泊松分布的参数λ是单位时间(或单位面积)内随机事件的平均发生次数。 泊松分布适合于描述单位时间内随机事件发生的次数。
# 加载功能包 import numpy as np import scipy.stats as stats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.style as style from IPython.core.display import HTML # 指定大小 %matplotlib inline style.use('fivethirtyeight') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']=(14,7) plt.figure(dpi=100) # PDF 概率密度函数 plt.bar(x=np.arange(20),height=(stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(20),mu=5)),width=0.75,alpha=0.75) # mu=λ*t # CDF累计概率密度函数 plt.plot(np.arange(20),stats.poisson.cdf(np.arange(20),mu=5),color="#fc4f30") # 补充图设置:LEGEND、TICKS与TITLE plt.text(x=10, y=0.5, s="PDF(normed)", alpha = .75, weight="bold", color="#008fd5") plt.text(x=16, y=0.9, s="CDF", alpha = .75, weight="bold", color="#fc4f30") plt.xticks(range(21)[::2]) plt.tick_params(axis = 'both', which ='major', labelsize = 18) plt.axhline(y = 0, color ='black', linewidth = 1.3, alpha = 7) plt.text(x = -2, y = 1.1, s = "Poisson Distribution - Overview", fontsize = 26, weight = 'bold', alpha = 75)
plt.figure(dpi=100) # PDF λ=1 plt.scatter(np.arange(20),(stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(20),mu=1)),alpha=0.75,s=100) plt.plot(np.arange(20),stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(20),mu=1),alpha=0.75) # PDF λ=5 plt.scatter(np.arange(20),(stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(20),mu=5)),alpha=0.75,s=100) plt.plot(np.arange(20),stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(20),mu=5),alpha=0.75) # PDF λ=10 plt.scatter(np.arange(20),(stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(20),mu=10)),alpha=0.75,s=100) plt.plot(np.arange(20),stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(20),mu=10),alpha=0.75) # LEGEND、TICKS与TITLE plt.text(x=1, y=0.15, s="$\lambda = 1$", alpha = 75, weight="bold", color="#008fd5") plt.text(x=4, y=0.1, s="$\lambda = 5$", alpha = 75, weight="bold", color="#fc4f30") plt.text(x=9, y=0.15, s="$\lambda = 10$", alpha = 75, weight="bold", color="#e5ae38") plt.xticks(range(21)[::2]) plt.tick_params(axis = 'both', which ='major', labelsize = 18) plt.axhline(y = 0, color ='black', linewidth = 1.3, alpha = 7) plt.text(x = -2.5, y =0.4, s = "Binomial Distribution - $\lambda$", fontsize = 26, weight = 'bold', alpha = 75)
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import poisson
# draw a single sample
# draw 10 samples
print(poisson.rvs(mu=10,size=10), end="\n\n")
[ 6 11 14 7 8 9 11 8 10 7]
from scipy.stats import poisson
# additional imoprts for plotting purpose
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (14,7)
# continuous pdf for the plot
x_s = np.arange(15)
y_s = poisson.pmf(k=x_s, mu=5)
plt.scatter(x_s, y_s,s=100);
from scipy.stats import poisson
# probabolity of x less or equal 3
# probability of x in [2 ,8]
from collections import Counter plt.figure(dpi=100) # declaring the "true" parameters underlying the sample lambda_real = 7 #实际λ # draw a sample of n=1000 np.random.seed(42) sample = poisson.rvs(mu=lambda_real,size=1000) #柏松分布并找了1000个点 # estimate mu and sigma lambda_est = np.mean(sample) #计算出的λ print("Estimated LAMBDA: {}".format(lambda_est)) # sample distribution cnt = Counter(sample) _, values = zip(*sorted(cnt.items())) plt.bar(range(len(values)),values/np.sum(values), alpha=.25) #基于算的结果画出柱形图 # true curve plt.plot(range(18),poisson.pmf(k=range(18),mu=lambda_real),color="#fc4f30") #真实的正态分布曲线 # estimated curve plt.plot(range(18),poisson.pmf(k=range(18),mu=lambda_est),color="#e5ae38") #建立出来的正太分布曲线 # legend plt.text(x=6, y=0.06, s="sample", alpha = .75, weight="bold", color="#008fd5") plt.text(x=3.5, y=0.12, s="true distrubtion", rotation=65, alpha = .75, weight="bold", color="#fc4f30") plt.text(x=2, y=0.05, s="estimated distribution", rotation=65, alpha = .75, weight="bold", color="#e5ae38") # ticks plt.xticks(range(17)[::2]) plt.tick_params(axis='both',which='major',labelsize=18) plt.axhline(y=0,color='black',linewidth=1.3,alpha=7) # title plt.text(x=0,y=0.17,s="Poisson Distribution - Parameter Estimation",fontsize=26,weight='bold',alpha=75)
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