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conda clean -p



  1. (base) C:\Users\Liu_J>conda clean -p
  2. WARNING: C:\Users\***\.conda\pkgs does not exist
  3. WARNING: C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\conda\conda\pkgs does not exist
  4. Cache location: D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\pkgs
  5. Will remove the following packages:
  6. D:\*****\**\Anaconda3\pkgs
  7. -----------------------------
  8. blas-1.0-mkl 16 KB
  9. ca-certificates-2022.10.11-haa95532_0 454 KB
  10. certifi-2021.5.30-py36haa95532_0 278 KB
  11. certifi-2022.9.24-py38haa95532_0 311 KB
  12. cffi-1.15.1-py38h2bbff1b_2 801 KB
  13. cryptography-38.0.1-py38h21b164f_0 4.9 MB
  14. idna-3.3-pyhd3eb1b0_0 289 KB
  15. idna-3.4-py38haa95532_0 516 KB
  16. libdeflate-1.8-h2bbff1b_5 206 KB
  17. libffi-3.4.2-hd77b12b_6 801 KB
  18. libtiff-4.4.0-h8a3f274_2 3.5 MB
  19. libwebp-1.2.4-h2bbff1b_0 191 KB
  20. libwebp-base-1.2.4-h2bbff1b_0 903 KB
  21. numpy-1.22.3-py38h7a0a035_0 80 KB
  22. numpy-1.23.4-py38h3b20f71_0 30 KB
  23. numpy-1.26.3-py310h055cbcc_0 33 KB
  24. numpy-base-1.23.4-py38h4da318b_0 25.9 MB
  25. openssl-1.1.1s-h2bbff1b_0 22.3 MB
  26. pillow-9.2.0-py38hdc2b20a_1 3.0 MB
  27. pip-21.2.2-py36haa95532_0 9.0 MB
  28. pip-22.2.2-py38haa95532_0 11.0 MB
  29. python-3.6.13-h3758d61_0 59.3 MB
  30. python-3.8.15-h6244533_2 64.4 MB
  31. pytorch-1.12.1-py3.8_cuda11.3_cudnn8_0 293.3 MB
  32. pytorch-mutex-1.0-cuda 7 KB
  33. requests-2.27.1-pyhd3eb1b0_0 220 KB
  34. requests-2.28.1-py38haa95532_0 396 KB
  35. setuptools-58.0.4-py36haa95532_0 4.1 MB
  36. setuptools-65.5.0-py38haa95532_0 6.3 MB
  37. sqlite-3.40.0-h2bbff1b_0 3.8 MB
  38. torchaudio-0.12.1-py38_cu113 9.2 MB
  39. torchvision-0.13.1-py38_cu113 15.7 MB
  40. typing_extensions-4.3.0-py38haa95532_0 181 KB
  41. urllib3-1.26.12-py38haa95532_0 761 KB
  42. vc-14.2-h21ff451_1 23 KB
  43. wincertstore-0.2-py36h7fe50ca_0 39 KB
  44. xz-5.2.6-h8cc25b3_0 1.1 MB
  45. ---------------------------------------------------
  46. Total: 543.2 MB
  47. Proceed ([y]/n)? y
  48. removing blas-1.0-mkl
  49. removing ca-certificates-2022.10.11-haa95532_0
  50. removing certifi-2021.5.30-py36haa95532_0
  51. removing certifi-2022.9.24-py38haa95532_0
  52. removing cffi-1.15.1-py38h2bbff1b_2
  53. removing cryptography-38.0.1-py38h21b164f_0
  54. removing idna-3.3-pyhd3eb1b0_0
  55. removing idna-3.4-py38haa95532_0
  56. removing libdeflate-1.8-h2bbff1b_5
  57. removing libffi-3.4.2-hd77b12b_6
  58. removing libtiff-4.4.0-h8a3f274_2
  59. removing libwebp-1.2.4-h2bbff1b_0
  60. removing libwebp-base-1.2.4-h2bbff1b_0
  61. removing numpy-1.22.3-py38h7a0a035_0
  62. removing numpy-1.23.4-py38h3b20f71_0
  63. removing numpy-1.26.3-py310h055cbcc_0
  64. removing numpy-base-1.23.4-py38h4da318b_0
  65. removing openssl-1.1.1s-h2bbff1b_0
  66. removing pillow-9.2.0-py38hdc2b20a_1
  67. removing pip-21.2.2-py36haa95532_0
  68. removing pip-22.2.2-py38haa95532_0
  69. removing python-3.6.13-h3758d61_0
  70. removing python-3.8.15-h6244533_2
  71. removing pytorch-1.12.1-py3.8_cuda11.3_cudnn8_0
  72. removing pytorch-mutex-1.0-cuda
  73. removing requests-2.27.1-pyhd3eb1b0_0
  74. removing requests-2.28.1-py38haa95532_0
  75. removing setuptools-58.0.4-py36haa95532_0
  76. removing setuptools-65.5.0-py38haa95532_0
  77. removing sqlite-3.40.0-h2bbff1b_0
  78. removing torchaudio-0.12.1-py38_cu113
  79. removing torchvision-0.13.1-py38_cu113
  80. removing typing_extensions-4.3.0-py38haa95532_0
  81. removing urllib3-1.26.12-py38haa95532_0
  82. removing vc-14.2-h21ff451_1
  83. removing wincertstore-0.2-py36h7fe50ca_0
  84. removing xz-5.2.6-h8cc25b3_0




