【colmap】COLMAP/src/exe/colmap.cc - 知乎
- int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- using namespace colmap;
- InitializeGlog(argv);
- #ifdef GUI_ENABLED
- Q_INIT_RESOURCE(resources);
- #endif
- std::vector<std::pair<std::string, command_func_t>> commands;
- commands.emplace_back("gui", &RunGraphicalUserInterface);
- commands.emplace_back("automatic_reconstructor", &RunAutomaticReconstructor);
- commands.emplace_back("bundle_adjuster", &RunBundleAdjuster);
- commands.emplace_back("color_extractor", &RunColorExtractor);
- commands.emplace_back("database_cleaner", &RunDatabaseCleaner);
- commands.emplace_back("database_creator", &RunDatabaseCreator);
- commands.emplace_back("database_merger", &RunDatabaseMerger);
- commands.emplace_back("delaunay_mesher", &RunDelaunayMesher);
- commands.emplace_back("exhaustive_matcher", &RunExhaustiveMatcher);
- commands.emplace_back("feature_extractor", &RunFeatureExtractor);
- commands.emplace_back("feature_importer", &RunFeatureImporter);
- commands.emplace_back("hierarchical_mapper", &RunHierarchicalMapper);
- commands.emplace_back("image_deleter", &RunImageDeleter);
- commands.emplace_back("image_filterer", &RunImageFilterer);
- commands.emplace_back("image_rectifier", &RunImageRectifier);
- commands.emplace_back("image_registrator", &RunImageRegistrator);
- commands.emplace_back("image_undistorter", &RunImageUndistorter);
- commands.emplace_back("image_undistorter_standalone",
- &RunImageUndistorterStandalone);
- commands.emplace_back("mapper", &RunMapper);
- commands.emplace_back("matches_importer", &RunMatchesImporter);
- commands.emplace_back("model_aligner", &RunModelAligner);
- commands.emplace_back("model_analyzer", &RunModelAnalyzer);
- commands.emplace_back("model_comparer", &RunModelComparer);
- commands.emplace_back("model_converter", &RunModelConverter);
- commands.emplace_back("model_cropper", &RunModelCropper);
- commands.emplace_back("model_merger", &RunModelMerger);
- commands.emplace_back("model_orientation_aligner",
- &RunModelOrientationAligner);
- commands.emplace_back("model_splitter", &RunModelSplitter);
- commands.emplace_back("model_transformer", &RunModelTransformer);
- commands.emplace_back("patch_match_stereo", &RunPatchMatchStereo);
- commands.emplace_back("point_filtering", &RunPointFiltering);
- commands.emplace_back("point_triangulator", &RunPointTriangulator);
- commands.emplace_back("poisson_mesher", &RunPoissonMesher);
- commands.emplace_back("project_generator", &RunProjectGenerator);
- commands.emplace_back("rig_bundle_adjuster", &RunRigBundleAdjuster);
- commands.emplace_back("sequential_matcher", &RunSequentialMatcher);
- commands.emplace_back("spatial_matcher", &RunSpatialMatcher);
- commands.emplace_back("stereo_fusion", &RunStereoFuser);
- commands.emplace_back("transitive_matcher", &RunTransitiveMatcher);
- commands.emplace_back("vocab_tree_builder", &RunVocabTreeBuilder);
- commands.emplace_back("vocab_tree_matcher", &RunVocabTreeMatcher);
- commands.emplace_back("vocab_tree_retriever", &RunVocabTreeRetriever);
- if (argc == 1) {
- return ShowHelp(commands);
- }
- const std::string command = argv[1];
- if (command == "help" || command == "-h" || command == "--help") {
- return ShowHelp(commands);
- } else {
- command_func_t matched_command_func = nullptr;
- for (const auto& command_func : commands) {
- if (command == command_func.first) {
- matched_command_func = command_func.second;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (matched_command_func == nullptr) {
- std::cerr << StringPrintf(
- "ERROR: Command `%s` not recognized. To list the "
- "available commands, run `colmap help`.",
- command.c_str())
- << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- } else {
- int command_argc = argc - 1;
- char** command_argv = &argv[1];
- command_argv[0] = argv[0];
- return matched_command_func(command_argc, command_argv);
- }
- }
- return ShowHelp(commands);
- }
- #include "exe/database.h"
- #include "exe/feature.h"
- #include "exe/gui.h"
- #include "exe/image.h"
- #include "exe/model.h"
- #include "exe/mvs.h"
- #include "exe/sfm.h"
- #include "exe/vocab_tree.h"
- #include "util/version.h"
(比如打开UI界面的命令colmap gui,就是由这个文件处理)
以commands.emplace_back("bundle_adjuster", &RunBundleAdjuster);
- namespace colmap {
- int RunAutomaticReconstructor(int argc, char** argv);
- int RunBundleAdjuster(int argc, char** argv);
- int RunColorExtractor(int argc, char** argv);
- int RunMapper(int argc, char** argv);
- int RunHierarchicalMapper(int argc, char** argv);
- int RunPointFiltering(int argc, char** argv);
- int RunPointTriangulator(int argc, char** argv);
- int RunRigBundleAdjuster(int argc, char** argv);
- }
- int RunBundleAdjuster(int argc, char** argv) {
- std::string input_path;
- std::string output_path;
- OptionManager options;
- options.AddRequiredOption("input_path", &input_path);
- options.AddRequiredOption("output_path", &output_path);
- options.AddBundleAdjustmentOptions();
- options.Parse(argc, argv);
- if (!ExistsDir(input_path)) {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: `input_path` is not a directory" << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- if (!ExistsDir(output_path)) {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: `output_path` is not a directory" << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- Reconstruction reconstruction;
- reconstruction.Read(input_path);
- BundleAdjustmentController ba_controller(options, &reconstruction); // BA
- ba_controller.Start();
- ba_controller.Wait();
- reconstruction.Write(output_path);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
中 BundleAdjustmentController
- // Class that controls the global bundle adjustment procedure.
