前文链接:要点初见:用Python进行微观交通模型仿真——基于SUMO的伯克利开源项目Flow Project初探与拓展
前文链接中是博主先前写TRB论文时根据个人研究所写的Flow Project介绍、代码解释以及初步的功能拓展方法介绍,简单说就是一个能用python设计运行微观交通流仿真、方便在微观交通流中进行强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)的好东西(官方链接:https://github.com/flow-project/flow)。最近写毕业论文又捡起了Flow Project用来做微观交通流仿真,安装运行了Flow官方Github上的master分支代码(最新flow版本:flow0.5.0)后发现这新版本仍然没有实现众多仿真时必要的功能,譬如每个车辆的长宽等参数定制、每条道路的行驶速度等参数定制等等。其实这些功能都是SUMO中已有的,只需要一点衔接就能在Flow中实现这些功能,Flow作为SUMO的二次开发框架可能更集中于强化学习部分的功能开发,故在基础功能开发方面未有深入。
本文不会具体介绍这些功能衔接的具体实现(想了解可以将highway_newfunc分支的代码覆盖至master分支,并用VSCode之类的IDE查看Source Control-CHANGES),本文主要是给出链接、介绍优化后的Flow超简单安装方法、介绍此次拓展出的功能,并分析示例代码(test0205.py)。本文的运行环境是 Ubuntu16.04, anaconda 4.6.11。
注意:修改flow/flow中的源码后需要重新运行python setup.py develop对项目进行rebuild,Flow核心中部分的代码需要rebuild才会生效,例如flow/flow/core/kernel/simulation/、flow/flow/core/experiment.py,部分核心代码不需要rebuild也能生效,例如flow/flow/core/kernel/network/,但每次修改源码后运行python setup.py develop能避免改动未生效。
不多废话,此处是在Flow(2021.2.8 master分支)上实现了这些功能衔接的代码链接(注意是highway_newfunc分支而非master分支):
Github 链接:https://github.com/BingLiHanShuang/flow/tree/highway_newfunc
百度网盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GD3gb5sHthAzTBpvM0JTSw 提取码:59pe
1、git clone https://github.com/BingLiHanShuang/flow.git
2、cd flow
3、git checkout highway_newfunc
1、pip config set global.index-url https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple(更适合中国宝宝体质)
2、conda env create -f environment.yml
3、pip install -r requirements.txt
Ubuntu 14.04:
Ubuntu 16.04:
Ubuntu 18.04:
which sumo
sumo --version
6、conda activate flow_new2
7、python setup.py develop(此步骤若运行timeout超时可多次运行)
1、改进了Flow安装方法,解决了一个依赖库的版本bug:在conda env create时pip应先被安装再安装其他库。而redis需>=3.3.2才能符合environment.yml中某个库的依赖。(具体哪个忘了……)
2、为VehicleParams类增加了length、width、height和vClass参数,即可在Flow代码中添加车辆时设定该种车辆的长、宽、高、车辆类型,这些设定能在SUMO仿真中直观生效。车辆类型默认为passenger,具体内容选择可在该链接中查询: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#abstract_vehicle_class。未来还能为VehicleParams类添加的参数可以参考这个链接:https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#available_vtype_attributes
3、在highway路网中增加了lane_list参数(其他路网中未添加,若想添加请参考flow/flow/networks/highway.py),即可为每个edge上的每条lane单独设定专门的行驶速度上限、禁行的车辆种类名单。SUMO中的道路(lane)是建立在edge(出发边缘)上的。禁行的车辆种类名单的书写格式为“A”或“A B C 等等”,A的内容需从上文车辆类型的具体内容链接中选取,不同种类由空格隔开。未来还能为每条道路添加的参数可以参考这个链接:https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/PlainXML.html#lane-specific_definitions
2、conda deactivate
3、source activate flow_new2
4、export PYTHONPATH="/home/hongyong/.conda/envs/flow_new2/lib/python3.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH"
5、python examples/simulate.py test0205 --gen_emission
- /home/hongyong/.conda/envs/flow_new2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py:3335: RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
- out=out, **kwargs)
- /home/hongyong/.conda/envs/flow_new2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/_methods.py:161: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
- ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
- Round 0, return: -0.1
- ./data/test0205_20210208-1735491612776949.4998093-0_emission.csv ./data
- Average, std returns: -0.1, 0.0
- Average, std velocities: nan, nan
- Average, std outflows: 2030.4, 0.0
- Total time: 220.84119844436646
- steps/second: 48.04350433419724
flow/data/test0205_20210208-1735491612776949.4998093-0_emission.csv (237.8 MB, 研究Flow仿真的核心所在,但太大了所以git pull前和json文件一起删了)
- """Example of an open multi-lane network with human-driven vehicles."""
