data = input() # 姓名 年龄 性别
s = 0
n = 0
i = 0
while data:
i += 1
ls = data.split()
s += int(ls[2])
if ls[1] == '男':
n += 1
data = input()
s = s/i
print("平均年龄是{:.2f} 男性人数是{}".format(s,n))
t = names.split()
d = {}
for i in range(len(t)):
d[t[i]] = d.get(t[i],0)+1
ls = list(d.items())
ls.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) # 按照数量排序
for k in ls:
# 与上一套极度相似
txt = input("请输入类型序列: ")
t = txt.split()
d = {}
for i in range(len(t)):
d[t[i]] = d.get(t[i],0)+1
ls = list(d.items())
ls.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) # 按照数量排序
for k in ls:
print("{}:{}".format(k[0], k[1]))
data = input() # 课程名 考分
d = {}
while data:
t = data.split() # t = [课程名,考分]
d[t[0]] = t[1]
data = input()
ls = list(d.items())
ls.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True)
avg = 0
for i in d.values():
avg += int(i)
avg = avg/len(ls)
print("最高分课程是{} {}, 最低分课程是{} {}, 平均分是{:.2f}".format(ls[0][0],ls[0][1],ls[-1][0],ls[-1][1],avg))
f=open("name.txt") names=f.readlines() f.close() f=open("vote.txt") votes=f.readlines() f.close() f.close() f=open("vote1.txt","w") D={} NUM=0 for vote in votes: num = len(vote.split()) if num==1 and vote in names: # 判断是否为有效票 D[vote[:-1]]=D.get(vote[:-1],0)+1 # 次数统计 NUM+=1 else: f.write(vote) f.close() l=list(D.items()) l.sort(key=lambda s:s[1],reverse = True) name=l[0][0] score=l[0][1] print("有效票数为:{} 当选村长村民为:{},票数为:{}".format(NUM,name,score))
# 第一小问 f = open("vote.txt") names = f.readlines() f.close() n = 0 for name in names: num = len(name.split()) #判断长度 if num == 1: n+=1 #此处不可空格分开,挺傻逼的 print("有效票{}张".format(n)) # 第二小问 f = open("vote.txt") names = f.readlines() f.close() D = {} for name in names: if len(name.split())==1: D[name[:-1]]=D.get(name[:-1],0) + 1 l = list(D.items()) l.sort(key=lambda s:s[1],reverse = True) name = l[0][0] score = l[0][1] print("最具人气明星为:{},票数为:{}".format(name,score))
ls = [111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999]
lt = [999, 777, 555, 333, 111, 888, 666, 444, 222]
s = 0
for i in range(len(ls)):
s += ls[i]*lt[i]
while True: s = input("请输入不带数字的文本:") n = 0 for i in s: if '0' <= i <='9': n += 1 if n == 0: break print(len(s)) # 解法二 while True: s = input("请输入不带数字的文本:") flag = True for i in s: if '0' <= i <='9': flag = False if flag == True: break print(len(s))
import random
pdict= {'Alice':['123456789'],
name = input('请输入一个人名:')
if name in pdict:
img = [0.244, 0.832, 0.903, 0.145, 0.26, 0.452]
filter = [0.1,0.8,0.1]
res = []
for i in range(len(img)-2):
k = 0
for j in range(3):
k += img[i+j]*filter[j]
for r in res:
print('{:<10.3f}'.format(r),end = '')
f = open('data.txt','r') school = [] country = [] for line in f: lines = line.strip('\n').split(",") # lines = ['1','麻省理工','美国'] if lines != ['']: country.append(lines[-1]) # country = ['美国'] school.append(lines[1:3]) # school = [['麻省理工','美国']] country =list(set(country)) unis = [] for i in country: n = 0 #计算一个国家有多少个学校 schools = [] # 存放同一个国家的学校 result = [] # 存放一个国家的信息包括 国家名、学校个数、学校名 for k in school: if k[1] == i: schools.append(k[0]) n += 1 result = [i, n ,schools] unis.append(result) for d in unis: print('{:>4}: {:>4} : {}'.format(d[0],d[1],' '.join(d[2]))) f.close()
