本类是继承了 cluic/wxauto 的微信机器人模块 Windows版本微信客户端自动化
wxauto模块地址: https://github.com/cluic/wxauto
import time import uiautomation as uia from .languages import * from .utils import * from .elements import * from .errors import * from .color import * from wxauto.wxauto import WeChat class WxGzh(WeChat): def __init__(self, language='cn') -> None: super().__init__(language) def SendGzhMsg(self, msg, who=None, clear=True): # 获取窗口 msg_box = self.GetShowGzhWindows(who) # 如果有输入按钮,就点一下 if msg_box.ButtonControl(Name='输入').Exists(1, 0): msg_box.ButtonControl(Name='输入').Click(simulateMove=False) editbox = msg_box.EditControl(searchDepth=10) if not editbox.Exists(0, 0): # time.sleep(1) editbox = msg_box.EditControl(searchDepth=11) if not editbox.HasKeyboardFocus: editbox.Click(simulateMove=False) if clear: editbox.SendKeys('{Ctrl}a', waitTime=0) t0 = time.time() while True: if time.time() - t0 > 10: raise TimeoutError(f'发送消息超时 --> {editbox.Name} - {msg}') SetClipboardText(msg) editbox.SendKeys('{Ctrl}v') if editbox.GetValuePattern().Value: break editbox.SendKeys('{Enter}') def GetGzhAllMsgs(self, who): msg_box = self.GetShowGzhWindows(who) MsgItems = msg_box.ListControl().GetChildren() msgs = [] for MsgItem in MsgItems: msgs.append(self._split(MsgItem, False)) if not [i for i in msgs if i[1] == f"[{self._lang('图片')}]"]: self.lastmsgid = msgs[-1][-1] if msgs else None return msgs def GetGzhRecMsg(self, who, num=0): ''' 这个要跟到发送消息后面用 :param who: :param num: :return: ''' msgs = self.GetGzhAllMsgs(who) lastmsg = msgs[-1] if msgs else None if lastmsg[0] == 'Self' and num < 5: time.sleep(0.5) num += 1 return self.GetGzhRecMsg(who, num) if lastmsg[0] == who: return lastmsg[1] def GetShowGzhWindows(self, who): """ 获取并显示公众号的窗口 :param who: :return: """ try: msg_box = uia.WindowControl(Name=who, ClassName="ChatWnd", searchDepth=1) if not msg_box.Exists(): # 没找到的话,就变例一边所有的窗口 for element in uia.GetRootControl().GetChildren(): if element.ClassName == "ChatWnd" and element.TextControl(Name=who).Exists(): msg_box = element if not msg_box.Exists(): self.ChatWith(who) time.sleep(0.5) return self.GetShowGzhWindows(who) if msg_box.Exists(): msg_box.SwitchToThisWindow() return msg_box except: print('没有获取到窗口') return False
wx = WxGzh()
who = "公众号名称"
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