一、Oracle中start with…connect by prior子句用法
connect by 是结构化查询中用到的,其基本语法是:
select … from tablename
where 条件1, 可选;
connect by 条件2,是连接条件,其中用PRIOR表示上一条记录,比如 CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr;就是说上一条记录的empno 是本条记录的mgr,即本记录的父亲是上一条记录。
start with 条件3, 可选,是根结点的限定语句,当然可以放宽限定条件,以取得多个根结点,实际就是多棵树。
--lpad( string, padded_length, [ pad_string ] )
----string 准备被填充的字符串,长度不能为空--为空时无效果;
----padded_length 填充之后的字符串长度,也就是该函数返回的字符串长度,
---- 如果这个数量比原字符串的长度要短,lpad函数将会把字符串截取成从左到右的n个字符;
----pad_string 填充字符串,是个可选参数,这个字符串是要粘贴到string的左边,
---- 如果这个参数未写,lpad函数将会在string的左边粘贴空格。
----LEVEL 根节点的层号始终为1,根节点的子节点为2, 依此类推。
select lpad('@',2*(level-1)+1,'*')||empno tree_show,level Level_NO,connect_by_isleaf is_leaf,emp.*
from emp
where sal > 500 --where 条件可选
connect by prior empno = mgr
start with mgr is null;
层号根据节点与起始节点的距离确定。不论从哪个节点开始,该起始根节点的层号始终为1,起始节点的子节点为2, 依此类推。
select lpad('@', 2 * (level - 1) + 1, '*') || empno tree_show,
sys_connect_by_path(empno, '/'),
level Level_NO,
connect_by_isleaf is_leaf
from emp
where sal > 500 --where 条件可选
connect by prior empno = mgr
start with mgr is null;
----用with语句给临时表起个别名 tme_table, 然后用别名tmp_table代替SQL语句的查询结果集,即临时表
with tmp_table as
(select lpad('@', 2 * (level - 1) + 1, '*') || empno tree_show,
sys_connect_by_path(empno, '/'),
level Level_NO,
connect_by_isleaf is_leaf
from emp
where sal > 500 --where过滤条件,可选
connect by prior empno = mgr
start with mgr is null)
select *
from tmp_table
where LEVEL_NO = (select LEVEL_NO from tmp_table where empno = 7566);
with tmp_table as
(select lpad('@', 8 * (level - 1) + 1, '*') || empno tree_show,
sys_connect_by_path(empno, '/'),
empno,ename,mgr,level Level_NO,
connect_by_isleaf is_leaf
from emp
connect by prior empno = mgr
start with mgr is null)
select *
from tmp_table
where level_NO =
(select level_NO
from tmp_table
where empno = (select mgr from tmp_table where empno = 7369));
----求与指定empno=7369父节点同级别且拥有共同父节点的empno --2条记录
with tmp_table as
(select lpad('@', 8 * (level - 1) + 1, '*') || empno tree_show,
sys_connect_by_path(empno, '/'),
empno,ename,mgr,level Level_NO,
connect_by_isleaf is_leaf
from emp
connect by prior empno = mgr
start with mgr is null)
select *
from tmp_table
where mgr =
(select mgr
from tmp_table
where empno = (select mgr from tmp_table where empno = 7369));
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