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球谐光照简述_球谐光照 九个值

球谐光照 九个值



论文作者提出经验和理论证据表明,在实践中,irradiance仅取决于的前2阶spherical harmonic modes of the illumination,并且可以表示为表面法线的笛卡尔分量的二次多项式。 实际上,Lambertian BRDF滤波器的99%能量包含在0,1和2阶中。特别是,我们只关心 照明的前2阶,即9个参数。 这些前9个系数也是关于照明可以确定的所有系数。


We must scale E by the surface albedo ρ, which may be dependent on position p and be described by a texture, to find the radiosity B, which corresponds directly to the image intensity.
B ( p , n ) = ρ ( p ) E ( n ) B(p,n)=\rho(p)E(n) B(p,n)=ρ(p)E(n) 在这里插入图片描述


Computing Irradiance

  • 每个像素是由半球积分得到的
  • 朗博表面是就像一个低通滤波器

The irradiance E is then a function of the surface normal n only and is given by an integral over the upper hemisphere Ω(n).
E ( n ) = ∫ Ω ( n ) L ( ω ) ( n ⋅ ω ) d ω E(n) = \int_{\Omega(n)}L(\omega)(n \cdot \omega)d\omega E(n)=Ω(n)L(ω)(nω)dω

Spherical Harmonics

Spherical harmonics Y l m Y_{lm} Ylm, with l ≥ 0 l \ge 0 l0 and − l ≤ m ≤ l −l \le m \le l lml, are the analogue on the sphere to the Fourier basis on the line or circle. The first 9 spherical harmonics (with l ≤ 2 l \le 2 l2) are simply constant ( l = 0 l = 0 l=0), linear ( l = 1 l = 1 l=1), and quadratic ( l = 2 l = 2 l=2) polynomials of the cartesian components (x, y, z). and are given numerically by
(3) ( x , y , z ) = ( sin ⁡ θ cos ⁡ ϕ , sin ⁡ θ sin ⁡ ϕ , cos ⁡ θ ) Y 00 = 0.282095 ( Y 11 ; Y 10 ; Y 1 − 1 ) ( θ , ϕ ) = 0.488603 ( x ; z ; y ) ( Y 21 ; Y 2 − 1 ; Y 2 − 2 ) ( θ , ϕ ) = 1.092548 ( x z ; y z ; x y ) Y 20 ( θ , ϕ ) = 0.315392 ( 3 z 2 − 1 ) Y 22 ( θ , ϕ ) = 0.546274 ( x 2 − y 2 ) (x,y,z)amp;=(sinθcosϕ,sinθsinϕ,cosθ)Y00amp;=0.282095(Y11;Y10;Y11)(θ,ϕ)amp;=0.488603(x;z;y)(Y21;Y21;Y22)(θ,ϕ)amp;=1.092548(xz;yz;xy)Y20(θ,ϕ)amp;=0.315392(3z21)Y22(θ,ϕ)amp;=0.546274(x2y2)

\tag{3} (x,y,z)Y00(Y11;Y10;Y11)(θ,ϕ)(Y21;Y21;Y22)(θ,ϕ)Y20(θ,ϕ)Y22(θ,ϕ)=(sinθcosϕ,sinθsinϕ,cosθ)=0.282095=0.488603(x;z;y)=1.092548(xz;yz;xy)=0.315392(3z21)=0.546274(x2y2)(3)

Spherical Harmonics Expansion

E ( θ , ϕ ) E(\theta, \phi) E(θ,ϕ) and L ( θ , ϕ ) L(\theta, \phi) L(θ,ϕ) can be represented by the coefficients— E l m E_{lm} Elm and L l m L_{lm} Llm—in their spherical harmonic expansion.

Analytic Irradiance Formula

We also define A = ( n ⋅ ω ) A=(n \cdot \omega) A=(nω) with coefficients A l A_l Al. Since A A A has no azimuthal dependence, m = 0 m=0 m=0 and we use only the l l l index.
A ( θ ) = m a x [ cos ⁡ θ , 0 ] = ∑ l A l Y l 0 ( θ ) A(\theta)=max[\cos \theta, 0]=\sum_l A_l Y_{l0}(\theta) A(θ)=max[cosθ,0]=lAlYl0(θ)

With these definitions one can show (参考文献[1]可知) that
E l m = 4 π 2 l + 1 A l L l m E_{lm}=\sqrt{\frac{4 \pi}{2l+1}}A_lL_{lm} Elm=2l+14π AlLlm

It will be convenient to define a new variable A l ^ \hat{A_{l}} Al^ by
A l ^ = 4 π 2 l + 1 A l \hat{A_l}=\sqrt{\frac{4 \pi}{2l+1}}A_l Al^=2l+14π Al

