本来这个进度条是直接用的 el-slider 来实现的,但是后面我想加入鼠标移动时的时间 tooltip,发现有点bug,所以就直接重新写了,拖动按钮是直接搬运的 el-slider 里面的按钮。
<template> <div :class="barClass"> <div ref="slider" class="progress-bar__slider" @mousemove="calcPos" @mouseenter="calcPos" @mouseleave="hideProgressFrame" @click="onSliderClick"> <!-- 播放进度 --> <div class="progress__played" ref="played" :style="{width:currentPercentage+'%'}"></div> <!-- 滑动按钮 --> <slide-button v-if="!sliderDisabled" ref="sliderButton" v-model="currentPercentage" /> <!-- 缓冲条 --> <div class="progress__buffer" ref="buffer" :style="{width:buffered}"></div> <!-- 帧 --> <div ref="frame" class="progress__frame"></div> <!-- tooltip --> <div ref="frameTip" class="frame__tip">{{pointerPercentage|filterPercentage(this)}}</div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import SlideButton from './SlideButton.vue' export default { name: 'ProgressBar', components: { SlideButton }, model: { prop: 'value', event: 'input' }, props: { value: { type: Number, default: 0 }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }, // 进度条是否可拖拽 duration: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, // 视频总时长 buffered: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, // 缓冲进度 showTooltip: { type: Boolean, default: false }, // 写了另外的tooltip,这个可根据需要直接删,这是控制SlideButton中el-tooltip显示的,没有配合自己写的tooltip功能 }, filters: { filterPercentage(val, that) { return that.formatTooltip(val) } }, computed: { sliderDisabled() { return this.disabled }, barClass() { let classStr = '' if (this.dragging) { classStr += ' is-dragging' } if (this.sliderDisabled) { classStr += ' is-disabled' } return 'progress-bar' + classStr } }, data() { return { currentPercentage: 0, wrapperPos: 0, pointerPercentage: 0, // 鼠标指向时间 played: 0, // 播放进度 sliderSize: 1, // 进度条尺寸 vertical: false, // 这个是因为 el-slider 支持竖向,但是这里没有写竖向功能,先预留,等后续开发~ step: 1, dragging: false } }, watch: { value() { if (this.dragging) { return } this.getPercentage() } }, created() { this.getPercentage() }, mounted() { const bounds = this.$refs.slider.getBoundingClientRect() this.wrapperPos = bounds.left this.resetSize() }, methods: { resetSize() { if (this.$refs.slider) { this.sliderSize = this.$refs.slider[`clientWidth`]; } }, // 计算当前鼠标指向位置 calcPos(e) { if (this.disabled) return if (this.$refs.sliderButton.hovering || this.dragging) { if (this.$refs.sliderButton.hovering) { this.pointerPercentage = this.currentPercentage } this.$refs.frame.style.display = 'none' return } this.setFramePosition(e) this.setTooltipPosition(e) }, calcPosition(e) { const offsetX = e.clientX - this.wrapperPos const pos = offsetX < 0 ? 0 : offsetX > this.sliderSize ? this.sliderSize : offsetX // 当前鼠标指针进度百分比 this.pointerPercentage = parseFloat(pos / this.sliderSize * 100) return pos }, // 指示器位置(鼠标移动时的小白条) setFramePosition(e) { const pos = this.calcPosition(e) this.$refs.frame.style.left = pos / this.sliderSize * 100 + '%' this.$refs.frame.style.display = 'block' }, // tooltip(指示时间) setTooltipPosition(e) { const pos = this.calcPosition(e) // 计算 tooltip 位置,获取 tooltip 宽度 const tipWidth = this.$refs.frameTip?.getBoundingClientRect().width // 贴边偏移量,到边缘左右位置不再变化 const tipOffset = tipWidth / 2 const tipPos = pos < tipOffset ? tipOffset : pos > this.sliderSize - tipOffset ? this.sliderSize - tipOffset : pos this.$refs.frameTip.style.left = tipPos / this.sliderSize * 100 + '%' this.$refs.frameTip.style.display = 'block' }, hideProgressFrame() { // 隐藏指示器 setTimeout(() => { this.$refs.frame.style.display = 'none' this.$refs.frameTip.style.display = 'none' }, 200) }, onSliderClick() { if (this.sliderDisabled || this.dragging) return; this.setPosition() this.emitChange() }, setPosition() { this.$refs.sliderButton.setPosition(this.pointerPercentage) }, getPercentage() { this.currentPercentage = !isNaN(this.duration) && this.duration > 0 ? this.value / this.duration * 100 : 0 }, formatTooltip(val) { const time = this.duration * (val / 100) return this.formatTime(time) }, formatTime(t) { let time = '0:00' if (t) { const h = parseInt(t / 3600) const m = parseInt(t % 3600 / 60) let s = parseInt(t % 60) s = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s time = h ? h + ':' + m + ':' + s : m + ':' + s } return time }, emitChange() { const currentTime = this.duration * this.currentPercentage / 100 this.