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理解机器翻译模型 Transformer_transformer temperature

transformer temperature

transformer是一种不同于RNN的架构,模型同样包含 encoder 和 decoder ,但是encoder 和 decoder 抛弃 了RNN,而使用各种前馈层堆叠在一起。


    编码器是由N个完全一样的层堆叠起来的,每层又包括两个子层(sub-layer),第一个子层是multi-head self-attention mechanism层,第二个子层是一个简单的多层全连接层(fully connected feed-forward network)


   解码器也是由N 个相同层的堆叠起来的。 但每层包括三个子层(sub-layer),第一个子层是multi-head self-attention层,第二个子层是multi-head context-attention 层,第三个子层是一个简单的多层全连接层(fully connected feed-forward network)


一  module

(1)multi-head self-attention

multi-head self-attention是key=value=query=隐层的注意力机制

Encoder的multi-head self-attention是key=value=query=编码层隐层的注意力机制

Decoder的multi-head self-attention是key=value=query=解码层隐层的注意力机制



























注意d−−√kdk 是softmax中的temperature参数:






 MultiHead注意力向量由多个headiheadi拼接后过一个线性层得到最终的MultiHead Attention 




 (2)LayerNorm+Position-wise Feed-Forward Networks





  1. class PositionwiseFeedForward(nn.Module):
  2. """ A two-layer Feed-Forward-Network with residual layer norm.
  3. Args:
  4. d_model (int): the size of input for the first-layer of the FFN.
  5. d_ff (int): the hidden layer size of the second-layer
  6. of the FNN.
  7. dropout (float): dropout probability(0-1.0).
  8. """
  9. def __init__(self, d_model, d_ff, dropout=0.1):
  10. super(PositionwiseFeedForward, self).__init__()
  11. self.w_1 = nn.Linear(d_model, d_ff)
  12. self.w_2 = nn.Linear(d_ff, d_model)
  13. self.layer_norm = onmt.modules.LayerNorm(d_model)
  14. self.dropout_1 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
  15. self.relu = nn.ReLU()
  16. self.dropout_2 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
  17. def forward(self, x):
  18. """
  19. Layer definition.
  20. Args:
  21. input: [ batch_size, input_len, model_dim ]
  22. Returns:
  23. output: [ batch_size, input_len, model_dim ]
  24. """
  25. inter = self.dropout_1(self.relu(self.w_1(self.layer_norm(x))))
  26. output = self.dropout_2(self.w_2(inter))
  27. return output + x



 (3)Layer Normalization 








最终x^x^为layer normalization的输出,并且x^x^均值为0,方差为1:



但是通常引入两个超参数w和bias, w和bias通过反向传递更新,但是初始值winitial=1,biasbias=0winitial=1,biasbias=0,εε防止分母为0:





  1. class LayerNorm(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. Layer Normalization class
  4. """
  5. def __init__(self, features, eps=1e-6):
  6. super(LayerNorm, self).__init__()
  7. self.a_2 = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(features))
  8. self.b_2 = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(features))
  9. self.eps = eps
  10. def forward(self, x):
  11. """
  12. x=[-0.0101, 1.4038, -0.0116, 1.4277],
  13. [ 1.2195, 0.7676, 0.0129, 1.4265]
  14. """
  15. mean = x.mean(-1, keepdim=True)
  16. """
  17. mean=[[ 0.7025],
  18. [ 0.8566]]
  19. """
  20. std = x.std(-1, keepdim=True)
  21. """
  22. std=[[0.8237],
  23. [0.6262]]
  24. """
  25. return self.a_2 * (x - mean) / (std + self.eps) + self.b_2
  26. """
  27. self.a_2=[1,1,1,1]
  28. self.b_2=[0,0,0,0]
  29. return [[-0.8651, 0.8515, -0.8668, 0.8804],
  30. [ 0.5795, -0.1422, -1.3475, 0.9101]]
  31. """




位置向量 Position Embedding



计算Position Embedding举例:

输入句子S=[w1,w2,...,wmax_len]S=[w1,w2,...,wmax_len],  m为句子长度 ,假设max_len=3,且dmodel=4dmodel=4:


  1. pe = torch.zeros(max_len, dim)
  2. position = torch.arange(0, max_len).unsqueeze(1)
  3. #position=[0,1,2] position.shape=(3,1)
  4. div_term = torch.exp((torch.arange(0, dim, 2, dtype=torch.float) *-(math.log(10000.0) / dim)))
  5. """
  6. torch.arange(0, dim, 2, dtype=torch.float)=[0,2,4] shape=(3)
  7. -(math.log(10000.0) / dim)=-1.5350567286626973
  8. (torch.arange(0, dim, 2, dtype=torch.float) *-(math.log(10000.0) / dim))=[0,2,4]*-1.5350567286626973=[-0.0000, -3.0701, -6.1402]
  9. div_term=exp([-0.0000, -3.0701, -6.1402])=[1.0000, 0.0464, 0.0022]
  10. """
  11. pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position.float() * div_term)
  12. """
  13. pe=[[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
  14. [ 0.8415, 0.0000, 0.0464, 0.0000, 0.0022, 0.0000],
  15. [ 0.9093, 0.0000, 0.0927, 0.0000, 0.0043, 0.0000]]
  16. """
  17. pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position.float() * div_term)
  18. """
  19. pe=[[ 0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000],
  20. [ 0.8415, 0.5403, 0.0464, 0.9989, 0.0022, 1.0000],
  21. [ 0.9093, -0.4161, 0.0927, 0.9957, 0.0043, 1.0000]]
  22. """
  23. pe = pe.unsqueeze(1)
  24. #pe.shape=[3,1,6]


max_len=20,dmodel=4dmodel=4Position Embedding,可以观察到同一个时间序列内t位置内大约只有前半部分起到区分位置的作用:


语义向量normal Embedding:
那么,代表语义的embedding是emb=[emb1,emb2,emb3,...,embnemb=[emb1,emb2,emb3,...,embn embi=xiWembi=xiW,transformer中的词向量表示为语义向量emb_{i}和位置向量pe_{i}之和

二 Encoder






  1. class TransformerEncoderLayer(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. A single layer of the transformer encoder.
  4. Args:
  5. d_model (int): the dimension of keys/values/queries in
  6. MultiHeadedAttention, also the input size of
  7. the first-layer of the PositionwiseFeedForward.
  8. heads (int): the number of head for MultiHeadedAttention.
  9. d_ff (int): the second-layer of the PositionwiseFeedForward.
  10. dropout (float): dropout probability(0-1.0).
  11. """
  12. def __init__(self, d_model, heads, d_ff, dropout):
  13. super(TransformerEncoderLayer, self).__init__()
  14. self.self_attn = onmt.modules.MultiHeadedAttention(
  15. heads, d_model, dropout=dropout)
  16. self.feed_forward = PositionwiseFeedForward(d_model, d_ff, dropout)
  17. self.layer_norm = onmt.modules.LayerNorm(d_model)
  18. self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
  19. def forward(self, inputs, mask):
  20. """
  21. Transformer Encoder Layer definition.
  22. Args:
  23. inputs (`FloatTensor`): `[batch_size x src_len x model_dim]`
  24. mask (`LongTensor`): `[batch_size x src_len x src_len]`
  25. Returns:
  26. (`FloatTensor`):
  27. * outputs `[batch_size x src_len x model_dim]`
  28. """
  29. input_norm = self.layer_norm(inputs)
  30. context, _ = self.self_attn(input_norm, input_norm, input_norm,
  31. mask=mask)
  32. out = self.dropout(context) + inputs
  33. return self.feed_forward(out)



  1. 二 Decoder
  2. (1)decoder中的self attention层在计算self attention的时候,因为实际预测中只能知道前面的词,因此在训练过程中只需要计算当前位置和前面位置的self attention,通过掩码来计算Masked Multi-head Attention层。
  3. 例如"I have an app",中翻译出第一个词后"I",
  4. "I"的self attention只计算与"I"与自己的self attention: Attention("I","I"),来预测下一个词
  5. 翻译出"I have"后,计算"have"与"have","have"与"I"的self attention: Attention("have","I"), Attention("have","have"),来预测下一个词
  6. 翻译出"I have an"后,计算"an"与"an","an"与"have","an"与"I"的self attention: Attention("an","an"), Attention("an","have"),Attention("an","I")来预测下一个词
  7. 可以用下图来表示:


