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  • 使用MobaXterm远程工具连接设备,并作为FTP服务器
  • 准备升级所需的版本文件及补丁文件


  • 在交换机接口配置IP,并在笔记本有线网卡配置同网段的IP
    • 设备管理口IP:
    • 笔记本有线网卡IP:
[~HUAWEI]dis ip int bri 
*down: administratively down
!down: FIB overload down
^down: standby
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
(d): Dampening Suppressed
The number of interface that is UP in Physical is 2
The number of interface that is DOWN in Physical is 2
The number of interface that is UP in Protocol is 2
The number of interface that is DOWN in Protocol is 2
Interface                   IP Address/Mask    Physical Protocol VPN                   
MEth0/0/0                  up       up       --            
NULL0                       unassigned         up       up(s)    --            
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  • 笔记本作为FTP服务器
    • 配置FTP服务器的存放升级文件及补丁文件的目录,配置用户名和密码
    • 启动服务


  • 查看设备中的文件
  • 在设备上执行以下命名
    • dir:查看当前目录下的文件
    • ftp访问FTP服务器
    • binary:设置文件传输模式,防止数据错误
    • get xxxxx:下载目标文件
    • quit:退出FTP服务器
Directory of flash:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time       FileName                     
    0  dr-x              -  May 21 2024 16:50:44   $_checkpoint                 
    1  dr-x              -  Jan 23 2019 10:45:28   $_install_mod                
    2  dr-x              -  Nov 16 2022 10:30:07   $_license                    
    3  dr-x              -  Nov 16 2022 10:30:57   $_security_info              
    4  dr-x              -  May 21 2024 16:46:19   $_system                     
    5  -rw-    253,863,108  Jul 31 2019 07:34:50   CE6851HI-V200R005C10SPC800.cc
    6  -rw-      4,362,159  Nov 03 2019 20:37:06   CE6851HI-V200R005SPH007.PAT  
    7  drwx              -  Nov 16 2022 10:25:27   POST                         
    8  -rw-             97  Nov 16 2022 10:25:32   collect_diag_info.bat        
    9  -rw-         17,053  Nov 16 2022 10:47:38   device.sys                   
   10  drwx              -  Nov 16 2022 10:40:04   logfile                      
   11  -rw-            967  Nov 16 2022 10:47:38   vrpcfg.zip                   

630,660 KB total (384,644 KB free)
Trying ...
Press CTRL + K to abort
Connected to
220-SecureBlackbox FTPS server ready.
220 Library version 22.0.8350.0
331 User name okay, need password.
Enter password:
230 User logged in, proceed.
200 Command okay.
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
total 8
-rwxrwxrwx    1 user     group        273746636 May   20 18:30 CE6851HI-V200R019C10SPC800.cc
-rwxrwxrwx    1 user     group         43736425 May   21 06:23 CE6851HI-V200R019SPH061.PAT
226 LIST completed

FTP: 594 byte(s) received in 1.100 second(s) 527byte(s)/sec.	
200 Command okay.
[ftp]get CE6851HI-V200R019C10SPC800.cc
213 273746636
200 Command okay.
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
/     0% [           ] 
\     100% [***********] 226 Closing data connection.
FTP: 273746636 byte(s) received in 109.467 second(s) 2452.568Kbyte(s)/sec.
[ftp]get CE6851HI-V200R019SPH061.PAT
213 43736425
200 Command okay.
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
/     0% [           ] 
/     100% [***********] 226 Closing data connection.
FTP: 43736425 byte(s) received in 18.332 second(s) 2329.879Kbyte(s)/sec.
221 Service closing control connection.
Directory of flash:/

  Idx  Attr     Size(Byte)  Date        Time       FileName                     
    0  dr-x              -  May 21 2024 16:50:44   $_checkpoint                 
    1  dr-x              -  Jan 23 2019 10:45:28   $_install_mod                
    2  dr-x              -  Nov 16 2022 10:30:07   $_license                    
    3  dr-x              -  Nov 16 2022 10:30:57   $_security_info              
    4  dr-x              -  May 21 2024 16:46:19   $_system                     
    5  -rw-    253,863,108  Jul 31 2019 07:34:50   CE6851HI-V200R005C10SPC800.cc
    6  -rw-      4,362,159  Nov 03 2019 20:37:06   CE6851HI-V200R005SPH007.PAT  
    7  -rw-    273,746,636  May 21 2024 16:54:29   CE6851HI-V200R019C10SPC800.cc
    8  -rw-     43,736,425  May 21 2024 16:55:10   CE6851HI-V200R019SPH061.PAT  
    9  drwx              -  Nov 16 2022 10:25:27   POST                         
   10  -rw-             97  Nov 16 2022 10:25:32   collect_diag_info.bat        
   11  -rw-         17,053  Nov 16 2022 10:47:38   device.sys                   
   12  drwx              -  Nov 16 2022 10:40:04   logfile                      
   13  -rw-            967  Nov 16 2022 10:47:38   vrpcfg.zip                   