- import traci
- from flow.core.kernel.vehicle import KernelVehicle
- from flow.core.kernel.vehicle import TraCIVehicle
- from flow.core.kernel import Kernel
- from flow.core.params import SimParams
- from flow.controllers import IDMController, SimLaneChangeController, RLController
- from flow.core.params import SumoParams, EnvParams, NetParams, InitialConfig, SumoLaneChangeParams, SumoCarFollowingParams
- from flow.core.params import VehicleParams, InFlows
- from flow.envs.ring.lane_change_accel import ADDITIONAL_ENV_PARAMS
- from flow.networks.highway import HighwayNetwork, ADDITIONAL_NET_PARAMS
- from flow.envs import LaneChangeAccelEnv
- vehicles = VehicleParams()
- vehicles.add(
- veh_id="rlcar",# Lincoln MKC 4552*1864*1654 THIS IS TYPE NAME
- length = 4.552,
- width = 1.864,
- height = 1.654,
- vClass = "passenger",
- #color = "1,0,0",
- acceleration_controller=(RLController, {}),
- car_following_params=SumoCarFollowingParams(
- speed_mode="obey_safe_speed",
- max_speed=33.333,
- accel=2.6, #Wait changed
- decel=4.5,
- sigma=0.5,
- tau=1.0,
- min_gap=2.5,
- speed_factor=1.0,
- speed_dev=0.1,
- impatience=0.5,
- car_follow_model="IDM"
- ),
- lane_change_params=SumoLaneChangeParams(
- lane_change_mode="only_speed_gain_safe",# no_lc_safe, Disable all SUMO lane changing but still handle safety checks (collision avoidance and safety-gap enforcement) in the simulation.
- model="SL2015",
- lc_sublane=2.0,
- ),
- num_vehicles=0)
- vehicles.add(
- veh_id="humancar",# Volkswagen LAVIDA 4670*1806*1474 max:120km/h
- length = 4.67,
- width = 1.806,
- height = 1.474,
- vClass = "passenger",
- #v0 : desirable velocity, in m/s (default: 30) in flow/flow/controllers/car_following_models.py 352
- acceleration_controller=(IDMController,{'v0':32}),# desirable velocity 115km/h
- car_following_params=SumoCarFollowingParams(
- speed_mode="obey_safe_speed", # default
- max_speed=33.333,
- accel=2.6, #Wait changed
- decel=4.5,
- sigma=0.5,
- tau=1.0,
- min_gap=2.5,
- speed_factor=1.0,
- speed_dev=0.1,
- impatience=0.5,
- car_follow_model="IDM"
- ),
- lane_change_params=SumoLaneChangeParams(
- lane_change_mode="only_speed_gain_safe",# sumo_default, only_speed_gain_safe, only_strategic_safe, only_cooperative_safe
- model="SL2015", # Lane-changing model for sublane-simulation [https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html] [https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/SublaneModel.html]
- lc_sublane=2.0, # The eagerness for using the configured lateral alignment within the lane. Higher values result in increased willingness to sacrifice speed for alignment. default: 1.0, range [0-inf]
- ),
- num_vehicles=0)
- vehicles.add(
- veh_id="humanbus",# YUTONG ZK6826BEV 8245*2500*3240 max:100km/h
- length = 8.245,
- width = 2.500,
- height = 3.240,
- vClass = "bus",
- color = "1,1,0",
- acceleration_controller=(IDMController, {'v0':26.4}),# 95km/h
- car_following_params=SumoCarFollowingParams(
