ant design + HTML原生表格 + draggable + vue-scroll 实现给表格数据排序并计算开始时间和结束时间且表格可滚动,效果图如下
<!-- 数字输入框 --> <a-input-number id="inputNumber" v-model="form.topicTime" style="width: 40%;" :min="1" :max="10" @change="getTopicTime()" />分钟 <!-- 表格 --> <table> <td style="border: 0px;"> <tr> <td class="titleClass" style="width:60px;background: #fafafa;"> <a-checkbox v-model="checkState" :indeterminate="indeterminate" @click="onCheckAllChange()" /> </td> <td v-for="(item, index) in titleList" :key="index" class="titleClass" style="background: #fafafa;" :style="getTableWidth(index)">{{ item }}</td> </tr> <vue-scroll :ops="ops" :style="getStyle1()"> <draggable v-model="dataSource" animation="500" force-fallback="true" :move="checkMove" @start="onStart" @end="onEnd" @change="getTopicTime()"> <tr v-for="(item, index) in dataSource" :key="item.id" :class="rowClassName(index)"> <td class="titleClass" style="width:60px"> <a-checkbox v-model="item.isTrusted" @change="onChange(item)" /> </td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:60px">{{ index +1 }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:200px">{{ item.topicName }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.partNumber }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.topicType }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.specialGroup }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.meetingPurpose }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.fsPrincipal }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.ppPrincipal }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.materialGroup }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.startTime }}</td> <td class="titleClass" style="width:100px">{{ item.endTime }</td> </tr> </draggable> </vue-scroll> </td> </table> <a-space style="float: right;margin: 15px;" size="large"> <a-button class="save" @click="topIndex()">置顶</a-button> <a-button @click="bottomIndex()">置底</a-button> </a-space>
data() { return { drag: false, titleList: ['序号', '议题名称', '零件编号', '议题类型', '专业组', '上会目的', 'FS负责人', 'PP负责人', '材料组', '起始时间', '结束时间'], checkedList: [], // 选中的数据 checkState: false, // 全选check选中状态 indeterminate: false, // 非全选check选中状态 ops: { vuescroll: {}, scrollPanel: {}, rail: { keepShow: true }, bar: { hoverStyle: true, onlyShowBarOnScroll: false, // 是否只有滚动的时候才显示滚动条 background: '#00519B', // 滚动条颜色 opacity: 1, // 滚动条透明度 'overflow-x': 'hidden' } }, dataSource: [{ topicId: 1, topicName: '议题1', isTrusted: false }, { topicId: 2, topicName: '议题2', startTime: '', endTime: '', isTrusted: false }, { topicId: 3, topicName: '议题3', startTime: '', endTime: '', isTrusted: false }, { topicId: 4, topicName: '议题4', startTime: '', endTime: '', isTrusted: false }, { topicId: 5, topicName: '议题5', startTime: '', endTime: '', isTrusted: false }, { topicId: 6, topicName: '议题6', startTime: '', endTime: '', isTrusted: false }], form: { topicTime: 3 }, } },
// 根据选中数据数量来改变 全选check样式 onChange(e) { console.log(e) let m = 0 // m 为选中的数据数量 for (let n = 0; n < this.dataSource.length; n++) { if (this.dataSource[n].isTrusted === true) { m++ } } // m = 0 时 显示空白 // 0 < m < 全部数量 显示方块 // m = 全部数量 显示对号 if (m < this.dataSource.length && m > 0) { this.checkState = false this.indeterminate = true } else if (m === 0) { this.checkState = false this.indeterminate = false } else if (m === this.dataSource.length) { this.checkState = true this.indeterminate = false } }, // 全选方法 onCheckAllChange() { if (this.checkedList.length < this.dataSource.length) { for (let n = 0; n < this.dataSource.length; n++) { this.dataSource[n].isTrusted = true // 这里是深复制,如果直接等于,在下面清空时会清空原数据 this.checkedList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.dataSource)) } } else { for (let n = 0; n < this.dataSource.length; n++) { this.dataSource[n].isTrusted = false this.checkedList = [] } } }, // 不同列不同宽度 getTableWidth(index) { if (index === 0) { return 'width: 60px;' } else if (index === 1) { return 'width: 200px;' } else { return 'width: 100px;' } }, // 根据页面分辨率自适应表格高度 getStyle1() { const fullWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth if (fullWidth >= 1680) { return 'width:100%;height:300px;' } else if (window.screen.width < 1680) { return 'width:100%;height:200px;' } }, // 表格斑马线 rowClassName(index) { let className = 'light-row' if (index % 2 === 1) className = 'dark-row' return className }, // 开始拖拽事件 onStart() { this.drag = true }, // 拖拽结束事件 onEnd() { this.drag = false console.log('end..............') }, // 设置拖动放置规则 checkMove(evt) { console.log(evt) return true }, // 置顶 topIndex() { var that = this // 将所有 isTrusted 为 true 的数据存入 checkedList 中,并删除 this.dataSource.forEach(function (item){ if (item.isTrusted === true) { item.isTrusted = false that.checkedList.push(item) } }) // 将checkedList中的数据从dataSource中删除 let diff = [...this.dataSource] for (let i = 0, len = this.dataSource.length; i < len; i++ ) { let flag = false for (let j = 0, length = this.checkedList.length; j < length; j++) { if (this.dataSource[i].topicId === this.checkedList[j].topicId) { flag = true } } if (flag) { diff.splice(diff.findIndex(item => item.topicId === this.dataSource[i].topicId), 1) } } this.dataSource = diff // 将checkedList中的数据插入dataSource前面 for (let i = this.checkedList.length -1; i >= 0; i--) { this.dataSource.unshift(this.checkedList[i]) } this.checkedList = [] this.getTopicTime() }, // 置地 bottomIndex(arr,index) { var that = this // 将所有 isTrusted 为 true 的数据存入 checkedList 中,并删除 this.dataSource.forEach(function (item){ if (item.isTrusted === true) { item.isTrusted = false that.checkedList.push(item) } }) // 将checkedList中的数据从dataSource中删除 let diff = [...this.dataSource] for (let i = 0, len = this.dataSource.length; i < len; i++ ) { let flag = false for (let j = 0, length = this.checkedList.length; j < length; j++) { if (this.dataSource[i].topicId === this.checkedList[j].topicId) { flag = true } } if (flag) { diff.splice(diff.findIndex(item => item.topicId === this.dataSource[i].topicId), 1) } } this.dataSource = diff // 将checkedList中的数据插入dataSource后面 for (let i = 0; i < this.checkedList.length; i++) { this.dataSource.push(this.checkedList[i]) } this.checkedList = [] this.getTopicTime() }, // 计算议题开始结束时间 getTopicTime() { var that = this let date = new Date(2021, 6, 25, 8, 0, 0) // 传入的会议开始日期,时间 let startDate = '' // 议题开始的时间 let endDate = '' // 议题结束的时间 let hour = '' // 议题所在小时 let startMinute = '' // 议题开始分钟 let endMinute = '' // 议题结束分钟 this.dataSource.forEach(function (item, index){ startDate = new Date(date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes())) endDate = new Date(date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + that.form.topicTime)) hour = date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours() // console.log('hour:' + hour) startMinute = startDate.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + startDate.getMinutes() : startDate.getMinutes() endMinute = endDate.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + endDate.getMinutes() : endDate.getMinutes() // console.log('startMinute:' + startMinute) // console.log('endMinute:' + endMinute) item.startTime = hour + ':' + startMinute item.endTime = hour + ':' + endMinute // console.log(item.startTime) // console.log(item.endTime) }) },
<style scoped> /*选中样式*/ .chosen { border: solid 1px #3089dc !important; } /*定义要拖拽元素的样式*/ .titleClass { padding: 16px 16px; border: 0px solid #fff; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 500; } .chackClass { position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; display: block; width: 16px; height: 16px; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 2px; border-collapse: separate; } .light-row { background-color: #fff; } .dark-row { background-color: #F8FBFE; } table.itxst { border-collapse: collapse; margin-bottom: -6px; padding-bottom: 0px; min-width: 6px; background: #fafafa; } table.itxst th { border: #ddd solid 1px; padding: 8px; background-color: #dedede; } table.itxst td { border: #ddd solid 1px; padding: 8px; background-color: #ffffff; } table.itxst tr { cursor: pointer; } table.itxst td.move:hover { cursor: move; } </style>
npm install vuedraggable --save
npm install vue-scroll --save
import vuescroll from "vuescroll";//引入vuescroll
import "vuescroll/dist/vuescroll.css";//引入vuescroll样式
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