conda clean --all

  1. (base) C:\Us***\****>conda clean --all
  2. Cache location: D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\pkgs
  3. Will remove the following tarballs:
  4. D:\*****\**\Anaconda3\pkgs
  5. -----------------------------
  6. blas-1.0-mkl.conda 6 KB
  7. brotli-python-1.0.9-py310hd77b12b_7.conda 309 KB
  8. brotlipy-0.7.0-py38h2bbff1b_1003.conda 412 KB
  9. bzip2-1.0.8-he774522_0.conda 113 KB
  10. ca-certificates-2022.10.11-haa95532_0.conda 125 KB
  11. ca-certificates-2022.4.26-haa95532_0.conda 124 KB
  12. ca-certificates-2023.12.12-haa95532_0.conda 127 KB
  13. certifi-2021.5.30-py36haa95532_0.conda 140 KB
  14. certifi-2022.5.18.1-py38haa95532_0.conda 157 KB
  15. certifi-2022.9.24-py38haa95532_0.conda 154 KB
  16. certifi-2023.11.17-py310haa95532_0.conda 159 KB
  17. cffi-1.15.0-py38h2bbff1b_1.conda 223 KB
  18. cffi-1.15.1-py38h2bbff1b_2.conda 235 KB
  19. cffi-1.16.0-py310h2bbff1b_0.conda 244 KB
  20. charset-normalizer-2.0.4-pyhd3eb1b0_0.conda 35 KB
  21. cryptography-37.0.1-py38h21b164f_0.conda 979 KB
  22. cryptography-38.0.1-py38h21b164f_0.conda 992 KB
  23. cryptography-41.0.3-py310h3438e0d_0.conda 1.1 MB
  24. cudatoolkit-11.3.1-h59b6b97_2.conda 545.3 MB
  25. freetype-2.10.4-hd328e21_0.conda 466 KB
  26. freetype-2.12.1-ha860e81_0.conda 490 KB
  27. giflib-5.2.1-h8cc25b3_3.conda 88 KB
  28. idna-3.3-pyhd3eb1b0_0.conda 49 KB
  29. idna-3.4-py310haa95532_0.conda 97 KB
  30. idna-3.4-py38haa95532_0.conda 94 KB
  31. intel-openmp-2021.4.0-haa95532_3556.conda 2.2 MB
  32. intel-openmp-2023.1.0-h59b6b97_46320.conda 2.7 MB
  33. jpeg-9e-h2bbff1b_0.conda 292 KB
  34. jpeg-9e-h2bbff1b_1.conda 320 KB
  35. lerc-3.0-hd77b12b_0.conda 120 KB
  36. libdeflate-1.17-h2bbff1b_1.conda 153 KB
  37. libdeflate-1.8-h2bbff1b_5.conda 46 KB
  38. libffi-3.4.2-hd77b12b_6.conda 109 KB
  39. libffi-3.4.4-hd77b12b_0.conda 113 KB
  40. libpng-1.6.37-h2a8f88b_0.conda 333 KB
  41. libpng-1.6.39-h8cc25b3_0.conda 369 KB
  42. libtiff-4.2.0-he0120a3_1.conda 754 KB
  43. libtiff-4.4.0-h8a3f274_2.conda 837 KB
  44. libtiff-4.5.1-hd77b12b_0.conda 1.1 MB
  45. libuv-1.40.0-he774522_0.conda 255 KB
  46. libuv-1.44.2-h2bbff1b_0.conda 288 KB
  47. libwebp-1.2.2-h2bbff1b_0.conda 658 KB
  48. libwebp-1.2.4-h2bbff1b_0.conda 67 KB
  49. libwebp-1.3.2-hbc33d0d_0.conda 73 KB
  50. libwebp-base-1.2.4-h2bbff1b_0.conda 279 KB
  51. libwebp-base-1.3.2-h2bbff1b_0.conda 306 KB
  52. lz4-c-1.9.3-h2bbff1b_1.conda 132 KB
  53. lz4-c-1.9.4-h2bbff1b_0.conda 143 KB
  54. mkl-2021.4.0-haa95532_640.conda 114.9 MB
  55. mkl-2023.1.0-h6b88ed4_46358.conda 155.9 MB
  56. mkl-service-2.4.0-py310h2bbff1b_1.conda 44 KB
  57. mkl-service-2.4.0-py38h2bbff1b_0.conda 51 KB
  58. mkl_fft-1.3.1-py38h277e83a_0.conda 139 KB
  59. mkl_fft-1.3.8-py310h2bbff1b_0.conda 170 KB
  60. mkl_random-1.2.2-py38hf11a4ad_0.conda 225 KB
  61. mkl_random-1.2.4-py310h59b6b97_0.conda 227 KB
  62. numpy-1.22.3-py38h7a0a035_0.conda 25 KB
  63. numpy-1.23.4-py38h3b20f71_0.conda 11 KB
  64. numpy-1.26.3-py310h055cbcc_0.conda 11 KB
  65. numpy-base-1.22.3-py38hca35cd5_0.conda 4.9 MB
  66. numpy-base-1.23.4-py38h4da318b_0.conda 6.0 MB
  67. numpy-base-1.26.3-py310h65a83cf_0.conda 6.2 MB
