使用 LangChain 生成合成数据:此步骤的核心在于利用LangChain根据预设的标准、主题或结构,定制生成具有真实数据特征的结构化输出。这些合成数据为后续的提示优化奠定了基础。
使用 DSPy 进行提示优化:创建合成数据集后,就可以使用 DSPy 根据这些数据优化提示。
- import dspy
- llm = dspy.OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo',api_key=openai_key)
- dspy.settings.configure(lm=llm)
- # 实现一个未优化的谎言检测器
- text = "Barack Obama was not President of the USA"
- lie_detector = dspy.Predict("text -> veracity")
- response = lie_detector(text=text)
- print(response.veracity)
- # 假设你想控制输出,使其始终为布尔值(True 或 False)
- # 之前的简单实现无法保证这一点
- # 一种保证方法是使用更精确的签名
- # 精确签名
- class LieSignature(dspy.Signature):
- """Identify if a statement is True or False"""
- text = dspy.InputField()
- veracity = dspy.OutputField(desc="a boolean 1 or 0")
- lie_detector = dspy.Predict(LieSignature)
- response = lie_detector(text=text)
- print(response.veracity)
- # 生成合成数据
- from typing import List
- from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
- from langchain_core.output_parsers import JsonOutputParser
- from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
- from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
- model = ChatOpenAI(temperature=1, api_key=openai_key)
- class Data(BaseModel):
- fact: str = Field(description="A general fact about life or a scientific fact or a historic fact")
- answer: str = Field(description="The veracity of a fact is a boolean 1 or 0")
- parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=Data)
- prompt = PromptTemplate(
- template="Answer the user query.\n{format_instructions}\n{query}\n",
- input_variables=["query"],
- partial_variables={"format_instructions": parser.get_format_instructions()},
- )
- chain = prompt | model | parser
- chain.invoke({"query": "Generate data"})
- # 创建10对事实-答案的列表
- list_of_facts = [chain.invoke({"query": "Generate data"}) for i in range(10)]
- few_shot_examples = [dspy.Example(fact) for fact in list_of_facts]
- print(list_of_facts)
- # 先前方法存在的问题,数据多样性不足
- # 访问模式
- data_schema = Data.schema()
- # 访问模式中的属性描述
- fact_description = data_schema['properties']['fact']['description']
- answer_description = data_schema['properties']['answer']['description']
- list_of_facts = []
- for i in range(10):
- prompt = f"Generate data. Should be different than {list_of_facts}. Answers should be diverse and representative of {answer_description}"
- example = chain.invoke({"query": prompt })
- list_of_facts.append(example)
- few_shot_examples = [dspy.Example(fact) for fact in list_of_facts]
- print(list_of_facts)
- # 合成提示优化
- from dspy.teleprompt import BootstrapFewShot
- from dspy.evaluate import answer_exact_match
- text = "Barack Obama was not President of the USA"
- # 将事实定义为谎言检测器的输入
- trainset = [x.with_inputs('fact') for x in few_shot_examples]
- # 定义谎言检测器模块使用的签名
- # 为了评估,你需要定义一个答案字段
- class Veracity(dspy.Signature):
- "Evaluate the veracity of a statement"
- fact = dspy.InputField(desc="a statement")
- answer = dspy.OutputField(desc="an assessment of the veracity of the statement")
- class lie_detector(dspy.Module):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.lie_identification = dspy.ChainOfThought(Veracity)
- def forward(self, fact):
- return self.lie_identification(fact=fact)
- teleprompter = BootstrapFewShot(metric=answer_exact_match)
- compiled_lie_detector = teleprompter.compile(lie_detector(), trainset=trainset)
- response = compiled_lie_detector(fact=text)
- print(f"veracity {response.answer}")

总之,DSPy 和 LangChain 的结合开辟了一种新颖的提示优化方法,特别是在直接数据可用性有限的情况下。通过利用 LangChain 进行合成数据生成,可以绕过拥有预定义数据集进行优化的传统限制。这种方法不仅扩展了创建更精细、更准确提示的途径,也彰显了融合多种AI工具以提升模型性能的广泛可能性。
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