很多的UDTF不能将结果与源表进行关联,使用lateral view ,可以将UDTF拆分的单个字段数据与原始表数据关联上
select …… from tabelA lateral view UDTF(xxx) 视图名 as a,b,c
-- 假设我们有一张表pageAds,它有两列数据 -- 第一列是pageid(string类型),第二列是adid_list(Array<int>类型),即用逗号分隔的广告ID集合: pageid adid_list "front_page" [1, 2, 3] "contact_page" [3, 4, 5] -- 要统计所有广告ID在所有页面中出现的次数。 -- 首先分拆广告ID: SELECT pageid, adid FROM pageAds . LATERAL VIEW explode(adid_list) adTable AS adid; -- 执行结果如下:pageid(string类型),adid(int类型) pageid adid "front_page" 1 "front_page" 2 "front_page" 3 "contact_page" 3 "contact_page" 4 "contact_page" 5 -- 接下来就是一个聚合的统计: SELECT adid, count(1) FROM pageAds LATERAL VIEW explode(adid_list) adTable AS adid GROUP BY adid; -- 执行结果如下: adid count(1) 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 5 1
--准备数据:vim /export/datas/lateral.txt 1 http://facebook.com/path/p1.php?query=1 2 http://www.baidu.com/news/index.jsp?uuid=frank 3 http://www.jd.com/index?source=baidu --创建表 create table tb_url( id int, url string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; --加载数据 load data local inpath '/export/datas/lateral.txt' into table tb_url; --使用UDTF解析 SELECT parse_url_tuple(url, 'HOST') from tb_url; --使用UDTF+lateral view select a.*, b.host, b.path from tb_url a lateral view parse_url_tuple(url, 'HOST',"PATH") b as host,path; --对比 SELECT id,parse_url_tuple(url, 'HOST') from tb_url;--失败,UDTF函数不能与字段连用 select id, a.* from tb_url lateral view parse_url_tuple(url, 'HOST','PATH') a as host,path;
一个FROM语句后可以跟多个lateral view语句,后面的lateral view语句能够引用它前面的所有表和列名。
-- 以下面的表为例: --col1(Array<int>类型) col2(Array<string>类型) col1 col2 [1, 2] [a", "b", "c"] [3, 4] [d", "e", "f"] SELECT myCol1, col2 FROM baseTable LATERAL VIEW explode(col1) myTable1 AS myCol1; --执行结果为:mycol1(int类型) col2(Array<string>类型) mycol1 col2 1 [a", "b", "c"] 2 [a", "b", "c"] 3 [d", "e", "f"] 4 [d", "e", "f"] --加上一个lateral view: SELECT myCol1, myCol2 FROM baseTable LATERAL VIEW explode(col1) myTable1 AS myCol1 LATERAL VIEW explode(col2) myTable2 AS myCol2; --它的执行结果为:mycol1(int类型) col2(string类型) myCol1 myCol2 1 "a" 1 "b" 1 "c" 2 "a" 2 "b" 2 "c" 3 "d" 3 "e" 3 "f" 4 "d" 4 "e" 4 "f" 注意上面语句中,两个lateral view按照出现的次序被执行。
select explode(split(word," ")) from words; --直接使用,word为array
select explode(hobby) from complex_map; --直接使用,hobby为map
select a.name,b.* from complex_map a lateral view explode(hobby) b as hobby,deep;
-- 与lateral view连用
-》创建数据:vim /export/datas/r2c1.txt
a c 1
a d 2
a e 3
b c 4
b d 5
b e 6
| col1 | c | d | e |
| a | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| b | 4 | 5 | 6 |
create table row2col1(
col1 string,
col2 string,
col3 int
)row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/export/datas/r2c1.txt' into table row2col1;
a c 1
a d 2
a e 3
case col2 when 'c' then col3 else 0 end =》 1 0 0 =》 1
case col2 when 'd' then col3 else 0 end =》 0 2 0 =》 2
case col2 when 'e' then col3 else 0 end =》 0 0 3 =》 3
col1 as col1,
max(case col2 when 'c' then col3 else 0 end) as c,
max(case col2 when 'd' then col3 else 0 end) as d,
max(case col2 when 'e' then col3 else 0 end) as e
group by
dt | city_name | source_type | pv |
2022-06-01 | 北京 | 0 | 1 |
2022-06-01 | 北京 | 0 | 3 |
2022-06-01 | 北京 | 1 | 5 |
2022-06-01 | 北京 | 2 | 7 |
dt | city_name | index_type | index_type_pv | index_type_cnt |
2022-06-01 | 北京 | 1 | 11 | 3 |
2022-06-01 | 北京 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
2022-06-01 | 北京 | 3 | 7 | 1 |
