查询方法:lsnrctl status
看到参数Listener Parameter File中XXX/network/admin/下可以修改tnsnames.ora
Both directory homes and product are at the same layer
As we know product's next directory layer is dbhome_1
这个路径变化是因为ROOH 被启动了:
If you are going to test RDBMS MAIN (20.1) label on shiphome env, it might be helpful to know:
ROOH (Read-Only Oracle Homes) feature is introduced in 18c as an alternative to traditional Read-Write Oracle Home. ROOH is disabled in 18c and 19c unless manually turning ON with :
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/roohctl -enable
But starting from 20.1 ( I tried with the latest RDBMS MAIN label) ROOH seems becoming default setting after install RDBMS binary, this change will impact most of our STORCH automation scripts of install/setup testing DB env because of Oracle Homes/Bases hierarchy change. There are two solutions to this change:
1. modify our STORCH script to accommodate ROOH hierarchy
2. For reuse our existing STORCH script to install/setup DB , run $ORACLE_HOME/bin/roohctl -disable after install RDBMS binary and before create DB with DBCA.
To know more about ROOH, please refer to:
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