- Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: com.adobe.creativesdk.sample: One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isn't being registered exclusively for system broadcasts
- at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(Parcel.java:3057)
- at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:3041)
- at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:3024)
- at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2966)
- at android.app.IActivityManager$Stub$Proxy.registerReceiverWithFeature(IActivityManager.java:5393)
- at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1851)
- at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1791)
- // Entry point from android_util_Binder.cpp's onTransact
- 714 private boolean execTransact(int code, long dataObj, long replyObj,
- 715 int flags) {
- 716 BinderCallsStats binderCallsStats = BinderCallsStats.getInstance();
- 717 BinderCallsStats.CallSession callSession = binderCallsStats.callStarted(this, code);
- 718 Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(dataObj);
- 719 Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(replyObj);
- 720 // theoretically, we should call transact, which will call onTransact,
- 721 // but all that does is rewind it, and we just got these from an IPC,
- 722 // so we'll just call it directly.
- 723 boolean res;
- 724 // Log any exceptions as warnings, don't silently suppress them.
- 725 // If the call was FLAG_ONEWAY then these exceptions disappear into the ether.
- 726 final boolean tracingEnabled = Binder.isTracingEnabled();
- 727 try {
- 728 if (tracingEnabled) {
- 729 Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ALWAYS, getClass().getName() + ":" + code);
- 730 }
- 731 res = onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
- 732 } catch (RemoteException|RuntimeException e) {
- 734 Log.w(TAG, "Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.", e);
- 735 }
- 736 if ((flags & FLAG_ONEWAY) != 0) {
- 737 if (e instanceof RemoteException) {
- 738 Log.w(TAG, "Binder call failed.", e);
- 739 } else {
- 740 Log.w(TAG, "Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.", e);
- 741 }
- 742 } else {
- 743 reply.setDataPosition(0);
- 744 reply.writeException(e);
- 745 }
- 746 res = true;
- 747 } finally {
- 748 if (tracingEnabled) {
- 749 Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ALWAYS);
- 750 }
- 751 }
- 752 checkParcel(this, code, reply, "Unreasonably large binder reply buffer");
- 753 reply.recycle();
- 754 data.recycle();
- 755
- 756 // Just in case -- we are done with the IPC, so there should be no more strict
- 757 // mode violations that have gathered for this thread. Either they have been
- 758 // parceled and are now in transport off to the caller, or we are returning back
- 759 // to the main transaction loop to wait for another incoming transaction. Either
- 760 // way, strict mode begone!
- 761 StrictMode.clearGatheredViolations();
- 762 binderCallsStats.callEnded(callSession);
- 763
- 764 return res;
- 765 }
- 766}
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