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source tree uncommitted changes显示的是所有的文件
  • Overview

SourceTree可以在bookmarks界面跟踪所有的git和mercurial项目。可以概览工程中是否有需要提交的文件等。添加新的bookmark很简单,可以通过两种方式,通过本地的file sysytem或者clone url或者是创建新的


本地:就是在本地已经有了git项目,然后直接导入即可。可以找到需要的本地项目然后直接拖曳或者选择“add working copy”绝对路径搜索添加都可以找到.


clone url: 就是获取有效的git项目url后选择“clone repository”来下载工程到本地。

  • The Toolbar

The repository window has a slightly different toolbar depending on whether you're looking at a Mercurial or Git repository:

The View Button
This button allows you to switch between the 3 main views of the repository: File Status, Log, and Search.

Opens the Commit dialog so you can commit your changes. In Git, if you're using staging, the default is to open the dialog with the commit of staged changes selected. In Mercurial, or Git with the staging view disabled, the dialog opens with either all pending files selected (if 0 or 1 file is selected in the File Status view, or you're on another view), or with specific files selected (if 2+ files are selected in the file status view).
You can also commit specific files by using the context menu version of Commit from the File Status View, or by customising your toolbar to add the 'Commit Selected' button.

Update (Mercurial) / Checkout (Git)
Allows you to switch your local working copy to a different point in history. In Git, this will also move your HEAD (equivalent to git reset followed by git checkout).
checkout会切换不同的本地working copy

Revert (Mercurial) / Reset (Git)
Use this to undo changes in your working copy.
将在本地当前working copy代码的修改还原

Shelve (Mercurial) / Stash (Git)
Moves any uncommitted changes you have in your working copy to a storage area, and returns your working copy to a clean state. A entry representing your stashed/shelved changes will appear on the sidebar once complete and you can bring these changes back into your working copy later from the sidebar context menu.

Add (或者选择修改的文件然后右键单击选择 add to index)
Adds any selected untracked files to source control - the next commit will start to track these files.
这个功能是将选择的未跟踪文件加入到source control中的版本跟踪控制中去

Stops tracking selected files and removes them from the working copy. The next commit will remove these files from being tracked in source control.
移除掉本地working copy中的选择的文件使其不被跟踪和控制

A shortcut to stop tracking all files which are missing from the working folder, and to add any untracked files to source control. In Git, this also stages any modified files.

Fetch (Git only)
Download new commits from your remotes, but don't bring them in to your own branch yet.

Download new commits from your remotes and bring them in to your current branch, either by merging or rebasing. This icon will show a number over the top of it if there are commits available on the remote for you to pull (updated periodically based on your Preferences).

Upload new commits to a remote. This icon will have a number superimposed on it if you have commits which you haven't pushed yet.

Create a new branch (also includes a tab for removing branches in Git)

Merge changes into your current branch.

Create and manage tags.

Create Patch
Create a patch file either from your current uncommitted changes, or from one or more commits that you've already made.

Apply Patch
Apply a patch file either to your working copy or directly to the commit log.

Open a Terminal at the selected location (this button may not be displayed in the default toolbar, right-click the toolbar to customise it if you wish to add it).

Access per-repository settings such as remotes.


1,选择修改并需要提交的文件查看后右键点击选择add to index






