Abstract | 分析网络抓包用 python 更高效 |
Authors | Walter Fan |
Category | learning note |
Status | v1.0 |
Updated | 2023-01-10 |
License | CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 |
网络抓包分析用的最多的两大工具是 tcpdump 和 wireshark.
一般我们通过 tcpdump 或者 wireshark 来捕获网络包为 *.pcap 或者 *.pcapng 文件
tcpdump -G 60 -W 1 -w /tmp/test.pcap
而分析 pcap 文件可以用 wireshark, wireshark 之强大, 界面之复杂不用赘述, 相关书籍和文章汗牛充栋.
我更喜欢用其命令行工具 tshark, 例如
tshark -P -V -x -2 -T text -j rtp -c 3 -r /tmp/test.pcap
例如将 pcapng 文件中的前 100 包按以下条件过滤出来,并导出为 json 文件
- tshark -r 2022-03-30-cc.pcapng -2 -Y "ip.addr == and rtp.p_type == 123" -V -c 100 -T json >
- packet_sample.json"
- //省略 1 ~ 4 层的信息: 1)frame, 2)eth, 3)ip, 4)udp
- "rtp": {
- "rtp.setup": "",
- "rtp.setup_tree": {
- "rtp.setup-frame": "1",
- "rtp.setup-method": "HEUR RTP"
- },
- "rtp.version": "2",
- "rtp.padding": "0",
- "rtp.ext": "1",
- "rtp.cc": "0",
- "rtp.marker": "0",
- "rtp.p_type": "123",
- "rtp.seq": "8637",
- "rtp.extseq": "74173",
- "rtp.timestamp": "2709737133",
- "rtp.ssrc": "0xe19bcceb",
- "rtp.ext.profile": "0x0000bede",
- "rtp.ext.len": "2",
- "rtp.hdr_exts": {
- "RFC 5285 Header Extension (One-Byte Header)": {
- "rtp.ext.rfc5285.id": "2",
- "rtp.ext.rfc5285.len": "3",
- "rtp.ext.rfc5285.data": "e0:9c:ac"
- },
- "RFC 5285 Header Extension (One-Byte Header)": {
- "rtp.ext.rfc5285.id": "3",
- "rtp.ext.rfc5285.len": "2",
- "rtp.ext.rfc5285.data": "c4:70"
- }
- },
- "rtp.payload": "92:00:60:90:80:c6:67:..."
- }
更多具体用法参见 tshark –help
如果我们需要进一步地进行自动化分析,pyshark 是一个不错的库, 用 python 就可以读取分析网络包
pyshark 基本用法
1) 从抓包文件中读取网络包
- >>> import pyshark
- >>> cap = pyshark.FileCapture('/tmp/mycapture.cap')
- >>> cap
- <FileCapture /tmp/mycapture.cap (589 packets)>
- >>> print cap[0]
- Packet (Length: 698)
- Layer ETH:
- Destination: BLANKED
- Source: BLANKED
- Type: IP (0x0800)
- Layer IP:
- Version: 4
- Header Length: 20 bytes
- Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00: Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable Transport))
- Total Length: 684
- Identification: 0x254f (9551)
- Flags: 0x00
- Fragment offset: 0
- Time to live: 1
- Protocol: UDP (17)
- Header checksum: 0xe148 [correct]
- Source: BLANKED
- Destination: BLANKED
- ...
2) 从一个网络接口中读取网络包
- >>> capture = pyshark.LiveCapture(interface='eth0')
- >>> capture.sniff(timeout=50)
- >>> capture
- <LiveCapture (5 packets)>
- >>> capture[3]
- <UDP/HTTP Packet>
- for packet in capture.sniff_continuously(packet_count=5):
- print 'Just arrived:', packet
3) 使用环形缓冲区从一个网络接口中读取网络包
- >>> capture = pyshark.LiveRingCapture(interface='eth0')
- >>> capture.sniff(timeout=50)
- >>> capture
- <LiveCapture (5 packets)>
- >>> capture[3]
- <UDP/HTTP Packet>
- for packet in capture.sniff_continuously(packet_count=5):
- print 'Just arrived:', packet
4) 从一个远程网络接口读取网络包
- >>> capture = pyshark.RemoteCapture('', 'eth0')
- >>> capture.sniff(timeout=50)
- >>> capture
更多用法参见 https://github.com/KimiNewt/pyshark
我在分析 WebRTC 中的网络梯度延迟 OWDV(One Way Delay Variation), 也用它写了一小段脚本, 性价比极高
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- import pyshark
- import pandas as pd
- import matplotlib
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import argparse
- from datetime import datetime
- """
- abs_send_time_24 = (ntp_timestamp_64 >> 14) & 0x00ffffff ;
- NTP timestamp is the number of seconds since the epoch, in 32.32 bit fixed point format.
