mainboard模块是cyber的程序入口,启动模块,我们可以使用类似roslaunch的方式启动,cyberRT的launch也是封装了mainboard模块,也可以直接使用mainboard -p <process_group> -d … &启动某一个模块。
#include "cyber/common/global_data.h" #include "cyber/common/log.h" #include "cyber/init.h" #include "cyber/mainboard/module_argument.h" #include "cyber/mainboard/module_controller.h" #include "cyber/state.h" using apollo::cyber::mainboard::ModuleArgument; using apollo::cyber::mainboard::ModuleController; int main(int argc, char** argv) { // parse the argument ModuleArgument module_args; module_args.ParseArgument(argc, argv); // initialize cyber apollo::cyber::Init(argv[0]); // start module ModuleController controller(module_args); if (!controller.Init()) { controller.Clear(); AERROR << "module start error."; return -1; } apollo::cyber::WaitForShutdown(); controller.Clear(); AINFO << "exit mainboard."; return 0; }
scheduler::Instance()->SetInnerThreadAttr("async_log", thread);
if (!g_atexit_registered) {
if (std::atexit(ExitHandle) != 0) {
AERROR << "Register exit handle failed";
return false;
AINFO << "Register exit handle succ.";
g_atexit_registered = true;
ModuleController controller(module_args);
if (!controller.Init()) {
AERROR << "module start error.";
return -1;
class ModuleArgument { public: ModuleArgument() = default; virtual ~ModuleArgument() = default; void DisplayUsage(); void ParseArgument(int argc, char* const argv[]); void GetOptions(const int argc, char* const argv[]); const std::string& GetBinaryName() const; const std::string& GetProcessGroup() const; const std::string& GetSchedName() const; const std::list<std::string>& GetDAGConfList() const; private: std::list<std::string> dag_conf_list_; std::string binary_name_; std::string process_group_; std::string sched_name_; }; inline const std::string& ModuleArgument::GetBinaryName() const { return binary_name_; } inline const std::string& ModuleArgument::GetProcessGroup() const { return process_group_; } inline const std::string& ModuleArgument::GetSchedName() const { return sched_name_; } inline const std::list<std::string>& ModuleArgument::GetDAGConfList() const { return dag_conf_list_; }
这个功能挺简单的且关键的,调用Google glog stream输出信息。
void ModuleArgument::DisplayUsage() { AINFO << "Usage: \n " << binary_name_ << " [OPTION]...\n" << "Description: \n" << " -h, --help : help information \n" << " -d, --dag_conf=CONFIG_FILE : module dag config file\n" << " -p, --process_group=process_group: the process " "namespace for running this module, default in manager process\n" << " -s, --sched_name=sched_name: sched policy " "conf for hole process, sched_name should be conf in cyber.pb.conf\n" << "Example:\n" << " " << binary_name_ << " -h\n" << " " << binary_name_ << " -d dag_conf_file1 -d dag_conf_file2 " << "-p process_group -s sched_name\n"; } /cyber/common/log.h #define AINFO ALOG_MODULE(MODULE_NAME, INFO) #ifndef ALOG_MODULE #define ALOG_MODULE(module, log_severity) \ ALOG_MODULE_STREAM(log_severity)(module) #endif #ifndef ALOG_MODULE_STREAM #define ALOG_MODULE_STREAM(log_severity) ALOG_MODULE_STREAM_##log_severity #endif #define ALOG_MODULE_STREAM_INFO(module) \ google::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, google::INFO).stream() \ << LEFT_BRACKET << module << RIGHT_BRACKET #define ALOG_MODULE_STREAM_WARN(module) \ google::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, google::WARNING).stream() \ << LEFT_BRACKET << module << RIGHT_BRACKET #define ALOG_MODULE_STREAM_ERROR(module) \ google::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, google::ERROR).stream() \ << LEFT_BRACKET << module << RIGHT_BRACKET #define ALOG_MODULE_STREAM_FATAL(module) \ google::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, google::FATAL).stream() \ << LEFT_BRACKET << module << RIGHT_BRACKET
#define ALOG_MODULE_STREAM(log_severity) ALOG_MODULE_STREAM_##log_severity中,会将log_severity与ALOG_MODULE_STREAM_拼接到一起,调用不同严重性级别的宏定义stream()。
void ModuleArgument::ParseArgument(const int argc, char* const argv[]) { binary_name_ = std::string(basename(argv[0])); GetOptions(argc, argv); if (process_group_.empty()) { process_group_ = DEFAULT_process_group_; } if (sched_name_.empty()) { sched_name_ = DEFAULT_sched_name_; } GlobalData::Instance()->SetProcessGroup(process_group_); GlobalData::Instance()->SetSchedName(sched_name_); AINFO << "binary_name_ is " << binary_name_ << ", process_group_ is " << process_group_ << ", has " << dag_conf_list_.size() << " dag conf"; for (std::string& dag : dag_conf_list_) { AINFO << "dag_conf: " << dag; } }
#include <libgen.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << basename(argv[0]) << '\n';
输入 ./../code-test/test.o
输出 test.o
在cyber中mainboard -p <process_group> -d … &启动模块 binary_name_ 应为是mainboard。然后调用GetOptions()读取参数。设置process_group_和sched_name_,并在GlobalData设置。process_group_是模块名,sched_name_是调度策略,输出并显示信息
主要是对后面的命令行进行解析,show me code