  1. class MultiHeadedAttention(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. Args:
  4. head_count (int): number of parallel heads
  5. model_dim (int): the dimension of keys/values/queries,
  6. must be divisible by head_count
  7. dropout (float): dropout parameter
  8. """
  9. def __init__(self, head_count, model_dim, dropout=0.1):
  10. assert model_dim % head_count == 0
  11. self.dim_per_head = model_dim // head_count
  12. self.model_dim = model_dim
  13. super(MultiHeadedAttention, self).__init__()
  14. self.head_count = head_count
  15. self.linear_keys = nn.Linear(model_dim,model_dim)
  16. self.linear_values = nn.Linear(model_dim,model_dim)
  17. self.linear_query = nn.Linear(model_dim,model_dim)
  18. self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
  19. self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
  20. self.final_linear = nn.Linear(model_dim, model_dim)
  21. def forward(self, key, value, query, mask=None,
  22. layer_cache=None, type=None):
  23. """
  24. Compute the context vector and the attention vectors.
  25. Args:
  26. key (`FloatTensor`): set of `key_len`
  27. key vectors `[batch, key_len, dim]`
  28. value (`FloatTensor`): set of `key_len`
  29. value vectors `[batch, key_len, dim]`
  30. query (`FloatTensor`): set of `query_len`
  31. query vectors `[batch, query_len, dim]`
  32. mask: binary mask indicating which keys have
  33. non-zero attention `[batch, query_len, key_len]`
  34. Returns:
  35. (`FloatTensor`, `FloatTensor`) :
  36. * output context vectors `[batch, query_len, dim]`
  37. * one of the attention vectors `[batch, query_len, key_len]`
  38. """
  39. batch_size = key.size(0)
  40. dim_per_head = self.dim_per_head
  41. head_count = self.head_count
  42. key_len = key.size(1)
  43. query_len = query.size(1)
  44. def shape(x):
  45. """ projection """
  46. return x.view(batch_size, -1, head_count, dim_per_head) \
  47. .transpose(1, 2)
  48. def unshape(x):
  49. """ compute context """
  50. return x.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() \
  51. .view(batch_size, -1, head_count * dim_per_head)
  52. # 1) Project key, value, and query.
  53. if layer_cache is not None:
  54. key = self.linear_keys(key)
  55. #key.shape=[batch_size,key_len,dim] => key.shape=[batch_size,key_len,dim]
  56. value = self.linear_values(value)
  57. #value.shape=[batch_size,key_len,dim] => key.shape=[batch_size,key_len,dim]
  58. query = self.linear_query(query)
  59. #query.shape=[batch_size,key_len,dim] => key.shape=[batch_size,key_len,dim]
  60. key = shape(key)
  61. #key.shape=[batch_size,head_count,key_len,dim_per_head]
  62. value = shape(value)
  63. #value.shape=[batch_size,head_count,value_len,dim_per_head]
  64. query = shape(query)
  65. #query.shape=[batch_size,head_count,query_len,dim_per_head]
  66. key_len = key.size(2)
  67. query_len = query.size(2)
  68. # 2) Calculate and scale scores.
  69. query = query / math.sqrt(dim_per_head)
  70. scores = torch.matmul(query, key.transpose(2, 3))
  71. #query.shape=[batch_size,head_count,query_len,dim_per_head]
  72. #key.transpose(2, 3).shape=[batch_size,head_count,dim_per_head,key_len]
  73. #scores.shape=[batch_size,head_count,query_len,key_len]
  74. if mask is not None:
  75. mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(scores)
  76. scores = scores.masked_fill(mask, -1e18)
  77. # 3) Apply attention dropout and compute context vectors.
  78. attn = self.softmax(scores)
  79. #scores.shape=[batch_size,head_count,query_len,key_len]
  80. drop_attn = self.dropout(attn)
  81. context = unshape(torch.matmul(drop_attn, value))
  82. #drop_attn.shape=[batch_size,head_count,query_len,key_len]
  83. #value.shape=[batch_size,head_count,value_len,dim_per_head]
  84. #torch.matmul(drop_attn, value).shape=[batch_size,head_count,query_len,dim_per_head]
  85. #context.shape=[batch_size,query_len,head_count*dim_per_head]
  86. output = self.final_linear(context)
  87. #context.shape=[batch_size,query_len,head_count*dim_per_head]
  88. return output