方法一:union all with a as ( select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,0 as source_type,1 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,1 as source_type,5 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,2 as source_type,7 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,0 as source_type,3 as pv ) select dt ,city_name ,1 as index_type ,sum(pv) as index_type_pv ,count(1) as index_type_cnt from a where source_type in (0,2) group by dt ,city_name union all select dt ,city_name ,2 as index_type ,sum(pv) as index_type_pv ,count(1) as index_type_cnt from a where source_type in (0) group by dt ,city_name union all select dt ,city_name ,3 as index_type ,sum(pv) as index_type_pv ,count(1) as index_type_cnt from a where source_type in (2) group by dt ,city_name ;
方法二:groupingsets select dt ,city_name ,coalesce(index_type,1) as index_type ,sum(index_type_pv) as index_type_pv ,sum(index_type_cnt) as index_type_cnt from (select a.dt ,a.city_name ,case when a.source_type=0 then 2 when a.source_type=2 then 3 else -99 end as index_type ,sum(pv) as index_type_pv ,count(1) as index_type_cnt from ( select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,0 as source_type,1 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,1 as source_type,5 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,2 as source_type,7 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,0 as source_type,3 as pv ) a where source_type in (0,2) group BY a.dt ,a.city_name ,case when a.source_type=0 then 2 when a.source_type=2 then 3 else -99 end )a group by dt ,city_name ,index_type grouping sets( (dt,city_name) ,(dt,city_name,index_type) ) ;
方法三,这里给一个利用map结构的方法 select a.dt ,a.city_name ,v.index_type ,case when v.index_type=1 then index_type_pv_list['index_type_1_pv'] when v.index_type=2 then index_type_pv_list['index_type_2_pv'] when v.index_type=3 then index_type_pv_list['index_type_3_pv'] end as index_type_pv ,case when v.index_type=1 then index_type_cnt_list['index_type_1_cnt'] when v.index_type=2 then index_type_cnt_list['index_type_2_cnt'] when v.index_type=3 then index_type_cnt_list['index_type_3_cnt'] end as index_type_cnt from(select dt ,city_name ,concat_ws(',',index_type_1,index_type_2,index_type_3) as index_type_list ,map('index_type_1_pv',index_type_1_pv,'index_type_2_pv',index_type_2_pv,'index_type_3_pv',index_type_3_pv) as index_type_pv_list ,map('index_type_1_cnt',index_type_1_cnt,'index_type_2_cnt',index_type_2_cnt,'index_type_3_cnt',index_type_3_cnt) as index_type_cnt_list from (select a.dt ,a.city_name ,1 as index_type_1 ,max(case when a.source_type=0 then 2 end ) as index_type_2 ,max(case when a.source_type=2 then 3 end ) as index_type_3 ,sum(pv) as index_type_1_pv ,sum(case when a.source_type=0 then pv end ) as index_type_2_pv ,sum(case when a.source_type=2 then pv end ) as index_type_3_pv ,count(1) as index_type_1_cnt ,count(case when a.source_type=0 then 1 end ) as index_type_2_cnt ,count(case when a.source_type=2 then 1 end ) as index_type_3_cnt from ( select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,0 as source_type,1 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,1 as source_type,5 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,2 as source_type,7 as pv union all select '2022-06-01' as dt,'北京' as city_name,0 as source_type,3 as pv ) a where source_type in (0,2) group BY a.dt ,a.city_name )a )a lateral view explode(split(index_type_list,','))v as index_type ;
-》创建数据:vim /export/datas/r2c2.txt a b 1 a b 2 a b 3 c d 4 c d 5 c d 6 -》希望结果:concat_ws(分隔符,col3) +-------+-------+--------+--+ | col1 | col2 | col3 | +-------+-------+--------+--+ | a | b | 1,2,3 | | c | d | 4,5,6 | +-------+-------+--------+--+ -》创建表 create table row2col2( col1 string, col2 string, col3 int )row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; -》加载数据 load data local inpath '/export/datas/r2c2.txt' into table row2col2;
concat_ws(',', collect_set(cast(col3 as string))) as col3
group by