- It is 24 bit 6.18 fixed point, yielding 64s wraparound and 3.8us resolution
- int kAbsSendTimeFraction = 18;
- int kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift = 8;
- int kInterArrivalShift = RTPHeaderExtension::kAbsSendTimeFraction + kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift;
- constexpr double kTimestampToMs = 1000.0 / static_cast<double>(1 << kInterArrivalShift);
- uint32_t timestamp = send_time_24bits << kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift;
- Timestamp send_time = Timestamp::Millis(static_cast<int64_t>(timestamp) * kTimestampToMs);
- """
- # fraction part has 18 bits
- kAbsSendTimeFraction = 18
- kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift = 8
- # after upshfit 8 bits, there are 26 bits for fraction
- kInterArrivalShift = kAbsSendTimeFraction + kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift
- kTimestampToMs = 1000.0 / (1 << kInterArrivalShift)
- def send_time_to_ms(send_time_24bits):
- timestamp = send_time_24bits << kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift
- send_time = timestamp * kTimestampToMs
- return send_time
- class RtpAnalyzer:
- def __init__(self, input_file, output_file):
- self._pcap_file = input_file
- self._csv_file = output_file
- def read_pcap(self, display_filter, count):
- dataList = []
- packets = pyshark.FileCapture(self._pcap_file, display_filter=display_filter)
- i = 0
- for packet in packets:
- dataItem = {}
- dataItem["arrival_time"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(packet.frame_info.time_epoch))
- dataItem["arrival_time_ms"] = float(packet.frame_info.time_epoch) * 1000
- dataItem["rtp_timestamp"] = int(packet.rtp.timestamp)
- dataItem["extseq"] = int(packet.rtp.extseq)
- dataItem["packet_size"] = int(packet.udp.length)
- if int(packet.rtp.ext_rfc5285_id) == 2:
- send_time_24bits = packet.rtp.ext_rfc5285_data.main_field.hex_value
- dataItem["abs_send_time"] = send_time_to_ms(send_time_24bits)
- dataList.append(dataItem)
- i += 1
- if i >= count:
- break
- dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(dataList)
- #print(dataFrame)
- return dataFrame
- def calculate_delta(self, df, row_interval=1):
- df["arrival_time_ms_diff"] = df["arrival_time_ms"].diff(periods=row_interval)
- df["send_time_diff"] = df["abs_send_time"].diff(periods=row_interval)
- df["OWDV"] = df["arrival_time_ms_diff"] - df["send_time_diff"]
- df["OWDV"] = df["OWDV"].abs()
- df = df[df['OWDV'] < 60]
- print(df)
- df.to_csv(self._csv_file)
- print(df["OWDV"].describe())
- print("* note: filter out OWDV if it > 60s because abs_send_time wrap around by 64s")
- return df
- def draw_chart(self, chart_file, df, x, y):
- plt.style.use('seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid')
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(36, 18))
- font = {'size': 16}
- plt.plot(x, y, data=df)
- #plt.show()
- fig.savefig(chart_file)
- plt.close()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('-i', action='store', dest='input_file', help='specify input file')
- parser.add_argument('-o', action='store', dest='output_file', help='specify output file')
- parser.add_argument('-f', action='store', dest='filter', default="rtp", help='specify filter expression')
- parser.add_argument('-c', action='store', dest='count', default=10, help='specify packet count')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if not args.input_file or not args.output_file or not args.output_file.endswith(".csv"):
- print("usage: ./rtp_analyze.py -i <pcap_file> -f <filter_expression>")
- print('such as: ./rtp_analyze.py -i /tmp/test_owdv.pcap -o "test_owdv.csv" -f "rtp.ssrc==0x8ab92fad" -c 100000')
- exit(0)
- rtpAnalyzer = RtpAnalyzer(args.input_file, args.output_file)
- df = rtpAnalyzer.read_pcap(args.filter, int(args.count))
- if not df.empty:
- df = rtpAnalyzer.calculate_delta(df)
- rtpAnalyzer.draw_chart("{}.png".format(args.output_file[:-4]), df, "arrival_time", "OWDV")
- TShark: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/man-pages/tshark.html
- Pyshark: https://github.com/KimiNewt/pyshark
本作品采用 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。