630,660 KB total (76,732 KB free)
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  • 查看当前系统版本信息
<HUAWEI>dis version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 8.180 (CE6851HI V200R005C10SPC800)
Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI CE6851-48S6Q-HI uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 3 minutes 
Patch Version: V200R005SPH007

CE6851-48S6Q-HI(Master) 1 : uptime is  0 day, 0 hour, 2 minutes
        StartupTime 2024/05/21   16:45:09 
Memory    Size    : 2048 M bytes
Flash     Size    : 1024 M bytes
CE6851-48S6Q-HI version information                               
1. PCB    Version : CEM48S6QP04    VER B
2. MAB    Version : 1
3. Board  Type    : CE6851-48S6Q-HI
4. CPLD1  Version : 103
5. CPLD2  Version : 103
6. BIOS   Version : 433
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  • 升级系统版本和补丁
    • 升级系统:startup system-software CE6851HI-V200R019C10SPC800.cc
    • 升级补丁:startup patch CE6851HI-V200R019SPH061.PAT all
    • 查看启动信息:display startup
<HUAWEI>startup system-software CE6851HI-V200R019C10SPC800.cc
Info: Operating, please wait for a moment............................................done.
Info: Succeeded in setting the next startup software in slot 1.
Warning: The next startup patch CE6851HI-V200R005SPH007.PAT is not match the version of the next startup system software in slot 1.
<HUAWEI>startup patch CE6851HI-V200R019SPH061.PAT all 
Info: Operating, please wait for a moment......................................................done.
Info: Succeeded in setting startup the patch.	
<HUAWEI>display startup 
  Configured startup system software:        flash:/CE6851HI-V200R005C10SPC800.cc
  Startup system software:                   flash:/CE6851HI-V200R005C10SPC800.cc
  Next startup system software:              flash:/CE6851HI-V200R019C10SPC800.cc
  Startup saved-configuration file:          flash:/vrpcfg.zip
  Next startup saved-configuration file:     flash:/vrpcfg.zip
  Startup paf file:                          default
  Next startup paf file:                     default
  Startup patch package:                     flash:/CE6851HI-V200R005SPH007.PAT
  Next startup patch package:                flash:/CE6851HI-V200R019SPH061.PAT
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  • 重启设备
slot 1:
Next startup system software: flash:/CE6851HI-V200R019C10SPC800.cc
Next startup saved-configuration file: flash:/vrpcfg.zip
Next startup paf file: default
Next startup patch package: flash:/CE6851HI-V200R019SPH061.PAT
Warning: The system will reboot. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Check system software ........................................ DONE
Check APPDB .................................................. DONE
Set next bootfile ............................................ DONE
Load system software ......................................... DONE
Create file system ........................................... DONE

Now starting VRP ........

Configured switch mode ....................................... AUTO-NEGOTIATION
Current switch mode .......................................... STACK
Press CTRL+Y to modify the switch mode ....................... skip

Initializing stack ........................................... DONE
Stack member ID .............................................. 1
Stack domain ID .............................................. INVALID
Stack priority ............................................... 100
Default MAC .................................................. 24-a5-2c-08-41-d0
Competing with other devices in the stack .................... DONE
Stack role ................................................... MASTER

User interface con0 is available

Please Press ENTER.

Info: The max number of VTY users is 5, the number of current VTY users online is 0, and total number of terminal users online is 1.
      The current login time is 2024-05-21 17:06:14.
<HUAWEI>dis version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 8.191 (CE6851HI V200R019C10SPC800)
Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI CE6851-48S6Q-HI uptime is 0 day, 0 hour, 3 minutes
Patch Version: V200R019SPH061

CE6851-48S6Q-HI(Master) 1 : uptime is  0 day, 0 hour, 1 minute
        StartupTime 2024/05/21   17:04:55
Memory    Size    : 2048 M bytes
Flash     Size    : 1024 M bytes
CE6851-48S6Q-HI version information
1. PCB    Version : CEM48S6QP04    VER B
2. MAB    Version : 1
3. Board  Type    : CE6851-48S6Q-HI
4. CPLD1  Version : 103
5. CPLD2  Version : 103
6. BIOS   Version : 439
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  • 版本、补丁升级成功

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