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python_类鸟群:仿真鸟群_python boid 模拟鸟群飞行

python boid 模拟鸟群飞行
import sys, argparse
import math
from turtledemo.clock import tick, main

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist, cdist
from numpy.linalg import norm

width, height = 640, 480  # 设置屏幕窗口的宽度和高度

class Boids:
    """class that represents Boids simulation"""

    def __init__(self, N):
        """initital the Boids simulation"""
        # initital position and velocities
        self.pos = [width / 2.0, height / 2.0] + 10 * np.random.rand(2 * N).reshape(N, 2)
        # normalized random velocities
        angles = 2 * math.pi * np.random.rand(N)
        self.vel = np.array(list(zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles))))
        self.N = N
        # minimum distance of approach
        self.minDist = 25.0
        # maximum magnitude of velocities calculated by 'rules'
        self.maxRuleVel = 0.03
        # maximum magnitude of the final velocity
        self.maxVel = 2.0

    def tick(self, frameNum, pts, beak):
        """Update the simulation by one time step."""
        # get pairwise distances
        self.distMatrix = squareform(pdist(self.pos))
        # apply rules:
        self.vel += self.applyRules()
        self.limit(self.vel, self.maxVel)
        self.pos += self.vel
        # Update data
        pts.ser_data(self.pos.reshape(2 * self.N)[::2],
                     self.pos.reshape(2 * self.N)[::2])
        vec = self.pos + 0 * self.vel / self.maxVel
        beak.set_data(vec.reshape(2 * self.N)[::2],
                      vec.reshape(2 * self.N)[::2])

    def limitVec(self, vec, maxVal):
        """Limit the magnitide of the 20 vector"""
        mag = norm(vec)
        if mag > maxVal:
            vec[0], vec[1] = vec[0] * maxVal / mag, vec[1] * maxVal / mag

    def limit(self, X, maxVal):
        """Limit the magnitide of the 2D vectors in array X to maxValue"""
        for vec in X:
            self.limitVec(vec, maxVal)

    def applyBC(self):
        """apply boundary conditions"""  # 设置边界条件
        deltaR = 2.0
        for coord in self.pos:
            if coord[0] > width + deltaR:
                coord[0] = - deltaR
            if coord[0] < - width + deltaR:
                coord[0] = width + deltaR
            if coord[1] > height + deltaR:
                coord[1] = - deltaR
            if coord[1] < - deltaR:
                coord[1] = height + deltaR

    def applyRules(self):
        # apply rule #1: Separation
        D = self.distMatrix < 25.0
        vel = self.pos * D.sum(axis=1).reshape(self.N, 1).D.dot(self.pos)
        self.limit(vel, self.maxRuleVel)

        # distance threshold for alignment (different from separation)
        D = self.distMatrix < 50.0

        # apply rule #2:Alignment
        vel2 = D.dot(self.vel)
        self.limit(vel2, self.maxRuleVel)
        vel += vel2

        # apply rule #3: Cohesion
        vel3 = D.dot(self.pos) - self.pos
        self.limit(vel3, self.maxRuleVel)
        vel += vel3

        return vel

    def buttonPress(self, event):
        """event handler for matplotlib button presses"""
        # left-click to add a boid
        if event.botton is 1:
            self.pos = np.concatenate((self.pos, np.array([[event.xdata, event.ydata]])), axis=0)

            # generate a random velocity
            angles = 2 * math.pi * np.random.rand(1)
            v = np.array(list(zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles))))
            self.vel = np.concatenate((self.vel, v), axis=0)
            self.N += 1
        # right.click to scatter boids
        elif event.botton is 3:
            # add scattering velocity
            self.vel += 0.1 * (self.pos - np.array([[event.xdata, event.ydata]]))

    def tick(frameNum, pts, beak, boids):
        # print frameNum
        """Update function for animation"""
        boids.tick(frameNum, pts, beak)
        return pts, beak

    # main() function
    def main(self):
        # use sys.argv if needed
        print('starting boids...')

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Implementing Craig Reynold's Boids...")

        # add arguments
        parser.add_argument('---num-boids', dest='N', required=False)
        args = parser.parse_args()

        # set the initial number of boids
        N = 100
        if args.N:
            N = int(args.N)

        # creat boids
        boids = Boids(N)

        # set up plot
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, width), ylim=(0, height))

        pts, = ax.plot([], [], markersize=10, c='k', marker='o', ls='None')
        beak, = ax.plot([], [], markersize=4, c='r', marker='o', ls='None')
        anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, tick, fargs=(pts, beak, boids), interval=50)

        # add a *button press*event handler
        cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', boids.buttonPress)


# call main
if __name__ == '_main__':

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