- class BundleAdjustmentController : public Thread {
- public:
- BundleAdjustmentController(const OptionManager& options,
- Reconstruction* reconstruction);
- private:
- void Run();
- const OptionManager options_;
- Reconstruction* reconstruction_;
- };
- BundleAdjustmentController::BundleAdjustmentController(
- const OptionManager& options, Reconstruction* reconstruction)
- : options_(options), reconstruction_(reconstruction) {}
- void BundleAdjustmentController::Run() {
- CHECK_NOTNULL(reconstruction_);
- PrintHeading1("Global bundle adjustment");
- const std::vector<image_t>& reg_image_ids = reconstruction_->RegImageIds();
- if (reg_image_ids.size() < 2) {
- std::cout << "ERROR: Need at least two views." << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- // Avoid degeneracies in bundle adjustment.
- reconstruction_->FilterObservationsWithNegativeDepth();
- BundleAdjustmentOptions ba_options = *options_.bundle_adjustment;
- ba_options.solver_options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
- BundleAdjustmentIterationCallback iteration_callback(this);
- ba_options.solver_options.callbacks.push_back(&iteration_callback);
- // Configure bundle adjustment.
- BundleAdjustmentConfig ba_config;
- for (const image_t image_id : reg_image_ids) {
- ba_config.AddImage(image_id);
- }
- ba_config.SetConstantPose(reg_image_ids[0]);
- ba_config.SetConstantTvec(reg_image_ids[1], {0});
- // Run bundle adjustment.
- BundleAdjuster bundle_adjuster(ba_options, ba_config);
- bundle_adjuster.Solve(reconstruction_);
- GetTimer().PrintMinutes();
- }
- BundleAdjuster bundle_adjuster(ba_options, ba_config);
- bundle_adjuster.Solve(reconstruction_);
- class BundleAdjuster {
- public:
- BundleAdjuster(const BundleAdjustmentOptions& options,
- const BundleAdjustmentConfig& config);
- bool Solve(Reconstruction* reconstruction);
- // Get the Ceres solver summary for the last call to `Solve`.
- const ceres::Solver::Summary& Summary() const;
- private:
- void SetUp(Reconstruction* reconstruction,
- ceres::LossFunction* loss_function);
- void TearDown(Reconstruction* reconstruction);
- void AddImageToProblem(const image_t image_id, Reconstruction* reconstruction,
- ceres::LossFunction* loss_function);
- void AddPointToProblem(const point3D_t point3D_id,
- Reconstruction* reconstruction,
- ceres::LossFunction* loss_function);
- protected:
- void ParameterizeCameras(Reconstruction* reconstruction);
- void ParameterizePoints(Reconstruction* reconstruction);
- const BundleAdjustmentOptions options_;
- BundleAdjustmentConfig config_;
- std::unique_ptr<ceres::Problem> problem_;
- ceres::Solver::Summary summary_;
- std::unordered_set<camera_t> camera_ids_;
- std::unordered_map<point3D_t, size_t> point3D_num_observations_;
- };
problem 和 Summary
- std::unique_ptr<ceres::Problem> problem_;
- ceres::Solver::Summary summary_;
- const ceres::Solver::Summary& Summary() const;
- const ceres::Solver::Summary& BundleAdjuster::Summary() const {
- return summary_;
- }
- BundleAdjuster::BundleAdjuster(const BundleAdjustmentOptions& options,
- const BundleAdjustmentConfig& config)
- : options_(options), config_(config) {
- CHECK(options_.Check());
- }
- struct BundleAdjustmentOptions {
- // Loss function types: Trivial (non-robust) and Cauchy (robust) loss.