sumtime = 0 percls = [] ts = {} with open('out.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip('\n').split(',') sumtime += eval(line[1]) ts[line[0]] = line[2] print('the total execute time is ', sumtime) tns = list(ts.items()) tns.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for i in range(3): print('the top {} percentage time is {}, spent in "{}" operation'.format(i, tns[i][1],tns[i][0]))
import jieba s = input("请输入一段中文文本,句子之间以逗号或句号分隔:") slist = jieba.lcut(s) m = 0 for i in slist: if i in ",。": continue print(i,end = '/') m += 1 print("\n中文词语数是:{}\n".format(m)) s = '' for i in slist: if i in ",。": print('{:^20}'.format(s)) s = '' continue s += i
import random as r
persons = ['Aele', 'Bob','lala', 'baicai']
flag = 3
while flag>0:
flag -= 1
name = input("请输入一个名字:")
if name in persons:
num = r.randint(1000,9999)
print('{} {}'.format(name, num))
elif name == 'q':
import jieba f = open('data.txt','w') s = input("请输入一个中文字符串,包含逗号和句号:") k=jieba.lcut(s) d1 = {} for i in k: if len(i) >= 2: d1[i] = d1.get(i,0) + 1 ls = list(d1.items()) # ls = [['键','值'],[],[]] for i in range(len(ls)): f.write('{}:{}'.format(ls[i][0],ls[i][1])) f.write('\n') f.close()
import jieba
dela = '-;:,.()"<>'
s = input("请输入一句话:")
new = ""
for i in s:
if i in dela:
i = ""
new += i
print("里面有 {}个词语。".format(len(jieba.lcut(new))))
# 第一问 f = open('命运.txt','r') d = {} for i in f.read(): if i not in ",。 ? ! 《》 【】 “” ‘’": d[i] = d.get(i,0) + 1 ls = list(d.items()) ls.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) print("{}:{}".format(ls[0][0],ls[0][1])) f.close() # 第二问 f = open('命运.txt','r') d = {} for i in f.read(): if i not in "\n ": d[i] = d.get(i,0) + 1 ls = list(d.items()) ls.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) # 此行可以按照词频由高到低排序 for i in range(10): print(ls[i][0],end = "") f.close() # 第三问 fi = open('命运.txt','r') fo = open('命运-频次排序.txt','w') d = {} for i in fi.read(): if i not in "\n ": d[i] = d.get(i,0) + 1 ls = list(d.items()) ls.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) # 此行可以按照词频由高到低排序 s = "" for k in ls: s +='{}:{}'.format(k[0],k[1]) + ',' fo.write(s[:-1]) #for i in ls: # fo.write('{}:{},'.format(i[0],i[1])) fi.close() fo.close()
# 第一问 fi = open('sensor.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') fo = open('earpa001.txt','w') for line in fi: ls = line.strip('\n').split(',') if ls[1] == ' earpa001': fo.write('{},{},{},{}\n'.format(ls[0],ls[1],ls[2],ls[3])) fi.close() fo.close() # 第二问 fi = open('earpa001.txt','r') fo = open('earpa001_count.txt','w') d = {} for line in fi: ls = line.strip('\n').split(',') m = ls[2] + '-' + ls[3] d[m] = d.get(m,0) + 1 ls = list(d.items()) ls.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=False) # 该语句用于排序 # 写入文件 for i in range(len(ls)): fo.write('{},{}\n'.format(ls[i][0],ls[i][1])) fi.close() fo.close()
# 第一问 fi = open("论语.txt", 'r') fo = open("论语-原文.txt", 'w') flag = False for line in fi: if "【原文】" in line: flag = True continue if "【注释】" in line: flag = False line = line.strip(" \n") if flag: if line: fo.write(line + '\n') fi.close() fo.close() # 第二问 fi = open("论语-原文.txt", 'r') fo = open("论语-提纯原文.txt", 'w') for line in fi: for i in range(1,100): line=line.replace('({})'.format(i),'') fo.write(line) fi.close() fo.close()
# 第一问 f = open('PY301-SunSign.csv','r') lines = f.readlines() name = input('请输入星座中文名称(例如,双子座):') ls = [] for line in lines: if name in line: ls = line.split(',') print("{}的生日位于{}-{}之间".format(ls[1],ls[2],ls[3])) f.close() # 第二问 f = open('PY301-SunSign.csv','r') lines = f.readlines() s = input('请输入星座序号(例如,5):') nums = s.split() ls = [] for num in nums: ls = lines[eval(num)].split(',') print("{}({})的生日是{}月{}日至{}月{}日之间".format(ls[1],ls[4][:-1],ls[2][:-2],ls[2][-2:],ls[3][:-2],ls[3][-2:])) s = input('请输入星座序号(例如,5):') f.close() # 第三问 f = open('PY301-SunSign.csv','r') lines = f.readlines() s = input('请输入星座序号(例如,5):') nums = s.split() ls = [] for num in nums: if 1<= eval(num) <= 12: ls = lines[eval(num)].split(',') print("{}({})的生日是{}月{}日至{}月{}日之间".format(ls[1],ls[4][:-1],ls[2][:-2],ls[2][-2:],ls[3][:-2],ls[3][-2:])) else: print('输入星座序号有误!') s = input('请输入星座序号(例如,5):') f.close()
# 第一问 import jieba f = open('data.txt','r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = open('out.txt','w') for line in lines: line = line.strip(' ') #删除每行首尾可能出现的空格 wordList = jieba.lcut(line) #用结巴分词,对每行内容进行分词 f.writelines('\n'.join(wordList)) #将分词结果存到文件out.txt中 f.close() # 第二问 import jieba f = open('out.txt','r') #以读的方式打开文件 words = f.readlines() f.close() D={} for w in words: #词频统计 D[w[:-1]]=D.get(w[:-1],0) + 1 print("曹操出现次数为:{} ".format(D["曹操"]))
# 第一问 import jieba #此处可多行 fi = open('data.txt','r') lines = fi.readlines() f = open('out1.txt','w') words = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip('\n') wordlist = jieba.lcut(line) for word in wordlist: if len(word) >= 3 and (word not in words): words.append(word) for word in words: f.write(word + '\n') fi.close() f.close() # 第二问 import jieba # 此处可多行 fi = open('data.txt','r') lines = fi.readlines() f = open('out2.txt','w') words = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip('\n') wordlist = jieba.lcut(line) for word in wordlist: if len(word) >= 3: words.append(word) d = {} for word in words: d[word] = d.get(word,0) + 1 ls = list(d.items()) ls.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True) # 此行可以按照词频由高到低排序 s = '' for i in ls: s = '{}:{}'.format(i[0],i[1]) f.write(s+'\n') fi.close() f.close()
# 第一问 fi = open("score.txt","r") lines = fi.readlines() fo = open('candidate0.txt','w') D=[] #单个学生的数据 L=[] #L中的元素是学生原始成绩和总成绩 for line in lines: D=line.split() s=0 #每个学生的总成绩初始值 for i in range(10): s+=int(D[i+2]) #各科成绩累加求和,+2是因为前两个元素是学号和姓名 D.append(s) L.append(D) L.sort(key=lambda x:x[-1],reverse=True) #按学生总成绩从大到小排序 for i in range(10): #取前十个学生数据 for j in range(len(L[i])): #一个学生的各项数据 fo.write('{} '.format(L[i][j])) #写各项数据,用空格隔开 fo.write('\n') #换行 fi.close() fo.close() # 第二问 fi=open("candidate0.txt",'r') lines=fi.readlines() D=[] fo=open('candidate.txt','w') for line in lines: D=line.split() for i in range(10): if int (D[i+2])<0: break else: fo.write('{}{}\n'.format(D[0],D[1])) fi.close() fo.close()
# 第一问 fi = open('data.txt','r') # 此处可多行 lines = fi.readlines() fo = open("univ.txt", "w") for line in lines: if 'alt' in line: dx = line.split('alt=')[1].split('"')[1] fo.write('{}\n'.format(dx)) fi.close() fo.close() # 第二问 n = 0 k = 0 f = open("univ.txt", "r") lines = f.readlines() # 此处可多行 f.close() for line in lines: if '大学生' in line: continue elif "大学" in line: n += 1 print(line) elif "学院" in line: k += 1 