C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\yjdirscan\yjdirscan>yjdirscan.exe Program: yjdirscan(御剑目录扫描专业版v1.0 Date:20201005) Usage: -url https://www.demo.com -fuzz https://www.demo.com/admin/*.zip -range 3,3 Options: -thread 1-100,Default 4 -timeout 1000-60000,Default 6000 -maxspeed 1-1000,Default 200 -method HEAD or GET,Default HEAD -diy404 on or off,Default on -codes httpcode,Default 200,301,302,304,403 -files all or File,Default bak.txt,dir.txt -key fuzz mode,Default abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -range fuzz mode,Default 1,3 Dicvar(bak.txt): www.demo.com Split(3) www=%a% demo=%b% com=%c% demo.com Split(2) demo=%b% com=%c% C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\yjdirscan\yjdirscan>yjdirscan.exe -url http://www.baidu.com ========================================================= Program : yjdirscan(御剑目录扫描专业版v1.0 Date:20201005) Targe : http://www.baidu.com Method : HEAD Thread : 4 Timeout : 6000 MaxSpeed: 200 Diy404 : on Codes : 200,301,302,304,403 ScanMode: dic Files : bak.txt,dir.txt ========================================================= 200|http://www.baidu.com/robots.txt # 可能存在重要url 200|http://www.baidu.com/index.html 200|http://www.baidu.com/index.htm ^C C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\yjdirscan\yjdirscan>
# 命令:python dirsearch.py -u "http://www.baidu.com" -e * # u : url # e : Missing required dependencies to run. E:\permeate\tools\信息收集ac\网站目录爆破\dirsearch-0.4.3\dirsearch-0.4.3>python dirsearch.py -u "http://www.baidu.com" -e * Missing required dependencies to run. Do you want dirsearch to automatically install them? [Y/n] y Installing required dependencies... _|. _ _ _ _ _ _|_ v0.4.3 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| ) Extensions: php, jsp, asp, aspx, do, action, cgi, html, htm, js, tar.gz | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 14594 Output File: E:\permeate\tools\信息收集\网站目录爆破\dirsearch-0.4.3\dirsearch-0.4.3\reports\http_www.baidu.com\_24-06-16_09-08-58.txt Target: http://www.baidu.com/ [09:08:58] Starting: [09:08:59] 301 - 232B - /js -> http://www.baidu.com/js/ [09:08:59] 302 - 222B - /.%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd -> https://www.baidu.com/search/error.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.ht_wsr.txt -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.hta -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess-dev -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess-marco -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess.bak -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess.bak1 -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess-local -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess.BAK -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess.inc -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forbidden.html [09:09:01] 302 - 231B - /.htaccess.save -> http://www.baidu.com/forbiddenip/forb ...
# 命令:python dirsearch.py -u "" -e * E:\permeate\tools\信息收集\网站目录爆破\dirsearch-0.4.3\dirsearch-0.4.3>python dirsearch.py -u "" -e * _|. _ _ _ _ _ _|_ v0.4.3 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| ) Extensions: php, jsp, asp, aspx, do, action, cgi, html, htm, js, tar.gz | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 Wordlist size: 14594 Output File: E:\permeate\tools\信息收集\网站目录爆破\dirsearch-0.4.3\dirsearch-0.4.3\reports\http_61.147.171.105_55234\__24-06-16_09-31-26.txt Target: [09:31:26] Starting: [09:31:30] 301 - 324B - /.git -> [09:31:30] 403 - 306B - /.git/branches/ [09:31:30] 403 - 297B - /.git/ [09:31:30] 200 - 14B - /.