  68. openjpeg-2.4.0-h4fc8c34_0.conda 219 KB
  69. openssl-1.1.1o-h2bbff1b_0.conda 4.8 MB
  70. openssl-1.1.1s-h2bbff1b_0.conda 5.5 MB
  71. openssl-1.1.1w-h2bbff1b_0.conda 5.5 MB
  72. pillow-10.0.1-py310h045eedc_0.conda 788 KB
  73. pillow-9.0.1-py38hdc2b20a_0.conda 923 KB
  74. pillow-9.2.0-py38hdc2b20a_1.conda 922 KB
  75. pip-21.2.2-py36haa95532_0.conda 1.9 MB
  76. pip-21.2.2-py38haa95532_0.conda 1.9 MB
  77. pip-22.2.2-py38haa95532_0.conda 2.3 MB
  78. pip-23.3.1-py310haa95532_0.conda 2.9 MB
  79. pycparser-2.21-pyhd3eb1b0_0.conda 94 KB
  80. pyopenssl-22.0.0-pyhd3eb1b0_0.conda 50 KB
  81. pyopenssl-23.2.0-py310haa95532_0.conda 97 KB
  82. pysocks-1.7.1-py310haa95532_0.conda 28 KB
  83. pysocks-1.7.1-py38haa95532_0.conda 31 KB
  84. python-3.10.0-h96c0403_3.tar.bz2 15.3 MB
  85. python-3.6.13-h3758d61_0.conda 14.6 MB
  86. python-3.8.13-h6244533_0.conda 16.5 MB
  87. python-3.8.15-h6244533_2.conda 18.9 MB
  88. pytorch-1.11.0-py3.8_cuda11.3_cudnn8_0.tar.bz2 1.23 GB
  89. pytorch-1.12.1-py3.10_cuda11.3_cudnn8_0.tar.bz2 1.20 GB
  90. pytorch-1.12.1-py3.8_cuda11.3_cudnn8_0.tar.bz2 1.19 GB
  91. pytorch-mutex-1.0-cuda.tar.bz2 3 KB
  92. requests-2.27.1-pyhd3eb1b0_0.conda 54 KB
  93. requests-2.28.1-py38haa95532_0.conda 100 KB
  94. requests-2.31.0-py310haa95532_0.conda 100 KB
  95. setuptools-58.0.4-py36haa95532_0.conda 776 KB
  96. setuptools-61.2.0-py38haa95532_0.conda 1.0 MB
  97. setuptools-65.5.0-py38haa95532_0.conda 1.1 MB
  98. setuptools-68.2.2-py310haa95532_0.conda 942 KB
  99. six-1.16.0-pyhd3eb1b0_1.conda 18 KB
  100. sqlite-3.38.3-h2bbff1b_0.conda 806 KB
  101. sqlite-3.40.0-h2bbff1b_0.conda 891 KB
  102. sqlite-3.41.2-h2bbff1b_0.conda 894 KB
  103. tbb-2021.8.0-h59b6b97_0.conda 149 KB
  104. tk-8.6.12-h2bbff1b_0.conda 3.1 MB
  105. torchaudio-0.12.1-py310_cu113.tar.bz2 3.7 MB
  106. torchaudio-0.12.1-py38_cu113.tar.bz2 3.7 MB
  107. torchvision-0.12.0-py38_cu113.tar.bz2 9.0 MB
  108. torchvision-0.13.1-py310_cu113.tar.bz2 7.4 MB
  109. torchvision-0.13.1-py38_cu113.tar.bz2 7.4 MB
  110. typing_extensions-4.1.1-pyh06a4308_0.conda 28 KB
  111. typing_extensions-4.3.0-py38haa95532_0.conda 42 KB
  112. typing_extensions-4.9.0-py310haa95532_1.conda 55 KB
  113. tzdata-2023d-h04d1e81_0.conda 117 KB
  114. urllib3-1.26.12-py38haa95532_0.conda 185 KB
  115. urllib3-1.26.18-py310haa95532_0.conda 200 KB
  116. urllib3-1.26.9-py38haa95532_0.conda 187 KB
  117. vc-14.2-h21ff451_1.conda 8 KB
  118. vs2015_runtime-14.27.29016-h5e58377_2.conda 1007 KB
  119. wheel-0.37.1-pyhd3eb1b0_0.conda 33 KB
  120. wheel-0.41.2-py310haa95532_0.conda 127 KB
  121. wincertstore-0.2-py36h7fe50ca_0.conda 14 KB
  122. wincertstore-0.2-py38haa95532_2.conda 15 KB
  123. win_inet_pton-1.1.0-py310haa95532_0.conda 9 KB
  124. win_inet_pton-1.1.0-py38haa95532_0.conda 35 KB
  125. xz-5.2.5-h8cc25b3_1.conda 246 KB
  126. xz-5.2.6-h8cc25b3_0.conda 240 KB
  127. xz-5.4.5-h8cc25b3_0.conda 593 KB
  128. zlib-1.2.12-h8cc25b3_2.conda 116 KB
  129. zlib-1.2.13-h8cc25b3_0.conda 113 KB
  130. zstd-1.5.2-h19a0ad4_0.conda 509 KB
  131. zstd-1.5.5-hd43e919_0.conda 682 KB
  132. ---------------------------------------------------
  133. Total: 4.59 GB
  134. Proceed ([y]/n)?