print(line) print("包含大学的名称数量是{}".format(n)) print("包含学院的名称数量是{}".format(k))
# 第一问 import jieba f2019 = open('data2019.txt','r') f2018 = open('data2018.txt','r') lines2019 = f2019.read().split('\n') lines2018 = f2018.read().split('\n') d = {} for i in lines2019: word = jieba.lcut(i) for j in word: if len(j) >=2: d[j] = d.get(j,0) + 1 lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) print('2019',end='') for i in range(9): print('{}:{},'.format(lt[i][0],lt[i][1]),end = '') print('{}:{}'.format(lt[9][0],lt[9][1])) d = {} for i in lines2018: word = jieba.lcut(i) for j in word: if len(j) >=2: d[j] = d.get(j,0) + 1 lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) print('2018',end='') for i in range(9): print('{}:{},'.format(lt[i][0],lt[i][1]),end = '') print('{}:{}'.format(lt[9][0],lt[9][1])) f2019.close() f2018.close() # 第二问 import jieba f2019 = open('data2019.txt','r') f2018 = open('data2018.txt','r') lines2019 = f2019.read().split('\n') lines2018 = f2018.read().split('\n') f2019.close() f2018.close() d = {} for i in lines2019: word = jieba.lcut(i) for j in word: if len(j) >=2: d[j] = d.get(j,0) + 1 lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) lt2019 = [] for i in range(10): lt2019.append(lt[i][0]) d = {} for i in lines2018: word = jieba.lcut(i) for j in word: if len(j) >=2: d[j] = d.get(j,0) + 1 lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) lt2018 = [] for i in range(10): lt2018.append(lt[i][0]) ltlike = [] for i in lt2019: if i in lt2018: ltlike.append(i) for i in ltlike: lt2019.remove(i) lt2018.remove(i) print('共有词语:',end = '') for i in ltlike[:-1]: print(i,end = ',') print(ltlike[-1]) print('2019特有:',end = '') for i in lt2019[:-1]: print(i,end = ',') print(lt2019[-1]) print('2018特有:',end = '') for i in lt2018[:-1]: print(i,end = ',') print(lt2018[-1])
# 第一问 fi = open('data.txt','r',encoding = 'utf-8') data = fi.read() fi.close() fo = open('clean.txt','w') s = '' x = ",。:;、?!() \n" for i in data: if i not in x: s += i fo.write(s) fo.close() # 第二问 import jieba fi = open('clean.txt','r') data = fi.read() word = jieba.lcut(data) fi.close() d = {} for i in word: if len(i) >= 3: d[i] = d.get(i,0) + 1 lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) for i in range(10): if i < 9: print('{}:{},'.format(lt[i][0],lt[i][1]),end='') else: print('{}:{}'.format(lt[i][0],lt[i][1]))
import jieba f = "红楼梦.txt" sf = "停用词.txt" fi = open(f ,'r' ,encoding = 'utf-8') data = fi.read() words = jieba.lcut(data) fi.close() fs = open(sf,'r',encoding = 'utf-8') stopword = fs.read().split('\n') fs.close() namelist = [['凤姐','凤姐儿','凤丫头'],['宝玉','二爷','宝二爷'], ['黛玉','颦儿','林妹妹','黛玉道'],['宝钗','宝丫头'], ['贾母','老祖宗'],['袭人','袭人道'],['贾政','贾政道'], ['贾琏','琏二爷']] for i in range(len(words)): if words[i] in stopword: words[i] = '' for j in range(8): if words[i] in namelist[j]: words[i] = namelist[j][0] d = {} for i in words: d[i] = d.get(i,0) + 1 lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) fo = open('result.csv','w') for i in range(len(lt)): if lt[i][1] >= 40 and len(lt[i][0]) >= 2: fo.write("{},{}".format(lt[i][0],lt[i][1])) fo.write('\n') fo.close()
