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[渝粤教育] 南开大学 思辨式英文写作 参考 资料_which of the following is an example of critical t

which of the following is an example of critical thinking?

随堂小测:What are the characteristics of critical essays?
1、【多选题】Which of the following types of writing are critical essays?
A、A movie review
B、A news report
C、An editorial
D、A summary of a book
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2、【判断题】One characteristic of critical essays is: A critical essay must present a clear point of view.
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3、【判断题】One characteristic of critical essays is: They must use real-life examples.
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4、【判断题】One characteristic of critical essays is: Their purpose of writing is to criticize or challenge a commonly-accepted opinion.
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5、【判断题】One characteristic of critical essays is: The essay should justify the author’s opinion with reasons and evidence.
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6、【判断题】One characteristic of critical essays is: They weigh up conflicting ideas.
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随堂测验:word choice
1、【判断题】I feel I have messed up my chances of becoming a great singer. “Mess up” is a phrasal verb. So a more formal version of the sentence could be “I feel I have spoiled my chances of becoming a great singer.”
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2、【判断题】I am so psyched about my vacation! “Psyched” is too colloquial for formal writing. “I am so excited about my vacation!” can be more suitable.
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3、【判断题】It goes without saying that you will be paid for the extra hours you work. “It goes without saying” is a cliché, because a lot of people, especially Chinese students, use it in their writing.
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Lesson 1 单元测验
1、【单选题】Which of the following is an example of critical thinking?
A、You tell a friend the contents of this .
B、Bill obeys the orders of the officer during the military training (军训).
C、Lisa tosses a coin to decide whether she should choose to work in Beijing or Shanghai.
D、Mary shops online according to the ratings.
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2、【单选题】What is the main point of view of this passage?Why do so many women seem obsessed with their weight and body shape? Are they really that unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves?In today’s society, the expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident. Fashion, magazines, talk shows, and “lite” and fat-free food in stores and restaurants are all daily reminders of these expectations. For instance, the latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin: shorts have become shorter, to the point of being scarcely larger than a pair of underpants. These styles are only flattering on the slimmest of bodies, and many women who were previously happy with their bodies may emerge from the dressing room after a run-in with these styles and decide that it must be diet time again.It seems that this obsession with the perfect body and a woman’s appearance has grown to monumental heights. Now many people feel that this problem is disappearing. People have begun to assume that women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.” But it is ironic. What has happened is that the sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body…
A、Women should not be obsessed with their weight and body shape.
B、It’s the social expectations for women and their bodies that make them obsessed with their weight and body shape
C、Women are really unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves.
D、Now many people feel that the problem of women paying too much attention to their body shape is disappearing.
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3、【单选题】What conflicting idea does the author consider? Why do so many women seem obsessed with their weight and body shape? Are they really that unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves?In today’s society, the expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident. Fashion, magazines, talk shows, and “lite” and fat-free food in stores and restaurants are all daily reminders of these expectations. For instance, the latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin: shorts have become shorter, to the point of being scarcely larger than a pair of underpants. These styles are only flattering on the slimmest of bodies, and many women who were previously happy with their bodies may emerge from the dressing room after a run-in with these styles and decide that it must be diet time again.It seems that this obsession with the perfect body and a woman’s appearance has grown to monumental heights. Now many people feel that this problem is disappearing. People have begun to assume that women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.” But it is ironic. What has happened is that the sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body…
A、Women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.”
B、Sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body.
C、The expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident.
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4、【多选题】What reasons or evidence does the author use to support the main point of view in the passage?Why do so many women seem obsessed with their weight and body shape? Are they really that unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves?In today’s society, the expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident. Fashion, magazines, talk shows, and “lite” and fat-free food in stores and restaurants are all daily reminders of these expectations. For instance, the latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin: shorts have become shorter, to the point of being scarcely larger than a pair of underpants. These styles are only flattering on the slimmest of bodies, and many women who were previously happy with their bodies may emerge from the dressing room after a run-in with these styles and decide that it must be diet time again.It seems that this obsession with the perfect body and a woman’s appearance has grown to monumental heights. Now many people feel that this problem is disappearing. People have begun to assume that women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.” But it is ironic. What has happened is that the sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body…
A、Some examples of daily reminders of the expectations.
B、Some quotations from magazines and talk shows.
C、 The latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin.
D、Names of the women who went on a diet after reading a fashion magazine.
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5、【判断题】Read the following passage and tell if it is a piece of critical writing. Why do so many women seem obsessed with their weight and body shape? Are they really that unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves?In today’s society, the expectations for women and their bodies are all too evident. Fashion, magazines, talk shows, and “lite” and fat-free food in stores and restaurants are all daily reminders of these expectations. For instance, the latest fashions for women reveal more and more skin: shorts have become shorter, to the point of being scarcely larger than a pair of underpants. These styles are only flattering on the slimmest of bodies, and many women who were previously happy with their bodies may emerge from the dressing room after a run-in with these styles and decide that it must be diet time again.It seems that this obsession with the perfect body and a woman’s appearance has grown to monumental heights. Now many people feel that this problem is disappearing. People have begun to assume that women want to be thin because they just want to be “healthy.” But it is ironic. What has happened is that the sickness slips in under the guise of wanting a “healthy” body…
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随堂小测:Are they making arguments?
1、【判断题】The chickens in the following caricature are making an argument.
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2、【判断题】Student A in the following caricature is making an argument.
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Arguments or not
1、【判断题】 This is an argument: Genetic engineering really worries me. I don’t think it should be allowed.
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2、【判断题】 This is an argument: Genetic engineering should be curtailed because there hasn’t been sufficient research into what happens when new varieties are created without natural predators to hold them in check.
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3、【判断题】This is an argument: Biscuits can be bad for your teeth. We often eat mid-morning when the effects of breakfast have worn off. Biscuit companies, like other food manufacturers, require their employees to wear hats to hold back their hair for health and safety reasons.
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1、【单选题】Read the essay, “Working at McDonald’s”. Which paragraph(s) can be considered as the introduction section of the essay?
A、Paragraph 1.
B、Paragraphs 1-2.
C、Paragraphs 1-3.
D、Paragraphs 1-4.
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2、【单选题】Which paragraphs consist of the body section of the essay, “Working at McDonald’s”?
A、Paragraphs 2-19.
B、Paragraphs 3-21.
C、Paragraphs 4-20.
D、Paragraphs 5-21.
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3、【单选题】Which paragraphs are the conclusion of the essay, “Working at McDonald’s”?
A、Paragraph 22.
B、Paragraphs 21-22.
C、Paragraphs 20-22.
D、Paragraphs 19-22.
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Functions of the introduction section
1、【多选题】What are the basic functions of the introduction section of a critical essay?
A、To introduce the topic.
B、To state the thesis statement.
C、To support the thesis with details.
D、To tell how important the topic is.
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1、【单选题】Consider the following essay structure. Which do you think can be the most convincing argument?
A、Opinions of both sides of an issue are discussed first. Then the author says he supports one side.
B、The author presents the thesis statement first, and then support it with some examples.
C、The author presents the thesis statement first, and then support it with three reasons.
D、The author presents the thesis statement first, and then support it with a hierarchy of reasons and evidence.
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Statements about essay conclusions
1、【判断题】In the conclusion of an essay the author should always repeat the thesis statement.
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2、【判断题】One function of the essay conclusion is to reemphasize the main thesis of the essay.
