- static Ptr<cv::superres::DenseOpticalFlowExt> createOptFlow(const string& name, bool useGpu)
- {
- if (name == "farneback")
- {
- if (useGpu) // 开启GPU加速,使用CUDA实现
- return cv::superres::createOptFlow_Farneback_CUDA();
- else
- return cv::superres::createOptFlow_Farneback();
- }
- else if (name == "tvl1")
- {
- if (useGpu)
- return cv::superres::createOptFlow_DualTVL1_CUDA();
- else
- return cv::superres::createOptFlow_DualTVL1();
- }
- else if (name == "brox")
- return cv::superres::createOptFlow_Brox_CUDA();
- else if (name == "pyrlk")
- return cv::superres::createOptFlow_PyrLK_CUDA();
- else
- cerr << "Incorrect Optical Flow algorithm - " << name << endl;
- return Ptr<cv::superres::DenseOpticalFlowExt>();
- }
- Ptr<SuperResolution> createSuperResolution(bool useCuda)
- {
- if (useCuda)
- return createSuperResolution_BTVL1_CUDA();
- else
- return createSuperResolution_BTVL1();
- }
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "opencv2/core.hpp"
- #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
- #include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
- #include "opencv2/superres.hpp"
- #include "opencv2/superres/optical_flow.hpp"
- #include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- using namespace cv::superres;
- int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
- {
- CommandLineParser cmd(argc, argv,
- "{ v video | | Input video (mandatory)}"
- "{ o output | | Output video }"
- "{ s scale | 4 | Scale factor }"
- "{ i iterations | 180 | Iteration count }"
- "{ t temporal | 4 | Radius of the temporal search area }"
- "{ f flow | farneback | Optical flow algorithm (farneback, tvl1, brox, pyrlk) }"
- "{ g gpu | false | CPU as default device, cuda for CUDA }"
- );
- // 解析参数
- const string inputVideoName = cmd.get<string>("video");
- const string outputVideoName = cmd.get<string>("output");
- const int scale = cmd.get<int>("scale");
- const int iterations = cmd.get<int>("iterations");
- const int temporalAreaRadius = cmd.get<int>("temporal");
- const string optFlow = cmd.get<string>("flow");
- string gpuOption = cmd.get<string>("gpu");
- bool useCuda = gpuOption.compare("cuda") == 0;
- // 创建视频超分实例
- Ptr<SuperResolution> superRes = createSuperResolution(useCuda);
- // 创建光流算法
- Ptr<cv::superres::DenseOpticalFlowExt> of = createOptFlow(optFlow, useCuda);
- // 设置光流算法、超分倍数、迭代次数、半径系数
- superRes->setOpticalFlow(of);
- superRes->setScale(scale);
- superRes->setIterations(iterations);
- superRes->setTemporalAreaRadius(temporalAreaRadius);
- // 读取视频帧
- Ptr<FrameSource> frameSource;
- if (useCuda)
- {
- try
- {
- frameSource = createFrameSource_Video_CUDA(inputVideoName);
- Mat frame;
- frameSource->nextFrame(frame);
- }
- catch (const cv::Exception&)
- {
- frameSource.release();
- }
- }
- if (!frameSource)
- frameSource = createFrameSource_Video(inputVideoName);
- // 跳过第一帧
- Mat frame;
- frameSource->nextFrame(frame);
- // 设置输入源
- superRes->setInput(frameSource);
- VideoWriter writer;
- for (int i = 0;; ++i)
- {
- Mat result;
- // 执行视频图像超分
- superRes->nextFrame(result);
- if (result.empty())
- break;
- imshow("Super Resolution", result);
- if (waitKey(1000) > 0)
- break;
- // 视频帧超分结果写到输出文件
- if (!outputVideoName.empty())
- {
- if (!writer.isOpened())
- writer.open(outputVideoName, VideoWriter::fourcc('X', 'V', 'I', 'D'), 25.0, result.size());
- writer << result;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Ptr<cv::superres::SuperResolution> cv::superres::createSuperResolution_BTVL1()
- {
- return makePtr<BTVL1>();
- }
- void cv::superres::SuperResolution::nextFrame(OutputArray frame)
- {
