#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # author: jenny # datetime: 2021/5/6 15:53 # File :stomp_ws.py import websocket import time from threading import Thread BYTE = { 'LF': '\x0A', 'NULL': '\x00' } VERSIONS = '1.0,1.1' class Stomp: def __init__(self, host, sockjs=False, wss=True): """ Initialize STOMP communication. This is the high level API that is exposed to clients. Args: host: Hostname sockjs: True if the STOMP server is sockjs wss: True if communication is over SSL """ # websocket.enableTrace(True) ws_host = host if sockjs is False else host + "/websocket" protocol = "ws://" if wss is False else "wss://" self.url = protocol + ws_host self.dispatcher = Dispatcher(self) # maintain callback registry for subscriptions -> topic (str) vs callback (func) self.callback_registry = {} def connect(self): """ Connect to the remote STOMP server """ # set flag to false self.connected = False # attempt to connect self.dispatcher.connect() # wait until connected while self.connected is False: time.sleep(.50) return self.connected def subscribe(self, destination, callback): """ Subscribe to a destination and supply a callback that should be executed when a message is received on that destination """ # create entry in registry against destination self.callback_registry[destination] = callback self.dispatcher.subscribe(destination) def send(self, destination, message): """ Send a message to a destination """ self.dispatcher.send(destination, message) class Dispatcher: def __init__(self, stomp): """ The Dispatcher handles all network I/O and frame marshalling/unmarshalling """ self.stomp = stomp self.ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(self.stomp.url) # register websocket callbacks self.ws.on_open = self._on_open self.ws.on_message = self._on_message self.ws.on_error = self._on_error self.ws.on_close = self._on_close # run event loop on separate thread Thread(target=self.ws.run_forever).start() self.opened = False # wait until connected while self.opened is False: time.sleep(.50) def _on_message(self, ws, message): """ Executed when messages is received on WS """ print("<<< " + message) command, headers, body = self._parse_message(message) # if connected, let Stomp know if command == "CONNECTED": self.stomp.connected = True # if message received, call appropriate callback if command == "MESSAGE": self.stomp.callback_registry[headers['destination']](body) def _on_error(self, ws, error): """ Executed when WS connection errors out """ print(error) def _on_close(self, ws): """ Executed when WS connection is closed """ print("### closed ###") def _on_open(self, ws): """ Executed when WS connection is opened """ self.opened = True def _transmit(self, command, headers, msg=None): """ Marshalls and transmits the frame """ # Contruct the frame lines = [] lines.append(command + BYTE['LF']) # add headers for key in headers: lines.append(key + ":" + headers[key] + BYTE['LF']) lines.append(BYTE['LF']) # add message, if any if msg is not None: lines.append(msg) # terminate with null octet lines.append(BYTE['NULL']) frame = ''.join(lines) # transmit over ws print(">>>" + frame) self.ws.send(frame) def _parse_message(self, frame): """ Returns: command headers body Args: frame: raw frame string """ lines = frame.split(BYTE['LF']) command = lines[0].strip() headers = {} # get all headers i = 1 while lines[i] != '': # get key, value from raw header (key, value) = lines[i].split(':') headers[key] = value i += 1 # set body to None if there is no body body = None if lines[i + 1] == BYTE['NULL'] else lines[i + 1] return command, headers, body def connect(self): """ Transmit a CONNECT frame """ headers = {} headers['host'] = self.stomp.url headers['accept-version'] = VERSIONS headers['heart-beat'] = '10000,10000' self._transmit('CONNECT', headers) def subscribe(self, destination): """ Transmit a SUBSCRIBE frame """ headers = {} # TODO id should be auto generated headers['id'] = 'sub-1' headers['ack'] = 'client' headers['destination'] = destination self._transmit('SUBSCRIBE', headers) def send(self, destination, message): """ Transmit a SEND frame """ headers = {} headers['destination'] = destination headers['content-length'] = str(len(message)) self._transmit('SEND', headers, msg=message) def do_thing_a(msg): print("MESSAGE: " + msg) def main(url,*sub_topic, **send_topic): stomp = Stomp(url, sockjs=False, wss=True) stomp.connect() stomp.subscribe(sub_topic, do_thing_a) time.sleep(2) stomp.send(send_topic, '{"name":"akshaye"}') if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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