如下表所示。 包括图像、URL、PIL图像、OpenCV、NumPy数组、Torch张量、CSV文件、视频、目录、通配符、YouTube视频和视频流。
比如提高conf 置信度参数的值,可以减少YOLO对物体的误判。
Key | Value | Description |
source | 'ultralytics/assets' | source directory for images or videos |
conf | 0.25 | object confidence threshold for detection |
iou | 0.7 | intersection over union (IoU) threshold for NMS |
half | False | use half precision (FP16) |
device | None | device to run on, i.e. cuda device=0/1/2/3 or device=cpu |
show | False | show results if possible |
save | False | save images with results |
save_txt | False | save results as .txt file |
save_conf | False | save results with confidence scores |
save_crop | False | save cropped images with results |
hide_labels | False | hide labels |
hide_conf | False | hide confidence scores |
max_det | 300 | maximum number of detections per image |
vid_stride | False | video frame-rate stride |
line_width | None | The line width of the bounding boxes. If None, it is scaled to the image size. |
visualize | False | visualize model features |
augment | False | apply image augmentation to prediction sources |
agnostic_nms | False | class-agnostic NMS |
retina_masks | False | use high-resolution segmentation masks |
classes | None | filter results by class, i.e. class=0, or class=[0,2,3] |
boxes | True | Show boxes in segmentation predictions |
:模型运行的设备,可以是cuda设备(cuda device=0/1/2/3)或CPU(device=cpu)。show
- results = results.cuda()
- results = results.cpu()
- results = results.to('cpu')
- results = results.numpy()
- results = model(img)
- boxes = results[0].boxes
- box = boxes[0] # returns one box
- box.xyxy
Boxes 的属性有
- boxes.xyxy # xyxy 形式的目标框, (N, 4)
- boxes.xywh # xywh 形式的目标框, (N, 4)
- boxes.xyxyn # xyxy 形式的目标框且归一化, (N, 4)
- boxes.xywhn # xywh 形式的目标框且归一化, (N, 4)
- boxes.conf # 置信度的分数, (N, 1)
- boxes.cls # 类别, (N, 1)
- boxes.data # 原始目标框参数坐标 (x, y, w, h)、置信度以及类别, (N, 6) or boxes.boxes
- results = model(inputs)
- masks = results[0].masks # Masks object
- masks.xy # x, y segments (pixels), List[segment] * N
- masks.xyn # x, y segments (normalized), List[segment] * N
- masks.data # raw masks tensor, (N, H, W) or masks.masks
- results = model(inputs)
- results[0].probs # cls prob, (num_class, )
更多文档可以参考 https://docs.ultralytics.com/reference/yolo/engine/results/
- res = model(img)
- res_plotted = res[0].plot()
- cv2.imshow("result", res_plotted)
Argument | Description |
conf (bool) | 是否绘制检测置信度得分。 |
line_width (int, optional) | 边界框的线宽。如果为None,则根据图像大小进行缩放。 |
font_size (float, optional) | 文本的字体大小。如果为None,则根据图像大小进行缩放。 |
font (str) | 用于文本的字体。 |
pil (bool) | 是否使用PIL库进行图像绘制。 |
example (str) | 要显示的示例字符串。用于指示输出的期望格式。 |
img (numpy.ndarray) | 绘制到另一个图像上。如果为None,则绘制到原始图像上。 |
labels (bool) | 是否绘制边界框的标签。 |
boxes (bool) | 是否绘制边界框。 |
masks (bool) | 是否绘制掩膜。 |
probs (bool) | 是否绘制分类概率。 |
- import cv2
- from ultralytics import YOLO
- # Load the YOLOv8 model
- model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
- # Open the video file
- video_path = "path/to/your/video/file.mp4"
- cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
- # Loop through the video frames
- while cap.isOpened():
- # Read a frame from the video
- success, frame = cap.read()
- if success:
- # Run YOLOv8 inference on the frame
- results = model(frame)
- # Visualize the results on the frame
- annotated_frame = results[0].plot()
- # Display the annotated frame
- cv2.imshow("YOLOv8 Inference", annotated_frame)
- # Break the loop if 'q' is pressed
- if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):
- break
- else:
- # Break the loop if the end of the video is reached
- break
- # Release the video capture object and close the display window
- cap.release()
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()
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