- isUmat_ = frame.isUMat() && cv::ocl::useOpenCL();
- if (firstCall_)
- {
- initImpl(frameSource_);
- firstCall_ = false;
- }
- processImpl(frameSource_, frame);
- }
- void BTVL1::processImpl(Ptr<FrameSource>& frameSource, OutputArray _output)
- {
- if (outPos_ >= storePos_)
- {
- _output.release();
- return;
- }
- // 读取下一个视频帧
- readNextFrame(frameSource);
- // 处理视频帧
- if (procPos_ < storePos_)
- {
- ++procPos_;
- processFrame(procPos_);
- }
- ++outPos_;
- // 调用ocl_processImpl函数执行超分
- CV_OCL_RUN(isUmat_,
- ocl_processImpl(frameSource, _output))
- const Mat& curOutput = at(outPos_, outputs_);
- if (_output.kind() < _InputArray::OPENGL_BUFFER || _output.isUMat())
- curOutput.convertTo(_output, CV_8U);
- else
- {
- curOutput.convertTo(finalOutput_, CV_8U);
- arrCopy(finalOutput_, _output);
- }
- }
- void BTVL1::readNextFrame(Ptr<FrameSource>& frameSource)
- {
- frameSource->nextFrame(curFrame_);
- if (curFrame_.empty())
- return;
- ++storePos_;
- CV_OCL_RUN(isUmat_,
- ocl_readNextFrame(frameSource))
- curFrame_.convertTo(at(storePos_, frames_), CV_32F);
- // 结合上一帧和当前帧计算运动矢量
- if (storePos_ > 0)
- {
- opticalFlow_->calc(prevFrame_, curFrame_, at(storePos_ - 1, forwardMotions_));
- opticalFlow_->calc(curFrame_, prevFrame_, at(storePos_, backwardMotions_));
- }
- curFrame_.copyTo(prevFrame_);
- }
- void BTVL1::processFrame(int idx)
- {
- CV_OCL_RUN(isUmat_,
- ocl_processFrame(idx))
- const int startIdx = std::max(idx - temporalAreaRadius_, 0);
- const int procIdx = idx;
- const int endIdx = std::min(startIdx + 2 * temporalAreaRadius_, storePos_);
- const int count = endIdx - startIdx + 1;
- srcFrames_.resize(count);
- srcForwardMotions_.resize(count);
- srcBackwardMotions_.resize(count);
- int baseIdx = -1;
- for (int i = startIdx, k = 0; i <= endIdx; ++i, ++k)
- {
- if (i == procIdx)
- baseIdx = k;
- srcFrames_[k] = at(i, frames_);
- if (i < endIdx)
- srcForwardMotions_[k] = at(i, forwardMotions_);
- if (i > startIdx)
- srcBackwardMotions_[k] = at(i, backwardMotions_);
- }
- // 根据前后方向的运动矢量来处理视频帧
- process(srcFrames_, at(idx, outputs_), srcForwardMotions_, srcBackwardMotions_, baseIdx);
- }
- }
- void BTVL1_Base::process(InputArrayOfArrays _src, OutputArray _dst, InputArrayOfArrays _forwardMotions,
- InputArrayOfArrays _backwardMotions, int baseIdx)
- {
- CV_OCL_RUN(_src.isUMatVector() && _dst.isUMat() && _forwardMotions.isUMatVector() &&
- _backwardMotions.isUMatVector(),
- ocl_process(_src, _dst, _forwardMotions, _backwardMotions, baseIdx))
- std::vector<Mat> & src = *(std::vector<Mat> *)_src.getObj(),
- & forwardMotions = *(std::vector<Mat> *)_forwardMotions.getObj(),
- & backwardMotions = *(std::vector<Mat> *)_backwardMotions.getObj();
- // 更新运动模糊(高斯滤波)、 btv权重
- if (blurKernelSize_ != curBlurKernelSize_ || blurSigma_ != curBlurSigma_ || src[0].type() != curSrcType_)
- {
- //filter_ = createGaussianFilter(src[0].type(), Size(blurKernelSize_, blurKernelSize_), blurSigma_);
- curBlurKernelSize_ = blurKernelSize_;
- curBlurSigma_ = blurSigma_;
- curSrcType_ = src[0].type();
- }
- if (btvWeights_.empty() || btvKernelSize_ != curBtvKernelSize_ || alpha_ != curAlpha_)
- {
- calcBtvWeights(btvKernelSize_, alpha_, btvWeights_);
- curBtvKernelSize_ = btvKernelSize_;
- curAlpha_ = alpha_;
- }
- // 计算相对运动
- calcRelativeMotions(forwardMotions, backwardMotions, lowResForwardMotions_, lowResBackwardMotions_, baseIdx, src[0].size());
- // 对运动矢量进行放大
- upscaleMotions(lowResForwardMotions_, highResForwardMotions_, scale_);
- upscaleMotions(lowResBackwardMotions_, highResBackwardMotions_, scale_);
- forwardMaps_.resize(highResForwardMotions_.size());
