- “”“
- # 名 称:聊天界面
- # 环 境:python 3.8.5(其他版本没测试,请自行测试)
- # 模 块:tkinter/tkinter.messagebox/pickle/json
- # 制 作:Q343340657(WX同号)
- ”“”
- “”“
- # 名 称:聊天登录界面
- # 环 境:python 3.8.5(其他版本没测试,请自行测试)
- # 模 块:tkinter/tkinter.messagebox/pickle/json
- # 制 作:Q343340657(WX同号)
- ”“”
- import tkinter as tk
- import tkinter.messagebox
- import pickle
- import json
- # 窗口
- login_win = tk.Tk()
- login_win.title("聊天登录窗口")
- sw = login_win.winfo_screenwidth()
- sh = login_win.winfo_screenheight()
- w = 690
- h = 500
- x = (sw - w) / 2
- y = (sh - h) / 2
- login_win.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w, h, x, y))
- login_win.resizable(0, 0)
- # 图片,自行编辑,图片大小:690x300
- login_benner = tk.PhotoImage(file='login_benner.png')
- imgLabel = tk.Label(login_win, image=login_benner)
- imgLabel.place(x=0, y=0)
- # 标签 用户密码
- tk.Label(login_win, text="用户名:").place(x=200, y=320)
- tk.Label(login_win, text="密 码:").place(x=200, y=360)
- # 文本框 用户名
- var_usr_name = tk.StringVar()
- entry_usr_name = tk.Entry(login_win, textvariable=var_usr_name)
- entry_usr_name.place(x=260, y=320)
- # 文本框 密码
- var_usr_pwd = tk.StringVar()
- entry_usr_pwd = tk.Entry(login_win, textvariable=var_usr_pwd, show="*")
- entry_usr_pwd.place(x=260, y=360)
- # 登录函数
- def usr_login():
- usr_name = var_usr_name.get()
- usr_pwd = var_usr_pwd.get()
- if usr_name == '111' and usr_pwd == '222':
- # 创建新的JSON
- new_usr = {
- 'usrname': "'" + usr_name + "'",
- 'age': '19'
- }
- with open('usr.json', 'w') as wp:
- json.dump(new_usr, wp)
- print(new_usr)
- login_win.destroy()
- import sx_friend_list #载入好友列表
- elif usr_name == '' or usr_pwd == '':
- tk.messagebox.showerror(message="用户名密码不能为空")
- else:
- tk.messagebox.showerror(message="用户名密码错误!")
- # 登录
- bt_login = tk.Button(login_win, text="登录(Login)", command=usr_login)
- bt_login.place(x=202, y=400)
- bt_quit = tk.Button(login_win, text="退出(Exit)")
- bt_quit.place(x=350, y=400)
- # 提示标签
- tsLabel = tk.Label(login_win,
- text="聊天登录界面 for Python Tkinter",
- fg="red")
- tsLabel.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, expand='yes', anchor='se')
- login_win.mainloop()
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # encoding=utf8
- “”“
- # 名 称:聊天好友界面
- # 环 境:python 3.8.5(其他版本没测试,请自行测试)
- # 模 块:tkinter/tkinter.messagebox/pickle/json
- # 制 作:Q343340657(WX同号)
- ”“”
- import tkinter as tk
- from tkinter import ttk
- import pickle
- import json
- with open('usr.json', 'r') as fp:
- json_file = json.load(fp)
- json_str = json.dumps(json_file)
- json_date = json.loads(json_str)
- json_name = json_date['usrname']
- print(json_name)
- fri_win = tk.Tk()
- fri_win.title("[" + json_name + "] - 聊天界面 for Linux Bate")
- # usrname = usr_name
- # 聊天界面大小
- w = 320
- h = 800
- sw = fri_win.winfo_screenwidth()
- sh = fri_win.winfo_screenheight()
- x = 200
- y = (sh - h) / 2
- fri_win.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w, h, x, y))
- fri_win.resizable(0, 0)
- # 创建树形列表
- fri_list = ttk.Treeview(fri_win, height=39, show="tree")
- fri_list.place(x=10, y=30)
- # 好友分组
- # 1
- fri_tree1 = fri_list.insert('', 0, 'frist', text='家人', values=("1"))
- fri_tree1_1 = fri_list.insert(fri_tree1, 0, '001', text='老婆', values=("2"))
