在分析Lagent源码之前,可以先看datawhalechina开源的一个仓库: tiny-universe ,其中的TinyAgent项目构建了一个迷你Agent,学习这个项目有助于理解Lagent。TinyAgent遵循React模式,通过:Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation 不断循环迭代的方式交替生成推理轨迹和执行特定任务,使得LLM能够更好的完成实时交互任务。下面给出了项目中Agent.py的源码,可以看到:
- TOOL_DESC = """{name_for_model}: Call this tool to interact with the {name_for_human} API. What is the {name_for_human} API useful for? {description_for_model} Parameters: {parameters} Format the arguments as a JSON object."""
- REACT_PROMPT = """Answer the following questions as best you can. You have access to the following tools:
- {tool_descs}
- Use the following format:
- Question: the input question you must answer
- Thought: you should always think about what to do
- Action: the action to take, should be one of [{tool_names}]
- Action Input: the input to the action
- Observation: the result of the action
- ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
- Thought: I now know the final answer
- Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
- Begin!
- """
- class Agent:
- def __init__(self, path: str = '') -> None:
- self.path = path
- self.tool = Tools()
- self.system_prompt = self.build_system_input()
- self.model = InternLM2Chat(path)
- def build_system_input(self):
- tool_descs, tool_names = [], []
- for tool in self.tool.toolConfig:
- tool_descs.append(TOOL_DESC.format(**tool))
- tool_names.append(tool['name_for_model'])
- tool_descs = '\n\n'.join(tool_descs)
- tool_names = ','.join(tool_names)
- sys_prompt = REACT_PROMPT.format(tool_descs=tool_descs, tool_names=tool_names)
- return sys_prompt
- def parse_latest_plugin_call(self, text):
- plugin_name, plugin_args = '', ''
- i = text.rfind('\nAction:')
- j = text.rfind('\nAction Input:')
- k = text.rfind('\nObservation:')
- if 0 <= i < j: # If the text has `Action` and `Action input`,
- if k < j: # but does not contain `Observation`,
- text = text.rstrip() + '\nObservation:' # Add it back.
- k = text.rfind('\nObservation:')
- plugin_name = text[i + len('\nAction:') : j].strip()
- plugin_args = text[j + len('\nAction Input:') : k].strip()
- text = text[:k]
- return plugin_name, plugin_args, text
- def call_plugin(self, plugin_name, plugin_args):
- plugin_args = json5.loads(plugin_args)
- if plugin_name == 'google_search':
- return '\nObservation:' + self.tool.google_search(**plugin_args)
- def text_completion(self, text, history=[]):
- text = "\nQuestion:" + text
- response, his = self.model.chat(text, history, self.system_prompt)
- print(response)
- plugin_name, plugin_args, response = self.parse_latest_plugin_call(response)
- if plugin_name:
- response += self.call_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_args)
- response, his = self.model.chat(response, history, self.system_prompt)
- return response, his

从上述流程可以看出,TinyAgent似乎只能进行一次工具调用,这也让我对Lagent是如何实现Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation的循环迭代产生好奇。直接打开Lagent的开源仓库,从源码目录结构可以看出代码核心是:actions、agents和llms,这里也简单对相关代码进行分析。
1. BaseModel类(llms目录下)
该框架兼容OpenAI API、Transformer、LMDeploy。因此这里先简单分析一下BaseModel类,GPTAPI、HFTransformer、LMDeployPipeline等类都继承了BaseModel,并重写或者补充了一些方法。
- class BaseModel:
- is_api: bool = False
- def __init__(self,
- path: str,
- tokenizer_only: bool = False,
- template_parser: 'LMTemplateParser' = LMTemplateParser,
- meta_template: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
- *,
- max_new_tokens: int = 512,
- top_p: float = 0.8,
- top_k: float = 40,
- temperature: float = 0.8,
- repetition_penalty: float = 1.0,
- stop_words: Union[List[str], str] = None):
- ...
- def generate(self, inputs: Union[str, List[str]], **gen_params) -> str:
- ...
- def stream_generate(self, inputs: str, **gen_params) -> List[str]:
- ...
- def chat(self, inputs: Union[List[dict], List[List[dict]]], **gen_params):
- ...
- def generate_from_template(self, inputs: Union[List[dict],
- List[List[dict]]],
- **gen_params):
- ...
- def stream_chat(self, inputs: List[dict], **gen_params):
- ...
- def tokenize(self, prompts: Union[str, List[str], List[dict],
- List[List[dict]]]):
- ...
- def update_gen_params(self, **kwargs):
- ...