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3、【判断题】An essay conclusion serves the same function as those of an essay introduction.
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4、【判断题】The conclusion section of an essay is the only place that the author’s main point of view should be presented.
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随堂测验:Effective use of verbs
1、【填空题】Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the be verbs with an action verb. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写) I was alive after two brutal battles. I ___________ two brutal battles.
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2、【填空题】Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the be verbs with an action verb. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写) This article is a report on the devastating accident. This article ___________ on the devastating accident.
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3、【填空题】Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the be verbs with an action verb. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写) James is the inventor of this ingenious machine. James ___________ this ingenious machine.
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4、【填空题】(填空题) Please change the following sentence into active voice. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写)This novel was bought by Michael as a gift. Michael __________ this novel as a gift.
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5、【填空题】(填空题) Please change the following sentence into active voice. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写)The whole town was ruined by the flood. The flood _________ the whole town.
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6、【填空题】Please change the following sentence into active voice. (请用一个英文词作答,全部小写) New polices were released by the government last week.The government __________ new policies last week.
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Lesson2 单元测验
1、【单选题】What is the sentence that tells the author’s point of view in an essay called?
B、thesis statement
C、 introduction
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2、【单选题】Where does the thesis statement of an essay normally appear?
A、In the introduction section.
B、In the body section.
C、In the conclusion section.
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3、【多选题】What are the three essential parts of a critical essay?
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4、【多选题】Which of the following statements are true according to this lesson?
A、As a writer, I should use an extended argument to support its thesis statement.
B、In order to persuade my reader, I should avoid mentioning any ideas that go against my own.
C、Considering conflicting ideas and refuting them can make my essay more convincing.
D、Repeating the thesis statement in the conclusion is the only way to wind up my essay.
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5、【判断题】The three essential elements of an argument are the thesis, premises and the logic between the thesis and premises.
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6、【判断题】This is not an argument: Nanotechnology encompasses a wide range of materials that, because of their small size, exhibit novel chemical or biological properties.
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7、【判断题】This is an argument: In my view, the American people deserve answers, not guesses. I have proposed that we obtain these answers in a responsible and bipartisan manner. –Conyers
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8、【判断题】This is an argument: We brought various kinds of fishes ashore and turned them loose in the meadow, but in all cases they were a disappointment—no legs came. It was strange; we could not understand it. Within a week they had all wandered back to the water, and seemed better satisfied there. We took this as evidence that fish as a rule do not care for the land. –Eve’s Diary, p. 78
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随堂小测:Are these statements arguable?
1、【判断题】This statement is arguable: Dogs make the best pets.
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2、【判断题】This statement is arguable: As a result, more stopping places were set up along motorways to enable drivers to take a break.
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3、【判断题】This statement is arguable: Television has a disastrous impact on children.
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4、【判断题】This statement is arguable: The Pacific is the largest ocean.
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5、【判断题】This statement is arguable: The room is crammed with people.
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6、【判断题】This statement is arguable: Bilingualism and multilingualism confer many benefits.
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7、【判断题】This statement is arguable: Cellphones should be banned from classrooms
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8、【判断题】This statement is arguable: My favorite singer is Lady Gaga.
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9、【判断题】This statement is arguable: Vehicle exhaust gases are the chief cause to smog.
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随堂小测:appropriate issues for critical essays
1、【多选题】Choose from the following topics the one(s) that you think appropriate for an essay.
A、The quality of education.
B、The significance of education.
C、The influence of historical events.
D、Renaissance’s influence on modern art.
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随堂小测:Are these good thesis statements?
1、【判断题】In this essay, I want to talk about the crime wave in our country.
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2、【判断题】The “baby boom” generation has changed American society in key ways.
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3、【判断题】Disease has shaped human history.
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4、【判断题】Sport helps alleviate people’s stress.
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随堂小测:Concepts about thesis statements
1、【判断题】In a thesis statement, the author only needs to tell what issue he/she is going to discuss in the essay.
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2、【判断题】A thesis statement should state clearly the author’s opinion on a certain issue.
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3、【判断题】We should look at the problem of online ride-hailing services (网约车) from both sides. This is a strong position from the author.
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随堂测验:periodic vs loose sentences
1、【单选题】What is the emphasis of the sentence? After shopping at the mall, walking the dogs and washing the car, I finally got to stay in and relax.
A、Shopping at the mall.
B、Things I have done.
C、I finally can relax.
D、Walking the dogs.
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2、【单选题】What is the emphasis of the following sentence? Florida is a great vacation spot for families, with Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World.
A、Florida is a great vacation spot.
B、Florida is a great vacation spot for families.
C、Florida has Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World.
D、Florida has great places of interest.
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3、【判断题】This is a periodic sentence: Despite heavy winds and nearly impenetrable ground fog, the plane landed safely.
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4、【判断题】This is a periodic sentence: We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the government.
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5、【判断题】If a writer wants to create an effect of suspense, he/she would use a periodic sentence.
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6、【判断题】If a writer wants his/her language to be natural and easily understood, he/she should use a loose sentence.
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Lesson 3 单元测验
1、【多选题】What are the major functions of the introduction section of a critical essay?
A、 Introducing the topic.
B、Presenting the thesis.
C、Supporting the thesis.
D、Signposting the reader.
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2、【多选题】Which of the following should be considered when you evaluate the thesis statement of a critical essay?
A、 Is it a complete sentence?
B、Is the issue both narrow & broad?
C、Is any reasons included?
D、Is the position clear & debatable?
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3、【判断题】This is a proper thesis statement for a critical essay: Men and women are very different.
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4、【判断题】This is a proper thesis statement for a critical essay: Men and women are often treated differently in the Japanese society.
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5、【判断题】This is a proper thesis statement for a critical essay: Bike-sharing brings about transportation convenience to the public.
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6、【判断题】 This is a proper thesis statement for a critical essay: Bike-sharing benefits both the society and the individuals.
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1、【判断题】This process of providing details to make one’s thesis sound true is called reasoning.
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1、【单选题】Which of the following is not a method to discover reasons for the thesis?(单选)
A、We can go back to the 5-step Decision Package to look for reasons.
B、We can use mind maps to find out reasons for a thesis.
C、We can reflect on how we come to the conclusion/thesis in the first place.
D、We can copy other people’s opinions.
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2、【判断题】Is the sentence an argument or simply a statement of a cause for an effect? Choose 正确 if you think it is an argument; choose 错误 if you think it a cause for an effect.Denise was late because her alarm clock didn’t work.
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3、【判断题】Denise is a good employee because she is never late for work.
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1、【单选题】Which of the following can be evidence for the thesis “My boss is not a good boss”?(单选)
A、He is very afraid of taking risks.
B、Our sales was more than one billion dollars before he came, and is only half of that after his arrival.
C、He doesn’t know how to manage a company.
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2、【多选题】What materials in the following can serve as evidence to support the thesis “this new teaching method has helped students learn more effectively and efficiently”? (多选)
A、Statistics showing that it takes less time for the same student to understand the target materials than he previously did of a similar piece of material.
B、Students’ own testimony.
C、The causes behind this improvement of efficiency.
D、A contrast group that shows a student following the old teaching method not doing as well as the tested student.
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1、【单选题】Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning evidence? (单选)
A、Evidence can come from direct observation, interview, surveys, first-hand data from experiments, personal experiences, etc.
B、As long as relevant evidence is presented, the thesis is supported.
C、Evidence does not speak for itself, the writer has to explain how the evidence supports the thesis.
