标准 SQL 里定义了外连接的三种类型,如下所示。
- -- 全外连接保留全部信息
- select coalesce(a.id,b.id) as id,
- a.name as a_name,
- b.name as b_name
- from class_a15 a full outer join class_b15 b
- on a.id = b.id;
- -- 数据库不支持全连接
- -- 使用左连接与右连接的并集
- SELECT A.id AS id,
- A.name AS A_name,
- B.name AS B_name
- FROM Class_A15 A left JOIN Class_B15 B
- ON A.id = B.id
- union
- SELECT B.id AS id,
- A.name AS A_name,
- B.name AS B_name
- FROM Class_A15 A right JOIN Class_B15 B
- ON A.id = B.id;
- -- 用外连接求差集 : A - B
- select a.id as id, a.name as a_name
- from class_a15 a left join class_b15 b
- on a.id = b.id
- where b.name is null;
- -- 用外连接求差集: B - A
- select b.id as id,b.name as b_name
- from class_a15 a right join class_b15 b
- on a.id = b.id
- where a.name is null;
- select a.id as id ,a.name as name
- from class_a15 a left join class_b15 b on a.id = b.id
- where a.name is null or b.name is null
- union
- select b.id as id ,b.name as name
- from class_a15 a right join class_b15 b on a.id = b.id
- where a.name is null or b.name is null
利用上面这张表生成下面这样一张交叉表(“课程学习记录一览表”)。○表示已学习过,NULL 表示尚未学习。
- -- 使用外连接
- select c0.name,
- case when c1.name is not null then 'O' else null end as "SQL入门",
- case when c2.name is not null then 'O' else null end as "UNIX基础",
- case when c3.name is not null then 'O' else null end as "Java中级"
- from (select distinct name from courses) c0 -- 这里的c0是侧栏
- left outer join (select name from courses where course = 'SQL入门') c1 on c0.name = c1.name
- left outer join (select name from courses where course = 'UNIX基础') c2 on c0.name = c2.name
- left outer join (select name from courses where course = 'Java中级') c3 on c0.name = c3.name;
使用子查询,根据源表 Courses 生成 C0 ~ C3 这 4 个子集。C0 包含了全部员工,起到了“员工主表”的作用。C1 ~ C3 是每个课程的学习者的集合。这里以 C0 为主表,依次对 C1 ~ C3 进行外连接操作。如果某位员工学习过某个课程,则相应的课程列会出现他的姓名,否则为 NULL。最后,通过 CASE 表达式将课程列中员工的姓名转换为○就算完成了。
- -- 水平展开2:使用标量子查询
- select c0.name,
- (select 'O' from courses c1 where course = 'SQL入门' and c1.name = c0.name) as "SQL入门",
- (select 'O' from courses c2 where course = 'UNIX基础' and c2.name = c0.name) as 'UNIX基础',
- (select 'O' from courses c3 where course = 'Java中级' and c3.name = c0.name) as "Java中级"
- from (select distinct name from courses) c0; -- 这里的c0是表侧栏
- -- 水平展开 3:嵌套使用case表达式
- select name,
- case when sum(case when course = 'SQL入门' then 1 else null end) = 1
- then 'O' else null end as "SQL入门",
- case when sum(case when course = 'UNIX基础' then 1 else null end) = 1
- then 'O' else null end as "UNIX基础",
- case when sum(case when course = 'Java中级' then 1 else null end) = 1
- then 'O' else null end as "Java中级"
- from courses
- group by name;
- select employee,child_1 as child from personnel
- union all
- select employee,child_2 as child from personnel
- union all
- select employee,child_3 as child from personnel;
因为 UNION ALL 不会排除掉重复的行,所以即使吉田没有孩子,结果里也会出现 3 行相关数据。所以对结果再次优化。先创建一个视图,保存所有的子女列表。然后用员工表作为主表与该视图进行外连接,当员工表中的孩子1-3存在于视图中,返回该名字,否则返回null。
- -- 生成一个存储子女列表的视图
- create view children(child)
- as select child_1 from personnel
- union
- select child_2 from personnel
- union
- select child_3 from personnel;
- -- 获取员工子女列表的SQL语句(没有孩子的员工也要输出)
- select emp.employee,children.child
- from personnel emp
- left outer join children on children.child in (emp.child_1,emp.child_2,emp.child_3);
在生成统计表的工作中,经常会有制作嵌套式表头和表侧栏的需求。例如这道例题:表 TblPop 是一张按照县、年龄层级和性别统计的人口分布表,要求根据表 TblPop 生成交叉表“包含嵌套式表侧栏的统计表”。
- -- 使用外连接生成嵌套式表侧栏
- select master.age_range as age_class,
- master.sex as sex_acd,
- data.pop_tohoku as pop_tohoku,
- data.pop_kanto as pop_kanto
- from (select age_class,age_range,sex_cd,sex
- from tblage cross join tblsex) master -- 使用交叉连接生成两张主表的笛卡尔积
- left outer join (select age_class,sex_cd,
- sum(case when pref_name in ('青森','秋田') then population else null end) as pop_tohoku,
- sum(case when pref_name in ('东京','千叶') then population else null end) as pop_kanto
- from tblpop
- group by age_class,sex_cd) data
- on master.age_class = data.age_class and master.sex_cd = data.sex_cd;
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