For rendering, it will be convenient to expand out the irradiance.
(7) E ( θ , ϕ ) = ∑ l , m A ^ l L l m Y l m ( θ , ϕ ) E(\theta, \phi)=\sum_{l,m} \hat{A}_l L_{lm} Y_{lm}(\theta, \phi) \tag{7} E(θ,ϕ)=l,mA^lLlmYlm(θ,ϕ)(7)

An analytic formula for A l A^l Al can be derived. It can be shown that A l A^l Al vanishes for odd values of l > 1 l > 1 l>1, and even terms fall off very rapidly as l − 5 / 2 l^{-5/2} l5/2. The analytic formulae are given by
l = 1 A ^ 1 = 2 π 3 l > 1 , o d d A ^ l = 0 l e v e n A ^ l = 2 π ( − 1 ) l 2 − 1 ( l + 2 ) ( l − 1 ) [ l ! 2 l ( l 2 ! ) 2 ] l=1amp;ˆA1=2π3lgt;1,oddamp;ˆAl=0levenamp;ˆAl=2π(1)l21(l+2)(l1)[l!2l(l2!)2]


Numerically, the first few terms are
(9) A ^ 0 = 3.141593 A ^ 1 = 2.094395 A ^ 2 = 0.785398 A ^ 3 = 0 A ^ 4 = − 0.130900 A ^ 5 = 0 A ^ 6 = 0.049087 \hat{A}_0 = 3.141593 \quad \hat{A}_1 = 2.094395 \quad \hat{A}_2 = 0.785398 \\ \hat{A}_3 = 0 \quad \hat{A}_4 = −0.130900 \quad \hat{A}_5 = 0 \quad \hat{A}_6 = 0.049087 \tag{9} A^0=3.141593A^1=2.094395A^2=0.785398A^3=0A^4=0.130900A^5=0A^6=0.049087(9)


9 Parameter Approximation


Computing Light Coefficients

给定envmap,计算9个lighting coefficient L l m L_{lm} Llm


For rendering, we can find the irradiance using equation 7. Since we are only considering l ≤ 2 l \le 2 l2, the irradiance is simply a quadratic polynomial of the coordinates of the (normalized) surface normal. Hence, with n t = ( x   y   z   1 ) n^t = (x \ y\ z\ 1) nt=(x y z 1), we can write
E ( n ) = n t M n E(n)=n^tMn E(n)=ntMn
M is a symmetric 4x4 matrix. Each color has an independent matrix M. Equation 11 is particularly useful for rendering, since we require only a matrix-vector multiplication and a dot-product to compute E. The matrix M is obtained by expanding equation 7:
(12) M = ( c 1 L 22 c 1 L 2 − 2 c 1 L 21 c 2 L 11 c 1 L 2 − 2 − c 1 L 22 c 1 L 2 − 1 c 2 L 1 − 1 c 1 L 21 c 1 L 21 c 3 L 20 c 2 L 10 c 2 L 11 c 2 L 1 − 1 c 2 L 10 c 4 L 00 − c 5 L 20 ) c 1 = 0.429043 c 2 = 0.511664 c 3 = 0.743125 c 4 = 0.886227 c 5 = 0.247708 M= (c1L22amp;c1L22amp;c1L21amp;c2L11c1L22amp;c1L22amp;c1L21amp;c2L11c1L21amp;c1L21amp;c3L20amp;c2L10c2L11amp;c2L11amp;c2L10amp;c4L00c5L20)

\\ c_1=0.429043 \quad c_2=0.511664\\ c_3=0.743125 \quad c_4=0.886227 \quad c_5=0.247708 \tag{12} M=c1L22c1L22c1L21c2L11c1L22c1L22c1L21c2L11c1L21c1L21c3L20c2L10c2L11c2L11c2L10c4L00c5L20c1=0.429043c2=0.511664c3=0.743125c4=0.886227c5=0.247708(12)
The entries of M depend on the 9 lighting coefficients L l m L_{lm} Llm and the expressions for the spherical harmonics. The constants come from the numerical values of A ^ l \hat{A}_l A^l given in equation 9, and the spherical harmonic normalizations given in equation 3.
On systems not optimized for matrix and vector operations, it may be more efficient to explicitly write out equation 7 for the irradiance as a sum of terms, i.e. expand equation 12:
E ( n ) = c 1 L 22 ( x 2 − y 2 ) + c 3 L 20 z 2 + c 4 L 00 − c 5 L 20 + 2 c 1 ( L 2 − 2 x y + L 21 x z + L 2 − 1 y z ) + 2 c 2 ( L 11 x + L 1 − 1 y + L 10 z ) E(n)amp;=c1L22(x2y2)+c3L20z2+c4L00c5L20amp;+2c1(L22xy+L21xz+L21yz)amp;+2c2(L11x+L11y+L10z)


[1] An Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps
[2] On the Relationship between Radiance and Irradiance: Determining the illumination from images of a convex Lambertian object
[3] Light Probe Image Gallery