这里可以清楚 4.59G

附上 conda clean 命令大全

  1. usage: conda clean [-h] [-a] [-i] [-p] [-t] [-f]
  2. [-c TEMPFILES [TEMPFILES ...]] [-d] [--json] [-q] [-v] [-y]
  3. Remove unused packages and caches.
  4. Options:
  5. optional arguments:
  6. -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
  7. Removal Targets:
  8. -a, --all Remove index cache, lock files, unused cache packages,
  9. and tarballs.
  10. -i, --index-cache Remove index cache.
  11. -p, --packages Remove unused packages from writable package caches.
  12. WARNING: This does not check for packages installed
  13. using symlinks back to the package cache.
  14. -t, --tarballs Remove cached package tarballs.
  15. -f, --force-pkgs-dirs
  16. Remove *all* writable package caches. This option is
  17. not included with the --all flag. WARNING: This will
  18. break environments with packages installed using
  19. symlinks back to the package cache.
  20. -c TEMPFILES [TEMPFILES ...], --tempfiles TEMPFILES [TEMPFILES ...]
  21. Remove temporary files that could not be deleted
  22. earlier due to being in-use. Argument is path(s) to
  23. prefix(es) where files should be found and removed.
  24. Output, Prompt, and Flow Control Options:
  25. -d, --dry-run Only display what would have been done.
  26. --json Report all output as json. Suitable for using conda
  27. programmatically.
  28. -q, --quiet Do not display progress bar.
  29. -v, --verbose Can be used multiple times. Once for INFO, twice for
  30. DEBUG, three times for TRACE.
  31. -y, --yes Do not ask for confirmation.
  32. Examples:
  33. conda clean --tarballs

最后  pkgs的大小从13G--》8.5G

虽然搜身   但是还是很大