D、An expert’s opinion or a common sense idea can also be evidence.
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1、【单选题】Which of the following can serve as reasoning for the statement “He always arrives earlier than appointed time.”?(单选)
A、He is raised so.
B、I’ve kept a record and he is always fifteen minutes earlier.
C、He hates wasting other people’s time.
D、We should give him a different time next time so that he can arrive just as we expect.
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2、【单选题】Which of the following can be a thesis and it uses the statement “He always arrives earlier than appointed time.” as a reason?(单选)
A、He is raised so.
B、I’ve kept a record and he is always fifteen minutes earlier.
C、He hates wasting other people’s time.
D、We should give him a different time next time so that he can arrive just as we expect.
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3、【多选题】Which of the following statements can serve as explanations for the statement “He always arrives earlier than appointed time.”?(多选)
A、He is raised so.
B、I’ve kept a record and he is always fifteen minutes earlier.
C、He hates wasting other people’s time.
D、We should give him a different time next time so that he can arrive just as we expect.
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1、【多选题】If we want to look for the explanations of something, we can ( ).(多选)
A、check whether what one said is true
B、ask why questions several times
C、ask wh- questions
D、see what we can do about it
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2、【判断题】Is this act a search for explanation or reasoning? Choose 正确 if it is a search for explanation or 错误 if it is reasoning. Looking for the causes of the situation, “The machine is not running properly.”
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3、【判断题】Telling the manager that the solution you are proposing will fix the problem.
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1、【单选题】Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?(单选)
A、In a paragraph with a main thesis, reasons can be justified by evidence and evidence can also be followed by reasons.
B、In a paragraph, evidence and reasons should be separated clearly.
C、In the example of “Life on the farm”, reasons and evidence are combined closely to support the thesis.
D、The thesis would not be justified if it is not supported by reasons and evidence.
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2、【单选题】Read the following paragraph and identify the pattern of reasoning.(单选) Whoever does the cooking has a great deal of work to do, and anything to ease that workload is certainly appreciated. Unfortunately, some of these clever items that claim to save time might actually end up making us waste time. Take, for example, devices made to save time cutting food. A specially designed cutter will slice six pieces of pie at the same time, each piece the same size. Another device cuts an apple in thin slices and removes the core all in one shot. Still another removes the corn from the cob, easily and quickly. Although these devices may save time in the actual cutting, just think of how much time the person lost trying to find the device in the first place and then cleaning it up afterward! The same problem applies to a hand-sized electric drink mixer. It might save the host or hostess some muscle, but not aggravation when he or she finds the batteries are dead and there are none in the house.
A、Thesis – evidence – reasons
B、Thesis – reasons – evidence
C、Thesis – reasons / evidence
D、Evidence – thesis – reasons
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1、【单选题】Read the following paragraph and identify the sentences that are off target and do not support the topic sentence.(单选) (1) I had to face the social traumas of being a teenager. (2) Things that were supposed to be fun, like dates and dances, were actually horrible. (3) On the few occasions when I had a real date, I agonized over everything—my hair, my weight, my pimples. (4) After a date, I would come home, raid the kitchen, and drown my insecurities in a sea of junk food. (5) Dances were also stressful events. (6) My friends and I would sneak a couple of beers just to get up the nerve to walk into the school gym. (7) Now I realize that teenage drinking is dangerous. (8) I read recently that the number-one killer of teenagers is drunk driving. (9) At dances, I never relaxed. (10) It was too important to look exactly right, to act really cool, and to pretend I was having fun.
A、Sentences 3 and 7
B、Sentences 4 and 9
C、Sentences 7 and 8
D、Sentences 9 and 10
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2、【判断题】The topic sentence should not be put in the middle of a paragraph.
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3、【判断题】Normally, there should be only one main idea in each of the body paragraphs of a critical essay.
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4、【判断题】The paragraph would not be unified without a topic sentence.
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5、【判断题】In some cases, the topic sentence of a paragraph can be regarded as the thesis statement of an argument.
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1、【判断题】It is not necessary to mention the sources of the evidence in the critical essay.
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2、【判断题】Besides quotation and paraphrasing, other things such as statistics, illustrations or examples can also be served as effective evidence to back up your thesis.
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3、【判断题】Quotations are the most convincing evidence in critical essays.
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4、【判断题】You can use the summary of a book as evidence to support your thesis in a long essay.
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1、【单选题】Complete the sentence with an appropriate hyponym of walk.(单选)Tom was so angry that he ____________ out the room.
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2、【单选题】Complete the sentence with an appropriate hyponym of walk.(单选)The police was severely injured and __________ out the room.
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3、【多选题】Complete the sentence with an appropriate hyponym of walk. (多选)The little boy _______________ out the room.
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4、【多选题】Complete the sentence with an appropriate hyponym of walk.(多选)The thief _______________ out the room.
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5、【多选题】Complete the sentence with an appropriate hyponym of walk.(多选)The gray-haired old man _______________ out the room.
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Lesson 4 单元作业 Paragraph Writing
Lesson 4 单元测验
1、【单选题】Read the following passage. Tell if it is reasoning or explaining.Both the toy mice were the same size and shape so the dog, Misty, was confused. Although one mouse was red and one was blue, Misty was unable to tell which mouse was his toy simply by looking. Like other dogs, he needed to sniff them both, using his sense of smell to tell them apart, because he couldn’t discriminate between different colors.
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2、【单选题】Read the following passage. Tell if it is reasoning or explaining.The images of horses, bisons and red deer found in Cresswell Crags, England, bear remarkable similarities to those found in Germany. It is unlikely that two separate cultures would have produced drawing of such similarity if there were not links between them. This suggests that there were greater cultural links between continental Europe and Britain during the Ice Age than was formerly believed.
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3、【单选题】Read the following paragraph and identify the problem.Just as history repeats itself, fashions have a tendency to do the same. In the 1960s, for example, women wore miniskirts that came several inches above the knee; some forty years later, the fashion magazines are featuring this same type of dress, and many teenagers are wearing them. The miniskirt has always been for slender women. I wonder if the fashion industry deliberately recycles. Men wore their hair long in the hippie period of the late 1960s and 1970s. Today, some men are again letting their hair grow. Beards, considered“in” during the 1970s, have once again made an appearance.
A、It is not coherent.
B、It is not a unified paragraph.
C、The transitional words are not used appropriately.
D、It does not follow the proper pattern of reasoning.
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4、【多选题】What materials can be used as evidence?
A、things happened in the past
B、what we can see
C、what is written in the book
D、what is said by some people
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5、【多选题】A good body paragraph of critical essay should ______.
A、contain only one main idea
B、be coherent
C、have a topic sentence
D、use reasons and / or evidence to justify its thesis
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6、【判断题】You’d better strike out the sentences which are not relevant to the thesis in a body paragraph.
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7、【判断题】Summary should not be employed as evidence to back up the thesis.
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8、【判断题】Transitional words can be used to help achieve coherence in paragraphs.
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9、【判断题】When integrating evidence into writing, you need to tell the connection between the evidence and the reasons.
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1、【多选题】Which of the following is a deductive argument? (多选)
A、Anyone who has been caught cheating twice should be flunked. This is the second time you’ve caught her cheating. She should be flunked.
B、Pit bulls (比特犬)don’t bite because mine doesn’t bite.
C、Stacy and Justin are on the brink of divorce. They are always fighting.
D、If she was interested in me, she would have called. She didn’t call. Therefore, she is not interested in me.
