在数据库查询过程中,有时候我们会遇到一些对聚合函数的结果进行过滤的情况,如果这个聚合函数本身又是个子查询获得的结果,这个时候再把它作为 一个where 条件语句的话,会导致查询效率极其的差。而通过with as 语法先把它“暂存”一下速度则会快很多。
1 我想做一个错题统计,先把错题ID和错题数查询出来
- select
- info.answerexeid AS exeid,//习题ID
- (select count ( T.answerexeid ) AS count from w008_answer_paper_info T
- where T.answerexeid = info.answerexeid and T.iscorrect = 20 ) as wrongcount//错题数
- from
- w008_answer_paper_header h
- join w008_answer_paper_info info on h.ID = info.answerheaderid
- join w008_exercise_stem_info e on info.answerexeid = e.id
- join w008_execrise_info i on info.answerexeid = i.exerciseid
- where
- h.userlongid = 2507032645091840
- and info.iscorrect = 20
2 如果我想统计错误数大于12的情况,因为这个错题数是查询之后得到的结果,所以一般的做法是把当前查询结果作为一个“表”,再次查询,这次效率就慢了很多
2.1 没有where 条件
- select t1.wrongcount
- from
- (select
- info.answerexeid AS exeid,
- (select count ( T.answerexeid ) AS count from w008_answer_paper_info T
- where T.answerexeid = info.answerexeid and T.iscorrect = 20 ) as wrongcount
- from
- w008_answer_paper_header h
- join w008_answer_paper_info info on h.ID = info.answerheaderid
- join w008_exercise_stem_info e on info.answerexeid = e.id
- join w008_execrise_info i on info.answerexeid = i.exerciseid
- where
- h.userlongid = 2507032645091840
- and info.iscorrect = 20
- )t1
2.2 加上过滤条件,这一次执行时间在30s左右,这样的数据量,这个速度就太难以接受了
- select t1.wrongcount
- from
- (select
- info.answerexeid AS exeid,
- (select count ( T.answerexeid ) AS count from w008_answer_paper_info T
- where T.answerexeid = info.answerexeid and T.iscorrect = 20 ) as wrongcount
- from
- w008_answer_paper_header h
- join w008_answer_paper_info info on h.ID = info.answerheaderid
- join w008_exercise_stem_info e on info.answerexeid = e.id
- join w008_execrise_info i on info.answerexeid = i.exerciseid
- where
- h.userlongid = 2507032645091840
- and info.iscorrect = 20
- )t1
- where t1.wrongcount>12
3 改用with as 语法,耗时不到0.1秒,明显快了很多。
- with wronttab AS ( SELECT answerexeid, COUNT ( answerexeid ) AS wrongcount
- FROM w008_answer_paper_info T WHERE iscorrect = '20' GROUP BY answerexeid )
- select
- info.answerexeid AS exeid,
- (select count ( T.answerexeid ) AS count from w008_answer_paper_info T
- where T.answerexeid = info.answerexeid and T.iscorrect = 20 ) as wrongcount
- from
- w008_answer_paper_header h
- join w008_answer_paper_info info on h.ID = info.answerheaderid
- join w008_exercise_stem_info e on info.answerexeid = e.id
- join w008_execrise_info i on info.answerexeid = i.exerciseid
- JOIN wronttab ON wronttab.answerexeid = info.answerexeid
- where
- h.userlongid = 2507032645091840
- and info.iscorrect = 20
- and wronttab.wrongcount>12
其实with as 语法说白了,就是建了一个临时表,起到了视图的作用。避免子查询因嵌套太多导致性能慢的问题。
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