- fri_tree1_2 = fri_list.insert(fri_tree1, 1, '002', text='女朋友001', values=("3"))
- fri_tree2 = fri_list.insert('', 1, 'second', text='同事', values=("4"))
- fri_tree2_1 = fri_list.insert(fri_tree2, 0, 'admin', text='女朋友002', values=("5"))
- fri_tree2_2 = fri_list.insert(fri_tree2, 1, 'testadmin', text='女朋友003', values=("6"))
- # 好友列表双击事件
- def double_selected(event):
- for item in fri_list.selection():
- item_text = fri_list.item(item, "text")
- chat_usr = {
- 'usrname': "'" + json_name + "'",
- 'age': '19',
- 'chatname': "'" + item_text + "'"
- }
- with open('usr.json', 'w') as wf:
- json.dump(chat_usr, wf)
- import sx_chat_win
- print(item_text)
- fri_list.bind('<Double-1>', double_selected)
- fri_list.pack(expand=True, fill=tk.X)
- # 好友按钮
- fri_btn = tk.Button(text="好友")
- fri_btn.place(x=10, y=2)
- # 群按钮
- cla_btn = tk.Button(text="群聊")
- cla_btn.place(x=70, y=2)
- # 添加好友
- into_fri_btn = tk.Button(text="添加好友")
- into_fri_btn.place(x=130, y=2)
- # 搜索好友
- l1 = tk.Label(text="查找好友:")
- l1.place(x=10, y=771)
- # 搜索框
- e1 = tk.Entry(width=12)
- e1.place(x=80, y=770)
- # 搜索按钮
- search_btn = tk.Button(text="搜索")
- search_btn.place(x=190, y=770)
- # 菜单
- menu_btn = tk.Button(text="设置")
- menu_btn.place(x=256, y=770)
- fri_win.mainloop()
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # encoding=utf8
- “”“
- # 名 称:聊天消息界面
- # 环 境:python 3.8.5(其他版本没测试,请自行测试)
- # 模 块:tkinter/tkinter.messagebox/pickle/json
- # 制 作:Q343340657(WX同号)
- ”“”
- import tkinter as tk
- import time
- # 发送消息
- def sendMsg():
- t1_Msg.configure(state=tk.NORMAL)
- strMsg = "我:" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + '\n'
- t1_Msg.insert("end", strMsg, 'green')
- sendMsg = t2_sendMsg.get('0.0', 'end')
- t1_Msg.insert("end", sendMsg)
- t2_sendMsg.delete('0.0', "end")
- t1_Msg.config(state=tk.DISABLED)
- print(strMsg + sendMsg)
- # 创建窗口
- app = tk.Tk()
- app.title('与python聊天')
- #
- w = 800
- h = 660
- sw = app.winfo_screenwidth()
- sh = app.winfo_screenheight()
- x = 200
- y = (sh - h) / 2
- app.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w, h, x, y))
- app.resizable(0, 0)
- # 远程按钮
- desktop_btn = tk.Button(text="远程协助")
- desktop_btn.place(x=700, y=2)
- # 聊天消息预览窗口
- t1_Msg = tk.Text(width=113, height=32)
- t1_Msg.tag_config('green', foreground='#008C00') # 创建tag
- t1_Msg.place(x=2, y=35)
- # t1_Msg.config(state=tk.DISABLED)
- # t1_Msg.configure(state='disabled')
- # 聊天消息发送
- t2_sendMsg = tk.Text(width=112, height=10)
- t2_sendMsg.place(x=2, y=485)
- # 表情按钮
- face_btn = tk.Button(text="表情")
- face_btn.place(x=2, y=457)
- # 文件按钮
- face_btn = tk.Button(text="文件传送")
- face_btn.place(x=62, y=457)
- # 截图按钮
- prtscr_btn = tk.Button(text="截图")
- prtscr_btn.place(x=150, y=457)
- # 聊天记录查询
- chat_search = tk.Button(text="查找")
- chat_search.place(x=210, y=457)
- # 语音按钮
- chat_search = tk.Button(text="语音")
- chat_search.place(x=660, y=457)
- # 视频按钮
- chat_search = tk.Button(text="视频")
- chat_search.place(x=720, y=457)
- # 发送按钮
- sendMsg_btn = tk.Button(text="发送(Send)", command=sendMsg)
- sendMsg_btn.place(x=665, y=628)
- # 主事件循环
- app.mainloop()
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