$emit('change', currentTime) } } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .progress-bar { position: absolute; height: 2px; top: -2px; z-index: 2; left: 0; width: 100%; margin: 0 8px; width: calc(100% - 16px); transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1); background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); cursor: pointer; .progress__played, .progress__buffer { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 0; height: 100%; } .progress__buffer { background-color: rgba(169, 169, 169, 0.7); z-index: 1; } .progress__played { z-index: 2; background: #1479f9; } } .played__slider { position: absolute; height: 14px; width: 14px; background: #fff; border-radius: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); cursor: pointer; } .progress-bar__slider { position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .progress__frame { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 3px; left: 0; background: #fff; z-index: 99; display: none; cursor: pointer; } .frame__tip { position: absolute; top: -38px; left: 0; transform: translateX(-50%); width: fit-content; height: fit-content; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); padding: 6px 10px; border-radius: 4px; font-size: 14px; color: #fff; white-space: nowrap; user-select: none; display: none; } .progress-bar.is-dragging, .progress-bar:not(.is-disabled):hover { height: 10px; top: -10px; } .progress-bar:hover ::v-deep .el-slider__button { background-color: #fff; } .progress-bar.is-disabled { &, .progress__frame, .played__slider { cursor: default; } } </style>
这个是直接用的 el-slider 中的代码,改了一点点点的内容(一些没用上的我也没有删,如果不用elementUI的话,有些样式需要自己加上,还要删掉这个tooltip等)。
<template> <div class="progress__slide el-slider__button-wrapper" @mouseenter="handleMouseEnter" @mouseleave="handleMouseLeave" @mousedown="onButtonDown" @touchstart="onButtonDown" :class="{ 'hover': hovering, 'dragging': dragging }" :style="wrapperStyle" ref="button" tabindex="0" @focus="handleMouseEnter" @blur="handleMouseLeave"> <el-tooltip placement="top" ref="tooltip" popper-class="slider__tooltip" :disabled="!showTooltip"> <span slot="content">{{ formatValue }}</span> <div class="el-slider__button" :class="{ 'hover': hovering, 'dragging': dragging }"></div> </el-tooltip> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'ElSliderButton', props: { value: { type: Number, default: 0 }, vertical: { // 暂时未写竖直情况 type: Boolean, default: false }, // tooltipClass: String }, data() { return { hovering: false, dragging: false, isClick: false, startX: 0, currentX: 0, startY: 0, currentY: 0, startPosition: 0, newPosition: null, oldValue: this.value, diff: 0 }; }, computed: { disabled() { return this.$parent.sliderDisabled; }, showTooltip() { return this.$parent.showTooltip; }, currentPosition() { return `${this.value}%`; }, step() { return this.$parent.step; }, enableFormat() { return this.$parent.formatTooltip instanceof Function; }, formatValue() { return this.enableFormat && this.$parent.formatTooltip(this.value) || this.value; }, wrapperStyle() { return this.vertical ? { bottom: this.currentPosition } : { left: this.currentPosition }; } }, watch: { dragging(val) { this.$parent.dragging = val; } }, methods: { displayTooltip() { this.$refs.tooltip && (this.$refs.tooltip.showPopper = true); }, hideTooltip() { this.$refs.tooltip && (this.$refs.tooltip.showPopper = false); }, handleMouseEnter() { if (this.disabled) return; this.hovering = true; this.displayTooltip(); }, handleMouseLeave() { if (this.disabled) return; this.hovering = false; this.hideTooltip(); }, onButtonDown(event) { if (this.disabled) return; event.preventDefault(); this.onDragStart(event); window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onDragging); window.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onDragging); window.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onDragEnd); window.addEventListener('touchend', this.onDragEnd); window.addEventListener('contextmenu', this.onDragEnd); }, onDragStart(event) { this.dragging = true; this.isClick = true; if (event.type === 'touchstart') { event.clientY = event.touches[0].clientY; event.clientX = event.touches[0].clientX; } if (this.vertical) { this.startY = event.clientY; } else { this.startX = event.clientX; } this.startPosition = parseFloat(this.currentPosition); this.newPosition = this.startPosition; }, onDragging(event) { if (this.dragging) { this.isClick = false; let diff = 0 if (event.type === 'touchmove') { event.clientY = event.touches[0].clientY; event.clientX = event.touches[0].clientX; } if (this.vertical) { this.currentY = event.clientY; diff = this.startY - this.currentY; } else { this.currentX = event.clientX; diff = this.currentX - this.startX; } this.newPosition = this.startPosition + diff / this.$parent.sliderSize * 100; this.setPosition(this.newPosition); this.$parent.setTooltipPosition(event) } }, onDragEnd() { if (this.dragging) { /* * 防止在 mouseup 后立即触发 click,导致滑块有几率产生一小段位移 * 不使用 preventDefault 是因为 mouseup 和 click 没有注册在同一个 DOM 上 */ setTimeout(() => { this.dragging = false; this.hideTooltip(); if (!this.isClick) { this.setPosition(this.newPosition); this.$parent.emitChange() } }, 0); window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onDragging); window.