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1、【单选题】In the “School cafeteria or McDonald” example (Both places are open, and you said McDonald had the best beef hamburger.), which of the following further premises makes the argument an inductive one? (单选)
A、Whenever there are better beef hamburgers, we would go to that place no matter what.
B、We both like beef hamburgers.
C、The beef hamburgers in McDonald is the most expensive in town because it is the best.
D、The doctor advised me to keep away from beef in the recent two weeks.
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随堂测验:Inductive arguments vs deductive arguments
1、【判断题】Deductive arguments give us clear-cut answers of whether the conclusion is true or false.
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2、【判断题】What is given in the conclusion of deductive arguments is already given in the premise.
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3、【判断题】What is given in the conclusion of inductive arguments is beyond what is given in the premise.
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4、【判断题】We can create new knowledge based on what we already known with inductive reasoning.
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1、【判断题】One premise of the following argument is “individuals marrying the person of his or her own choice is legal.”Same-sex marriage should be considered legal, because an individual has the right to marry the person of his or her own choice.
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2、【判断题】 “Same-sex marriage” is included in “individuals marrying the person of his or her own choice.”
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3、【判断题】Reasoning by principle produces new knowledge beyond the premises.
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4、【判断题】An argument using reasoning by principle has to include at least two premises: the principle is one, and the other premise is the statement showing that the principle can be applied to the particular case in question, which may sometimes be implicit, though.
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1、【单选题】If you want to argue that one classmate of yours is not a good student, and as one premise for your thesis you will use the statement he always skips classes for computer games, which of the following statements could be a proper definition to be used in your argument?
A、A bad student is one who doesn’t place study as the number one job of a student.
B、A bad student is one who doesn’t excel in one’s study.
C、A bad student is one who bullies his classmates.
D、A bad student is one who teases his teachers.
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1、【单选题】Please select the best choice to complete the following sentences.I would rather complete it on my own than .
A、with him
B、work with him
C、working with him
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2、【单选题】Mary is required to either change her targets or ___________.
A、give up this opportunity
B、giving up this opportunity
C、to give up this opportunity
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3、【单选题】The students are asked to read the article, write a reflexive journal and .
A、deliver a short speech
B、giving a short speech
C、to deliver a short speech
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4、【单选题】Tim not only failed the final exam, .
A、but he also forgot to reselect the course
B、but also forgetting to reselect the course
C、but also forgot to reselect the course
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5、【单选题】The school authority banned the unequal admission requirements on international students, but .
A、not lowering the high tuition fees charged on international students
B、didn’t lower the high tuition fees charged on international students
C、they didn’t lower the high tuition fees charged on international students
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6、【填空题】The new plan is _________ in theory, reliable in method, and feasible in practice. (innovation)
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Lesson 5 单元测验
1、【单选题】Which of the following statements is correct?
A、For deductive arguments, if the premises are true, the thesis is very likely to be true.
B、Both reasoning by principle and reasoning by definition are deductive reasoning.
C、Inductive arguments are weak.
D、Deductive arguments help us learn unknown things.
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2、【单选题】Which logic, inductive or deductive logic, is used by the logic professor in the following conversation? _____________ The employer introduced himself to his new gardener.“I am a professor of logic,” the employer said.“Oh. What’s that?” the gardener asked.“I shall give you a demonstration,” announced the professor. “Do you own a wheelbarrow?”“Yes,” replied the gardener.“Then I infer you are a hard worker,” the professor continued. “And from that fact I infer you have a family. And from that I infer you are conscientious and responsible. And from that I infer you are a conservative. Am I right?”“Wow!” exclaimed the gardener. “That’s right! So that’s logic?”“That’s logic,” preened the professor.
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3、【单选题】Is this argument deductive or inductive?Every successful president of the United States was both diplomatic and decisive. General Dwight D. Eisenhower served in WWII as the Commander of the Allied Armies in Europe and then went on to become a successful U.S. president. Therefore, President Eisenhower was decisive and diplomatic.
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4、【多选题】Which of the following are deductions?
A、All dogs are mammals. All mammals have kidneys. Therefore all dogs have kidneys.
B、Since all squares are rectangles, and all rectangles have four sides, all squares have four sides.
C、All science teachers are smart, since all my physics teachers, chemistry teachers and biology teachers are smart.
D、The sun is a star; the sun has planets; therefore some stars have planets.
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5、【多选题】Which of the following arguments are inductions?
A、This cat is black. That cat is black. A third cat is black. Therefore all cats are black.
B、Wherever there is beef hamburger, he would go. McDonald has beef hamburger today. He would go to McDonald.
C、Every time I went to that restaurant I got food poisoning. If I go today, I will get food poisoning.
D、Individuals have legal rights to choose their life partners. Therefore, he is legally allowed to choose the man as his life partner.
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6、【判断题】If the premises of an inductive argument is true, the thesis can be false. In other words, the premises of an inductive argument only try to increase the possibility that the thesis is true.
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7、【填空题】Read the following definition, and then find out the four parts of a definition. (请从下列选项中选择合适内容,并将资料标号顺次填入空格,请用大写字母填写,并不要用任何标点或空格隔开。资料示例:ABCD)A “liberated woman” is a woman who is able to control her own life, rather than allowing it to be controlled by other people, traditions, or expectations.The term to be defined: ______________________________Be verb: _______________________________________________The classification: _____________________________________The distinguishing feature: ___________________________A able to control her own lifeB isC a womanD liberated woman
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1、【单选题】Which of the following statement is NOT correct concerning expanded generalizations? (单选题)
A、The difference between simple generalization and expanded generalization is that simple generalization draws the conclusion directly from concrete evidence, while the final conclusion of an expanded generalization relies on some generalizations which are concluded from concrete evidence.
B、The argument “Jimmy is a good student. He is smart, hard-working, and respectful to his teachers.” is an expanded generalization, because the premises are generalizations. In order to make this argument convincing, the author has to provide evidence to support the generalizations of Jimmy being smart, hard-working and respectful to his teachers.
C、The argument “Dogs are bone lovers for the dog I raised was very fond of gnawing bones, and my brother’s dog likes to do that, too.” is an expanded generalization.
D、The argument “ Working at McDonald’s is bad for your kids, for it undermines school attendance, imparts few useful skills, skews the values of teenagers.” can be an expanded generalization.
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1、【单选题】Which of the following analogical arguments is the weakest? (单选题)
A、Driving fast is like playing with fire. Therefore, do not drive fast.
B、Both Cheryl and Denise are classmates who both wear glasses. Cheryl likes the movie The Chronicles of Narnia; Denise must like it too.
C、Cheryl and Denise are teenage sisters who go to the same school and watch the same TV programs. Cheryl liked the The Chronicles of Narnia. Therefore, Denise will like The Chronicles of Narnia, too.
D、Bears, as everybody knows, are dangerous. If you get too close, you can lose it all. The same holds true of bear markets. In the presence of a bear market, the thing to do is the same as when in the presence of a real bear: Keep your distance!
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1、【多选题】Which of the following are techniques of deductive reasoning?(多选题)
A、reasoning by principle
B、making generalizations
C、reasoning by definition
D、analogical reasoning
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2、【多选题】Which of the following are techniques of inductive reasoning? (多选题)
A、reasoning by definition
B、making generalizations
C、reasoning by analogy
D、reasoning by cause and effect
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1、【单选题】Choose the correct sentence(s) from the set of sentences below. Women who believe abortions should remain legal recently held a rally in Washington DC.
