sentence_label))
- tf = tarf.next()
- return data_set
- train_corpus = load_imdb(True)
- test_corpus = load_imdb(False)
- # 打印第一条数据,查看数据格式:(句子,label)
- print(train_corpus[0])
- def data_preprocess(corpus):
- data_set = []
- for sentence, sentence_label in corpus:
- # 将所有的句子转换为小写,一方面可以减小词表的大小,另一方面也有助于效果提升
- sentence = sentence.strip().lower()
- sentence = sentence.split(" ")
- data_set.append((sentence, sentence_label))
- return data_set
- train_set = data_preprocess(train_corpus)
- test_set = data_preprocess(test_corpus)
- # 打印训练集中的第一条数据
- print(train_set[0])
(['zentropa', 'has', 'much', 'in', 'common', 'with', 'the', 'third', 'man,', 'another', 'noir-like', 'film', 'set', 'among', 'the', 'rubble', 'of', 'postwar', 'europe.', 'like', 'ttm,', 'there', 'is', 'much', 'inventive', 'camera', 'work.', 'there', 'is', 'an', 'innocent', 'american', 'who', 'gets', 'emotionally', 'involved', 'with', 'a', 'woman', 'he', "doesn't", 'really', 'understand,', 'and', 'whose', 'naivety', 'is', 'all', 'the', 'more', 'striking', 'in', 'contrast', 'with', 'the', 'natives.<br', '/><br', '/>but', "i'd", 'have', 'to', 'say', 'that', 'the', 'third', 'man', 'has', 'a', 'more', 'well-crafted', 'storyline.', 'zentropa', 'is', 'a', 'bit', 'disjointed', 'in', 'this', 'respect.', 'perhaps', 'this', 'is', 'intentional:', 'it', 'is', 'presented', 'as', 'a', 'dream/nightmare,', 'and', 'making', 'it', 'too', 'coherent', 'would', 'spoil', 'the', 'effect.', '<br', '/><br', '/>this', 'movie', 'is', 'unrelentingly', 'grim--"noir"', 'in', 'more', 'than', 'one', 'sense;', 'one', 'never', 'sees', 'the', 'sun', 'shine.', 'grim,', 'but', 'intriguing,', 'and', 'frightening.'], 1)
- # 构造词典,统计每个词的频率,并根据频率将每个词转换为一个整数id
- def build_dict(corpus):
- word_freq_dict = dict()
- for sentence, _ in corpus:
- for word in sentence:
- if word not in word_freq_dict:
- word_freq_dict[word] = 0
- word_freq_dict[word] += 1
- word_freq_dict = sorted(word_freq_dict.items(), key = lambda x:x[1], reverse = True)
- word2id_dict = dict()
- word2id_freq = dict()
- # 一般来说,我们把oov和pad放在词典前面,给他们一个比较小的id,这样比较方便记忆,并且易于后续扩展词表
- word2id_dict['[oov]'] = 0
- word2id_freq[0] = 1e10
- word2id_dict['[pad]'] = 1
- word2id_freq[1] = 1e10
- for word, freq in word_freq_dict:
- word2id_dict[word] = len(word2id_dict)
- word2id_freq[word2id_dict[word]] = freq
- return word2id_freq, word2id_dict
- word2id_freq, word2id_dict = build_dict(train_set)
- vocab_size = len(word2id_freq)
- print("there are totoally %d different words in the corpus" % vocab_size)
- for _, (word, word_id) in zip(range(5), word2id_dict.items()):
- print("word %s, its id %d, its word freq %d" % (word, word_id, word2id_freq[word_id]))
there are totoally 252173 different words in the corpus word [oov], its id 0, its word freq 10000000000 word [pad], its id 1, its word freq 10000000000 word the, its id 2, its word freq 322174 word a, its id 3, its word freq 159949 word and, its id 4, its word freq 158556