  1. class TransformerDecoderLayer(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. Args:
  4. d_model (int): the dimension of keys/values/queries in
  5. MultiHeadedAttention, also the input size of
  6. the first-layer of the PositionwiseFeedForward.
  7. heads (int): the number of heads for MultiHeadedAttention.
  8. d_ff (int): the second-layer of the PositionwiseFeedForward.
  9. dropout (float): dropout probability(0-1.0).
  10. self_attn_type (string): type of self-attention scaled-dot, average
  11. """
  12. def __init__(self, d_model, heads, d_ff, dropout,
  13. self_attn_type="scaled-dot"):
  14. super(TransformerDecoderLayer, self).__init__()
  15. self.self_attn_type = self_attn_type
  16. if self_attn_type == "scaled-dot":
  17. self.self_attn = onmt.modules.MultiHeadedAttention(
  18. heads, d_model, dropout=dropout)
  19. elif self_attn_type == "average":
  20. self.self_attn = onmt.modules.AverageAttention(
  21. d_model, dropout=dropout)
  22. self.context_attn = onmt.modules.MultiHeadedAttention(
  23. heads, d_model, dropout=dropout)
  24. self.feed_forward = PositionwiseFeedForward(d_model, d_ff, dropout)
  25. self.layer_norm_1 = onmt.modules.LayerNorm(d_model)
  26. self.layer_norm_2 = onmt.modules.LayerNorm(d_model)
  27. self.dropout = dropout
  28. self.drop = nn.Dropout(dropout)
  29. mask = self._get_attn_subsequent_mask(MAX_SIZE)
  30. # Register self.mask as a buffer in TransformerDecoderLayer, so
  31. # it gets TransformerDecoderLayer's cuda behavior automatically.
  32. self.register_buffer('mask', mask)
  33. def forward(self, inputs, memory_bank, src_pad_mask, tgt_pad_mask,
  34. previous_input=None, layer_cache=None, step=None):
  35. """
  36. Args:
  37. inputs (`FloatTensor`): `[batch_size x 1 x model_dim]`
  38. memory_bank (`FloatTensor`): `[batch_size x src_len x model_dim]`
  39. src_pad_mask (`LongTensor`): `[batch_size x 1 x src_len]`
  40. tgt_pad_mask (`LongTensor`): `[batch_size x 1 x 1]`
  41. Returns:
  42. (`FloatTensor`, `FloatTensor`, `FloatTensor`):
  43. * output `[batch_size x 1 x model_dim]`
  44. * attn `[batch_size x 1 x src_len]`
  45. * all_input `[batch_size x current_step x model_dim]`
  46. """
  47. dec_mask = torch.gt(tgt_pad_mask +
  48. self.mask[:, :tgt_pad_mask.size(1),
  49. :tgt_pad_mask.size(1)], 0)
  50. input_norm = self.layer_norm_1(inputs)
  51. all_input = input_norm
  52. if previous_input is not None:
  53. all_input = torch.cat((previous_input, input_norm), dim=1)
  54. dec_mask = None
  55. if self.self_attn_type == "scaled-dot":
  56. query, attn = self.self_attn(all_input, all_input, input_norm,
  57. mask=dec_mask,
  58. layer_cache=layer_cache,
  59. type="self")
  60. elif self.self_attn_type == "average":
  61. query, attn = self.self_attn(input_norm, mask=dec_mask,
  62. layer_cache=layer_cache, step=step)
  63. query = self.drop(query) + inputs
  64. query_norm = self.layer_norm_2(query)
  65. mid, attn = self.context_attn(memory_bank, memory_bank, query_norm,
  66. mask=src_pad_mask,
  67. layer_cache=layer_cache,
  68. type="context")
  69. output = self.feed_forward(self.drop(mid) + query)
  70. return output, attn, all_input

五 label smoothing (标签平滑)









因此提出label smoothing 让标注数据中正确的类别概率小于1,其他不正确类别的概率大于0:

也就是之前label=[0,0,0,1,0]label=[0,0,0,1,0],通过标签平滑,给定一个固定参数αα, 概率为1地方减去这个小概率,标签为0的地方平分这个小概率αα变成:












举例:x=[3]  y=[2]    torch.nn.function.kl_div(y,x)=3(log3-2)=-2.7042

  1. class LabelSmoothingLoss(nn.Module):
  2. """
  3. With label smoothing,
  4. KL-divergence between q_{smoothed ground truth prob.}(w)
  5. and p_{prob. computed by model}(w) is minimized.
  6. """
  7. def __init__(self, label_smoothing, tgt_vocab_size, ignore_index=-100):
  8. assert 0.0 < label_smoothing <= 1.0
  9. self.padding_idx = ignore_index
  10. super(LabelSmoothingLoss, self).__init__()
  11. smoothing_value = label_smoothing / (tgt_vocab_size - 2)
  12. one_hot = torch.full((tgt_vocab_size,), smoothing_value)
  13. one_hot[self.padding_idx] = 0
  14. self.register_buffer('one_hot', one_hot.unsqueeze(0))
  15. self.confidence = 1.0 - label_smoothing
  16. def forward(self, output, target):
  17. """
  18. output (FloatTensor): batch_size x n_classes
  19. target (LongTensor): batch_size
  20. """
  21. model_prob = self.one_hot.repeat(target.size(0), 1)
  22. model_prob.scatter_(1, target.unsqueeze(1), self.confidence)
  23. model_prob.masked_fill_((target == self.padding_idx).unsqueeze(1), 0)
  24. return F.kl_div(output, model_prob, size_average=False)

附: Transformer与RNN的结合RNMT+(The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Recent Advances in Neural Machine Translation)

(1)RNN:难以训练并且表达能力较弱 trainability versus expressivity

(2)Transformer:有很强的特征提取能力(a strong feature extractor),但是没有memory机制,因此需要额外引入位置向量。