- speed_mode="obey_safe_speed", # default
- max_speed=27.778,
- accel=2.6, #Wait changed
- decel=4.5,
- sigma=0.5,
- tau=1.0,
- min_gap=2.5,
- speed_factor=1.0,
- speed_dev=0.1,
- impatience=0.5,
- car_follow_model="IDM"
- ),
- lane_change_params=SumoLaneChangeParams(
- lane_change_mode="only_speed_gain_safe",
- model="SL2015",
- lc_sublane=2.0,
- ),
- num_vehicles=0)
- vehicles.add(
- veh_id="humantruck",# FOTON BJ5319XXY-AB 12000*2550*3950 max:100km/h
- length = 12,
- width = 2.550,
- height = 3.950,
- vClass = "truck",
- color = "0,1,0",
- acceleration_controller=(IDMController, {'v0':25}),# 90km/h
- car_following_params=SumoCarFollowingParams(
- speed_mode="obey_safe_speed", # default
- max_speed=27.778,
- accel=2.6, #Wait changed
- decel=4.5,
- sigma=0.5,
- tau=1.0,
- min_gap=2.5,
- speed_factor=1.0,
- speed_dev=0.1,
- impatience=0.5,
- car_follow_model="IDM"
- ),
- lane_change_params=SumoLaneChangeParams(
- lane_change_mode="only_speed_gain_safe",
- model="SL2015",
- lc_sublane=2.0,
- ),
- num_vehicles=0)
- env_params = EnvParams(additional_params=ADDITIONAL_ENV_PARAMS)
- inflow = InFlows()
- inflow.add(
- veh_type="rlcar",
- edge="highway_0",
- #probability=0.025,# 0.25 probability for emitting a vehicle each second (not together with vehsPerHour or period)
- vehs_per_hour=120,#250
- depart_lane=3,# the index of the lane, starting with rightmost=0
- depart_speed=30)
- inflow.add(
- veh_type="humancar",
- edge="highway_0",
- #probability=0.85,# 0.25 probability for emitting a vehicle each second (not together with vehsPerHour or period)
- vehs_per_hour=2500,#15000
- depart_lane="random",#free random allowed best first
- depart_speed=30)
- inflow.add(
- veh_type="humanbus",
- edge="highway_0",
- #probability=0.1,
- vehs_per_hour=486,#486
- depart_lane="random",
- depart_speed=26.4)
- inflow.add(
- veh_type="humantruck",
- edge="highway_0",
- #probability=0.05,
- vehs_per_hour=486,#486
- depart_lane="random",
- depart_speed=25)
- flow_params = dict(
- # name of the experiment
- exp_tag='test0205',
- # name of the flow environment the experiment is running on
- env_name=LaneChangeAccelEnv,
- # name of the network class the experiment is running on
- network=HighwayNetwork,
- # simulator that is used by the experiment
- simulator='traci',
- # sumo-related parameters (see flow.core.params.SumoParams)
- #sim=SumoParams(
- #render=True,
- #lateral_resolution=1.0,
- #),
- sim=SumoParams(
- restart_instance=True,
- sim_step=0.1, # seconds per simulation step, default
- emission_path="./data/",
- render=True, # delegate rendering to sumo-gui for back-compatibility(Color)
- lateral_resolution=3.75,
- sight_radius=120, # sets the radius of observation for RL vehicles (meter)
- pxpm=3, # specifies rendering resolution (pixel / meter)
- show_radius=True # specifies whether to render the radius of RL observation
- #save_render=True # specifies whether to save rendering data to disk
- ),