- # 把语料转换为id序列
- def convert_corpus_to_id(corpus, word2id_dict):
- data_set = []
- for sentence, sentence_label in corpus:
- sentence = [word2id_dict[word] if word in word2id_dict \
- else word2id_dict['[oov]'] for word in sentence]
- data_set.append((sentence, sentence_label))
- return data_set
- train_set = convert_corpus_to_id(train_set, word2id_dict)
- test_set = convert_corpus_to_id(test_set, word2id_dict)
- # 打印训练数据中的第一条文本
- print(train_set[0])
([22216, 41, 76, 8, 1136, 17, 2, 874, 979, 167, 69425, 24, 283, 707, 2, 19881, 5, 16628, 11952, 37, 100421, 52, 7, 76, 5733, 415, 912, 52, 7, 32, 1426, 299, 36, 195, 2299, 644, 17, 3, 282, 27, 141, 61, 7447, 4, 555, 25364, 7, 35, 2, 51, 3590, 8, 2691, 17, 2, 69426, 13, 688, 428, 26, 6, 142, 11, 2, 874, 160, 41, 3, 51, 14841, 4458, 22216, 7, 3, 218, 6262, 8, 10, 6919, 382, 10, 7, 100422, 12, 7, 1394, 15, 3, 100423, 4, 242, 12, 104, 5041, 54, 2368, 2, 4828, 109, 13, 255, 20, 7, 32280, 100424, 8, 51, 68, 30, 29571, 30, 102, 1010, 2, 4142, 18952, 11069, 18, 11636, 4, 12644], 1)
- def build_batch(word2id_dict, corpus, batch_size, epoch_num, max_seq_len, shuffle = True, drop_last = True):
- sentence_batch = []
- sentence_label_batch = []
- for _ in range(epoch_num):
- #每个epoch前都shuffle一下数据,有助于提高模型训练的效果。但是对于预测任务,不要做数据shuffle
- if shuffle:
- random.shuffle(corpus)
- for sentence, sentence_label in corpus:
- sentence_sample = sentence[:min(max_seq_len, len(sentence))]
- if len(sentence_sample) < max_seq_len:
- for _ in range(max_seq_len - len(sentence_sample)):
- sentence_sample.append(word2id_dict['[pad]'])
- sentence_batch.append(sentence_sample)
- sentence_label_batch.append([sentence_label])
- if len(sentence_batch) == batch_size:
- yield np.array(sentence_batch).astype("int64"), np.array(sentence_label_batch).astype("int64")
- sentence_batch = []
- sentence_label_batch = []
- if not drop_last and len(sentence_batch) > 0:
- yield np.array(sentence_batch).astype("int64"), np.array(sentence_label_batch).astype("int64")
- batch_iters = build_batch(word2id_dict, train_set, batch_size=3, epoch_num=3, max_seq_len=30)
- # 答应第一个batch,查看数据shape
- batch = next(batch_iters)
- print("batch type: ", type(batch))
- print("text shape: ", batch[0].shape)
- print("label shape: ", batch[1].shape)
batch type: <class 'tuple'> text shape: (3, 30) label shape: (3, 1)
上一节已经完成了数据处理部分,接下来将构建模型结构。本节将利用长短时记忆网络(LSTM)进行情感分析建模,LSTM模型是一个时序模型,如 图7 所示,每个时间步骤接收当前的单词输入和上一步的状态进行处理,同时每个时间步骤会输出一个单词和当前步骤的状态。每个时间步骤在时序上可以看做对应着一个LSTM单元,它对应着两个状态:单元状态和隐状态,其中单元状态代表遗忘之前单元信息并融入新的单词信息后,当前LSTM单元的状态;隐状态是单元状态对外的输出状态,每个时间步骤生成单词时利用的就是隐状态。
图7 情感分析模型网络结构示意图
在了解了本实验建模的大致流程后,本节详细剖析下该网络计算时发生的事情,其中模型计算的部分可参考 图8 :
模型训练时通常以batch的形式按批训练模型,每个batch包含训练文本和文本对应的情感标签,假设当前batch的训练文本数据的shape为:[batch_size, max_seq_len],它代表本次迭代训练语料共有batch_size个,每条语料长度均为max_seq_len。这里需要注意,该文本数据从数据处理阶段获得,已经将单词映射为了字典id。
