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Groovy 条件语句_groovy if else

groovy if else

在groovy中支持如下 条件语句

1:if/else if/else

  1. if ( ... ) {
  2. ...
  3. } else if (...) {
  4. ...
  5. } else {
  6. ...
  7. }

2:switch / case


Switch supports the following kinds of comparisons:

  • Class case values match if the switch value is an instance of the class

  • Regular expression case values match if the toString() representation of the switch value matches the regex

  • Collection case values match if the switch value is contained in the collection. This also includes ranges (since they are Lists)

  • Closure case values match if the calling the closure returns a result which is true according to the Groovy truth

  • If none of the above are used then the case value matches if the case value equals the switch value