A、Women who believe abortions should remain legal recently held a rally in Washington DC.
B、Women, who believe abortions should remain legal recently held a rally in Washington DC.
C、Women who believe abortions should remain legal, recently held a rally in Washington DC.
D、Women, who believe abortions should remain legal, recently held a rally in Washington DC.
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2、【单选题】The Mississippi River which is over 2300 miles long is the second-longest river in the United States.
A、The Mississippi River which is over 2300 miles long is the second-longest river in the United States. (No commas)
B、The Mississippi River, which is over 2300 miles long is the second-longest river in the United States.
C、The Mississippi River which is over 2300 miles long, is the second-longest river in the United States.
D、The Mississippi River, which is over 2300 miles long, is the second-longest river in the United States.
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3、【单选题】Ralph Ripley’s most popular song Under the Pine Tree is one of my favorites.
A、Ralph Ripley’s most popular song “Under the Pine Tree” is one of my favorites. (No commas)
B、Ralph Ripley’s most popular song, “Under the Pine Tree” is one of my favorites.
C、Ralph Ripley’s most popular song “Under the Pine Tree,” is one of my favorites.
D、Ralph Ripley’s most popular song, “Under the Pine Tree,” is one of my favorites.
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4、【单选题】A five-year-old child knows over six thousand words he or she has also learned more than one thousand rules of grammar.
A、A five-year-old child knows over six thousand words, he or she has also learned more than one thousand rules of grammar.
B、A five-year-old child knows over six thousand words. He or she, has also learned more than one thousand rules of grammar.
C、A five-year-old child knows over six thousand words. He, or she has also learned more than one thousand rules of grammar.
D、A five-year-old child knows over six thousand words, and he or she has also learned more than one thousand rules of grammar.
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5、【多选题】Mary has her own unique style of dressing she wore a man’s tuxedo with a red bow tie to her cousin’s wedding.
A、Mary has her own unique style of dressing, she wore a man’s tuxedo with a red bow tie to her cousin’s wedding.
B、Mary has her own unique style of dressing. She wore a man’s tuxedo with a red bow tie to her cousin’s wedding.
C、 Mary has her own unique style of dressing; she wore a man’s tuxedo with a red bow tie to her cousin’s wedding.
D、Mary has her own unique style of dressing for she wore a man’s tuxedo with a red bow tie to her cousin’s wedding.
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6、【多选题】Humans have managed to adapt to any environment they can survive in Arctic wastes, tropical jungles, and barren deserts.
A、Humans have managed to adapt to any environment, they can survive in Arctic wastes, tropical jungles, and barren deserts.
B、Humans have managed to adapt to any environment. They can survive in Arctic wastes, tropical jungles, and barren deserts.
C、Humans have managed to, adapt to any environment, and they can survive in Arctic wastes, tropical jungles, and barren deserts.
D、Humans have managed to adapt to any environment, for they can survive in Arctic wastes, tropical jungles, and barren deserts.
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Lesson 6 单元测验
1、【单选题】Which of the following arguments contains a thesis that is absolutely true?
A、I took a tiny bite of the bread, and it is too salty. The whole loaf of bread must be salty.
B、When there is south wind, often there will be rain. Now we have the south wind, there will be rain.
C、Alexander will finish his book by tomorrow afternoon as long as he is an accomplished speed reader. Fortunately for him, he is quite accomplished at speed reading. Therefore, he will get his book finished by tomorrow.
D、I don’t like Lily. Others don’t like her either.
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2、【单选题】Which of the following arguments use reasoning by analogy?
A、Driving fast is like playing with fire. Playing fire is dangerous. Therefore, driving fast is dangerous.
B、Driving fast can cost your life. Therefore, don’t drive fast.
C、I’ve driven fast for a lot of times, and I am still safe and sound. Driving fast isn’t dangerous.
D、If one’s driving speed exceeds 150 mph, it is highly possible that he will crash into other cars. Now you’ve driven faster than 150 mph, you are very likely to crash into other cars.
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3、【单选题】Which of the following arguments use reasoning by cause and effect?
A、Driving fast is like playing with fire. Playing fire is dangerous. Therefore, driving fast is dangerous.
B、Driving fast can cost your life. Therefore, don’t drive fast.
C、I’ve driven fast for a lot of times, and I am still safe and sound. Driving fast isn’t dangerous.
D、If one’s driving speed exceeds 150 mph, it highly possible he will crash into other cars. Now you’ve driven faster than 150 mph, you are very likely to crash into other cars.
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4、【多选题】Which of the following arguments makes a generalization?
A、I took a tiny bite of the bread, and it is too salty. The whole loaf of bread must be salty.
B、When there is south wind, often there will be rain. Now we have the south wind, there will be rain.
C、Alexander will finish his book by tomorrow afternoon as long as he is an accomplished speed reader. Fortunately for him, he is quite accomplished at speed reading. Therefore, he will get his book finished by tomorrow.
D、I don’t like Jane. Others probably feel the same.
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5、【多选题】Which of the following statements are pure analogy rather than an argument using reasoning by analogy?
A、Life is a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
B、A book is like a mirror.
C、She is no good at tennis. No way she’s good at racquetball (回力网球).
D、Warren shows up to work on time. I bet he pays his rent on time.
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6、【多选题】If you’ve already known the following cause-effect relationship, which proposal can be made based on this knowledge? The cause-effect relationship: Depression is mostly caused by too much pressure and a lack of sleep.
A、Sleeplessness causes depression.
B、To avoid depression, one should sleep well.
C、To avoid depression, one should learn to arrange his life well to avoid an overload of pressure.
D、Depression causes pressure.
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7、【判断题】When we make generalizations, we state our belief about a group of people based on our observation of specific cases.
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8、【判断题】An expanded generalization uses only generalizations as its premises.
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9、【判断题】Generalizations can be used in generating new knowledge.
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随堂测验:Is the principle relevant to the conclusion?
1、【判断题】(以下题目相关选正确,不相关选错误)It is dangerous to drive on icy streets. The streets are icy now, so it is dangerous to drive now.
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2、【判断题】One has to be 18 years old to get a driver’s license. Today is Larry’s 18th birthday. Therefore, Larry can now buy a car.
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3、【判断题】All children who have been fully immunized (免疫)are protected against some common and life-threatening diseases, such as whooping cough, polio,and diphtheria. Therefore, Steven, who has been immunized, is most unlikely to fall sick with these diseases.
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4、【判断题】Most smokers will develop heart disease during their lifetimes. Harry is a heavy smoker, so he will be diagnosed with lung cancer sooner or later.
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1、【多选题】A good definition should avoid ____________.
A、using metaphors
B、only telling what the thing is not
C、failing to tell the essentially unique factor
D、being too broad
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2、【判断题】The definition provided must be closely relevant to the thesis.
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3、【判断题】Definitions from authoritative (权威的)sources such as books or dictionaries are more reliable than self-made definitions, so we should avoid making an original definition as much as possible.
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4、【判断题】We need to double-check any original definition provided by the author himself since some key aspects are likely to miss.
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5、【判断题】Persuasive definition usually alters the real meaning of the term being defined in order to manipulate the readers’ attitude.
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随堂测验:Judging the truthfulness of the specific cases
1、【判断题】Research findings from authoritative sources are more likely to ensure the truthfulness of evidence.
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2、【判断题】Personal opinions are as reliable as hard facts known publicly.
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3、【判断题】To decide whether some statements are true or false we sometimes have to rely on the research or knowledge in the particular field in which the statements are made.