模型的输入包含两个部分,训练文本和文本对应的情感标签。模型在计算之前,需要将训练文本中每个单词的id转换为词向量(也成为word embedding),这个根据单词id查找词向量的操作成为embedding lookup。 在实现过程中,本节将利用飞桨提供的paddle.nn.Embedding,通过这个类能够很方便地根据单词id查找词向量,假设词向量的维度为embedding_size,则以上[batch_size, max_seq_len]的文本数据映射之后,将变成[batch_size, max_seq_len, embedding_size]的向量,它代表每个训练batch共batch_size条文本,每个文本长度均包含max_seq_len个单词,每个单词的维度为embedding_size。
在映射完词向量之后,便可以将batch数据[batch_size, max_seq_len, embedding_size]传入给LSTM模型,这里将借助paddle.nn.LSTM进行建模,在计算之后,便可得到该batch文本对应的语义向量,假设该语义向量的维度为hidden_size,其shape为[batch_size, hidden_size],它代表共有batch_size个语义向量,即每条文本对应一个语义向量,每个向量维度为hidden_size。
将该语义向量传入线性层中,经过矩阵计算便可得到一个2维向量。具体来讲,语义向量的shape为[batch_size, hidden_size],线性层的权重shape为[hidden_size, 2],这里的2主要是考虑到IMDB数据集是个2分类任务,在两者进行矩阵相乘后,便可得到[batch_size, 2]的矩阵,前边一列的数字代表消极情感,后边一列的数字代表积极情感。
然后将此[batch_size, 2]的矩阵通过softmax进行归一化处理,要求前边一列的数字加上后边一列的数字为1,并且每个数字取值范围为[0, 1],经过这步处理后,可以将前边一列的数字看成这条文本是消极情感的概率,后边一列的数字可以看成这条文本是积极情感的概率。
图8 模型计算样例
class paddle.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, padding_idx=None, sparse=False, weight_attr=None, name=None)
class paddle.nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, direction='forward', dropout=0., time_major=False, weight_ih_attr=None, weight_hh_attr=None, bias_ih_attr=None, bias_hh_attr=None)
- # 定义一个用于情感分类的网络实例,SentimentClassifier
- class SentimentClassifier(paddle.nn.Layer):
- def __init__(self, hidden_size, vocab_size, embedding_size, class_num=2, num_steps=128, num_layers=1, init_scale=0.1, dropout_rate=None):
- # 参数含义如下:
- # 1.hidden_size,表示embedding-size,hidden和cell向量的维度
- # 2.vocab_size,模型可以考虑的词表大小
- # 3.embedding_size,表示词向量的维度
- # 4.class_num,情感类型个数,可以是2分类,也可以是多分类
- # 5.num_steps,表示这个情感分析模型最大可以考虑的句子长度
- # 6.num_layers,表示网络的层数
- # 7.dropout_rate,表示使用dropout过程中失活的神经元比例
- # 8.init_scale,表示网络内部的参数的初始化范围,长短时记忆网络内部用了很多Tanh,Sigmoid等激活函数,\
- # 这些函数对数值精度非常敏感,因此我们一般只使用比较小的初始化范围,以保证效果
- super(SentimentClassifier, self).__init__()
- self.hidden_size = hidden_size
- self.vocab_size = vocab_size
- self.embedding_size = embedding_size
- self.class_num = class_num
- self.num_steps = num_steps
- self.num_layers = num_layers
- self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate
- self.init_scale = init_scale
- # 声明一个LSTM模型,用来把每个句子抽象成向量
- self.simple_lstm_rnn = paddle.nn.LSTM(input_size=hidden_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_layers=num_layers)
- # 声明一个embedding层,用来把句子中的每个词转换为向量
- self.embedding = paddle.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=vocab_size, embedding_dim=embedding_size, sparse=False,
- weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Uniform(low=-init_scale, high=init_scale)))
- # 声明使用上述语义向量映射到具体情感类别时所需要使用的线性层
- self.cls_fc = paddle.nn.Linear(in_features=self.hidden_size, out_features=self.class_num,
- weight_attr=None, bias_attr=None)
- # 一般在获取单词的embedding后,会使用dropout层,防止过拟合,提升模型泛化能力