- backwardMaps_.resize(highResForwardMotions_.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < highResForwardMotions_.size(); ++i)
- buildMotionMaps(highResForwardMotions_[i], highResBackwardMotions_[i], forwardMaps_[i], backwardMaps_[i]);
- const Size lowResSize = src[0].size();
- const Size highResSize(lowResSize.width * scale_, lowResSize.height * scale_);
- resize(src[baseIdx], highRes_, highResSize, 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC);
- diffTerm_.create(highResSize, highRes_.type());
- a_.create(highResSize, highRes_.type());
- b_.create(highResSize, highRes_.type());
- c_.create(lowResSize, highRes_.type());
- for (int i = 0; i < iterations_; ++i)
- {
- diffTerm_.setTo(Scalar::all(0));
- for (size_t k = 0; k < src.size(); ++k)
- {
- // a = M * Ih
- remap(highRes_, a_, backwardMaps_[k], noArray(), INTER_NEAREST);
- // 高斯模糊 b = HM * Ih
- GaussianBlur(a_, b_, Size(blurKernelSize_, blurKernelSize_), blurSigma_);
- // c = DHM * Ih
- resize(b_, c_, lowResSize, 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);
- diffSign(src[k], c_, c_);
- // 超分运算 a = Dt * diff
- upscale(c_, a_, scale_);
- // b = HtDt * diff
- GaussianBlur(a_, b_, Size(blurKernelSize_, blurKernelSize_), blurSigma_);
- // a = MtHtDt * diff
- remap(b_, a_, forwardMaps_[k], noArray(), INTER_NEAREST);
- add(diffTerm_, a_, diffTerm_);
- }
- if (lambda_ > 0)
- {
- calcBtvRegularization(highRes_, regTerm_, btvKernelSize_, btvWeights_, ubtvWeights_);
- addWeighted(diffTerm_, 1.0, regTerm_, -lambda_, 0.0, diffTerm_);
- }
- addWeighted(highRes_, 1.0, diffTerm_, tau_, 0.0, highRes_);
- }
- Rect inner(btvKernelSize_, btvKernelSize_, highRes_.cols - 2 * btvKernelSize_, highRes_.rows - 2 * btvKernelSize_);
- highRes_(inner).copyTo(_dst);
- }
- void upscaleMotions(InputArrayOfArrays _lowResMotions, OutputArrayOfArrays _highResMotions, int scale)
- {
- CV_OCL_RUN(_lowResMotions.isUMatVector() && _highResMotions.isUMatVector(),
- ocl_upscaleMotions(_lowResMotions, _highResMotions, scale))
- std::vector<Mat> & lowResMotions = *(std::vector<Mat> *)_lowResMotions.getObj(),
- & highResMotions = *(std::vector<Mat> *)_highResMotions.getObj();
- highResMotions.resize(lowResMotions.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < lowResMotions.size(); ++i)
- {
- // 三次样条差值
- resize(lowResMotions[i], highResMotions[i], Size(), scale, scale, INTER_CUBIC);
- // 运动矢量与缩放因子相乘
- multiply(highResMotions[i], Scalar::all(scale), highResMotions[i]);
- }
- }
- void upscale(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int scale)
- {
- int cn = _src.channels();
- CV_Assert( cn == 1 || cn == 3 || cn == 4 );
- CV_OCL_RUN(_dst.isUMat(),
- ocl_upscale(_src, _dst, scale))
- typedef void (*func_t)(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int scale);
- static const func_t funcs[] =
- {
- 0, upscaleImpl<float>, 0, upscaleImpl<Point3f>, upscaleImpl<Point4f>
- };
- const func_t func = funcs[cn];
- CV_Assert(func != 0);
- func(_src, _dst, scale);
- }
- template <typename T>
- void upscaleImpl(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int scale)
- {
- Mat src = _src.getMat();
- _dst.create(src.rows * scale, src.cols * scale, src.type());
- _dst.setTo(Scalar::all(0));
- Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
- for (int y = 0, Y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y, Y += scale)
- {
- const T * const srcRow = src.ptr<T>(y);
- T * const dstRow = dst.ptr<T>(Y);
- for (int x = 0, X = 0; x < src.cols; ++x, X += scale)
- dstRow[X] = srcRow[x];
- }
- }
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