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4、【判断题】Open facts are less convincing than the justified research reports.
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随堂测验:Judging the sufficiency of the specific cases
1、【单选题】Read the following case of hasty generalization and identify the statement that can make the argument more convincing.Sven is visiting the United States on vacation. He goes into a bank to exchange money and is surprised to find he is the only one in line. That night, he e-mails his family, “Banking is so much faster in America. You can go into any bank and never have to wait in line.”(单选)
A、Sven should not merely exchange money at the bank, instead, he should do more banking business there.
B、Sven should go to more banks in the U.S. in order to justify his conclusion.
C、Sven should visit the U.S. frequently so that he could draw a more persuasive conclusion.
D、Sven should go to the bank with other people rather than go there alone.
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随堂测验:Evaluating analogical arguments
1、【单选题】Which of the following analogical argument is the most convincing?
A、This company is like a racehorse. It’s run fast and won the race, and now it needs feed and rest for a while.
B、People who have to have a cup of coffee every morning before they can function have no less a problem than alcoholics (酒鬼)who have to have their alcohols each day to sustain them.
C、As an educator, it is important to weed out problem students early and take care of the problems they present because one bad egg ruins the omelet.
D、In the past five Januarys, the department stores had white sales of towels and linens. This January, they’ll probably have sales on towels and linens, too.
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2、【多选题】Why is the argument less convincing?We should not blame the media for deteriorating(败坏)moral standards. Newspapers and TV are like weather reporters who report the facts. We do not blame weather reports for telling us that the weather is bad.
A、Newspapers and TV have a larger coverage than weather reports.
B、Weather reports are merely related to facts while newspapers and TV programs sometimes change even distort facts.
C、Weather reports are more timely and accurate than public media.
D、Newspapers and TV sometimes probably have an indirect effect on people’s moral standards but weather reports are unlikely to influence viewers’ morality.
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随堂测验:Coincidence, correlation, causation
1、【单选题】Read the following cases of causal reasoning and identify the relationship between the assumed cause and effect in each statement.Zoe wore a black velvet (天鹅绒)costume the day she won her first figure skating (花样滑冰)championship. It’s the lucky dress that made her win. (单选)
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2、【单选题】Every severe recession (经济衰退)follows a Republican Presidency; therefore Republicans are the cause of recessions.(单选)
A、 Coincidence.
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3、【单选题】Australia is reliant on commodity exports. Such exports are always at risk of natural disasters and price fluctuations(波动). These risks lead to weakness. Therefore, Australia has a weak economy in global terms.(单选)
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4、【单选题】Children who like violent video games are more likely to show violent behavior. This must be because they are copying the games.(单选)
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1、【单选题】Read the following passage and identify the problem in the causal reasoning. Oranges to combat the blues. Researchers have recently revealed that eating two oranges a day can help alleviate depression. Researchers studied 13 patients who had feelings of depression. After three weeks of eating two oranges a day, 9 of the 13 people reported improvement in their condition. The researchers hypothesize (假设)that the citric acid and vitamin C in oranges help to stimulate serotonin (血清素) production helping to combat depression.
A、There is no correlation between eating oranges and alleviating depression.
B、It’s hard to justify the sequence of eating oranges and relieving depression.
C、Some patients who reported improvement in depression concealed their real physical condition.
D、Eating oranges is not the only reason for combating depression. There are many other obvious alternative explanations.
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1、【填空题】Revise the underlined part of the following sentence.People should try to bring about a change in the state of affairs when in depression. (请用一个英语单词填空,全部小写。)
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2、【填空题】Revise the underlined part of the following sentence.It’s hard for him to have trust in others. (请用一个英语单词填空,全部小写。)
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3、【填空题】Revise the underlined part of the following sentence.It is my wife who provided assistance to me in my hardest time. (请用一个英语单词填空,全部小写。)
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4、【填空题】Revise the underlined part of the following sentence.Things will just be worse if you keep placing stress on him. (请用一个英语单词填空,全部小写。)
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Lesson 7 单元测验
1、【单选题】Read the following passages and identify the problems in reasoning.I do not allow my dog to run around the neighborhood getting into trouble, so why shouldn’t I enforce an 8 o’clock curfew(宵禁)on my 16-year-old? I am responsible for keeping my daughter safe, as well as responsible for what she might do when she is out. My dog stays in the yard, and I want my daughter to stay in the house. This way, I know exactly what both are doing.
A、Hasty generalization.
B、Lack of representativeness.
C、False analogy.
D、No error.
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2、【单选题】Background checks and waiting periods for those who wish to purchase guns should be eliminated because they don’t deter(震慑)criminals and because they inconvenience law-abiding citizens. According to the Department of Justice, about 87 percent of violent crimes occur outside the home. That same agency reports that police respond to calls for help within 5 minutes only about 28 percent of the time. Furthermore, a study that analyzed data from all counties in the United States for the period of 1977-1992 found that those allowing their citizens to carry weapons saw a 7.65 percent reduction in murders, a 5.2 percent drop in rapes, and a 2.2 percent decrease in robberies.
A、Incorrect statistics.
B、Irrelevant facts.
C、Insufficient number of evidence.
D、No error.
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3、【单选题】Before we argue about the truth of creationism, let’s define evolution as, “Faith in a crackpot (愚蠢的) theory that is impossible to prove with certainty.”
A、Persuasive definition.
B、Lack of causation.
C、Insufficient number of evidence.
D、No error.
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4、【单选题】Since 1993, the levels of serious violent crime in the United States have decreased steadily. It is obvious that the heavy focus we place on law enforcement (实施)is no longer necessary. People are becoming civic-minded and are choosing to no longer pursue a life of crime. Money spent on law enforcement can now better be spent elsewhere.
A、Causal oversimplification.
B、Hasty generalization.
C、False analogy.
D、No error.
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5、【单选题】In a complete educational system, the development of interpersonal skills should be involved. If we acknowledge this principle, since taking s is less effective, compared to the interactive traditional classes, in cultivating one’s interpersonal skills, traditional classes are irreplaceable in this sense.
A、Irrelevant principle.
B、Hasty generalization.
C、False principle.
D、No error.
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6、【多选题】What are the questions you should ask when evaluating arguments by principle?
A、Is the principle true or commonly accepted?
B、Is the principle relevant or applicable to the thesis?
C、Is the principle representative enough?
D、Is the principle convincing to the reader?
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7、【多选题】What questions do you consider when evaluating arguments by definition?
A、Is the definition appropriate?
B、Is the definition authoritative?
C、Is the definition relevant to the thesis?
D、Is the definition a persuasive definition?
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8、【多选题】What should be taken into account when you use specific cases to support your generalization?
A、Are the cases offered representative enough?
B、Are the cases offered authoritative enough?
C、Are the cases offered sufficient in number?
D、 Are the cases offered true?
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9、【多选题】What are the key aspects of evaluating analogical arguments?
A、Are the two cases compared truly similar?
B、Are the similarities between the two cases relevant to the thesis?
C、Are there many similarities between the two cases?
D、Can the similarities between the two cases cover different aspects?
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10、【多选题】What questions do you consider when evaluating casual arguments?
A、Is the cause and effect correlated?
B、Does the cause event happen before the effect event?
C、Is the cause relevant to the effect?
D、Is there no other factors that lead to the effect?
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11、【多选题】Some people say that calling people names because of the way they look is offensive. My friend is very overweight and people call him names for being fat. He says he doesn’t mind as he finds horrible things to call back. This shows there is no harm in calling people names as they can just retaliate(报复) if they want to.