- self.dropout_layer = paddle.nn.Dropout(p=self.dropout_rate, mode='upscale_in_train')
- # forwad函数即为模型前向计算的函数,它有两个输入,分别为:
- # input为输入的训练文本,其shape为[batch_size, max_seq_len]
- # label训练文本对应的情感标签,其shape维[batch_size, 1]
- def forward(self, inputs):
- # 获取输入数据的batch_size
- batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
- # 本实验默认使用1层的LSTM,首先我们需要定义LSTM的初始hidden和cell,这里我们使用0来初始化这个序列的记忆
- init_hidden_data = np.zeros(
- (self.num_layers, batch_size, self.hidden_size), dtype='float32')
- init_cell_data = np.zeros(
- (self.num_layers, batch_size, self.hidden_size), dtype='float32')
- # 将这些初始记忆转换为飞桨可计算的向量,并且设置stop_gradient=True,避免这些向量被更新,从而影响训练效果
- init_hidden = paddle.to_tensor(init_hidden_data)
- init_hidden.stop_gradient = True
- init_cell = paddle.to_tensor(init_cell_data)
- init_cell.stop_gradient = True
- # 对应以上第2步,将输入的句子的mini-batch转换为词向量表示,转换后输入数据shape为[batch_size, max_seq_len, embedding_size]
- x_emb = self.embedding(inputs)
- x_emb = paddle.reshape(x_emb, shape=[-1, self.num_steps, self.embedding_size])
- # 在获取的词向量后添加dropout层
- if self.dropout_rate is not None and self.dropout_rate > 0.0:
- x_emb = self.dropout_layer(x_emb)
- # 对应以上第3步,使用LSTM网络,把每个句子转换为语义向量
- # 返回的last_hidden即为最后一个时间步的输出,其shape为[self.num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size]
- rnn_out, (last_hidden, last_cell) = self.simple_lstm_rnn(x_emb, (init_hidden, init_cell))
- # 提取最后一层隐状态作为文本的语义向量,其shape为[batch_size, hidden_size]
- last_hidden = paddle.reshape(last_hidden[-1], shape=[-1, self.hidden_size])
- # 对应以上第4步,将每个句子的向量表示映射到具体的情感类别上, logits的维度为[batch_size, 2]
- logits = self.cls_fc(last_hidden)
- return logits
本节将定义模型训练时用到的一些组件和资源,包括定义模型的实例化对象,选择模型训练和或评估时需要使用的计算资源(CPU或者GPU),指定模型训练迭代的优化算法。 其中,本节实验将默认使用GPU进行训练,通过调用 paddle.get_device() 来查看当前实验环境是否有GPU可用,优先使用GPU进行训练。
另外,本实验将使用 paddle.optimizer.Adam() 算法进行模型迭代优化。
class paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.001, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, parameters=None, weight_decay=None, grad_clip=None, name=None, lazy_mode=False)
- # 定义训练参数
- epoch_num = 5
- batch_size = 128
- learning_rate = 0.01
- dropout_rate = 0.2
- num_layers = 1
- hidden_size = 256
- embedding_size = 256
- max_seq_len = 128
- vocab_size = len(word2id_freq)
- # 检测是否可以使用GPU,如果可以优先使用GPU
- use_gpu = True if paddle.get_device().startswith("gpu") else False
- if use_gpu:
- paddle.set_device('gpu:0')
- # 实例化模型
- sentiment_classifier = SentimentClassifier(hidden_size, vocab_size, embedding_size, num_steps=max_seq_len, num_layers=num_layers, dropout_rate=dropout_rate)
- # 指定优化策略,更新模型参数
- optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, parameters= sentiment_classifier.parameters())
W0414 16:53:49.788056 99 device_context.cc:362] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 10.1, Runtime API Version: 10.1 W0414 16:53:49.800664 99 device_context.cc:372] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.6.