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onDragging); window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onDragEnd); window.removeEventListener('touchend', this.onDragEnd); window.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this.onDragEnd); } }, setPosition(newPosition) { if (newPosition === null || isNaN(newPosition)) return; if (newPosition < 0) { newPosition = 0; } else if (newPosition > 100) { newPosition = 100; } this.$emit('input', newPosition); this.$nextTick(() => { this.displayTooltip(); this.$refs.tooltip && this.$refs.tooltip.updatePopper(); }); if (!this.dragging && this.value !== this.oldValue) { this.oldValue = this.value; } } } }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .progress__slide { &.el-slider__button-wrapper { height: 14px; width: 14px; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .el-slider__button { width: 14px; height: 14px; border: none; background-color: transparent; } .el-slider__button.hover, .el-slider__button.dragging { background-color: #fff; } // .el-slider__button-wrapper:hover, // .el-slider__button-wrapper.hover { // cursor: pointer; // } .el-slider__button.dragging, .el-slider__button.hover, .el-slider__button:hover { transform: unset; // cursor: pointer; } } </style> <style lang="scss"> .el-tooltip__popper.is-dark.slider__tooltip { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); padding: 6px 10px; border-radius: 4px; font-size: 14px; margin-bottom: 10px; .popper__arrow, &[x-placement^='top'] .popper__arrow::after { border: none; } } </style>
控制条的部分是 control-bar 那里,这里其实应该再抽成组件的,但是最近没什么时间暂时就这样了,将就看吧。
fullscreen用的是 vue-fullscreen 插件
npm install vue-fullscreen
<template> <fullscreen :fullscreen.sync="fullscreen" class="fullscreen"> <div v-if="data.url" class="main-container"> <div class="video-box" @dblclick="handleFullscreen" @mouseout="hideControlBar"> <div v-if="loading" class="overlay"><i class="el-icon-loading" />加载中...</div> <video ref="video" oncontextmenu="return false" class="video" :muted="muted" @timeupdate="ontimeupdate" @playing="handlePlaying" @waiting="handleWaiting" @loadeddata="loadeddata" @ended="onended" @mousemove="showControlBar"> <source :src="data.url" type="video/mp4" /> <source :src="data.url" type="video/ogg" /> <source :src="data.url" type="video/webm" /> 您的浏览器不支持 HTML5 video 标签。 </video> <div ref="control-bar" class="control-bar" :class="{'show':controlBarShow}"> <div class="control-bar-wrapper"> <progress-bar ref="progressBar" v-model="currentTime" :disabled="!fastForward" :duration="duration" :buffered="bufferedLength" @change="progressChange" /> <div class="control-bar-inner"> <div class="control-bar-inner__left centered-flex"> <div class="control-item" :title="paused?'播放':'暂停'"> <svg-icon :icon-class="paused?'icon-play':'icon-pause'" @click="handleVideoPause" /> </div> <div class="control-item"> <span>{{ currentTime | filterDuration(this) }}</span> <span>/</span> <span>{{ duration | filterDuration(this) }}</span> </div> </div> <div class="control-bar-inner__right centered-flex"> <div class="control-item volume-block"> <div class="volume"> <el-slider v-model="volume" vertical height="100px" :show-tooltip="false" @input="volumeChange" /> </div> <div class="svg-icon-box" @click="handleMuted"> <svg-icon :icon-class="muted?'icon-volume-muted':'icon-volume'" /> </div> </div> <div class="control-item" :title="fullscreen?'退出全屏':'全屏'"> <svg-icon :icon-class="fullscreen?'shrink-screen':'icon-fullscreen'" @click="handleFullscreen" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </fullscreen> </template> <script> import ProgressBar from '@/components/progress-bar/Index' export default { name: 'CourseMain', components: { MenuList, ProgressBar }, props: { data: { type: Object, default: () => { } }, menus: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, active: { type: Number, default: 0 }, fastForward: { type: [Number, Boolean], default: false }, overlay: { type: Boolean, default: true }, percentage: { type: Number, default: 0 } }, filters: { filterDuration(val, that) { return that.formatTime(val) } }, data() { return { loading: false, // 缓冲遮罩 currentTime: 0, // 视频当前播放位置 currentPercentage: 0, // 视频进度 controlBarShow: false, // 是否显示控制栏 duration: 0, // 视频总时长 fullscreen: false, // 是否全屏 muted: false, paused: true, // 是否为暂停状态 showVolume: false, timeout: 0, // 延时器 volume: 10, bufferedLength: 0, } }, watch: { active(val) { this.currentMenu = val this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.video.src = this.data.url if (!this.overlay) { this.paused = true this.handleVideoPause() } }) } }, mounted() { window.