- enum class LossFunctionType { TRIVIAL, SOFT_L1, CAUCHY };
- LossFunctionType loss_function_type = LossFunctionType::TRIVIAL;
- // Scaling factor determines residual at which robustification takes place.
- double loss_function_scale = 1.0;
- // Whether to refine the focal length parameter group.
- bool refine_focal_length = true;
- // Whether to refine the principal point parameter group.
- bool refine_principal_point = false;
- // Whether to refine the extra parameter group.
- bool refine_extra_params = true;
- // Whether to refine the extrinsic parameter group.
- bool refine_extrinsics = true;
- // Whether to print a final summary.
- bool print_summary = true;
- // Minimum number of residuals to enable multi-threading. Note that
- // single-threaded is typically better for small bundle adjustment problems
- // due to the overhead of threading.
- int min_num_residuals_for_multi_threading = 50000;
- // Ceres-Solver options.
- ceres::Solver::Options solver_options;
- BundleAdjustmentOptions() {
- solver_options.function_tolerance = 0.0;
- solver_options.gradient_tolerance = 0.0;
- solver_options.parameter_tolerance = 0.0;
- solver_options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = false;
- solver_options.max_num_iterations = 100;
- solver_options.max_linear_solver_iterations = 200;
- solver_options.max_num_consecutive_invalid_steps = 10;
- solver_options.max_consecutive_nonmonotonic_steps = 10;
- solver_options.num_threads = -1;
- solver_options.num_linear_solver_threads = -1;
- }
- // Create a new loss function based on the specified options. The caller
- // takes ownership of the loss function.
- ceres::LossFunction* CreateLossFunction() const;
- bool Check() const;
- };
其中 BundleAdjustmentOptions
以及ceres::Solver::Options solver_options;
和ceres::LossFunction* CreateLossFunction() const;
- // Configuration container to setup bundle adjustment problems.
- class BundleAdjustmentConfig {
- public:
- BundleAdjustmentConfig();
- size_t NumImages() const;
- size_t NumPoints() const;
- size_t NumConstantCameras() const;
- size_t NumConstantPoses() const;
- size_t NumConstantTvecs() const;
- size_t NumVariablePoints() const;
- size_t NumConstantPoints() const;
- // Determine the number of residuals for the given reconstruction. The number
- // of residuals equals the number of observations times two.
- size_t NumResiduals(const Reconstruction& reconstruction) const;
- // Add / remove images from the configuration.
- void AddImage(const image_t image_id);
- bool HasImage(const image_t image_id) const;
- void RemoveImage(const image_t image_id);
- // Set cameras of added images as constant or variable. By default all
- // cameras of added images are variable. Note that the corresponding images
- // have to be added prior to calling these methods.
- void SetConstantCamera(const camera_t camera_id);
- void SetVariableCamera(const camera_t camera_id);
- bool IsConstantCamera(const camera_t camera_id) const;
- // Set the pose of added images as constant. The pose is defined as the
- // rotational and translational part of the projection matrix.
- void SetConstantPose(const image_t image_id);
- void SetVariablePose(const image_t image_id);
- bool HasConstantPose(const image_t image_id) const;
- // Set the translational part of the pose, hence the constant pose
- // indices may be in [0, 1, 2] and must be unique. Note that the
- // corresponding images have to be added prior to calling these methods.
- void SetConstantTvec(const image_t image_id, const std::vector<int>& idxs);
- void RemoveConstantTvec(const image_t image_id);
- bool HasConstantTvec(const image_t image_id) const;
- // Add / remove points from the configuration. Note that points can either
- // be variable or constant but not both at the same time.
- void AddVariablePoint(const point3D_t point3D_id);
- void AddConstantPoint(const point3D_t point3D_id);
- bool HasPoint(const point3D_t point3D_id) const;
- bool HasVariablePoint(const point3D_t point3D_id) const;
- bool HasConstantPoint(const point3D_t point3D_id) const;
- void RemoveVariablePoint(const point3D_t point3D_id);
- void RemoveConstantPoint(const point3D_t point3D_id);
- // Access configuration data.