- # 记录训练过程中的损失变化情况,可用于后续画图查看训练情况
- losses = []
- steps = []
- def train(model):
- # 开启模型训练模式
- model.train()
- # 建立训练数据生成器,每次迭代生成一个batch,每个batch包含训练文本和文本对应的情感标签
- train_generator = build_batch(word2id_dict, train_set, batch_size, epoch_num, max_seq_len)
- for step, (sentences, labels) in enumerate(train_generator):
- # 获取数据,并将张量转换为Tensor类型
- sentences = paddle.to_tensor(sentences)
- labels = paddle.to_tensor(labels)
- # 前向计算,将数据feed进模型,并得到预测的情感标签和损失
- logits = model(sentences)
- # 计算损失
- loss = F.cross_entropy(input=logits, label=labels, soft_label=False)
- loss = paddle.mean(loss)
- # 后向传播
- loss.backward()
- # 更新参数
- optimizer.step()
- # 清除梯度
- optimizer.clear_grad()
- if step % 100 == 0:
- # 记录当前步骤的loss变化情况
- losses.append(loss.numpy()[0])
- steps.append(step)
- # 打印当前loss数值
- print("step %d, loss %.3f" % (step, loss.numpy()[0]))
- train(sentiment_classifier)
step 0, loss 0.694 step 100, loss 0.696 step 200, loss 0.477 step 300, loss 0.368 step 400, loss 0.093 step 500, loss 0.072 step 600, loss 0.008 step 700, loss 0.004 step 800, loss 0.007 step 900, loss 0.021
训练过程中,每隔100 steps记录一下loss值,图9 展示了这些loss变化的情况,其中纵轴代表loss数值,横轴代表训练的step。整体来看,loss随着训练步数的增加而不断下降,最终平稳,这说明本次实验中模型的训练是有效的。
图9 训练过程中loss变化图
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- # 开始画图,横轴是训练step,纵轴是损失
- plt.plot(steps, losses, "-o")
- plt.xlabel("step")
- plt.ylabel("loss")
- plt.savefig("./loss.png")
/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:107: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working from collections import MutableMapping /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/rcsetup.py:20: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working from collections import Iterable, Mapping /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colors.py:53: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working from collections import Sized 2022-04-14 16:54:39,166 - INFO - font search path ['/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf', '/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/afm', '/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/pdfcorefonts'] 2022-04-14 16:54:39,656 - INFO - generated new fontManager /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/__init__.py:2349: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working if isinstance(obj, collections.Iterator): /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/__init__.py:2366: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working return list(data) if isinstance(data, collections.MappingView) else data
在模型训练完成后,需要将模型和优化器参数保存到磁盘,用于模型推理或继续训练。保存模型的代码如下,通过paddle.save API实现模型参数和优化器参数的保存。
- model_name = "sentiment_classifier"
- # 保存训练好的模型参数
- paddle.save(sentiment_classifier.state_dict(), "{}.pdparams".format(model_name))