col1, col2;
-》创建数据:vim /export/datas/c2r1.txt
a 1 2 3
b 4 5 6
| _u1.col1 | _u1.col2 | _u1.col3 |
| a | c | 1 |
| b | c | 4 |
| a | d | 2 |
| b | d | 5 |
| a | e | 3 |
| b | e | 6 |
-》创建表 create table col2row1( col1 string, col2 int, col3 int, col4 int )row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; -》加载数据 load data local inpath '/export/datas/c2r1.txt' into table col2row1; 或者 drop table if exists row2col1; create table row2col1 as select 'a' as col1,1 as col2,2 as col3,3 as col4 union all select 'b' as col1,4 as col2,5 as col3,6 as col4 ;
select col1, 'c' as col2, col2 as col3 from col2row1
select col1, 'd' as col2, col3 as col3 from col2row1
select col1, 'e' as col2, col4 as col3 from col2row1;
select split(value_list,':')[0] as col1
,split(value_list,':')[1] as col2
,split(value_list,':')[2] as col3
from (select concat_ws(',',concat(col1,':c:',col2),concat(col1,':d:',col3),concat(col1,':e:',col4)) as value
from col2row1
lateral view explode(split(value,','))v as value_list
select col1 -- ,tb1.a as tb1a -- ,tb2.a as tb2a -- ,tb3.a as tb3a ,col2 ,col3 from(select array(col1,col1,col1) as col1_list ,array('c','d','e') as col2_list ,array(col2,col3,col4) as col3_list from col2row1 )t lateral view posexplode(col1_list) tb1 as a,col1 lateral view posexplode(col2_list) tb2 as a,col2 lateral view posexplode(col3_list) tb3 as a,col3 where tb1.a=tb2.a and tb2.a=tb3.a ;
posexplode 我经常会用来 做膨胀数据使用~供参考
select a.a ,a.b ,date_add('2023-08-01',pos) as dt ,pos+1 as n_day from (select 1 as a ,2 as b union all select 3 as a ,4 as b )a lateral view posexplode(split(repeat('a,a',datediff('2023-08-31','2023-08-01')),',')) tab as pos,day -- lateral view posexplode(split(repeat('a,a',30),',')) tab as pos,day -- 这里如果直接写30会被炸开成31(n+1) -- pos是从0开始,到30(repeat次数) -- 为什么不是lateral view posexplode(split(repeat(',',datediff('2023-08-31','2023-08-01')),',')) tab as pos,day 呢??? -- 因为hive引擎下 和spark引擎下是不一样的,可以自行测试一下,hive 切出来不是你想要的。。。 -- select split(repeat(',',datediff('2023-08-31','2023-08-01')),','); -- [] -- select split(repeat('a,a',datediff('2023-08-31','2023-08-01')),','); -- ["a","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","aa","a"] order by dt desc ;
多表查询中 Join:多表之间列合并 union:多表之间行的合并
-》创建数据:vim /export/datas/c2r2.txt a b 1,2,3 c d 4,5,6 -》希望结果 +-------+-------+-------+--+ | col1 | col2 | col3 | +-------+-------+-------+--+ | a | b | 1 | | a | b | 2 | | a | b | 3 | | c | d | 4 | | c | d | 5 | | c | d | 6 | +-------+-------+-------+--+ -》创建表 create table col2row2( col1 string, col2 string, col3 string )row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; -》加载数据 load data local inpath '/export/datas/c2r2.txt' into table col2row2;
lv.col3 as col3
lateral view explode(split(col3, ',')) lv as col3;
,get_json_object(statisticLadder_json, '$.activityId') as activityId
,get_json_object(statisticLadder_json, '$.strategyId') as strategyId
FROM ( SELECT '[{"activityId":1,"strategyId":2,"status":0,"strategyMatch":{"dmp":true,"property":false,"scene":true},"propertyMatch":{"clientType":false}},{"activityId":2,"strategyId":3,"status":0,"strategyMatch":{"dmp":true,"property":false,"scene":true},"propertyMatch":{"clientType":false}}]' as str
) a
LATERAL view explode(split(regexp_replace(str,'^\\[|]$',''), ',(?!")')) b as statisticLadder_json
-- 结果
statisticLadder_json activityId strategyId
{"activityId":1,"strategyId":2,"status":0,"strategyMatch":{"dmp":true,"property":false,"scene":true},"propertyMatch":{"clientType":false}} 1 2
{"activityId":2,"strategyId":3,"status":0,"strategyMatch":{"dmp":true,"property":false,"scene":true},"propertyMatch":{"clientType":false}} 2 3
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