Okay, a little help for those searching for some instructions on how this works. This is based on trial and error.
"type" can be either a class name (with full namespace) or just a namespace and every class within that namespace will be excluded. Child namespaces will not be excluded just by adding the parent namespace. In order to exclude namespaces recursively, use *
<assembly fullname
="MyAssemblyName">// the name of the assembly
<type fullname
="MyNamespace" preserve
="all"/>// excludes all classes that are direct children of MyNamespace
<type fullname
="MyNamespace.*" preserve
="all"/>// excludes all namespaces and classes recursively under MyNamespace
<type fullname
="MyNamespace*" preserve
="all"/>// excludes all namespaces and classes recursively under MyNamespace. Would also exclude the namespace MyNamespaceABC
<type fullname
="My*" preserve
="all"/>// excludes all namespaces and classes that start with My and all children of those namespaces
<type fullname
="*" preserve
="all"/>// excludes all namespaces and classes in the assembly