void ModuleArgument::GetOptions(const int argc, char* const argv[]) { opterr = 0; // extern int opterr int long_index = 0; const std::string short_opts = "hd:p:s:"; static const struct option long_opts[] = { {"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'}, {"dag_conf", required_argument, nullptr, 'd'}, {"process_name", required_argument, nullptr, 'p'}, {"sched_name", required_argument, nullptr, 's'}, {NULL, no_argument, nullptr, 0}}; // log command for info std::string cmd(""); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { cmd += argv[i]; cmd += " "; } AINFO << "command: " << cmd; if (1 == argc) { DisplayUsage(); exit(0); } do { int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_opts.c_str(), long_opts, &long_index); if (opt == -1) { break; } switch (opt) { case 'd': dag_conf_list_.emplace_back(std::string(optarg)); for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if (*argv[i] != '-') { dag_conf_list_.emplace_back(std::string(argv[i])); } else { break; } } break; case 'p': process_group_ = std::string(optarg); break; case 's': sched_name_ = std::string(optarg); break; case 'h': DisplayUsage(); exit(0); default: break; } } while (true); if (optind < argc) { AINFO << "Found non-option ARGV-element \"" << argv[optind++] << "\""; DisplayUsage(); exit(1); } if (dag_conf_list_.empty()) { AINFO << "-d parameter must be specified"; DisplayUsage(); exit(1); } }
opterr 是#include <getopt.h>被引入的,
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
extern int opterr;
extern int optopt;
char *optarg:如果有参数,则包含当前选项参数字符串
int optind:argv的当前索引值。当getopt函数在while循环中使用时,剩下的字符串为操作数,下标从optind到argc-1。
int opterr:这个变量非零时,getopt()函数为“无效选项”和“缺少参数选项,并输出其错误信息。
int optopt:当发现无效选项字符之时,getopt()函数或返回 \’ ? \’ 字符,或返回字符 \’ : \’ ,并且optopt包含了所发现的无效选项字符。
struct option
const char *name;
int has_arg;
int *flag;
int val;
#define no_argument 0
#define required_argument 1
#define optional_argument 2
记录下指令,当argc==1时,说明没有任何的参数,调用DisplayUsage()并退出,否则调用getopt_long,不停获取参数并设置-d dag_conf_list_,-p process_group_, -s sched_name_。
class ModuleController { public: explicit ModuleController(const ModuleArgument& args); virtual ~ModuleController() = default; bool Init(); bool LoadAll(); void Clear(); private: bool LoadModule(const std::string& path); bool LoadModule(const DagConfig& dag_config); int GetComponentNum(const std::string& path); int total_component_nums = 0; bool has_timer_component = false; ModuleArgument args_; class_loader::ClassLoaderManager class_loader_manager_; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ComponentBase>> component_list_; };
bool ModuleController::LoadAll() { const std::string work_root = common::WorkRoot(); const std::string current_path = common::GetCurrentPath(); const std::string dag_root_path = common::GetAbsolutePath(work_root, "dag"); std::vector<std::string> paths; for (auto& dag_conf : args_.GetDAGConfList()) { std::string module_path = ""; if (dag_conf == common::GetFileName(dag_conf)) { // case dag conf argument var is a filename module_path = common::GetAbsolutePath(dag_root_path, dag_conf); } else if (dag_conf[0] == '/') { // case dag conf argument var is an absolute path module_path = dag_conf; } else { // case dag conf argument var is a relative path module_path = common::GetAbsolutePath(current_path, dag_conf); if (!common::PathExists(module_path)) { module_path = common::GetAbsolutePath(work_root, dag_conf); } } total_component_nums += GetComponentNum(module_path); paths.emplace_back(std::move(module_path)); } if (has_timer_component) { total_component_nums += scheduler::Instance()->TaskPoolSize(); } common::GlobalData::Instance()->SetComponentNums(total_component_nums); for (auto module_path : paths) { AINFO << "Start initialize dag: " << module_path; if (!LoadModule(module_path)) { AERROR << "Failed to load module: " << module_path; return false; } } return true; }
bool ModuleController::LoadModule(const std::string& path) { DagConfig dag_config; if (!common::GetProtoFromFile(path, &dag_config)) { AERROR << "Get proto failed, file: " << path; return false; } return LoadModule(dag_config); } bool ModuleController::LoadModule(const DagConfig& dag_config) { const std::string work_root = common::WorkRoot(); for (auto module_config : dag_config.module_config()) { std::string load_path; if (module_config.module_library().front() == '/') { load_path = module_config.module_library(); } else { load_path = common::GetAbsolutePath(work_root, module_config.module_library()); } if (!common::PathExists(load_path)) { AERROR << "Path does not exist: " << load_path; return false; } class_loader_manager_.LoadLibrary(load_path); for (auto& component : module_config.components()) { const std::string& class_name = component.class_name(); std::shared_ptr<ComponentBase> base = class_loader_manager_.CreateClassObj<ComponentBase>(class_name); if (base == nullptr || !base->Initialize(component.config())) { return false; } component_list_.emplace_back(std::move(base)); } for (auto& component : module_config.timer_components()) { const std::string& class_name = component.class_name(); std::shared_ptr<ComponentBase> base = class_loader_manager_.CreateClassObj<ComponentBase>(class_name); if (base == nullptr || !base->Initialize(component.config())) { return false; } component_list_.emplace_back(std::move(base)); } } return true; }
std::shared_ptr<ComponentBase> base =
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