# 第一问 fi = open("八十天环游地球.txt",'r') fo = open("八十天环游地球-章节.txt",'w') words = fi.read().split('\n') for word in words: if '第' in word and '章' in word and len(word) <50 : fo.write(word) fo.write('\n') fi.close() fo.close() # 第二问 import jieba fi1 = open('八十天环游地球-章节.txt','r') name = fi1.read().split('\n') # 章节名 fi1.close() fi2 = open('八十天环游地球.txt','r') nr = fi2.read().split('\n') # 内容 fi2.close() n = 0 k = 1 tem = [] for i in nr: if i in name: n += 1 if n == k: newword = jieba.lcut(i) for i in newword: tem.append(i) else: d ={} for i in tem: if len(i) >= 2: d[i] = d.get(i,0)+1 lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) c = name[k-1].split(' ') print('{} {} {}'.format(c[0],lt[0][0],lt[0][1])) k += 1 tem = []
# 第一问 fi = open('data.txt','r') data = fi.read().strip().split('\n') fi.close() fo = open('student.txt','w') for i in data: fo.write('{}:{}'.format(i[:3],i[-3:])) fo.write('\n') fo.close() # 第二问 fi = open('studs.txt','r') data = fi.read().strip().split('\n') fi.close() names = [] for i in data: t = i.split(':') names.append(t) d = {} for i in names: d[i[0]] = i[1] lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) print("{}:{}".format(lt[0][0],lt[0][1])) # 第三问 f = open('data.txt','r') data = f.read().strip().split('\n') f.close() student = [] for i in data: t1 = i.split(':') t2 = t1[1].split(',') if t2[0] not in student: student.append(t2[0]) gs = 0 n = 0 for i in student: for j in data: t1 = j.split(',') if i in t1[0]: gs += eval(t1[1]) n += 1 print("{}:{:.2f}".format(i,gs/n)) gs = 0 n = 0
# 第一问 fi = open('webpage.txt','r') p = fi.read().split() fi.close() n = 0 for i in p: if 'JPG' in i: n += 1 print(n) # 第二问 fi = open('webpage.txt','r') p = fi.read().split('\n') fi.close() fo = open('images.txt','w') for i in p: if '.JPG' in i: start = i.index('src=') + 5 end = i.index('.JPG') + 4 fo.write(i[start:end]) fo.write('\n') fo.close()
# 第一问 import jieba f = open('data3.txt','r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() d ={} words = [] for i in lines: word = jieba.lcut(i) for j in word: words.append(j) for i in words: if len(i) >= 2: d[i] = d.get(i,0) + 1 lt = list(d.items()) lt.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) for i in range(10): print('{}:{}'.format(lt[i][0],lt[i][1])) # 第二问 fi = open('data3.txt','r') fo = open('out.txt','w') lines = fi.read().strip().split('。') line = [] for i in lines: t = i.strip().split(',') for j in t: if '我们' in j: line.append(j) for i in line: fo.write(i) fo.write('\n') fi.close() fo.close()
# 第一问 fi = open("data301.txt","r") f = open("result301.txt","w") cnumd = {} name = '' count = 0 flag = 1 for line in fi: if '"name":' in line: name = line.split(":")[1][2:-3] flag = 1 elif '"value":' in line and flag == 1: dx = line.split(":")[1][0:-1] # dx = line.split(":")[1].strip() cnumd[name] = dx flag = 0 count += 1 for d in cnumd.items(): f.write("{}:{}\n".format(d[0],d[1])) print("一共有{}个国家".format(count)) f.close() fi.close() # 第二问 lcnum = [] with open("result301.txt", "r") as fi: for line in fi: c = line.split(":") c[1]= eval(c[1]) lcnum.append(c) lcnum.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse= True) lz = 0 lw = 0 for l in lcnum: if l[1] > 10000: lw += 1 elif l[1] == 0: lz += 1 print("新冠确诊人数最多的国家是{},人数是{}".format(lcnum[0][0],lcnum[0][1] )) print("新冠确诊人数超过1W的国家有{}个".format(lw)) print("新冠确诊人数为0的国家有{}个".format(lz))
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