- # 保存优化器参数,方便后续模型继续训练
- paddle.save(optimizer.state_dict(), "{}.pdopt".format(model_name))
以上四种情况中,TP和TN代表模型预测对的结果,FP和FN代表模型预测错误的结果,可以通过这四个指标大小判断模型训练的效果。另外还可以根据这几个统计值计算模型的整体准确率:accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)
图10 混淆矩阵
在本实验中,假设将积极的样本视为正例,消极的样本视为负例,那就可以根据混淆矩阵进行统计结果了。从上节可以得知,模型输出的标签是个[batch_size, 2]的矩阵,是经过softmax后的结果,前一列代表相应样本是负例的概率,后一列代表是正例的概率,两者之和为1。对于一个样本,如果正例的概率大于反例的概率,这代表模型预测结果是正例,否则是反例。具体的模型评估代码如下:
- def evaluate(model):
- # 开启模型测试模式,在该模式下,网络不会进行梯度更新
- model.eval()
- # 定义以上几个统计指标
- tp, tn, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0, 0
- # 构造测试数据生成器
- test_generator = build_batch(word2id_dict, test_set, batch_size, 1, max_seq_len)
- for sentences, labels in test_generator:
- # 将张量转换为Tensor类型
- sentences = paddle.to_tensor(sentences)
- labels = paddle.to_tensor(labels)
- # 获取模型对当前batch的输出结果
- logits = model(sentences)
- # 使用softmax进行归一化
- probs = F.softmax(logits)
- # 把输出结果转换为numpy array数组,比较预测结果和对应label之间的关系,并更新tp,tn,fp和fn
- probs = probs.numpy()
- for i in range(len(probs)):
- # 当样本是的真实标签是正例
- if labels[i][0] == 1:
- # 模型预测是正例
- if probs[i][1] > probs[i][0]:
- tp += 1
- # 模型预测是负例
- else:
- fn += 1
- # 当样本的真实标签是负例
- else:
- # 模型预测是正例
- if probs[i][1] > probs[i][0]:
- fp += 1
- # 模型预测是负例
- else:
- tn += 1
- # 整体准确率
- accuracy = (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)
- # 输出最终评估的模型效果
- print("TP: {}\nFP: {}\nTN: {}\nFN: {}\n".format(tp, fp, tn, fn))
- print("Accuracy: %.4f" % accuracy)
- # 加载训练好的模型进行预测,重新实例化一个模型,然后将训练好的模型参数加载到新模型里面
- saved_state = paddle.load("./sentiment_classifier.pdparams")
- sentiment_classifier = SentimentClassifier(hidden_size, vocab_size, embedding_size, num_steps=max_seq_len, num_layers=num_layers, dropout_rate=dropout_rate)
- sentiment_classifier.load_dict(saved_state)
- # 评估模型
- evaluate(sentiment_classifier)
TP: 8938 FP: 2324 TN: 10156 FN: 3542 Accuracy: 0.7650
任意输入一个电影评论方面的文本,如:“this movie is so wonderful. I watched it three times”,通过模型推理验证模型训练效果,实现代码如下。
- # 模型预测代码
- def infer(model, text):
- model.eval()
- # 数据处理
- sentence = text.split(" ")
- tokens = [word2id_dict[word] if word in word2id_dict \
- else word2id_dict['[oov]'] for word in sentence]
- # 截断或者填充序列到
- tokens = tokens[:max_seq_len]
- tokens = tokens+[word2id_dict['[pad]']]*(max_seq_len-len(tokens))
- # 构造输入模型的数据
- tokens = paddle.to_tensor(tokens, dtype="int64").unsqueeze(0)
- # 计算发射分数
- logits = model(tokens)
- probs = F.softmax(logits)
- # # 解析出分数最大的标签
- id2label={0:"消极情绪", 1:"积极情绪"}
- max_label_id = paddle.argmax(logits, axis=1).numpy()[0]
- pred_label = id2label[max_label_id]
- print("Label: ", pred_label)
- title = "this movie is so great. I watched it three times already"
- infer(sentiment_classifier, title)
Label: 积极情绪
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