- # environment related parameters (see flow.core.params.EnvParams)
- env=EnvParams(
- horizon=5000, # number of steps per rollouts
- additional_params=ADDITIONAL_ENV_PARAMS.copy(),
- ),
- # network-related parameters (see flow.core.params.NetParams and the
- # network's documentation or ADDITIONAL_NET_PARAMS component)
- net=NetParams(
- inflows=inflow,
- #additional_params=ADDITIONAL_NET_PARAMS.copy(),
- additional_params={
- 'length': 6000,
- 'width': 3.75,
- 'lanes': 4,# highway_0_0(right) highway_0_3(left)
- 'speed_limit': 33.333,
- 'num_edges': 1,
- # 'lane_list': {}, # must available
- 'lane_list': {'0': # edge index
- [
- {
- 'index': '0', # 0(right) n-1(left)
- 'speed': '27.778'
- },
- {
- 'index': '1',
- 'speed': '27.778'
- },
- {
- 'index': '3',
- 'speed': '33.333',
- 'disallow': "bus truck"
- }
- ]
- }, #In the order of edges index
- "use_ghost_edge": False,
- "ghost_speed_limit": 25,
- "boundary_cell_length": 500
- },
- ),
- # vehicles to be placed in the network at the start of a rollout (see
- # flow.core.params.VehicleParams)
- veh=vehicles,
- # parameters specifying the positioning of vehicles upon initialization/
- # reset (see flow.core.params.InitialConfig)
- initial=InitialConfig(
- spacing="uniform",
- shuffle=True,
- ),
- )
- vehicles.add(
- veh_id="humanbus",# YUTONG ZK6826BEV 8245*2500*3240 max:100km/h
- length = 8.245,
- width = 2.500,
- height = 3.240,
- vClass = "bus",
- color = "1,1,0",
- acceleration_controller=(IDMController, {'v0':26.4}),# 95km/h
- car_following_params=SumoCarFollowingParams(
- speed_mode="obey_safe_speed", # default
- max_speed=27.778,
- accel=2.6, #Wait changed
- decel=4.5,
- sigma=0.5,
- tau=1.0,
- min_gap=2.5,
- speed_factor=1.0,
- speed_dev=0.1,
- impatience=0.5,
- car_follow_model="IDM"
- ),
- lane_change_params=SumoLaneChangeParams(
- lane_change_mode="only_speed_gain_safe",
- model="SL2015",
- lc_sublane=2.0,
- ),
- num_vehicles=0)
- net=NetParams(
- inflows=inflow,
- #additional_params=ADDITIONAL_NET_PARAMS.copy(),
- additional_params={
- 'length': 6000,
- 'width': 3.75,
- 'lanes': 4,# highway_0_0(right) highway_0_3(left)
- 'speed_limit': 33.333,
- 'num_edges': 1,
- # 'lane_list': {}, # must available
- 'lane_list': {'0': # edge index
- [
- {
- 'index': '0', # 0(right) n-1(left)
- 'speed': '27.778'
- },
- {
- 'index': '1',
- 'speed': '27.778'
- },
- {
- 'index': '3',
- 'speed': '33.333',
- 'disallow': "bus truck"
- }
- ]
- }, #In the order of edges index
- "use_ghost_edge": False,
- "ghost_speed_limit": 25,
- "boundary_cell_length": 500
- },
- ),
建议大家在该示例代码的基础上进行修改开发,如果需要在其他路网(例如下图Flow官方示例中魔幻的minicity)中实现这些功能,如文首所说可以将highway_newfunc分支的代码覆盖至master分支,并用VSCode之类的IDE查看Source Control-CHANGES,从而对其他路网进行类似的修改(主要还是修改flow/flow/networks中的文件)。
欢迎交流讨论!对Flow Project有更深入的疑惑可以在stackoverflow的专题链接中提问(带上flow-project的标签,回的挺快):https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/flow-project
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