A、false correlation
B、insufficient number of evidence
C、lack of representativeness
D、no error
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1、【单选题】Why is it necessary to respond to (a) counter-argument(s) in a critical essay?
A、To add a new position to your essay.
B、To criticize the opposing point of view.
C、To make your own argument more convincing.
D、To produce a longer essay.
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2、【单选题】The thesis is “The push for learning English has become increasingly counter-productive, and may negatively impact students’ ability to learn English meaningfully.” Which of the following sentences can be regarded as a conflicting idea of the claim above?
A、Parents believe that their children are learning English, when in fact, they are merely learning facts about English.
B、Some might claim that this kind of focus on studying English will enable students to succeed in college and in their careers.
C、A number of observational examples show that middle and high school children who have learned English in a mechanical, rote-based manner are unable to use their knowledge outside the classroom when they encounter foreigners.
D、No meaningful correlation can be found between test scores with the increasing financial resources or study times devoted to studying English.
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1、【判断题】After introducing the conflicting argument, you’d better proceed to support your own thesis as soon as possible.
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2、【判断题】You shouldn’t leave the conflicting argument alone. Instead, you need to refute it with sound reasoning immediately.
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1、【判断题】You should not state the conflicting argument too extendedly to outperform your own thesis.
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2、【判断题】Signal words are usually used to introduce conflicting arguments for the sake of being distinguished from your own thesis.
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3、【判断题】It is not necessary to state the conflicting arguments forcefully because they go against your own thesis.
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4、【判断题】It’s not your business to point out the problem of the conflicting argument because readers can identify it easily.
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5、【判断题】Signal words are also important to help you to remind the readers of your refutation.
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6、【判断题】In order not to disgrace those who put forward opposite idea, you’d better refute it indirectly and politely.
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1、【单选题】How can you evaluate and identify the problem of a counterargument?(单选)
A、Identify the type of the argument and consider the evaluation questions accordingly.
B、Read the argument and see if the premises are true.
C、Identify the premises of the argument and evaluate their validity.
D、Read the argument and identify the evaluation questions.
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2、【单选题】Read the following arguments and identify the problems in reasoning.1. Vitamin C really works. Every member of my family used to have at least one winter cold every year. Last fall each of us started taking one thousand milligrams of vitamin C a day, and there hasn’t been even a sniffle at our house in more than nine months. (单选)
A、Mistaking coincidence for causal relationship.
B、Generalization from insufficient number of evidence.
C、Faulty analogical argument
D、Irrelevant evidence
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3、【单选题】One expert contends that we need marine parks for scientific research. She argues that much of our knowledge of marine mammals comes from studies which were undertaken at marine parks. The knowledge which is obtained at marine parks, so this argument goes, can be useful for planning for the conservation of marine mammal species.(单选)
A、Lack of representativeness
B、Irrelevant evidence
C、Faulty causal reasoning
D、Hasty generalization
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1、【判断题】It’s easier to find some problens in a deductive argument than in an inductive one.
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2、【判断题】The thesis in an inductive arugment is not always true, so you may have more chances to refute it.
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3、【判断题】It is impossible to rebut an analogical argument if it has satisfied all the criteria, such as truthfulness, relevance, sufficiency and representativeness etc.
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1、【多选题】What can a writer do in theconclusion of a critical essay?(多选)
A、Call for action.
B、Put forward a new debatable idea.
C、Re-emphasize the thesis.
D、Predict positive changes.
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Lesson 8 单元作业 Writing a complete critical essay
Lesson 8 单元测验
1、【单选题】Read the following essay carefully and complete the exercises. Students, Take Note!(1) A walk across campus this week will reveal students, professors, and administrators arguing about class notes like never before. But they’re not engaged in intellectual debates over chemical formulas or literary images. They’re fighting over the taking of the notes themselves, as professional note-taking services in town are applying for permission to sit in on large lecture courses and then sell their notes to the students in those classes. Although the prospect of having “canned” notes looks tempting to many students, our administration should nevertheless ban these services from campus. Not only do such businesses give certain students unfair advantages and discourage class attendance, but they also prohibit the development of students’ important learning skills, despite the services’ claims to the contrary.(2) What is bothered for many of us about the professional-notes option is our sense of fair play. Let’s face it: like it or not, school is, among other things, a place of competition, as students vie for the best academic records to send to prospective employers, graduate and professional schools, and in some cases, paying parents. In today’s classes, all students have an equal opportunity to come to class, take notes, study, and pass or fail on their own merits. But the expensive professional notes, already organized and outlined, may give those with plenty of money some advantages that poorer students—those on scholarships or with families, for example—just can’t afford. In addition, the notes may be available only to those students who take certain sections of a course and not others, thus giving some students an extra option. The same is true for students who satisfy a requirement by taking one course that has notes available rather than another that has not. Knowing that you’re doing your own work may make you feel morally superior to a classmate who isn’t, but frankly, on some other level, it just plain feels irritating and unfair, sort of like watching your roommate getting away with plagiarizing his paper for a class after you spent weeks researching yours.(3) In addition to being a potential source of conflict among students, the professional-note services aren’t winning many friends among the faculty, either. Several instructors have complained that the availability of notes will encourage many students, especially the weaker ones, to cut classes, assuming that they have all the material necessary for understanding the lecture, discussion, or lab. But anyone who has ever had to use borrowed notes knows something vital is not there. Someone else’s interpretation of the information is often hard or impossible to follow, especially if you must understand complex relationships and problems. Moreover, skipping class may mean missed opportunities for students to ask questions or to participate in experiments or in group discussions, all of which often help clarify concepts under study. Not seeing visual aids or diagrams in person can also result in problems understanding the material. And, last, missing class can mean failure to become comfortably acquainted with the teacher, which, in turn, may discourage a student from asking for individual help when it’s needed. All these possibilities are real; even Jeff Allridge, owner of the Quotable Notes service, has admitted to a campus reporter, “There is an incentive to skip class.”(4) Despite the admission that professional note-taking encourages class-cutting, the services still promote themselves by claiming that students using their notes learn more. They support this claim by arguing that their notes offer students clearly organized information and, according to one advertising brochure, “good models” for students to follow in other classes. But such arguments miss the larger point: students should be learning how to develop their own note-taking, organizing, and thinking skills rather than swallowing the material whole as neatly packaged and delivered. Memorizing class material as outlined can be important, but it’s not really as valuable in the long run as learning how to think about the material and use it to solve problems or come up with new ideas later. Taking your own notes teaches you how to listen and how to spot the important concepts; organizing your own notes teaches you how to pull ideas together in a logical way, all skills students will need in other classes, on jobs, and in life in general. Having memorized the outlines but not really mastered the thinking skills won’t help the medical student whose patient’s symptoms vary from the textbook description or the engineer whose airplane wings suddenly fail the stress test for no apparent reason.(5) By appealing to students who believe professional notes will help them accomplish their educational goals easier and quicker, a variety of note-taking services now have franchises across the country. But our campus shouldn’t allow them to move in. Students need to recognize that the difference between the services’ definition of “learning” and the real learning experiences college can provide is of notable importance. (pp304-306 Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings, 8th edition)Which of the following statements is a counter-argument to the author’s argument?
A、Although the prospect of having “canned” notes looks tempting to many students, our administration should nevertheless ban these services from campus.
B、Services penalize some students—those who haven’t enough money or take other sections or enroll in classes without lectures.