- const std::unordered_set<image_t>& Images() const;
- const std::unordered_set<point3D_t>& VariablePoints() const;
- const std::unordered_set<point3D_t>& ConstantPoints() const;
- const std::vector<int>& ConstantTvec(const image_t image_id) const;
- private:
- std::unordered_set<camera_t> constant_camera_ids_;
- std::unordered_set<image_t> image_ids_;
- std::unordered_set<point3D_t> variable_point3D_ids_;
- std::unordered_set<point3D_t> constant_point3D_ids_;
- std::unordered_set<image_t> constant_poses_;
- std::unordered_map<image_t, std::vector<int>> constant_tvecs_;
- };
1. 定义问题problem
problem_.reset(new ceres::Problem());
2. 设置目标函数loss_function
ceres::LossFunction* loss_function = options_.CreateLossFunction();
- ceres::LossFunction* BundleAdjustmentOptions::CreateLossFunction() const {
- ceres::LossFunction* loss_function = nullptr;
- switch (loss_function_type) {
- case LossFunctionType::TRIVIAL:
- loss_function = new ceres::TrivialLoss();
- break;
- case LossFunctionType::SOFT_L1:
- loss_function = new ceres::SoftLOneLoss(loss_function_scale);
- break;
- case LossFunctionType::CAUCHY:
- loss_function = new ceres::CauchyLoss(loss_function_scale);
- break;
- }
- CHECK_NOTNULL(loss_function);
- return loss_function;
- }
3. 通过SetUp将图像和点加进去
- void BundleAdjuster::SetUp(Reconstruction* reconstruction,
- ceres::LossFunction* loss_function) {
- // Warning: AddPointsToProblem assumes that AddImageToProblem is called first.
- // Do not change order of instructions!
- for (const image_t image_id : config_.Images()) {
- AddImageToProblem(image_id, reconstruction, loss_function);
- }
- for (const auto point3D_id : config_.VariablePoints()) {
- AddPointToProblem(point3D_id, reconstruction, loss_function);
- }
- for (const auto point3D_id : config_.ConstantPoints()) {
- AddPointToProblem(point3D_id, reconstruction, loss_function);
- }
- ParameterizeCameras(reconstruction);
- ParameterizePoints(reconstruction);
- }
- cost_function = BundleAdjustmentConstantPoseCostFunction<CameraModel>::Create(
- image.Qvec(), image.Tvec(), point2D.XY());
- problem_->AddResidualBlock(cost_function, loss_function,
- point3D.XYZ().data(), camera_params_data);
- // Set pose parameterization.
- if (!constant_pose) {
- ceres::LocalParameterization* quaternion_parameterization =
- new ceres::QuaternionParameterization;
- problem_->SetParameterization(qvec_data, quaternion_parameterization);
- if (config_.HasConstantTvec(image_id)) {
- const std::vector<int>& constant_tvec_idxs =
- config_.ConstantTvec(image_id);
- ceres::SubsetParameterization* tvec_parameterization =
- new ceres::SubsetParameterization(3, constant_tvec_idxs);
- problem_->SetParameterization(tvec_data, tvec_parameterization);
- }
- }
- static ceres::CostFunction* Create(const Eigen::Vector2d& point2D) {
- return (new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<
- RigBundleAdjustmentCostFunction<CameraModel>, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3,
- CameraModel::kNumParams>(
- new RigBundleAdjustmentCostFunction(point2D)));
- }
- ceres::QuaternionProduct(rel_qvec, rig_qvec, qvec);
- ceres::UnitQuaternionRotatePoint(rel_qvec, rig_tvec, tvec);
- ceres::Solver::Options solver_options = options_.solver_options;
- const bool has_sparse =
- solver_options.sparse_linear_algebra_library_type != ceres::NO_SPARSE;
- // Empirical choice.
- const size_t kMaxNumImagesDirectDenseSolver = 50;
- const size_t kMaxNumImagesDirectSparseSolver = 1000;
- const size_t num_images = config_.NumImages();
- if (num_images <= kMaxNumImagesDirectDenseSolver) {
- solver_options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR;
- } else if (num_images <= kMaxNumImagesDirectSparseSolver && has_sparse) {
- solver_options.linear_solver_type = ceres::SPARSE_SCHUR;
- } else { // Indirect sparse (preconditioned CG) solver.
- solver_options.linear_solver_type = ceres::ITERATIVE_SCHUR;
- solver_options.preconditioner_type = ceres::SCHUR_JACOBI;
- }
- if (problem_->NumResiduals() <
- options_.min_num_residuals_for_multi_threading) {
- solver_options.num_threads = 1;
- solver_options.num_linear_solver_threads = 1;
- } else {
- solver_options.num_threads =
- GetEffectiveNumThreads(solver_options.num_threads);
- solver_options.num_linear_solver_threads =
- GetEffectiveNumThreads(solver_options.num_linear_solver_threads);
- }
ceres::Solve(solver_options, problem_.get(), &summary_);
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