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyCode) }, async beforeDestroy() { window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyCode) }, methods: { handleKeyCode(e) { if (e.code === 'ArrowUp') { this.volume = this.volume <= 99 ? this.volume + 1 : 100 this.volumeChange(this.volume) } if (e.code === 'ArrowDown') { this.volume = this.volume >= 1 ? this.volume - 1 : 0 this.volumeChange(this.volume) } if (e.code === 'Space') { e.preventDefault() this.handleVideoPause() } }, loadeddata() { this.duration = this.$refs.video.duration this.currentTime = this.$refs.video.currentTime this.volumeChange(this.volume) }, ontimeupdate() { // ontimeupdate 触发间隔为 250ms const video = this.$refs.video const currentTime = video.currentTime // if (this.duration > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < video.buffered.length; i++) { // 寻找当前时间之后最近的点 if (video.buffered.start(video.buffered.length - 1 - i) < currentTime) { this.bufferedLength = (video.buffered.end(video.buffered.length - 1 - i) / video.duration) * 100 + '%' break } } // } this.currentTime = currentTime }, formatTime(t) { let time = '0:00' if (t) { const h = parseInt(t / 3600) const m = parseInt(t % 3600 / 60) let s = parseInt(t % 60) s = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s time = h ? h + ':' + m + ':' + s : m + ':' + s } return time }, handleMuted() { this.$refs.video.muted = !this.$refs.video.muted this.muted = this.$refs.video.muted }, startPlay(val) { this.paused = true this.handleVideoPause() }, handleVideoPause() { try { if (this.paused) { this.$refs.video.play() this.paused = false } else { this.$refs.video.pause() this.paused = true } } catch (error) { console.log(error) } }, handleWaiting() { this.loading = true }, handlePlaying() { this.loading = false }, volumeChange(vol) { this.muted = this.$refs.video.muted = vol / 100 <= 0 // The volume provided must at the range [0, 1] this.$refs.video.volume = vol / 100 }, handleFullscreen() { this.fullscreen = !this.fullscreen }, progressChange(val) { this.$refs.video.currentTime = val }, // 视频播放完成 onended() { this.$emit('ended') }, handleMenuChange(val, index) { this.$emit('change', val, index) }, showControlBar(clear = true) { this.timeout && window.clearTimeout(this.timeout) this.timeout = 0 this.controlBarShow = true if (clear) { this.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.hideControlBar, 3000) } }, hideControlBar() { this.controlBarShow = false } } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .fullscreen { height: 100%; } .main-container { position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; background: #000; } .main-container.is-fullscreen { position: fixed; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 2000; } .control-bar:hover, .control-bar.show { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } .control-bar { position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; height: 40px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transition: all 300ms linear; } .overlay, .video-box { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .video { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .centered-flex { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .overlay { z-index: 199; background: #000000db; .el-button { width: 140px; height: 48px; background: #1479f9; color: #fff; font-size: 18px; border-color: #1479f9; border-radius: 24px; transition: cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1); &:hover { background: #1974e8; } } } .control-bar-wrapper { position: relative; height: 100%; } .control-bar-inner { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 5; transition: background linear; } .control-bar-inner { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; padding: 0 16px; span + span { margin-left: 10px; } .svg-icon + span { margin-left: 22px; } .svg-icon:hover { color: #1974e8; } } .control-bar-inner__left, .control-bar-inner__right, .control-item { height: 100%; } .control-item { position: relative; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; padding: 0 10px; user-select: none; } .svg-icon { cursor: pointer; font-size: 18px; } .menu-block { .menu-context { display: none; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 26px; padding-bottom: 26px; } &:hover .menu-context, .menu-context:hover { display: block; } } ::v-deep .volume-block { border-radius: 20px; font-size: 18px; .volume { position: absolute; bottom: 26px; right: 50%; transform: translateX(50%); z-index: 9; padding-bottom: 26px; display: none; } .volume:hover, &:hover .volume { display: block; } .el-slider.is-vertical { padding: 12px 14px; background: #000000b3; border-radius: 4px; .el-slider__bar { background-color: #fff; } .el-slider__button { border-color: #000000b3; } & .el-slider__runway { background-color: #999; } & .el-slider__runway, & .el-slider__bar { width: 2px; margin: 0; } & .el-slider__button-wrapper { left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 50%); } } } </style>
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