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG [09:31:30] 200 - 133B - /.git/config [09:31:30] 200 - 73B - /.git/description [09:31:30] 403 - 303B - /.git/hooks/ [09:31:30] 200 - 23B - /.git/HEAD [09:31:30] 200 - 1KB - /.git/index [09:31:30] 403 - 302B - /.git/info/ [09:31:30] 200 - 240B - /.git/info/exclude [09:31:30] 403 - 302B - /.git/logs/ [09:31:30] 200 - 150B - /.git/logs/HEAD [09:31:30] 301 - 334B - /.git/logs/refs -> [09:31:30] 200 - 150B - /.git/logs/refs/heads/master [09:31:30] 403 - 302B - /.git/refs/ [09:31:30] 301 - 340B - /.git/logs/refs/heads -> [09:31:30] 301 - 335B - /.git/refs/heads -> [09:31:30] 200 - 41B - /.git/refs/heads/master [09:31:30] 403 - 305B - /.git/objects/ [09:31:30] 301 - 334B - /.git/refs/tags -> [09:31:31] 403 - 303B - /.ht_wsr.txt [09:31:31] 403 - 306B - /.htaccess.bak1 [09:31:31] 403 - 308B - /.htaccess.sample [09:31:31] 403 - 306B - /.htaccess.orig [09:31:31] 403 - 306B - /.htaccess.save [09:31:31] 403 - 307B - /.htaccess_extra [09:31:31] 403 - 304B - /.htaccessOLD [09:31:31] 403 - 304B - /.htaccessBAK [09:31:31] 403 - 304B - /.htaccess_sc [09:31:31] 403 - 306B - /.htaccess_orig [09:31:31] 403 - 305B - /.htaccessOLD2 [09:31:31] 403 - 296B - /.htm [09:31:31] 403 - 297B - /.html [09:31:31] 403 - 303B - /.httr-oauth [09:31:31] 403 - 302B - /.htpasswds [09:31:31] 403 - 306B - /.htpasswd_test [09:31:31] 301 - 322B - /js -> [09:31:36] 302 - 14B - /account.php -> register.php CTRL+C detected: Pausing threads, please wait... Task Completed [ ] 0% 0/14594 161/s job:2/0 error
# 命令:python GitHack.py -u "" E:\permeate\tools\漏洞利用工具\.git获取源码\GitHack-master\GitHack-master>python GitHack.py -u "" # 结果 [+] Download and parse index file ... [+] account.php [+] api.php [+] buy.php [+] check_register.php [+] config.php [+] css/main.css [+] favicon.ico [+] footer.php [+] header.php [+] index.php [+] js/buy.js [+] js/register.js [+] logout.php [+] market.php [+] register.php [+] robots.txt [OK] api.php [OK] account.php [OK] buy.php [OK] check_register.php [OK] config.php [OK] index.php [OK] footer.php [OK] header.php [OK] css/main.css [OK] favicon.ico [OK] js/register.js [OK] market.php [OK] register.php [OK] js/buy.js [OK] logout.php [OK] robots.txt
# svn
rip-svn.pl -v -u http://www.example.com/.svn/
python ds_store_exp.py http://www.example.com/.DS_Store
Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的镜像中,然后发布到任何流行的 Linux或Windows操作系统的机器上,也可以实现虚拟化。容器是完全使用沙箱机制,相互之间不会有任何接口
# 添加阿里云的apt源并更新apt后,使用apt命令安装docker.io
vim /etc/apt/sources.list
# 添加apt源并保存
deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-src http://mirrors.aliyun.com/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
# 更新apt
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
# 清除更新缓存
apt clean
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apt install docker.io
# 开启docker服务
service start docker
# git地址:https://github.com/whltaoin/ARL # 注意:官方发布的版本已删除,现在的版本都是其他人克隆后修改的 # docker安装版 # 下载部署脚本项目 git clone https://github.com/honmashironeko/ARL-docker.git # 进入项目文件夹 cd ARL-docker/ # 添加运行权限 chmod +x setup_docker.sh # 执行部署脚本 bash setup_docker.sh # 进入后选择安装版本后开始安装 # 1) arl-docker-initial:ARL初始版本,仅去除域名限制。 # 2) arl-docker-all:ARL完全指纹版本,去除域名限制,全量 7165 条指纹。 #安装完成之后进入容器 docker exec -it arl /bin/bash # 开始完成ARL部署 bash /root/arl/set.sh # 前往ARL-Web页面:https://IP:5003/ # 账号:admin,密码:honmashironeko
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