C、Services encourage cutting class so students miss opportunities to ask questions, participate in discussion, talk to instructor, see visual aids, etc.
D、Despite the admission that professional note-taking encourages class-cutting, the services still promote themselves by claiming that students using their notes learn more.
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2、【单选题】Among the following sentences, which is employed by the author to refute the counter-argument above?
A、The notes may be available only to those students who take certain sections of a course and not others, thus giving some students an extra option.
B、Students should be learning how to develop their own note-taking, organizing, and thinking skills rather than swallowing the material whole as neatly packaged and delivered.
C、Skipping class may mean missed opportunities for students to ask questions or to participate in experiments or in group discussions, all of which often help clarify concepts under study.
D、Not only do such businesses give certain students unfair advantages and discourage class attendance, but they also prohibit the development of students’ important learning skills, despite the services’ claims to the contrary.
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3、【单选题】Please identify the type of thesis used by the author in the conclusion to re-emphasized the main thesis (“But our campus shouldn’t allow them to move in. Students need to recognize that the difference between the services’ definition of “learning” and the real learning experiences college can provide is of notable importance.).
A、Thesis of fact
B、Thesis of value
C、Thesis of cause and effect
D、Thesis of policy
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4、【判断题】An essay will be more convincing if a new arguable idea is added to the conclusion.
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5、【判断题】Both conflicting arguments and refutation can be easily recognized if certain transitions are properly used.
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6、【判断题】Such transitional words as “however, but, yet…” may remind the readers of refutation.
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1、【单选题】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A、If the analogy is built upon truly similar aspects between the two subjects and the aspects are also key factors contributing to the thesis, then the analogy can strongly support the argument.
B、Making generalization is a way to make deductive arguments in writing.
C、Inductive arguments are good tools to expand our knowledge about the unknown world.
D、Some principles, general rules and common knowledge can be used as premises to support the thesis.
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2、【单选题】Which of the following statements is an unqualified thesis statement for an essay?
A、The exploration of outer space is a waste of money.
B、Overemphasizing competitive sports may be harmful to the development of young children.
C、Wireless cable is a means of transmitting television signals through the air by microwave.
D、Although different in purpose, weddings and funerals each draw families together and confirm family values.
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3、【单选题】Read the two statements and choose the best option that describes the relationship between themI. The prices of vegetables have been increased considerably during this summer.II. There is tremendous increase in the temperature during this summer thereby damaging crops greatly.
A、Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
B、Statement II could be the cause and statement I could be its effect.
C、Both statements I and II are independent causes.
D、Both statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
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4、【单选题】Which of the following statements can be a premise used in reasoning by definition?
A、There has been an increase in the underground water level column at all place in Ningbo due to the last year’s monsoon rains.
B、Since the current job market prefers computer literate workforce, computer education has been made compulsory for all the classes by many schools.
C、A liberal is, in a writer’s words, someone who wants to allow criminals to run free on the streets while sacrificing the rights of innocent victims.
D、Much of this research into the causes of AIDS and potential treatments is funded by the US government and privately run foundations, so college students considering a career in politics or the non-profit sector will need to be informed about the disease.
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5、【单选题】Which of the following statements is hasty generalization?
A、Mind and rivers, can be both broad. It is a known fact that the broader the river, the shallower it is. Therefore, it must be true, that the broader the mind is, the shallower it is.
B、My friend has been eating only hamburgers, pizza and fries for a decade, and he has no health issues. Therefore, fast food is not unhealthy for you.
C、Students who attend schools with expansive music programs tend to perform much higher on standardized testing. So, all we have to do to lift poorer-performing schools is introduce more music classes.
D、More and more young people are attending high schools and colleges today than ever before. Yet there is more and more juvenile delinquency among the young than ever before. This makes it clear that these young people are being corrupted by their education.
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6、【单选题】Read the following passage and identify the problem of reasoning.Julia gets a chain letter (需要收信人复写多份寄出的连锁信) that threatens her with dire consequences if she breaks the chain. She laughs at it and throws it in the garbage. On her way to work she slips and breaks her leg. When she gets back from the hospital she sends out 100 copies of the chain letter, hoping to avoid further accidents.
A、Hasty generalization.
B、False cause.
C、False analogy.
D、Effect taking place before the cause.
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7、【单选题】Read the passage below, and identify the incorrect statement. In the Georgia State University History Department, students are invited to submit written evaluations of their instructors to the department’s personnel committee, which uses those evaluations to determine whether history instructors should be recommended for retention and promotions. In his three history classes, Professor Ludlum has a total of one hundred students. Six students turned in written evaluations of Ludlum; two of these evaluations were favorable and four were negative. Professor Hitchcock, who sits on the History Department Personnel Committee, argued against recommending Ludlum for promotion. “If a majority of the students who bothered to evaluate Ludlum find him lacking,” he stated, “then it’s clear a majority of all his students find him lacking.”
A、There is a false analogy in this passage.
B、Hitchcock’s reasoning is poor because the sample is too small to represent those who do not have strong enough feelings about Ludlum.
C、The sample is large enough to justify the conclusion that a majority of Ludlum’s students find him unqualified to be promoted.
D、The sample contains a disproportionate number of individuals who feel strongly enough about Ludlum to write something.
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8、【多选题】A good thesis statement should be _______.
C、not too broad
D、a fact
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9、【多选题】Which of the following statements are confusing correlation and causation?
A、In warm weather, people tend to consume more ice-cream and also swim more often, which leads to an increase in the number of drowning deaths.
B、School children who receive more recess behave better and are likely to learn more, according to a large study of third-graders conducted by researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.
C、Teenage girls who eat meals with their families may develop healthier eating habits and avoid eating disorders, according to a new study.
D、Many people who are involved in community service also do well in college. So, volunteering for community services causes you to have better grades in college.
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10、【多选题】Which of the following statements are false analogies?
A、If you are thinking of renting your apartment to Warren, I recommend him. He always showed up at work on time, no doubt he will pay his rent on time.
B、I’ve seen at least ten Disney movies and not one of them has been violent. Apparently, Disney doesn’t make violent movies.
C、Bears, as everybody knows, are dangerous. If you get too close, you can lose it all. The same holds true of bear markets. In the presence of a bear market, the thing to do is the same as when in the presence of a real bear: Keep your distance!
D、An addiction to drugs or alcohol can completely ruin someone’s life. If you play too many video games and get addicted, you’re going to ruin your life too.
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11、【判断题】A thesis statement is not a mere statement of fact. Rather, it is an idea, a claim, or an interpretation that others may dispute.
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12、【判断题】Hard facts such as statistics, charts, paraphrasing, photographs, examples are effective evidence when reasoning.
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13、【判断题】In a critical essay, evidence refers to the statement that tells why you think your thesis valid.
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14、【判断题】In inductive reasoning, the approach is top-down, meaning that we move from general to specific while deductive reasoning is the process by which we come to a probable conclusion starting from specific observations.
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15、【判断题】This is a good thesis statement: The novels of Robert B. Parker and Sue Grafton are popular because readers are fascinated by the intrigues of witty, independent private detectives.
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16、【判断题】The following statement is a case of reasoning by definition.Breathing paint fumes in a closed environment can be dangerous for people suffering from asthma(哮喘) because their lungs are especially sensitive to irritants (刺激物).
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17、【判断题】This is a strong reasoning: Two months before Joan met her significant one she saw a shooting star, and she wished that she would find her soulmate. The legend is really true!
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