2. BaseAction类(actions目录下)
- class BaseAction(metaclass=AutoRegister(TOOL_REGISTRY, ToolMeta)):
- """Base class for all actions.
- Args:
- description (:class:`Optional[dict]`): The description of the action.
- Defaults to ``None``.
- parser (:class:`Type[BaseParser]`): The parser class to process the
- action's inputs and outputs. Defaults to :class:`JsonParser`.
- enable (:class:`bool`): Whether the action is enabled. Defaults to
- ``True``.
- Examples:
- * simple tool
- .. code-block:: python
- class Bold(BaseAction):
- '''Make text bold'''
- def run(self, text: str):
- '''
- Args:
- text (str): input text
- Returns:
- str: bold text
- '''
- return '**' + text + '**'
- action = Bold()
- * toolkit with multiple APIs
- .. code-block:: python
- class Calculator(BaseAction):
- '''Calculator'''
- @tool_api
- def add(self, a, b):
- '''Add operation
- Args:
- a (int): augend
- b (int): addend
- Returns:
- int: sum
- '''
- return a + b
- @tool_api
- def sub(self, a, b):
- '''Subtraction operation
- Args:
- a (int): minuend
- b (int): subtrahend
- Returns:
- int: difference
- '''
- return a - b
- action = Calculator()
- """
- ...

3. react.py(agents目录下)
ReAct继承自BaseAgent,其流程其实和TinyAgent差不多。为了实现可以不断调用工具并在适当调用次数下得到Final Answer,这里的做法是:
If you already know the answer, or you do not need to use tools,
please using the following format to reply:
{thought}the thought process to get the final answer
{finish}final answer
- CALL_PROTOCOL_EN = """You are a assistant who can utilize external tools.
- {tool_description}
- To use a tool, please use the following format:
- ```
- {thought}Think what you need to solve, do you need to use tools?
- {action}the tool name, should be one of [{action_names}]
- {action_input}the input to the action
- ```
- The response after utilizing tools should using the following format:
- ```
- {response}the results after call the tool.
- ```
- If you already know the answer, or you do not need to use tools,
- please using the following format to reply:
- ```
- {thought}the thought process to get the final answer
- {finish}final answer
- ```
- Begin!"""

- class ReAct(BaseAgent):
- """An implementation of ReAct (https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.03629)
- Args:
- llm (BaseModel or BaseAPIModel): a LLM service which can chat
- and act as backend.
- action_executor (ActionExecutor): an action executor to manage
- all actions and their response.
- protocol (ReActProtocol): a wrapper to generate prompt and
- parse the response from LLM / actions.
- max_turn (int): the maximum number of trails for LLM to generate
- plans that can be successfully parsed by ReAct protocol.
- Defaults to 4.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- llm: Union[BaseModel, BaseAPIModel],
- action_executor: ActionExecutor,
- protocol: ReActProtocol = ReActProtocol(),
- max_turn: int = 4) -> None:
- self.max_turn = max_turn
- super().__init__(
- llm=llm, action_executor=action_executor, protocol=protocol)
- def chat(self, message: Union[str, dict, List[dict]],
- **kwargs) -> AgentReturn:
- if isinstance(message, str):
- inner_history = [dict(role='user', content=message)]
- elif isinstance(message, dict):
- inner_history = [message]
- elif isinstance(message, list):
- inner_history = message[:]
- else:
- raise TypeError(f'unsupported type: {type(message)}')
- offset = len(inner_history)
- agent_return = AgentReturn()
- default_response = 'Sorry that I cannot answer your question.'
- for turn in range(self.max_turn):
- prompt = self._protocol.format(
- chat_history=[],
- inner_step=inner_history,
- action_executor=self._action_executor,
- force_stop=(turn == self.max_turn - 1))
- response = self._llm.chat(prompt, **kwargs)
- inner_history.append(dict(role='assistant', content=response))
- thought, action, action_input = self._protocol.parse(
- response, self._action_executor)
- action_return: ActionReturn = self._action_executor(
- action, action_input)
- action_return.thought = thought
- agent_return.actions.append(action_return)
- if action_return.type == self._action_executor.finish_action.name:
- agent_return.response = action_return.format_result()
- break
- inner_history.append(self._protocol.format_response(action_return))
- else:
- agent_return.response = default_response
- agent_return.inner_steps = inner_history[offset:]
- return agent_return

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